Nevertheless, after 20 years of trial and error, how is it that a financial genius like Donald Trump hasn't figured out a way to squeeze a tiny profit out of 7,924 slot machines?
I forget who said it but The Donald is Americas most famous Thousandaire. We should elect The Donalds lawyers. Every time he goes bust they sue to get his money back.
They are not.
Many businesses, both in and out of the gaming industry, have filed for bankrupcy, often more than once.
Filing does not mean that a business has failed. It merely means that unless there are drastic measures taken, the creditors will force the business to fail. Filing provides the business some breathing room, and time to re-structure, in an effort to prevent the creditors from taking over. In many cases, bankrupcy does achieve that goal.
Therefore, the mere fact that a business has filed, even repeatedly, is not necessarily a bad thing.
Quote: Wavy70now the Donald is trying to be King Teaparty. At Least he found a group that doesn't read so he can say what he wants and they have no capability to research his claims.
I'm sorry, but that comment is reprehensible. It is amazing to me that ANY group of people with opposing view points can simply decide to say "but the other side can't read" or "the other side is ignorant" and get away without being called out. If you feel your side of the political spectrum is better, prove it by providing convincing (and real) arguments. Don't simply think calling someone stupid makes them so.
Wasn't it the liberal left that immediately (and incorrectly) attributed the horrid shooting in Arizona to "right wing" nastiness? Since they did that, my experience is that I have heard more hate coming out of the left than out of the right.
My honest opinion? Neither side is 100% correct. The most extreme on both sides almost work in concert against the middle. Consider immigration. Many on the left want open borders and no voter ID checks (no picture IDs required to vote) while on the right there are rich folks employing illegals and not paying proper taxes, etc. Housekeepers, nannies, yard crews, etc. are ignored even though they are not properly documented and taxed on income.
Anyway, I can listen to any arguments for or against a position...but I can't stand someone calling the other side ignorant just because there are a few bad apples on both sides...
Quote: DJTeddyBearTherefore, the mere fact that a business has filed, even repeatedly, is not necessarily a bad thing.
Yes, I see your point. It just seems unsustainable for a business to continue failing forever, year after year.
Quote: RonCI'm sorry, but that comment is reprehensible. It is amazing to me that ANY group of people with opposing view points can simply decide to say "but the other side can't read" or "the other side is ignorant" and get away without being called out. If you feel your side of the political spectrum is better, prove it by providing convincing (and real) arguments. Don't simply think calling someone stupid makes them so.
Wasn't it the liberal left that immediately (and incorrectly) attributed the horrid shooting in Arizona to "right wing" nastiness? Since they did that, my experience is that I have heard more hate coming out of the left than out of the right.
My honest opinion? Neither side is 100% correct. The most extreme on both sides almost work in concert against the middle. Consider immigration. Many on the left want open borders and no voter ID checks (no picture IDs required to vote) while on the right there are rich folks employing illegals and not paying proper taxes, etc. Housekeepers, nannies, yard crews, etc. are ignored even though they are not properly documented and taxed on income.
Anyway, I can listen to any arguments for or against a position...but I can't stand someone calling the other side ignorant just because there are a few bad apples on both sides...
Don't get me wrong I enjoy the Teaparty. The people who hate the Teapartiers are the members of the GOP.
Sorry but after listening to the Tea Party "Leaders" I see no evidence of much education if any. Also still haven't heard from the AZ shooter if any of the Teaparty nastiness that he would have been subjected to if he owned a TV in AZ had any role.
But the Tea Party isn't a real party. They are as important as John Birchers. You can't find 3 Teaparty members to agree on anything. The head of the TX Teaparty said they are not against tax increases but the others seem to disagree. The Teaparty is going to be a amusing memory soon. The good part for the Dem's is if the best the GOP can find is Palin and Trump they may not even need to buy ad time.
Can you reference any mainstream candidate or politician on the "Left" that wants open boarders?
No.Quote: RonCWasn't it the liberal left that immediately (and incorrectly) attributed the horrid shooting in Arizona to "right wing" nastiness?
Then the original premise needs to be massaged a little, how about:Quote: DJTeddyBear..Filing does not mean that a business has failed. It merely means that unless there are drastic measures taken, the creditors will force the business to fail. Filing provides the business some breathing room, and time to re-structure, in an effort to prevent the creditors from taking over. In many cases, bankrupcy does achieve that goal..
Trump has been such a huge success that he's managed to find himself so close to being put out of business by his creditors that he had to file for bankruptcy on three different occasions.
Quote: RonCWasn't it the liberal left that immediately (and incorrectly) attributed the horrid shooting in Arizona to "right wing" nastiness? Since they did that, my experience is that I have heard more hate coming out of the left than out of the right.
Giffords' Democratic colleague, Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva, told Mother Jones magazine within hours after the rampage that the “political tone and tenor” created by Palin and the tea party movement had set the stage for the shooting.
Grijalva said Palin's “apparatus” had put Giffords' and his own life at risk.
Quote: Wavy70Can you reference any mainstream candidate or politician on the "Left" that wants open boarders?
I did not reference politicians specifically because I did not have a reference to use for them though I know that many Texas democrats opposed the voter ID bill that was passed by the House...the vote was 101-48...
"The House tentatively approved the measure, 101-48. Republicans control the chamber, 101-49."
My point was not as much "who does what" as it was that the people on the extremes of BOTH SIDES don't necessarily want what is bets for the average everyday American citizen/legal resident. If you don't agree with that premise at all, I can't show you enough arguments either way. If you truly believe the most right-wing conservatives or the most left-wing progressives want what is best for the middle, so be it. I would say that I believe you are wrong. Just asking me to "prove" one side when I never mention politicians (though I might mention Soros on one side or Koch bros on the other side as "influencers" who support more extreme positions respectively) does nothing to challenge my initial premise.
Quote: RonCI did not reference politicians specifically because I did not have a reference to use for them though I know that many Texas democrats opposed the voter ID bill that was passed by the House...the vote was 101-48...
"The House tentatively approved the measure, 101-48. Republicans control the chamber, 101-49."
My point was not as much "who does what" as it was that the people on the extremes of BOTH SIDES don't necessarily want what is bets for the average everyday American citizen/legal resident. If you don't agree with that premise at all, I can't show you enough arguments either way. If you truly believe the most right-wing conservatives or the most left-wing progressives want what is best for the middle, so be it. I would say that I believe you are wrong. Just asking me to "prove" one side when I never mention politicians (though I might mention Soros on one side or Koch bros on the other side as "influencers" who support more extreme positions respectively).
Can't really comment on TX Voter Bill but if like most things in Texas without stimulus money it would have failed. I was just wondering which Liberal candidate was calling for open boarders.
You're linking to NewsMax. Nothing further need be said.Quote: RonCGiffords' Democratic colleague, Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva, told Mother Jones magazine within hours after the rampage that the “political tone and tenor” created by Palin and the tea party movement had set the stage for the shooting.
Grijalva said Palin's “apparatus” had put Giffords' and his own life at risk.
People on the deep right exclaim, "Obama wasn't born here!" and "Obama's a muslim". And I am sure that I will get some folks on this forum to back it up with deeply right-winged stories. Just a easily, people on the deep left will exclaim, "George Bush stole the presidency" and "9-11 was a right-winged conspiracy!". All of it is a bunch of hogwash hooey which take away from the work that needs to be done on both sides of the house. Every time I hear these arguments (on both sides) I just turn the channel and don't listen. It's all nonsense, and I think it's hypocritical for a democrat to say that the 2000 election was thrown to criticize a republican who claims that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii and vice versa (to criticize a democrat who thinks that 9/11 was a conspiracy yet claim that Obama is a Muslim). Back it up with evidence, please: photos of Obama making prayer 4 times a day; proof that it was explosives that brought down the World Trade Centers; Obama's birth certificate in Kenya; documentation showing a Bush associate telling the supreme court to throw the election.
As for Trump, he's not a casino expert, that is for sure. He loves buildings and being famous. Trump Marina is now Landry's Golden Nugget. The other two AC casinos are now operated by Mark Lasry and the Avenue Capital Group. He's had problems with the Trump property. As far as I am concerned, he followed the laws of the country and declared bankruptcy legally. Many companies declare bankruptcy and reorganize and come out better. If Trump owned oh, saw, United Airlines, would you preclude him from running because the airline industry went bust?
What makes Trump so attractive as a presidential candidate is that he is already well known, speaks well, and most importantly, does not have a political past. He is generating buzz where as the other candidates do not have the charisma to go toe-to-toe with Obama. Becoming president is a popularity contest. It's not about brains or records or anything. It's about popularity and charisma and proposed policies (whether possible or not). The past can be forgiven. Trump's a viable candidate. Don't underestimate him. The question is, will Trump run? Will he abandon his name and the control of his companies to run?
And will he command any support at the convention? That's where I think he'll have trouble.
Quote: boymimboAs for Trump, he's not a casino expert, that is for sure. He loves buildings and being famous.
Not to mention he built much of his fortune by getting politicians to make use of eminent domain takings. It's a lot easier to make money if you don't pay full price for the land you're developing.
And if something should hurt him politically, that will be it.
Quote: boymimboIt's all vitreous crap.
What makes Trump so attractive as a presidential candidate is that he is already well known, speaks well, and most importantly, does not have a political past.
Well aside from the time he "Ran" as a Democrat for president and the time he "Ran" as an independent for president.
Quote: s2dbakerYou're linking to NewsMax. Nothing further need be said.
Newsmax is fun. If you can imagine the story that is enough sourcing for Newsmax
Quote: RonCWasn't it the liberal left that immediately (and incorrectly) attributed the horrid shooting in Arizona to "right wing" nastiness? Since they did that, my experience is that I have heard more hate coming out of the left than out of the right.
I know there were people right here on WoV who blamed Sarah Palin for the whole thing.
Obama felt the need to make a speech calling for "more civil discussion" or whatever. However, he was curiously silent when pols on the left accused the GOP of wanting to kill women, throw old people on the street, etc last month.
Did you get that from NewsMax too? It's not difficult to see why they would get a story so wrong what with their continuing exhaustive searches for Barry HUSSEIN Obummer's birth certificate in Tanzania or wherever he was supposed to have been born.Quote: AZDuffmanI know there were people right here on WoV who blamed Sarah Palin for the whole thing.
Obama felt the need to make a speech calling for "nore civil discussion" or whatever. However, he was curiously silent when pols on the left accused the GOP of wanting to kill women, throw old people on the street, etc last month.
Quote: s2dbakerDid you get that from NewsMax too? It's not difficult to see why they would get a story so wrong what with their continuing exhaustive searches for Barry HUSSEIN Obummer's birth certificate in Tanzania or wherever he was supposed to have been born.
No, got it by watching his speech then watching the dems make their usual "the world will end if *any* government funding is cut" remarks the past month. Perhaps you need to watch an outlet other than CBS?
There are news clips all over the place of elected dems declaring armageddon if any government funding is cut.
Liberals resort to changing the subject, ignoring the facts, and if that doesn't work, call names. We see this repeatedly on this forum from the same contributors.
Quote: timberjimLiberals resort to changing the subject, ignoring the facts, and if that doesn't work, call names. We see this repeatedly on this forum from the same contributors.
Replace liberals with conservatives, and you can state exactly the same. Both sides do that shit. It's standard politics (aka a waste of everyone's time).
Quote: timberjimAZ, remember that it is a complete waste of time to point out facts to liberals. They have blinders on and refuse to accept facts. They believe they are smarter than anyone that disagrees with them.
There are news clips all over the place of elected dems declaring armageddon if any government funding is cut.
Liberals resort to changing the subject, ignoring the facts, and if that doesn't work, call names. We see this repeatedly on this forum from the same contributors.
Yeah, I have yet to see AZ (a well versed resident conservative) say that he's wrong on anything politically. Both sides are heavily polarized.
This Canadian remarks that there's no excuse for the US government to increase spending by 90 percent in 10 years and at the same time lower taxes in effect decreasing revenue and widening the fiscal gap. Both sides of the aisle in all branches of government need to reduce expenses (drastically) and increase revenue (slowly).
My question to you conservatives out there is that the Republican congress passed the 2012 budget and it only contained 38 billion dollars of cuts (the CBO says only 352 milion). With months to work towards an agreement, why was only 38 billion cut? It should be more like 300 billion. Republicans are just a complicit in all of this. At least democrats practice what they preach bad as it is for the nation. Republicans say out of one side of their mouth to cut spending yet pass a bill to increase it.
Quote: boymimboThis Canadian remarks that there's no excuse for the US government to increase spending by 90 percent in 10 years and at the same time lower taxes in effect decreasing revenue and widening the fiscal gap.
Lower taxes increase revenue, especially in slow economic times. Think about it: do businesses raise prices when their sales drop or lower them? Ask yourself why Walmart is so successful by offering lower prices than the competition.
Quote:My question to you conservatives out there is that the Republican congress passed the 2012 budget and it only contained 38 billion dollars of cuts (the CBO says only 352 milion).
Were there any cuts at all?
If the 2011 budget is higher than the 2010 one, as I suspect, then there's an increase. The "cuts" mean only the increase is smaller.
Don't you love it when someone spends $3.25 trillion one year, then instead of $4 trillion the next year he decides to spend only $3.6 trillion and claims to have "cut" the budget?
There's multiple reasons for it, and not least is that conservatives aren't all of the same view of minimal government, and left-wingers (liberals are centrists where I come from) aren't all about free hand outs to everyone who can pocket the cash.
No-one likes THEIR pet project to be cut, be it free clinics for the over-55's or the tax break for forestry companies.
Quote: boymimboYeah, I have yet to see AZ (a well versed resident conservative) say that he's wrong on anything politically.
Just politically? I have yet to see him acquiesce to any point. Even in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the opposite.
Quote: thecesspitReplace liberals with conservatives, and you can state exactly the same. Both sides do that shit. It's standard politics (aka a waste of everyone's time).
Yes, I agree and should have said it more like you did. The extremists on both sides tend to garner all the publicity.
Quote: boymimboYeah, I have yet to see AZ (a well versed resident conservative) say that he's wrong on anything politically. Both sides are heavily polarized.
Show me I am wrong on a statement of fact and I will admit I am wrong. (eg: if I had said the Flamingo and Bellagio were on the same side of the street when they are clearly not.) But thank you for the "well versed" qualifier, btw.
Quote:My question to you conservatives out there is that the Republican congress passed the 2012 budget and it only contained 38 billion dollars of cuts (the CBO says only 352 milion). With months to work towards an agreement, why was only 38 billion cut? It should be more like 300 billion. Republicans are just a complicit in all of this. At least democrats practice what they preach bad as it is for the nation. Republicans say out of one side of their mouth to cut spending yet pass a bill to increase it.
The GOP has not yet passed the 2012 budget. The recently concluded budget talks were on the 2011 budget which Nancy Pelosi was unable or unwilling to pass. 2012 negotiations are just now starting. the $38 billion cuts are from 2011. It is hard to cut from a budget halfway thru the fiscal year for both procedural and practical reasons.
Quote: AZDuffmanShow me I am wrong on a statement of fact and I will admit I am wrong.
Quote: AZDuffmanElectrics have improved little in 100 years now. I am not confident at all.
The 2012 Tesla Model S can go 300 miles between charges and has a top speed of 120 mph.
I'm begging you to humor me and admit there's a big difference between this:

and this:

Quote: Wavy70Can you reference any mainstream candidate or politician on the "Left" that wants open boarders?
Yes. Start with those officials who are supposed to be enforcing the laws on entering the United States. Does the name of Janet Napolitano ring a bell?
Quote: renoThe 2012 Tesla Model S can go 300 miles between charges and has a top speed of 120 mph.
I'm begging you to humor me and admit there's a big difference between this:
and this:
There is a difference between them. There is also a difference between a Model T and a new Fiesta. The electric is still inferior.
In addition to Grijalva's comments, here is a bit more from the article addressing how the left tried to blame the right for the shooting:
A number of prominent left-wing blogs, including Daily Kos and FireDogLake, also blamed Sarah Palin for fanning the flames by placing Giffords—along with other vulnerable Democratic members of Congress—literally in the crosshairs on a map during the midterm elections. Grijalva said that the Palin "apparatus" shares responsibility for creating a climate of extremism. "Both Gabby and I were targeted in the apparatus in that cycle [saying] these people are 'enemies.'" He concluded: "The Palin express better look at their tone and their tenor."
I'm sure I can find other references and I realize my first reference was not as good of a source as this one; I simply felt that most of us remembered that there was an immediate attempt to blame the right for the shooting. Whether you listen to/read MSNBC, the main stream media, or Fox, it was pretty clearly there.
Now if that guy had a camera, he'd be done for.
Quote: RonC
I'm sure I can find other references and I realize my first reference was not as good of a source as this one; I simply felt that most of us remembered that there was an immediate attempt to blame the right for the shooting. Whether you listen to/read MSNBC, the main stream media, or Fox, it was pretty clearly there.
The left still thinks JFK was shot by a "right wing nutjob." The left still thinks the Tea Party is racist and violent.
Look how much less trash is left after a Tea Party Rally vs a union rally. Trash isn't violence, but picking up after yourself says something.
Quote: SanchoPanzaYes. Start with those officials who are supposed to be enforcing the laws on entering the United States. Does the name of Janet Napolitano ring a bell?
Ah so this immigration problem started in January of 2009. Face it aside from talking about it no party wants to do anything. I must have missed all the extreme efforts the last administration made to stem the tide. Could you list all the successes Tom Ridge, James Loy and Michael Certoff had in the war on illegal immigration?
If you want to stem illegal immigrants start with companies like Tyson Foods who almost exclusively use undocumented workers to process chickens.
Still waiting for the politician who wants "open boarders". Thanks for trying Sancho.
Quote: AZDuffmanLook how much less trash is left after a Tea Party Rally vs a union rally. Trash isn't violence, but picking up after yourself says something.
Source? Which rallies are you comparing. Amount of people at each. How much collected in bins as opposed to picked up on the ground after.
Quote: AZDuffmanThe left still thinks JFK was shot by a "right wing nutjob." The left still thinks the Tea Party is racist and violent.
Look how much less trash is left after a Tea Party Rally vs a union rally. Trash isn't violence, but picking up after yourself says something.
It is these arguments that make conservatives look stupid.
Equally ridiculous: "The right thinks that Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya. The right still thinks that there were weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq".
Trash left after a rally does not indicate that one rally is better or worse than another. It might be the work of one organizer to say, "we need a team to pick up the trash", while the union organizer says, "we won't pick up the trash... we'll let someone else (who gets paid overtime on another union's dime) to do it."
I don't have problems with unions. I lived in a steel town where half of the city worked for the unionized company (my dad worked there) and the other half worked for the un-unionized company (who had to pay the same to compete). Without the unions, my dad would have made 1/2 the money he did, my mother would have been forced to work full time (she was disabled when I turned 14), and my life would have been far worse off. Much of America was in the same situation in the 70s and 90s. This situation has deteriorating rapidly and the middle class is disappearing along with the unions. Of course this is due to globalization and the willingness and capability for corporations to outsource as much work as possible to another labor force who can and will perform similar functions for much cheaper. America has not adapted. Instead it has decreased the tax rate on the poor and lower middle classes to compensate for the lower wages that they are making. It subsidizes (heavily) its farmers. There has been no major new industry since the technological bubble in the 90s.
Quote: AltutWhatever the idealogy, there's always one singular telltale sign that identifies who the true nutjobs are and always have been: Protests in the street. Think of any particular protest you wish. Who tosses rocks at police, yells obscenities into the TV microphones, runs wild through the streets and loots buildings, overturns cars, sets fires to anything within reach, and doesn't care if they're arrested and end up with a record? Need a hint? It's never Conservatives acting like animals because, to a person, they, as responsible & contributing citizens, have something to lose.
Keep telling yourself that. What fake persona are you today?
Sweat shops fail because it's ultimately bad for business to put profit above all else.
Oh wait, they don't. They can rake in big bucks for the owners. Guess you need some sort of counteractive force acting besides profit.
Let's see, worker uprising, revolt, communism?
Rather, how about a union? Unions that can bring about legislation to create protections for workers.
Quote: kpHe apparently is a bank expert as he can keep getting banks to fund him again after a long history of multiple bankruptcies.
As much as i love the apprentice, that donald is such a shyster. He is not what he tries to portray in the least. He has, however, mastered the art of the screw. He knows the backruptcy laws very well. Lord knows how many companies he has backrupted using other peoples money. There should be an investigation on every bank executive that signed off on lending that guy money. No doubt in my mind they were getting kickbacks. Why not right? Ill lend you a few hundred million. You give me a nice fat envelope with cash in it.. hush hush. Ill still make money on the fees. I know you will backrupt the company eventually after you have already paid yourself a hefty salary and bonuses. Thats ok though, we have enough money to go around from all of our customers that pay banking fees and overdraft charges that we allow.. haha. then the tax payers can always cover if we ever get in financial trouble.
His kids are is saving grace. They actually make him look good. And he plays up to it big time. Their mothers have done very well.
Quote: RonCGiffords' Democratic colleague, Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva, told Mother Jones magazine within hours after the rampage that the “political tone and tenor” created by Palin and the tea party movement had set the stage for the shooting.
Grijalva said Palin's “apparatus” had put Giffords' and his own life at risk.
Sorry for reviving a year-old thread, but I remembered it and it seemed better than starting a new one.
I wonder if these lefties really know what their own people are like?
Congrats Gov Walker!
Congratulations are in order for Scott Walker. I checked out the link above detailing all of the death threats by all of those liberals. I have to admit that I am unfamiliar with the branch of liberalism that has so much trouble with spelling and grammar. It would be interesting to see what other things were tweeted by some of those liberal lefty Twitter accounts. I'll dig in a little when I get home to an actual computer.Quote: AZDuffmanSorry for reviving a year-old thread, but I remembered it and it seemed better than starting a new one.
I wonder if these lefties really know what their own people are like?
Congrats Gov Walker!
That was just a cursory google search of "Foxnation Obama Death Threats". I'm sure I could trawl through Twitter and find similar stuff like that if you'd like. Or perhaps you righties know what your people are like already.
Quote:Trump wants to develop a giant production facility in south Miami-Dade County on 800 acres near the Homestead Air Reserve Base.
Dubbed Trump Studio City, the complex would be twice as large as Universal Studios in Orlando and employ thousands, Michael Cohen, Trump's legal counsel, told county commissioners in a meeting Tuesday
Lord have mercy on our souls! I just got religion! (if only to save myself from all things 'TRUMP'!}
Remember when Walt Disney made personal appearence before the "The Wonderful World of Disney!"
I can see it now. No one will be able to stop him once he has his own studios.,0,2881322.story?track=rss
Quote: s2dbakerMany of those accounts don't actually exist. The others don't appear to be political in nature, just some random ramblings of the illiterate. The only one I can see that's really objectionable from Chelseagirl and she merely wants to kick Walker in the nuts which isn't exactly life threatening. Would you like me to show you things posted on FoxNation about President Obama?
That was just a cursory google search of "Foxnation Obama Death Threats". I'm sure I could trawl through Twitter and find similar stuff like that if you'd like. Or perhaps you righties know what your people are like already.
Stop bringing facts into this. We all know that them lib-o-rals killed Jesus, funded Hitler, kidnapped the Lindbergh baby and convinced Pandora to take a peek.