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May 20th, 2024 at 11:12:47 AM permalink
Quote: lilredrooster

if you think we're living in a simulation and that you yourself may be part of that simulation then try this:

stick a knife into your arm - not far enough to cause an injury or cause bleeding but just enough so that you can feel some pain

and then, while you are doing that try to convince yourself that the pain is not real - that it's just a simulation

and see if the pain disappears

Good Luck link to original post

Yeah, that's not how it works. You are assuming that all simulations are pitiful things like what we've invented here. We are talking about a simulation that is so complicated and so layered that we can't possibly comprehend it because we're part of it. Actually there are people in the East who have trained themselves so well that they can do exactly what you described and not feel any pain. They demonstrate it in front of audiences. This is just more proof that we live in a simulation because we can overcome so many of the boundaries if we just put our mind to it.
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May 20th, 2024 at 11:17:55 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Quote: EvenBob

This is the completed puzzle, no missing piece.

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LOL C'mon.... There are number of completely plausible explanations for this, and the solution you arrive at is "it's a simulation?"

Like, the person lost the piece, put the note in the box, but then found the piece at the last minute and just didn't take out the note...

Or they thought the piece was lost, and it was just under the box or something else, so they wrote a note saying it was missing but then when they took the puzzle apart to put it back in the box they unwittingly "found" the lost piece and put back in, too....

Or someone else in the house took out one piece as a prank and never told the person, and then put it back after the person was done with the puzzle....

Or someone wrote the note itself as a prank for the next person....

There is nothing mysterious or supernatural about this.
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Or this is a simulation and the piece of the puzzle is actually missing in a reality that mirrors ours. Now that we have instantaneous world communication where people can constantly compare notes on a global scale it's becoming more and more apparent that living in a simulation is our reality. The evidence accumulates almost daily.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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May 20th, 2024 at 11:21:03 AM permalink
Quote: lilredrooster


humans are very proud beings
they like to think they know a lot
they don't like to admit that there is great deal that they don't know about the universe and its goings on
so they speculate
they speculate that we live in a simulation
they speculate that there is a God or Supreme Being
these speculations only have value to those who believe them
they have no value for those that don't believe them
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The thing is there might be actual evidence that we live in a simulation and as far as I've been able to tell there is none for a Supreme Being. Belief with evidence is one thing, belief without it is something else entirely.
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May 20th, 2024 at 11:36:14 AM permalink
Quote: lilredrooster

they like to think they know a lot
they don't like to admit that there is great deal that they don't know about the universe and its goings on
so they speculate
they speculate that we live in a simulation
they speculate that there is a God or Supreme Being
these speculations only have value to those who believe them
they have no value for those that don't believe them

you posted this statement in response to Bill Ryan on Jan. 8 at 1:19 in this thread

Quote: EvenBob

Your statement indicates that you really have no idea what reality is.

how very proud you are to dismiss a point of view that you disagree with in this manner

the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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May 20th, 2024 at 3:43:06 PM permalink
I’ve had this ‘Do I live in a simulation’ thought for decades. But I always come back to this. It is not provable, or at least hasn’t been yet. Kind of like a belief in a God. So given those two truths, I just live my life the same way I have been. If at the end it turns out that either of those two things are true, oh well. But there’s nothing I’ll be going about it NOW!
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May 20th, 2024 at 8:31:20 PM permalink

I’ve had this ‘Do I live in a simulation’ thought for decades. But I always come back to this. It is not provable, or at least hasn’t been yet. Kind of like a belief in a God. So given those two truths, I just live my life the same way I have been. If at the end it turns out that either of those two things are true, oh well. But there’s nothing I’ll be going about it NOW!
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It will never be probable, just like the existence of a Supreme Being isn't provable. To me it's like the Zen master used to say to a student. I can't teach you anything all I can do is point you in the right direction. There are indications that a simulation exists, all we have to do is find them. To me there's no difference between the simulation and a Supreme Being, they are both outside our comprehension. Not much about our existence makes any sense with either of those explanations.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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May 28th, 2024 at 4:27:46 PM permalink
Several months ago Scientific American ran an article that said stop asking if we live in a simulation Theory.

You can read it if you want to waste your time. It basically says we can never know if we live in a simulation so why even bother trying to figure it out. This is patently ridiculous. They did the same thing around 1905 when the scientific consensus was that we had invented so many things that we were at the end of it, no more useful things could be invented. So why even try.

What they meant was, and what the guy means who wrote this simulation article means, is that at the present time we don't have enough information to predict the future so let's just jump to a whole bunch of erroneous conclusions. We have no idea what kind of breakthroughs are coming that will show us that we live in a simulation. Look how wrong they were in 1905, they were stupidly wrong, embarrassingly wrong, irrevocably wrong. And they're wrong about this.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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