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119 members have voted
I think that's the whole point of his campaign. He's obviously catering to the voters who simply don't care -- he literally said "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."Quote: SteverinosWhen your entire campaign is the message of "authenticity" (which is hilarious considering that Trump is a pathological liar, google his politifact file), then this SHOULD be a big deal. But I agree, it won't cost him any votes because his supporters simply don't care.
But voting for Trump because you're angry is like going shopping when you're starving. It's a bad decision -- you buy junk food and spend too much doing it. Later on, you'll feel sick because of the junk food you ate and, worse, you won't have enough money to buy healthy food.
Donald Trump: political junk food.
Keep digging that hole, idiot.
Quote: mcallister3200Not a big deal. It's like when the republicans are criticizing Bill Clinton instead of Hillary. There's more than enough legitimate weaknesses with both of these candidates that it's completely unnecessary and pointless to bring the spouses into the discussion.
Melania "John Miller" S Trump's plagiarism is not a big deal. But the big deal is on Trump's character, leadership, and organizational skill in regarding Melania "John Miller" S Trump's plagiarism controversy. How could he let this happen?
Notice this P.S. from the linked article above; "... Vice President Biden, as a presidential candidate in 1988, was caught in a plagiarism controversy of his own. That’s true. But let’s not forget that the incident forced him from the race altogether and, at the time, Democrats didn’t pretend the plagiarism didn’t happen. They also didn’t blame Republicans for Biden’s mistake."
Quote: TigerWuI'm not even a Trump supporter and I don't think it's that big a deal. Both of those speeches are fairly generic in content, with a few similar buzzwords and phrases. I would like to see a list of how many similar speeches (graduations, motivational, etc.) over the last 10-20 years or so are similarly constructed. I bet it's a fairly large number. There are so many other things to criticize Trump for; this is just half a drop in the bucket.
I don't think it will be a big deal in terms of election outcome, Melania is much more likeable than Trump and he's said/done worse.
But it's pretty hard to think that many verbatim words could have happened by happenstance.
Quote: ams288LOL - some dummy communications guy for the GOP is on MSNBC right now trying really hard to pretend this isn't plagiarism.
Keep digging that hole, idiot.
Let's see how many lies will come out of this plagiarism's aftermath.
This reminds of the humiliations that Iraqi Information Minister Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, aka, "Baghdad Bob" went through during the Iraq war. I feel sorry for RonC, Danny Manafort, Reince Priebus and other Trump & GOP staffs as much as my sorrow feeling for "Baghdad Bob."
Quote: 777Let's see how many lies will come out of this plagiarism's aftermath.
This reminds of the humiliations that Iraqi Information Minister Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, aka, "Baghdad Bob" went through during the Iraq war. I feel sorry for RonC, Danny Manafort, Reince Priebus and other Trump & DOP staffs as much as my sorrow feeling for "Baghdad Bob."
LOL - the interviewer brought up Baghdad Bob and the GOP communications guy got really (fake) upset about it.
I mean, it's not like Michelle Obama's speech was on par with a Shakespearean sonnet, or even a speech by William Jennings Bryan, for that matter. I think that, given enough speeches on the same subject matter, a similar number of those phrases would almost inevitably be repeated nearly verbatim. I'm almost as willing as not to believe it was coincidental, and if not, who cares? Nothing of value was taken.
Quote: Mission146As a left-leaner, I still fail to see what the big deal is. Melania Trump, 'plagiarized,' a bunch of generic, empty and standard words that, even if they had been written from scratch, would have been hollow and devoid of any real meaning.
I mean, it's not like Michelle Obama's speech was on par with a Shakespearean sonnet, or even a speech by William Jennings Bryan, for that matter. I think that, given enough speeches on the same subject matter, a similar number of those phrases would almost inevitably be repeated nearly verbatim. I'm almost as willing as not to believe it was coincidental, and if not, who cares? Nothing of value was taken.
Two things:
1.) Any college student who plagiarized the exact same amount in a term paper could be expelled. Easily.
2.) The Trump campaign is actively denying that anything was taken from Michelle's speech. An anti-plagiarism site ran Melania's speech and determined that there is a ONE IN A TRILLION chance that they parts in question were coincidental. The Trump campaign cannot admit a mistake in any situation, no matter how blatantly wrong they are here. It is embarrassing. They could have easily said, "A low level staffer made a mistake and has been fired." But today they have said no one will be reprimanded over this.
These are the people the righties want running the country!
Quote: Mission146I mean, it's not like Michelle Obama's speech was on par with a Shakespearean sonnet, or even a speech by William Jennings Bryan, for that matter. I think that, given enough speeches on the same subject matter, a similar number of those phrases would almost inevitably be repeated nearly verbatim. I'm almost as willing as not to believe it was coincidental, and if not, who cares? Nothing of value was taken.
Heh, mind if I take credit for your articles? Just delete your name and put mine in there instead.
No one is trying to say Melania played bingo games with the nuclear codes. (or whatever)
This just adds to the aggregate of nonsense that comes out of the Trump campaign. In and of itself, it wouldn't be much by itself, just laughable.
Do I think she knew parts of her speech were plagiarized? No.
By most accounts, she didn't even want to give the speech. Trump forced her to. I can only imagine how scary giving a speech in front of 40 million people is (in your second language, no less).
The Trump campaign should have just admitted someone made a mistake, fired whoever wrote the speech, and moved on.
It's their constant denial that is giving this story major legs. No one with a functioning brain believes that this is some "coincidence." They can never admit to being wrong, no matter what. It's stupid. It's embarrassing.
Quote: ams288Two things:
1.) Any college student who plagiarized the exact same amount in a term paper could be expelled. Easily.
That's because colleges have rules and laws, and if you violate them you can be punished. I could be wrong, but I don't think there are plagiarism rules regarding just speaking in public. At worst it's just scummy, but what are you gonna do? Expel Melania from the convention? Prevent her from... what, exactly? First Lady is not a real paying job. There are technically zero responsibilities involved with being the President's spouse.
2.) The Trump campaign is actively denying that anything was taken from Michelle's speech. An anti-plagiarism site ran Melania's speech and determined that there is a ONE IN A TRILLION chance that they parts in question were coincidental.
Okay, so let's assume someone on Trump's staff ripped it off. I still don't care. I'm much more concerned about 100 other things regarding Trump and his policies.
I guess the answer is 'yes'.Quote: ams288Two things:<Big snip!
These are the people the righties want running the country!
The alternative has the Clinton machine running the country.
It's not an obvious choice for many, me included.
To hitch a ride on another popular thread here,
Are you being paid by the Democratic Party, or the Hillary campaign, for your relentless posts in this thread?
Quote: TwoFeathersATLI guess the answer is 'yes'.
It was a statement. Not a question.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLAre you being paid by the Democratic Party, or the Hillary campaign, for your relentless posts in this thread?
Nope. I just enjoy pointing out the ineptitude of literally everything and everyone associated with Donald Trump.
I thought you had a lowly view of all 17 of the GOP candidates from early on. Perhaps I mis-read. You really just enjoy pointing out the ineptitude of literally everything and everyone associated with Donald Trump. I got it. I got it from you.Quote: ams288Nope. I just enjoy pointing out the ineptitude of literally everything and everyone associated with Donald Trump.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLI thought you had a lowly view of all 17 of the GOP candidates from early on.
I have a lowly view of the GOP in general.
It is an ignorant party that peddles racism and bigotry... Donald Trump is just more open about it than most candidates.
The reason you should care has nothing to do with Melania herself, and everything to do with the fact that Trump's chosen speechwriters engaged in blatant theft. This is all about his judgment -- and really, his complete lack thereof. These are his people enacting his policies, and if you don't hold him responsible for that, who are you going to hold responsible? Normal people can admit when they've made mistakes, especially when the evidence is held right under their noses. If you were to say that you wanted to protect the rights granted to you under Article XII of the Constitution, and I held up the Constitution and pointed out that, in fact, there is no Article XII, you would admit that you made a mistake. Trump didn't. If you used someone else's graphic artwork to attack your opponent, and I pointed out that, in fact, that graphic came from a Nazi website, you would admit that you made a mistake and distance yourself from that association. Trump didn't. If you plagiarized a speech from eight years ago and handed it to your wife to read at a big convention, and I pointed out that part of the speech was lifted word-for-word from Michelle Obama, you would admit that you plagiarized it. Trump didn't.Quote: TigerWuOkay, so let's assume someone on Trump's staff ripped it off. I still don't care. I'm much more concerned about 100 other things regarding Trump and his policies.
Every time Trump gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he simply grins, looks you straight in the eye, and tells you "I didn't do it."
Demand better.

An interesting viewpoint, an ignorant party that peddles racism and bigotry. I have written that down for posterity.Quote: ams288I have a lowly view of the GOP in general.
It is an ignorant party that peddles racism and bigotry... Donald Trump is just more open about it than most candidates.
Quote: MathExtremistThe reason you should care has nothing to do with Melania herself, and everything to do with the fact that Trump's chosen speechwriters engaged in blatant theft.
I'm not saying plagiarism isn't wrong, I'm just saying that in the grand scheme of things regarding Trump and the election, this is practically a non-issue. Like I said earlier, there are dozens of things that are more important to me campaign- and policy-wise than Trump's scummy speechwriters. Let's talk about THOSE things instead of some generic speech his trophy wife made.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLAn interesting viewpoint, an ignorant party .
Deny scientific facts regarding climate change
Believe in the Bible literally, Earth just 6 thousand years old
humans existed with dinosaurs
Its absurd ingorrance
Quote: TwoFeathersATL
that peddles racism
Muslim hate
Quote: TwoFeathersATL
and bigotry..
Gay hatred
Quote: TwoFeathersATL
I have written that down for posterity.
Its already here for posterity, why go old old school and write it down?
We can't, because his campaign hasn't ever discussed them. They're too busy distracting the media's attention with things like Melania's plagiarism to pay attention to boring issues like policy debates. There are over 30 position statements on Hillary's campaign website. Whether you favor them or oppose them, it's something to have a discussion about. On Trump's website, there are 7. One of them is how to make Mexico pay for the border wall, and another is his tax plan that, while it would be great for me, would seriously screw up the country's finances:Quote: TigerWuI'm not saying plagiarism isn't wrong, I'm just saying that in the grand scheme of things regarding Trump and the election, this is practically a non-issue. Like I said earlier, there are dozens of things that are more important to me campaign- and policy-wise than Trump's scummy speechwriters. Let's talk about THOSE things instead of some generic speech his trophy wife made.
But we're not even going to have those conversations, because Trump's distractions are all intentional. There won't be a week that goes by between now and November where some blown-up Trump scandal or another grabs the attention of the Internet and distracts everyone from noticing that Trump is a would-be emperor with no clothes. If he's able to carry it all the way to November, he'll be leading an angry, screaming mob that has long since forgotten why they're screaming.

I was worried AMS's post might not be here for posterity, so I wrote it down. I hope that was OK.

I don't actually laugh out loud at Internet pictures very often, but this did it.
It tells me he's doing a great job as POTUS...with absolutely NO help from the party that damn near brought the house down, I might add.
Obama/Biden 2016!
Republicans are going to wish they put up a Rubio/Kasich ticket.
Walker/Rubio was the obvious ticket. Most everyone is wearing blinders. SMH, palmface, and whatever else is now cool to show disgust.Quote: SteverinosThe Republican Party of the last 8 years has been absolutely worthless. Obama has lived rent free in their heads and thus has turned them into the kind of party that would nominate someone like Trump for POTUS. Obama, a guy that hasn't been anywhere NEAR liberal enough for hard core liberals and has pissed republicans off with every move he makes. You know what that tells me? When he's pissed off both sides of the political spectrum?
It tells me he's doing a great job as POTUS...with absolutely NO help from the party that damn near brought the house down, I might add.
Obama/Biden 2016!
Republicans are going to wish they put up a Rubio/Kasich ticket.
Quote: Steverinos
Republicans are going to wish they put up a Rubio/Kasich ticket.
Well, they'll have 4-8 years to think about what they did wrong!
Quote: TigerWuWell, they'll have 4-8 years to think about what they did wrong!
For some reason they thought enough people will love Trump to make him President. I just don't see it happening.
I totally understand the rabid popularity of some people who command the loyalty of smaller populations. Trump has that.
Hillary is not popular, but I believe it is still more her election to lose, than Trump's to win.
Quote: 777I feel sorry for RonC,...
I wouldn't want you to feel sorry for me at all; I am not even sure why you keep beating a dead horse. You've questioned my honesty, which is something that I would expect if I wrote something outrageous but all that I said was that I am not going to vote for Hillary and that I am undecided on voting for Trump. There has been some good banter going back and forth here, dominated by liberals for the most part, but at least a decent conversation...but you have decided that saying that I am lying about my potential vote is something you have to repeat often.
I don't want Hillary to be President. Hell, I don't want Trump to be, either.
I have no need to vote for, or support, Trump in my state--Texas--he will win there anyway.
So I do have a choice and I have not made up my mind...other than "No" to Hillary.
I broke it down simply; perhaps you'll understand it better in this form.
Both parties suck. I can't believe that this is the choice we have to make.
Quote: RonCII have no need to vote for, or support, Trump in my state--Texas--he will win there anyway.
The whole system of electing a President is BS
I have been on both sides
Earlier in my life my vote didn't count for squat and candidates could care less about my vote
I always voted but it was kind of meaningless.
I lived in Maryland, solid blue state. Presidential candidates rarely came to my town.
Last presidential candidate to come to my home town to campaign was Jerry Brown which was a long long time ago
Now I live in Florida in the key Tampa Orlando I4 corridor which determines how FL votes. North FL red, South FL blue
Everybody comes to town to campaign for my vote :-)
Our area is so important, even the wives and VP candidates hit up our area.
I expect multiple visits from Trump , Clinton, Melania, Bill, Pence and Dem VP candidate in the next 4 months
I love having politicians fighting hard for my vote :-)
Quote: terapinedThe whole system of electing a President is BS
I have been on both sides
Earlier in my life my vote didn't count for squat and candidates could care less about my vote
I always voted but it was kind of meaningless.
That's kind of how it's been since day one, and by "day one" I mean 1776. People always talk about how "corrupt" the system is nowadays, and how their votes don't count, and "we need to fix the system! Our founding fathers would be spinning in their graves!" Well, guess what? Back then you had even LESS of a say. Direct election by the people was rejected because they thought the people would just vote for who they liked the best, regardless of issues. You know, kind of like how 90% of people vote nowadays. Elections involved no political parties, and no national campaigns, and the Electoral College voted without the opinion of any of their States' constituents.
..........................but what about all the Trump guys who yesterday were constantly claiming it WASN'T plagiarized?!??!?!?!?
Quote: ams288The lady who wrote Melania's speech has issued a statement apologizing for the plagiarism.
..........................but what about all the Trump guys who yesterday were constantly claiming it WASN'T plagiarized?!??!?!?!?
His response to the incident is really the bigger and more telling issue than the plagiarism itself. They acted like the media and Clinton were the crazy ones, making some huge deal out of something that didn't happen, when it very obviously did. Trump immediately goes from 0 to 11 defensive mode, even when he is in the wrong. Not a sign of a strong leader.
NYT article
This supports the speculation that he never expected to win and while he wants to be president, he doesn't want to do the job.
Quote: JimRockfordTrump appearantly wants to delegate ALL foreign and domestic policy to his to his Veep.
NYT article
This supports the speculation that he never expected to win and while he wants to be president, he doesn't want to do the job.
Honestly I think that's a great idea from a theoretical standpoint.... Vice Presidents don't officially do enough as it is. Might as well give them something worthwhile to do to split up the workload.
Not sure what workload Donald would be taking. I guess he would be in charge of tweeting and calling cable talk shows.Quote: TigerWuHonestly I think that's a great idea from a theoretical standpoint.... Vice Presidents don't officially do enough as it is. Might as well give them something worthwhile to do to split up the workload.
Quote: ams288The lady who wrote Melania's speech has issued a statement apologizing for the plagiarism.
..........................but what about all the Trump guys who yesterday were constantly claiming it WASN'T plagiarized?!??!?!?!?
Below is a press release from a Trump staffer, Ms. Meredith McIver
(Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/07/20/trump-aide-takes-responsibility-melania-speech/87340850/ )
"My name is Meredith McIver and I’m an in-house staff writer at the Trump Organization. I am also a longtime friend and admirer of the "RonC John Miller" Trump family.
"In working with Melania Trump on her recent First Lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people. A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama. Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech. I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches. This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant.
"Yesterday, I offered my resignation to Mr. Trump and the Trump family, but they rejected it. Mr. Trump told me that people make innocent mistakes and that we learn and grow from these experiences.
"I asked to put out this statement because I did not like seeing the way this was distracting from Mr. Trump’s historic campaign for president and Melania’s beautiful message and presentation.
"I apologize for the confusion and hysteria my mistake has caused. Today, more than ever, I am honored to work for such a great family. I personally admire the way Mr. Trump has handled this situation and I am grateful for his understanding.
"Meredith McIver"
Quote: Mission146As a left-leaner, I still fail to see what the big deal is. Melania Trump, 'plagiarized,' a bunch of generic, empty and standard words that, even if they had been written from scratch, would have been hollow and devoid of any real meaning.
I mean, it's not like Michelle Obama's speech was on par with a Shakespearean sonnet, or even a speech by William Jennings Bryan, for that matter. I think that, given enough speeches on the same subject matter, a similar number of those phrases would almost inevitably be repeated nearly verbatim. I'm almost as willing as not to believe it was coincidental, and if not, who cares? Nothing of value was taken.
"Teachers and academics in the UK and the US have taken to Twitter to thank Donald Trump's wife for providing the perfect material to teach their students what plagiarism is and why it is wrong."
Read more at http://www.bbc.com/news/world-36836599
I don't think Melania know what plagiarism is. Had she know the meaning of plagiarism she probably would tell her ghost writer to revise the speech and this whole comical episode would have been avoided.
Melania is a victim in this plagiarism fiasco. And Trump's continuous denial and lie about plagiarism had made Melania look MUCH worse.
For instance, by not paying them?Quote: gamerfreakOne thing I do like about Trump, he seems to treat his people very well.
Quote: Judge Stewart, US District Court, S.D. New YorkMacari, the vice-president of Trump-Equitable and the person in charge of the Bonwit Teller demolition, knowingly participated in John Senyshyn's breach of fiduciary duty. Macari was involved in every aspect of the demolition job. He knew the Polish workers were working "off the books," that they were doing demolition work, that they were non-union, that they were paid substandard wages with no overtime pay, and that they were paid irregularly if at all.
We find for the plaintiff. We hold that John Senyshyn breached his fiduciary duty and that Trump-Equitable participated in the breach.
Note [2] Trump-Equitable was a partnership of Donald J. Trump and Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.
And Hillary's the one who's crooked?
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/report-donald-trump-offered-john-kasich-chance-to-be-the-most-powerful-vp-in-history/Quote: CBS NewsRepublican nominee Donald Trump reportedly offered Ohio Gov. John Kasich a chance to be his vice president with a vast policy portfolio, according to a new report.
Donald Trump Jr. went to a Kasich adviser with an offer, the report in the New York Times Magazine, said: if Kasich joined the ticket, he could be "the most powerful vice president in history."
By that, Trump Jr. said he meant Kasich would "be in charge of domestic and foreign policy," according to the Times.
When the Kasich adviser asked what Trump would then be in charge of, Trump Jr. simply replied: "Making America great again."
But let's not forget what Trump actually said about Kasich:
Quote: Donald J. TrumpKasich is weak.
Kasich is a baby.
We don't need him in Ohio, and we certainly don't need him in Washington.
John Kasich is just another all talk, no action politician.
So Donald Trump's best judgment is to put a no-action weak baby in charge of both domestic and foreign policy. Nicely done.
Quote: JimRockfordTrump appearantly wants to delegate ALL foreign and domestic policy to his to his Veep.
NYT article
This supports the speculation that he never expected to win and while he wants to be president, he doesn't want to do the job.
Boy, that'd be a scary concept. One of the furthest right politicians in the country running both foreign and domestic decisions. Cheney Jr.
Quote: gamerfreakHis response to the incident is really the bigger and more telling issue than the plagiarism itself. They acted like the media and Clinton were the crazy ones, making some huge deal out of something that didn't happen, when it very obviously did. Trump immediately goes from 0 to 11 defensive mode, even when he is in the wrong. Not a sign of a strong leader.
Agree, and would go further. Not a sign of a leader at all, in the sense of one that has followers. Where has anybody been who's actually worked with Trump, been an investment partner, a business contractor, a worker in one of his buildings or businesses? Maybe they're being denied the microphones by the MSM? (New conspiracy theory ) No, I think they're nearly non-existent. He works by, and for, himself, and screw everybody else.
Not a leader. Certainly not a President. At least according to dozens of people who have direct knowledge of what it is to work around him and have come forward.
Quote: MathExtremistFor instance, by not paying them?
Quote: Judge Stewart, US District Court, S.D. New YorkMacari, the vice-president of Trump-Equitable and the person in charge of the Bonwit Teller demolition, knowingly participated in John Senyshyn's breach of fiduciary duty. Macari was involved in every aspect of the demolition job. He knew the Polish workers were working "off the books," that they were doing demolition work, that they were non-union, that they were paid substandard wages with no overtime pay, and that they were paid irregularly if at all.
We find for the plaintiff. We hold that John Senyshyn breached his fiduciary duty and that Trump-Equitable participated in the breach.
Note [2] Trump-Equitable was a partnership of Donald J. Trump and Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.
And Hillary's the one who's crooked?
That was 30 years ago and those workers were brought in by a contractor. Not really a big deal to me - I'm actually surprised there aren't more stories like this.
I'd take some disgruntled workers any day over things like Hillary Clinton taking tens of millions in "donations" from the Saudi kingdom. But unfortunately we've been given the choice between a Reality TV Personality and a Criminal for president.
Quote:That was 30 years ago and those workers were brought in by a contractor. Not really a big deal to me - I'm actually surprised there aren't more stories like this.
I'd take some disgruntled workers any day over things like Hillary Clinton taking tens of millions in "donations" from the Saudi kingdom. But unfortunately we've been given the choice between a Reality TV Personality and a Criminal for president.
To me, those two appear to be the same person. Lots of con men in jail, but apparently Trump has been TBTF so far.
Quote: gamerfreakQuote: MathExtremistFor instance, by not paying them?
Quote: Judge Stewart, US District Court, S.D. New YorkMacari, the vice-president of Trump-Equitable and the person in charge of the Bonwit Teller demolition, knowingly participated in John Senyshyn's breach of fiduciary duty. Macari was involved in every aspect of the demolition job. He knew the Polish workers were working "off the books," that they were doing demolition work, that they were non-union, that they were paid substandard wages with no overtime pay, and that they were paid irregularly if at all.
We find for the plaintiff. We hold that John Senyshyn breached his fiduciary duty and that Trump-Equitable participated in the breach.
Note [2] Trump-Equitable was a partnership of Donald J. Trump and Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.
And Hillary's the one who's crooked?
That was 30 years ago and those workers were brought in by a contractor. Not really a big deal to me - I'm actually surprised there aren't more stories like this.
I'd take some disgruntled workers any day over things like Hillary Clinton taking tens of millions in "donations" from the Saudi kingdom. But unfortunately we've been given the choice between a Reality TV Personality and a Criminal for president.
Hillary, a criminal? Apply your "prosecutorial" standard, then Trump is a rapist and should be in jail.
Okay, how about four years ago when Trump violated federal law (18 USC § 2385) by advocating a revolution right after Obama was re-elected.Quote: gamerfreakThat was 30 years ago and those workers were brought in by a contractor. Not really a big deal to me - I'm actually surprised there aren't more stories like this.
I'd take some disgruntled workers any day over things like Hillary Clinton taking tens of millions in "donations" from the Saudi kingdom. But unfortunately we've been given the choice between a Reality TV Personality and a Criminal for president.
Quote: 18 USC § 2385 Advocating overthrow of GovernmentWhoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government… Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
Let's not pretend that this is between Reality TV Personality and Criminal. This is between Reality TV Bankrupt Casino Owner Criminal and Experienced Politician Criminal. Hillary's skeletons don't hold a candle to Trump's. Worse, he continually makes it clear that he doesn't even intend to uphold the oath of office. You know, the one that reads "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States..." Trump cannot truthfully utter those words and everyone knows it. He has no intention of faithfully executing anything.
The GOP establishment is falling over themselves to justify supporting Trump because the alternative is Hillary, but at least Hillary's will be a functional administration. If Trump is elected, he's most likely to abdicate, and the next most likely outcome is that he enacts fiscally ridiculous tax policies like the one on his website. Sure, let's add $1T to the debt every year for the next decade. Great idea. So why is 40% of the country backing him? It's just asinine.
This seems similar.
Quote: MathExtremistIf Trump is elected, he's most likely to abdicate
No, his ego is way too big for him to just give up like that. He is much more likely to run the Presidency into the ground over the next 4 years, blaming everyone else on the way down.