There's a couple 5.9 earthquakes off the Oregon Coast this morning which could foreshadow similar sized quakes in California & Nevada this week.
Quote: ChumpChange6/04/2021 -- West Coast USA struck -- Two M5.9 Earthquakes fractures across 13 miles in 25min! - dutchsinse
My prediction is we're all dead by August.
Quote: RogerKintMy prediction is we're all dead by August.
I sure hope so
Quote: RogerKintMy prediction is we're all dead by August.
But will it be :
1. Earthquakes
2. Asteroid impact
3. Lethal Pandemic
4. AI revolt against humans?
5. Hostile alien invasion (see UFO thread)
6. Environmental disaster
7. Nuclear War
8. Mutation in insects leading to destruction of food crops
Quote: ChumpChangeI'm gonna go with anti-vaxxers getting sick in the grocery aisles and we'll all starve to death because they shutdown the food chain.
Is this before or after their penuses shoot off and fly around the room?,-134.64844&extent=55.67758,-55.37109
Quote: Dentert’s terrible, I’m afraid to imagine what a blow to the economy is brought by various natural disasters. Nature is stronger than man, I don't even know if man will ever cope with her power. We need to learn to live in harmony with the world around us, and not slowly kill our home planet with garbage, weapons, and war. If every person started with himself, at least the air in his hometown would become cleaner.
I'm not certain that the shifting of tectonic plates is necessarily concerned with our carbon emissions or weapons, but maybe it is.
You can look up what happens if the tectonic plates were to stop moving. Spoiler Alert: That doesn't end well.
Quote: Dentert’s terrible, I’m afraid to imagine what a blow to the economy is brought by various natural disasters. Nature is stronger than man, I don't even know if man will ever cope with her power. We need to learn to live in harmony with the world around us, and not slowly kill our home planet with garbage, weapons, and war. If every person started with himself, at least the air in his hometown would become cleaner.
Peace in our time, as they say in the suspension thread.