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January 22nd, 2011 at 8:47:54 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Well, since my EZ Lotto idea flopped, perhaps I could try EZ Dice Control. Just send $100, cash, check or money order. You get nothing in return, but at least I'm being honest about it :P

I wouldnt be surprised if you set up a website and actually got some takers.
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January 22nd, 2011 at 9:11:29 PM permalink
Quote: Croupier

I wouldnt be surprised if you set up a website and actually got some takers.

I could set up a website promising to beat people up if they send me money, and I assure you there'd be some takers. There's neither an intelligence nor a sanity check when you sign up for broadband :P
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January 22nd, 2011 at 10:18:09 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

I could set up a website promising to beat people up if they send me money, and I assure you there'd be some takers. There's neither an intelligence nor a sanity check when you sign up for broadband :P

That is quite a standard fetish, so I wouldnt be surprised. Its the money for nothing (and the chicks for free) concept that is intruiging me. It might be worth an experiment.
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January 22nd, 2011 at 10:21:41 PM permalink
Quote: Croupier

That is quite a standard fetish, so I wouldnt be surprised. Its the money for nothing (and the chicks for free) concept that is intruiging me. It might be worth an experiment.

Oh, fetishes are a dime a dozen.

An experiment? It might be worth doing it. It's not fraud if you promise to deliver nothing. Let me know how it turns out ;)
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January 22nd, 2011 at 10:33:34 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Oh, fetishes are a dime a dozen.

An experiment? It might be worth doing it. It's not fraud if you promise to deliver nothing. Let me know how it turns out ;)

I will. It will give me something to do on my week off.
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January 23rd, 2011 at 2:51:18 AM permalink
Angry people at a casino. Blackjack probably attracts the most, but there are many at the craps tables too. It's as if they are at their desks at work and they are bothered by everyone standing around enjoying a coffee break. I go to a Casino because I enjoy it. I gamble to win. It's a fact of life that the people (and slot machines) at a casino are noisy. Grin and bear it. Have fun instead of standing around looking pissed off all the time. I have no problem concentrating. It's like when I played an away game in basketball. I'd be at the free throw line with the game on the line and everyone in the house was YELLING AT ME!!! Count 'em!!

PS-Cracks me up too when golfers freak out when someone sneezes in the crowd when trying to putt!! Like they're preforming brain surgery!
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January 23rd, 2011 at 5:08:27 AM permalink
Players who curse someone when they roll a seven after the point has been established. ALL of the "right" players want to win...the shooter sure does not want to roll that nasty number. You do realize that it is a random event that is more likely to occur than other numbers, right?

There was one gentleman that kept on saying stuff about shooters as the seven'd out..."What kind of s%^& is that?"...I figured he was one of them there "dice controllers" and would want the dice as soon as possible. After he said something nasty about ten people ahead of him to shoot (even after some made 2-3 points)...HE PASSED THE DICE!! I unloaded on him!! I asked him how the f^&* he could curse every shooter and then pass the dice? He left the table with his tail between his legs...

It sure feels good when a 45 year old can get under the skin of a guy like that. 85 year old guys with walkers and oxygen shouldn't be smoking and sitting in a chair at the craps table, anyway!!

(the last couple of lines were fiction; the rest of the story is true...)
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January 23rd, 2011 at 6:03:15 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

But the OP lists in the same posting a whole series of hedges like hopping 7's and laying the 5 or 9 on his comeout rolls. If those aren't hedges, the definition of the word has changed radically.

Hopping 7's is not a hedge bet for me - it is just a fun bet. Since I'm going for a home run and not a cover. Laying the 5 or 9 is not done to protect a don't pass line bet it is done in conjunction with a pass line bet - how in the world does one hedge a pass line bet by laying a 5 or 9 and hoping for a 7?

So the definition hasn't changed at all - I don't hedge.

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January 23rd, 2011 at 6:16:26 AM permalink
Quote: clarkacal

I would like to invite you to my new casino where I have your own craps table especially reserved for you, with some Grey Goose (or whatever your favorite drink is) on ice.

I understand, you play for entertainment and aren't worried about those pesky odds. I'm curious to see what you would vote for in my "Lifetime Gambling Earnings" poll though.

Thanks for the offer but actually I'm doing very well. I spent over 40 comp'd nights in casinos last year including two weeks in Vegas and my PL sheet shows that I'm down $985 but I have a current comp balance of over $500. Now if you can give me 40 free nights lodging in upgraded suites, all of the top shelf Remy Martin I can drink and all of the steak I can eat plus hours and hours of action for $485 then go for it. I don't like playing by myself however so you would have to bring in some other people to provide the necessary atmosphere and I'm sure that would cost you any theoretical profit that you might think you will enjoy.

Lifetime I'm ahead due to a number of huge wins. Lifetime I'm also ahead because I have a gorgeous wife (44 years), several wonderful children (and a couple not so wonderful but I love 'em anyway), a great job that pays me a $#!t load of money, two monthly retirement checks, nominally free health care, and several extremely large pension accounts.

And I told you that you guys would hate the way I play.
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January 23rd, 2011 at 6:18:40 AM permalink
Time for a new pet peeve freom a dealer prespective. Not sure if "real" dealers get this so any on here feel free to chime in. At the casino parties there are always some people who want to make the hop bets. I don't mind telling them the dealer needs to place them, that is part of learning. But they hand their chips over and say, "30 to one."

"30 to 1 what, mamm?"
"The bet, I want the 30 to one!"
"You mean the 12 or the 2? Both pay 30 to 1."
"Oh, the 12."

swep the bets

"I'd like 15 to 1 this time............"

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January 23rd, 2011 at 6:32:51 AM permalink
Quote: Yoyomama

PS-Cracks me up too when golfers freak out when someone sneezes in the crowd when trying to putt!! Like they're preforming brain surgery!

Actually brain surgeons perform surrounded by noisy equipment, like respirators, anesthesia and oxygen delivery systems, heart and respiration monitors, not to mention a room full of people who talk to the surgeon as needed.

In football players need to be very focused on the snap count, so they'll know when to start the play. A ploy often tried is to count in such a way that the defense will be drawn offside. And they do this in a stadium full of screaming fans. So I suppose golfers can take a little sneeze now and then :P
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January 23rd, 2011 at 6:39:36 AM permalink
I believe that the lifetime gambling polls is highly skewed and that people are not really answering honestly.
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January 23rd, 2011 at 6:45:15 AM permalink
Quote: Martin

Thanks for the offer but actually I'm doing very well. I spent over 40 comp'd nights in casinos last year including two weeks in Vegas and my PL sheet shows that I'm down $985 but I have a current comp balance of over $500. Now if you can give me 40 free nights lodging in upgraded suites, all of the top shelf Remy Martin I can drink and all of the steak I can eat plus hours and hours of action for $485 then go for it. I don't like playing by myself however so you would have to bring in some other people to provide the necessary atmosphere and I'm sure that would cost you any theoretical profit that you might think you will enjoy.

Lifetime I'm ahead due to a number of huge wins. Lifetime I'm also ahead because I have a gorgeous wife (44 years), several wonderful children (and a couple not so wonderful but I love 'em anyway), a great job that pays me a $#!t load of money, two monthly retirement checks, nominally free health care, and several extremely large pension accounts.

And I told you that you guys would hate the way I play.

As long as you don't put your hands in the field of play while the dice are in the air and make your "crappy" bets while the dice are in the middle, I don't care.

Congratulations on your great life.
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April 14th, 2011 at 4:52:55 AM permalink
Mine is that when I'm in the middle of a roll,, someone throws money(not chips) on the table. let me finish my roll first would ya..
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April 14th, 2011 at 5:01:26 AM permalink
No one voted getting hit with the dice? In the middle of a hot roll, my buddy threw the dice across the table and hit a guy in the chest. He was a little grumpy, but still making money...
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April 14th, 2011 at 6:00:17 AM permalink
Quote: Whitec

Mine is that when I'm in the middle of a roll,, someone throws money(not chips) on the table. let me finish my roll first would ya..

I've never understood this one, personally. Do players feel that it slows down the game too much? Or is it messing with their "karma"? Not trying to be offensive/argue, just curious..
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April 14th, 2011 at 8:30:24 AM permalink
Quote: RPToro

I've never understood this one, personally. Do players feel that it slows down the game too much? Or is it messing with their "karma"? Not trying to be offensive/argue, just curious..

I think its simply a tradition that reflects a certain courtesy and a certain awareness of the effects of alcohol and excitement. The shooter doesn't want there to be an interruption such as some sort of "intermission". If the casino has a drop box pickup scheduled, too bad for the shooter and the shooter knows it. I think its just courteous to let the shooter go ahead and finish his roll rather than interrupting his concentration. If the shooter has been drinking there could be a casino awareness that its better to not provoke these half sloshed players. I recall that I once came in mid-roll and didn't even realize it because I was concentrating on the guest I had brought along to the casino. It was a ten dollar minimum table and I called out "Three Hundred Coming". I'm not certain if it was the fact that I had just approached the table or that I had no chips in my hand at the time but the stick decided to bring the dice back to the center and let me buy in and then he pushed the dice out to the shooter. I hadn't even realized there was a point and the shooter was mid-roll. Alot may have hinged on the fact that my bet was to be for three hundred dollars and the crew had probably not seen three hundred dollars being wagered in one bet for eons. So the stick and boxman allowed a mid-roll buyin.

When I am shooting I don't mind if the dice take a pause. I probably need the pause to catch up mentally with what is going on. Others seem to hate the imposed break.

Its the same way with "overboard" dice. If the dice stray, I'll wait. I don't care if its same dice or not. Don't care at all.
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April 14th, 2011 at 8:55:27 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

I think its simply a tradition that reflects a certain courtesy and a certain awareness of the effects of alcohol and excitement. The shooter doesn't want there to be an interruption such as some sort of "intermission". If the casino has a drop box pickup scheduled, too bad for the shooter and the shooter knows it. I think its just courteous to let the shooter go ahead and finish his roll rather than interrupting his concentration. If the shooter has been drinking there could be a casino awareness that its better to not provoke these half sloshed players. I recall that I once came in mid-roll and didn't even realize it because I was concentrating on the guest I had brought along to the casino. It was a ten dollar minimum table and I called out "Three Hundred Coming". I'm not certain if it was the fact that I had just approached the table or that I had no chips in my hand at the time but the stick decided to bring the dice back to the center and let me buy in and then he pushed the dice out to the shooter. I hadn't even realized there was a point and the shooter was mid-roll. Alot may have hinged on the fact that my bet was to be for three hundred dollars and the crew had probably not seen three hundred dollars being wagered in one bet for eons. So the stick and boxman allowed a mid-roll buyin.

When I am shooting I don't mind if the dice take a pause. I probably need the pause to catch up mentally with what is going on. Others seem to hate the imposed break.

Its the same way with "overboard" dice. If the dice stray, I'll wait. I don't care if its same dice or not. Don't care at all.

I am with you on both of these points 'Stiff'. I have always bought in when I get to the table regardless of where we are in the roll. I don't plunk money down if the dice are in the shooters hand but if a number is hit there is always a delay while the bets are paid anway and I never start with more than a come bet in the middle of the roll so it doesn't slow the game. But I have had some pretty dirty looks the times the next roll is a seven-out because I obviously caused it by letting my cash touch the table.

I hardly ever call same dice when I happen to bounce one off. Just give me 2 dice and let me roll em.
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April 14th, 2011 at 9:13:13 AM permalink
This reminds me of a question: Why do the dealers always call "no action" when you put your cash buy-in down, when nobody allows cash wagers nowadays anyway?

Has anybody ever seen a cash wager at a table game? I haven't.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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April 14th, 2011 at 9:26:00 AM permalink
Quote: teddys

Has anybody ever seen a cash wager at a table game? I haven't.

Never. I've seen signs at roulette tables saying cash wagers aren't allowed, I think at Harrah's.
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:11:43 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

... When I am shooting I don't mind if the dice take a pause. I probably need the pause to catch up mentally with what is going on. Others seem to hate the imposed break. ...

Sometimes when I am shooting, another player is buying in or trying to place additional bets, and the stick man or some player acts as if it's slowing the game down. My comment is usually, "I'm never in such a hurry to lose my money that I can't wait for someone else to put theirs at risk." I don't pick up the dice, even if they are offered, and just by my saying that, everyone seems to be willing to chill and wait for all the bets to be placed.

Quote: teddys

... Has anybody ever seen a cash wager at a table game? I haven't.

Actually, I have done it myself a couple of times, in a special situation. If I don't really want to spend time playing but have a match play coupon that I don't want to leave unplayed, I'll stop at a blackjack table and bet the coupon and cash on one hand. It's generally obvious to the dealer that I am a one-hand customer. If my hand loses, they drop the cash and coupon in the box, with no chips ever entering play. If my hand wins, they pay the winnings in chips and collect the coupon, leaving the cash on the table -- then I'm free to play the chips or cash them in. I specifically remember doing this at MGM and at Tropicana and maybe elsewhere.
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:15:43 AM permalink
Back in the days when someone could plunk down cash and say 'cash plays' people still used chips (technically cheques) most of the time but walking past a table and making one bet was common as was walking up and getting immediate action with cash.

No Action was the call to keep there from being any arguments. If you made an ambiguous bet or a bet they thought was late, it was an immediate "no action". Players could call out bets but it could not be abused with ambigous bets where a player could pay a small amount if he lost but claimed his sentence meant a different bet if he won. Cash used to be acceptable. Now its too dangerous for the casino to anger the IRS and its too risky for the casino to have fights at tables. So its 'no call bets' and 'no action on cash'. Dealers still call it out to avoid any misunderstandings or time consuming claims.
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:16:01 AM permalink
Back in the days when someone could plunk down cash and say 'cash plays' people still used chips (technically cheques) most of the time but walking past a table and making one bet was common as was walking up and getting immediate action with cash.

No Action was the call to keep there from being any arguments. If you made an ambiguous bet or a bet they thought was late, it was an immediate "no action". Players could call out bets but it could not be abused with ambigous bets where a player could pay a small amount if he lost but claimed his sentence meant a different bet if he won. Cash used to be acceptable. Now its too dangerous for the casino to anger the IRS and its too risky for the casino to have fights at tables. So its 'no call bets' and 'no action on cash'. Dealers still call it out to avoid any misunderstandings or time consuming claims.
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:30:15 AM permalink
Quote: teddys

This reminds me of a question: Why do the dealers always call "no action" when you put your cash buy-in down, when nobody allows cash wagers nowadays anyway?

Has anybody ever seen a cash wager at a table game? I haven't.

I've seen cash wagers at blackjack tables many times. It even has its own term- "money plays". A player puts money in the betting box and tells the dealer he wants to play it. A knowledgeable player would actually say,"money plays". The dealer calls these words out and the pit boss comes to the table to ok it. It's a one time bet and win or lose the money gets dropped. The player either gets all chips or nothing.
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:37:23 AM permalink
Although "money plays" is generally only in Vegas, I do see cash action all the time.

In fact, I often do it myself.

If I buy in in the middle of a roll, I might throw down $100 and say "6 and 8 for $12 each". If the dealer doesn't have time to place the checques, he'll confirm it verbally, and it's a bet. Usually, even if the next roll is a 7-out, the dealer will cut the checques and place the bet when providing my change.

FWIW, "Money Plays" means the cash itself stays on the table. If the bet wins, the cash can be returned, along with checques for the winning payoff. Usually, however, with a win, the cash goes into the drop slot and checques are returned for the bet and win.
I invented a few casino games. Info: http://www.DaveMillerGaming.com/ ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:50:48 AM permalink
You might be right about the money staying on a craps table, but never once have I seen it stay on a blackjack table. They just don't want to deal with it.
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:51:11 AM permalink
I don't care how anyone else is betting...it's their $. I just hate the guys that take 5 minutes to set up the dice in whatever particular manner they think will help them.
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April 14th, 2011 at 11:53:08 AM permalink
One of my dislikes is the term "suspicious roll"... look Boxman, if you don't like it you can say No Roll or short roll or Please throw them harder or please hit the back wall... but don't say "suspicious". I'm standing there under bright lights and cameras with beautiful young cocktail waitresses ready to throw themselves at my feet. You really think I'm going to do something suspicious with all those witnesses around. (Okay, okay... the cocktail waitresses are really walking around over-awed that the fat old geezer ain't kicked the bucket yet!)
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April 14th, 2011 at 12:29:25 PM permalink
My biggest pet peeve is about all the posts on this site about how you can place this or that, use a progression etc and somehow overcome the HE by these maniplulations. Sort of like selling things at a loss but making it up in volume
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April 14th, 2011 at 2:00:51 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

Late bettors.
The dice are in the center for six minutes, but as soon as the dice move - bang - four last minute prop bets are thrown in over the moving dice.

Yep, that's my peeve. The goof who plops down a field bet just as you throw the dice and it hits his chip(s) and...
"7 out"!
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April 14th, 2011 at 6:15:37 PM permalink
Quote: Martin

I do not hedge bet nor would I ever bet pass and don't pass at the same time.

If I remember rite, that's called the "Do-e - Don't" system. It's supposed to eliminate the house edge, but doesn't because of the "Bar 12".
I am going to win the World Series of Poker!! (someday)
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