To answer your question, I have never been caught with an illegal substance anywhere.
Quote: vegasmistakeI stayed at a major hotel on the strip this week and went to the evening pool party with a couple of girls I met on the casino floor. After about an hour at the pool party, one of the girls asked me if i wanted to smoke marijuana. I said yes,...
You're saying here you wanted to take drugs with people you just met at the casino. A very honest admission. Also an invitation to a set up.
Quote: vegasmistake.....and she handed me her purse which she said had the pot and a pipe. I took the purse and put it under my arm and went to the bathroom first to pee. As I was washing my hands security approached me and asked me to show them the purse. When I did they opened it and not only found a bag of marijuana but they also found a bag of cocaine. I was busted and didn't even partake.
You did take part in it, you took the purse containing drugs. You said you a) wanted to get high, and b) you took the purse containing the stash.
Quote: vegasmistakeI thought I was going to be arrested on the spot, but I wasn't. Instead, they asked for my license and took a photo of me. The only words the security guard said was if I come back I will be arrested, that was it, then sent me on my way.
They gave you a break.
Quote: vegasmistakeWhile I am extremely grateful and feel very lucky that metro wasn't called, I have no idea why they didn't detain me. I also don't know if i have been 86'd from this casino for good, or for a set period of time. I'm not sure how to go about finding out without calling further attention to myself. If any of you have any experience regarding getting caught with an illegal substance and can comment, I would appreciate it. Much thanks.
They told you if you come back you will be arrested, then you know. If they didn't mention other places, it doesn't officially apply to other properties, but your name and face might be in a database with other properties if you end up being questioned and searched by security for any reason.
If I were you, I'd never again consider a casino hotel to be a place you can go to get high or caught with drugs. You were given notice.
Quote: IbeatyouracesSounds like you were set up to me.
Not sure about that, but being seen with a woman's purse is way to get security wondering wtf.
>she handed me her purse
what was that about?
That is obvious.Quote: IbeatyouracesSounds like you were set up to me.
Here is what happens: some girls who sell sex and drugs have a thing going with the security guards. They from time to time select and set up some rube being careful to make sure they say there are drugs and paraphernalia in the purse. They don't have to say in what quantity or what packaging. The security guards make the seizure. The hotel gets plenty of CREDITS for its Drug, Alcohol and Commercialized Sex enforcement activities should the Gaming Board or LVMetro Vice get curious. The girls continue to ply their trade, unmolested by security, that baggie keeps making the rounds, a few rubes get scared.
You've not been banned from the casino... if they want to do that you can be sure they make it plain and clear. If you had gone back that night they would have booked you.
The security guards are doing their job. Their files are getting filled up with aggressive enforcement data.
Now tell me. I don't know your age but did you really think you were getting lucky? If there is going to be sex that is what the girls say, but if they say sex and drugs: its going to be a drug bust.
Quote: vegasmistakeI stayed at a major hotel on the strip this week and went to the evening pool party with a couple of girls I met on the casino floor. After about an hour at the pool party, one of the girls asked me if i wanted to smoke marijuana. I said yes, and she handed me her purse which she said had the pot and a pipe. I took the purse and put it under my arm and went to the bathroom first to pee. As I was washing my hands security approached me and asked me to show them the purse. When I did they opened it and not only found a bag of marijuana but they also found a bag of cocaine. I was busted and didn't even partake. I thought I was going to be arrested on the spot, but I wasn't. Instead, they asked for my license and took a photo of me. The only words the security guard said was if I come back I will be arrested, that was it, then sent me on my way. While I am extremely grateful and feel very lucky that metro wasn't called, I have no idea why they didn't detain me. I also don't know if i have been 86'd from this casino for good, or for a set period of time. I'm not sure how to go about finding out without calling further attention to myself. If any of you have any experience regarding getting caught with an illegal substance and can comment, I would appreciate it. Much thanks.
Being asked if you want smoke, ok.
Given a purse to hold. very weird.
Walking away with the purse to go to the bathroom, that is really weird and something I would never ever consider doing.
I smoke so if asked, my 1st instinct is not here in the open, lets go for a walk somewhere. That's it, if somebody is handing me something in public, I'm refusing, just common sense.
Pretty weird story.
Quote: BozAre you entering the Miss Mint contest this year?
hmmm I don't know about that one. Writing styles are not very close, IMO.
Quote: vegasmistakei took the purse to take a few hits. it seemed ok to do but i guess i can be naive sometimes. i am sure the exchange of the purse was caught on camera although i am unsure of cameras are in the bathrooms
A lot of people get the mistaken idea that marijuana is tolerated in Las Vegas after watching the portrayal of what happens in Las Vegas by Hollywood's portrayal on TV or in the movies.
This photo is taken from the restroom of the SLS:

Possession of relatively small amounts of marijuana is a felony offense, even after the medical marijuana laws have gone into effect, this only applies to local residents with Nevada state-issued licenses. Not to California residents with a California "doctor's note."
Let this be a word of warning to others that if you want to come to Nevada to smoke weed or do drugs, be advised that the local laws are designed to make money for the state of Nevada, not to ensure your safety by helping you select a less harmful recreational drug like marijuana.
I'm surprised they let you walk with coke, but I have to believe in most liberal cities, being caught with a small bag of weed might be more trouble than it's worth to bust you. However, I grew up in Seattle, so keep that in mind.
Legally speaking, aren't you allowed to deny their request to search your belongings? As in, the private security (metro is a different matter) comes up to you and asks to see your bag, you say no, and are escorted off their property? As far as I have read about your situation, the most that the hotel knew was that you were willfully (not stolen) given a woman's purse. There isn't even probably cause for metro to search you unless someone already had proof that there were illegal drugs in the bag.
Shitty situation, live and learn I guess, sorry you had to go through it.
Quote: vegasmistakeI was busted and didn't even partake.
Also, this sentence gave me a chuckle. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, getting busted would have destroyed any high that you could have gotten.
Quote: vegasmistake
i took the purse to take a few hits. it seemed ok to do but i guess i can be naive sometimes. i am sure the exchange of the purse was caught on camera although i am unsure of cameras are in the bathrooms.
Cameras are NOT in the bathrooms, but they are watching your ass.
They're security, not cops.
Hello, search warrant; greetings, probable cause.
Would they have pressed it with Metro, had you refused?
if i challenged them that is what they would have done
Quote: vegasmistakei'm not sure what they confiscated it was all a big blur to me. im not sure what she had in the purse but if they took the credit card because she had no ID in the purse that would make sense. i am certain they took the drugs also
You're not sure what she had in the purse, but you're sure they took the drugs. You sure this even happened? This whole thing sounds fn ridiculous.
Do you want everyone here to speculate what happened or why? Obviously, you're not even sure and you were there.
Whatever happened you got a break and move on. Nothing like getting to learn something with no cost to you.
the person who owned the purse and when
they passed it off to somebody else, they
swooped in. If it was me I would get the hell
out of town. Just because you weren't
arrested doesn't mean you won't be. The cops
know who you are.
Quote: vegasmistakei can attest this wasn't a set up. when i left the bathroom, the girl who gave me the purse was outside the bathroom waiting for me. i told told security i was going tpo hand back the purse and gave it to her quickly mentioning that i was caught and followed the security guard outside where i was then photographed. about two hours after i left the club, i was standing in the hotel lobby by another bar when i was approached by the same group of girls accusing me of stealing a credit card that was in the purse! they were all up in my face accusing me of stealing it and i told them what occurred with security - that if anything - THEY took the card to identify who the purse belonged too. These people weren't a part of a set up in any way. Clearly a mistake made by me to take the purse in the first place and very poor judgment.
Riiiiight, security let you give the girls the purse back with the drugs in it…and not question the girls?
Soooo, let me get this straight:
1-you take a purse from strangers in Vegas with intent to use alleged illegal drugs contained therein:
2-said purse has drugs you believed to be in there plus additional drugs you did not know were in there;
3-you are busted by security;
4-security allows you to give the purse back to the women;
5-security says nothing to the women;
6-a credit card allegedly goes missing from said purse;
7-the strangers accuse you of stealing the credit card
8-you state it was not a setup
9-you are incorrect!
Quote: vegasmistakeyes they would have...
if i challenged them that is what they would have done
Did they tell you this, or are you just assuming?
BTW, what was the reason they gave you for demanding to see inside the purse?
Surely they gave you a reason.
Presumably they had no knowledge of its contents?
If so, how do you think they knew?
Frankly, sir, your story has more holes than a poolside bevy of Vegas hookers, and raises more questions than a man clasping a purse while pissing.
Just sayin'.
But even riskier and more likley is that they are an undercover cop. If some stranger anywhere especially in a casino says "hey want some drugs" I; 1. Automicattically asusme that they are a cop. 2. Say no since I don't do drugs and have no desire to try any.
Not to mention, she hands you a purse with (what sounds like a decent amount of money worth of drugs) in it. does that not sound sketchy to you? When have you ever met a female in a bar who hands you her purse? Let alone hands you a purse with so much valuable and sensative products in it. That should have immediatly set off red flags. Was she going to join you in smoking? If so there is NO reason for you to be carrying her property. I can't beleive a female you knew for less than an hour would hand you so much money in drugs and her purse to a male she just met, she must have been an undercover cop or the most trusting person on the planet....
Quote: MrV
Frankly, sir, your story has more holes in it than a poolside bevy of Vegas hookers, and raises more questions than a man clasping a purse while pissing. Just sayin'.
Think MrV is being kind with above comments. After all OP's first time visiting this site. Maybe the op just wanted to see how far he could go and get serious responses, or trying to get post count up so when he offers his how to beat roulette system he'll have some veteran time here.
Harry In Your Pocket. It's about a pickpocket
who's lives by the words 'Harry Doesn't Carry'.
Meaning he never has the stolen property on
him for more than 5 seconds, he passes it
off to a partner. Having something in your
possession is 90% of the law, and it also applies
to drugs. Taking a bag or a purse that you know
has an illegal substance in it is just plain stupid.