Chico "No, but I'm used to him."
Gordon Gekko
Quote: jjjooogggUtah, get me two.
My similar quote would be "Utah, get me out"
Mark 13:35 (from Shawshank Redemption)
Quote: odiousgambit
That happens a lot with translation from Chinese/Asian.
For example a "I give you a life gamble" would probably make most westerners think of taking a gamble that's going to change their lives and probably for the better, like a risky investment perhaps
But it actually means risking your life physically. Westerners would probably say "I give you a Death challenge"
Quote: DieterWhoever decided that September, October, November, and December shouldn't be the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth months should be stabbed.
Chinese New Year is in February so that kinda works out.
Quote: darkozChinese New Year is in February so that kinda works out.
Someone tried explaining this last year, but I smelled a rat.
CEO of Cytodyn.
(Yes he did say that. Technically he isn't incorrect. It's currently $1.40)
Steve Martin
Quote: DieterWhoever decided that September, October, November, and December shouldn't be the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth months should be stabbed.
Rule 18?
Quote: billryanRule 18?
I think commenting on an assassination from over 2000 years ago is different than (humorously) calling for the decapitation of a couple caught dogging in a car park (without being accused of depositing their soiled prophylactic contrivances in the flower bed, I might add), but fair is fair.
I am hereby warning myself not to call for the assassination of historical political figures who renumbered the months of the year.
alcohol won't solve any of your problems
but then again neither will milk
LOL! But now it kinda smells a little more bovine?Quote: DieterSomeone tried explaining this last year, but I smelled a rat.
Quote: billryanI prefer Wheezy, Sneezy and Freezy; Slippy, Drippy and Nippy; Showery, Flowery and Bowery; Hoppy, Croppy and Poppy myself but they never really took off.
Whereas for the names of the months I would prefer:
Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Fili, and Kili
And February 29 would be its own month: Bilbo.
I see what you did there. Very clever. 👍Quote: DieterWhoever decided that September, October, November, and December shouldn't be the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth months should be stabbed.
In the summertime when the weather's fine
You've got women, you've got women on your mind
Have a drink, have a drive
Go out and see what you can find
from "In the Summertime" by Mungo Jerry________________________________he was a one hit wonder
Apparently you’ve never heard of the Bible. It’s a best seller. 🤪Quote: billryanI've never heard a good explanation on why the seven day week is so special.
/sarcasm off/
Edit: I forgot that this is a quotes thread and thought YOU were making that comment. 😵💫
America is a country where a great many people believe that the moon landings were faked
And that professional wrestling is real
Bradley- Thanks!
Martha- it’s not a compliment, he went to PRISON!
Quote: Grigory Perelman
You are disturbing me.
I am picking mushrooms.
overheard at a roulette table:
"I hope I break even tonight. I really need the money."
Quote: lilredrooster__________
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In the summertime when the weather's fine
You've got women, you've got women on your mind
Have a drink, have a drive
Go out and see what you can find
from "In the Summertime" by Mungo Jerry________________________________he was a one hit wonder
Well, my buddy Jim Bass, he's working pumpin gas
Makes two fift for an hour
He's got rhythm in his hands as he's tappin on the cans
Sings rock and rock in shower
Gold. -John Stewart
One hit wonder
Good tune, with Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham joining in.
Before they joined Fleetwood Mac Stevie and Lindsey put together a great album, "Buckingham Nicks."
It was like magic the first time I heard their little known power song "Frozen Love" on FM in the Colorado Rockies in 1975.
from the oldie entitled 'Money'
"Money don't get everything it's true
But what it don't get I can't use"
Think I'll buy me a football team
Pink Floyd
Karl Marx said of capitalism - that it's:
"half lamentation_________half lampoon
half echo of the past_________________half threat to the future"
I'm not a Marxist by any means - but wow - the man could write
I think he might have been against racist math too... four halves can equal one thing instead of two it seems... if bigoted people like Euclid would just quit being so damn white about it [such certainty]Quote: lilredrooster_____________
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Karl Marx said of capitalism - that it's:
"half lamentation_________half lampoon
half echo of the past_________________half threat to the future"
I'm not a Marxist by any means - but wow - the man could write
Quote: odiousgambit[] I think he might have been against racist math too... four halves can equal one thing instead of two it seems... if bigoted people like Euclid would just quit being so damn white about it [such certainty
I think that is what is usually called "literary license"
it generally, however, refers to fiction not non-fiction
it wouldn't have sounded as strong if he used the words "one quarter"
of course, Marx didn't mind straying into fiction - he was trying to find powerful words to start a revolution - not please critics of his writing style
it sounds like you don't appreciate Marx or his writings_________certainly understandable
I don't like that he was trying to push the world towards Communism - I'm against that
but I love reading his works - his writings - his choices of words
Quote: Jackie RobinsonA life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives
"What good is happiness? It can't buy money." — Mad MagazineQuote: lilredrooster"Money don't get everything it's true
But what it don't get I can't use"
I modified it to work in situations where I receive money: "Oh good, money! The only thing I like better than happiness."
Quote: MichaelBluejay"What good is happiness? It can't buy money." — Mad Magazine
I modified it to work in situations where I receive money: "Oh good, money! The only thing I like better than happiness.
" but I don't care too much for money
money can't buy me love"
The Beatles
- Sir Bedevere the Wise
I always preferred to think of it as "I don't care for too much money", sung with a Spanish accent. I don't know why.Quote: lilredroosterbut I don't care too much for money
Paul McCartney did express some displeasure at those who changed the lyrics to "Yesterday". Instead of "I said something wrong", they changed it to something like "I must've done something wrong". Paul saw it as the narrator as equivocating, not completely owning up to his mistake.
Returning to quotable quotes, I'll share one since until now it's nowhere on the Internet. Before I was a teenager, in the 70s, an edition of Mad Magazine had a panel mocking modern art, where the painter gave the following gem while explaining his painting to an on-looker. It was so choice that I decided to commit it to memory, which I'm glad I did:
"It symbolizes man's inner quest for himself as he listens to the vibrations of two molecules in communion with a yak."
"whoever said money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to go shopping"
Bo Derek
Quote: lilredrooster___________
America is a country where a great many people believe that the moon landings were faked
My wife has a niece who believes that, just because it looks like you can see a flag waving in one of the videos. She also believes the dinosaurs left about ten thousand years ago. She has a college degree but these days that means almost nothing. She isn't dumb, but the only thing she's really good at is having babies. She's had five so far.
Be it moon landing, dinosaurs, or stolen election: idiocy seems to be running rampant.
Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
(Not sure of the source.)
Quote: EvenBobMy wife has a niece who believes that, just because it looks like you can see a flag waving in one of the videos. She also believes the dinosaurs left about ten thousand years ago. She has a college degree but these days that means almost nothing. She isn't dumb, but the only thing she's really good at is having babies. She's had five so far.
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And that my liege is how we know the earth to be banana-shaped.
Quote: UP84
And that my liege is how we know the earth to be banana-shaped.
I'm not posting this to laugh at the guy
actually it makes me sad
Mike Hughes died after crashing his homemade rocket that he launched trying to prove the earth is flat