These Chinese people are probably not all Chinese but oriental from all over Asia. Some of them probably American citizens. They are superstitious, yes, but so are all those multiracial people playing jackpot machines , keno, etc,.Most of them think or dream that they can win! Just like these Chinese people. No difference. There are very few gamblers from Asia study the right kind of English casino book. Most of them don't know how to read complicated English book. So they read those superstitious Chinese books about casino gambling. I think most of gamblers in US are also
Not too informed about the odd ,the house edge etc about casino gambling .So, why single out those Chinese people !! Long time ago, black was the target of racism. But look at the president of the America!!
Quote: FranciscoSo, why single out those Chinese people !!
Everybody(every race) gets called out for their stereotypes. Haven't you noticed? Nothing is too sacred that can't be talked about on the internet.
Or haven't you ever played baccarat and noticed what the people around you look like?
But, it's fair to say baccarat is extremely popular in certain parts of the world. And hence, people of certain nationalities tend to like it more than others. Also, look at the advitsments for baccarat rooms and deals, many of them are geared for a specific group, so it seems the advertising polls notice this...
If I said idiotic/superstitous white people made up most of the slot players would you call me rascist? (Its just as true, and both statements are totally non rascist).
Much of recreational taste is cultural. People of different backgrounds naturally prefer different games based on where they were raised.

Quote: Franciscopost about Chinese people and baccarat .I think there was a little racism in the discussion
Serious comment: Gamblers seem to be subjected to unavoidable observations. IMO we seldom get racist remarks here about it, although perhaps you could argue there is some bigotry ... not the same thing, you know.
I don't really know what Mexicans do -- come to think of it, I rarely see Mexicans in a casino (gamblers, not employees, that is).
Not all Asians/Chinese are overly superstitious just most of the ploppys I have ever known and most everyone is a ploppy anyways . And yes Asians/Chinese tend to choose Baccarat more than Americas. Chinese actually believe they can predict and control
I believe there have been studies that show Chinese in particular are very superstitious. Hell...The MGM Grand changed
it's lion mouth entrance because walking through a lions mouth is considered by chinese to bring bad luck.
Also Chinese are superstitious about not only animals but also...number, colors, word (as shown above)
Chinese don't like 4's and avoid picking them because its associated with death or something. They avoid hotel floors with the number 4.
Betting it all on red RED probably started because it represents luck and fortune to chinese when associated with the Chinese NY.
They believe touching shoulders is bad luck.
The list goes on and on about how superstitious they are.
They gamble often gamble for pride and to show off.
BTW It's probably not a good Idea to shake hands with a winning Chinese gambler if you're certain hes superstitious. If you hear them shouting dang dig jin or (whatever it is) at baccarat because they wont wash their hands in fear of washing the luck off.
Ill take you to Circus Circus. Actually they play 1 penny at a time on slots for free beer.Quote: RSWhite people play blackjack, black people play craps, Asian people play baccarat (and the other "Asian" games like PGP, Tiles, shit with dragons in it, etc.). Pretty much everyone, except for blacks, play slots. Oh yeah, old people too -- they play slots as well as bingo.
I don't really know what Mexicans do -- come to think of it, I rarely see Mexicans in a casino (gamblers, not employees, that is).This isn't meant to be racist -- just the way it is. Not saying "Only old people only play bingo and slots", since certainly they play other games and other types of people definitely play slots and bingo...but you get the point.
Quote: AxelWolfIll take you to Circus Circus. Actually they play 1 penny at a time on slots for free beer.
Is it just a huge pack of 'em there? Sounds like advantage play...
Quote: AZDuffmanOur society needs to get over race and trying to call out "racism" at every turn. Such behavior is killing us. Get over it.
I agree. Comparing and contrasting certain things that different groups of people do is not racist at all; it is just a discussion of observations and, and many times, those dreaded things called facts. Calling everything "racism" simply means less people end up really caring by the time a real issue involving "racism" comes up because "racism" has been hollered so many times for little reason.
If the suspect is white, say so. What is wrong with giving a proper description of a suspect? Racism? Nonsense!
Different groups have different tendencies in a casino. Discussing it is not "Racism"; it is a discussion!
Quote: Francisco
These Chinese people are probably not all Chinese but oriental from all over Asia. Some of them probably American citizens. They are superstitious, yes, but so are all those multiracial people playing jackpot machines , keno, etc!!
I don't consider posts regarding Bac and Chinese superstitions racist.
Sure all cultures have their superstitions.
Too me pointing out particular Chinese superstitions regarding gambling is not racist.
Its just the way it is.
Even though my Mom passed away, I still follow her superstition of eating noodles on my birthday for good luck.
My mom was Chinese, I was born in the Republic of China.
Quote: AxelWolfYour Chinese? If so you should know Chinese admit they are superstitious and proud of it.
Not all Asians/Chinese are overly superstitious just most of the ploppys I have ever known and most everyone is a ploppy anyways . And yes Asians/Chinese tend to choose Baccarat more than Americas. Chinese actually believe they can predict and control
I believe there have been studies that show Chinese in particular are very superstitious. Hell...The MGM Grand changed
it's lion mouth entrance because walking through a lions mouth is considered by chinese to bring bad luck.
Also Chinese are superstitious about not only animals but also...number, colors, word (as shown above)
Chinese don't like 4's and avoid picking them because its associated with death or something. They avoid hotel floors with the number 4.
Asians are probably the most superstitious people on earth and Chinese are the most superstitious Asians. Numbers, colors, you name it. When I was in pest control a Chinese woman refused service that month because it was bad luck to "kill anything in the house" during the month of Chinese New Year.
In college a textbook mentioned a businessman should not put any ribbons on a gift to a Chinese associate because there were so many color combinations that would be bad luck. In most cultures it would be one or two (e.g.: you would not use a black ribbon in the USA) but for China it said not to even bother trying.
I have to wonder if the card-bending goes into that as I have seen Asians to whom bending cards is practically an involuntary reflex.
Sorry, I should not use the word racism . Probably just ' look down at ' them a little bit?? Or I am too sensitive. My apology.
LOL.. how can you be better at a Baccarat table? OH NVM, you mean they usually suck at games like BJ, where some skill needed.Quote: Dicenor33I've seen Asians play all games on a floor. They are simply better at baccarat tables, the same with whites, Craps is where they succeed the most. Whites can not jump, blacks can jump, Jews are good with stock market, Asians make good food, etc, whatever nature made you good at.
They like baccarat card Peeling(or whatever you call it) , they think that can actually help.
If you add everybody playing baccarat in the US this is probably true.Quote: Baccaratfrom79Most of the people (Asians) at the USA baccarat tables are not Chinese by majority.
However I doubt they are the minority if you separate everyone.
You have any data on this?
I haven't seen that to be true. I think it depends on the location.Quote: RSPretty much everyone, except for blacks, play slots.
Quote: Dicenor33Please, whites are not so stupid. Chinese speak mandarin and look like Chinese, Koreans speak Korean and look like Koreans, Vietnamese look and speak like Vietnamese.
You are wrong, maybe if a White person/people live around or work with Asian they can tell some of them. Even my wife and 'X' could not tell all the Asian nationalities apart, most but not all. A typical White person or Black with no Asian in his/her family cannot. Most do really refer to most Asians as "Chinese' people in a generic sense anyways.
I have been around Asians (family wise-business partners and Asian communities) for well over 35 years now. I still cannot tell them all apart to a certainty without asking. Sure I can most but not all. Many people while gambling will ask me when my wife steps away from the table, 'hey-your wife Chinese or Korean' and she doesn't look like either, she looks very typical Laos/Viet, not dark skin but darker than Korean and Chinese and many other SE Asian features.
Quote: AxelWolfIf you add everybody playing baccarat in the US this is probably true.
However I doubt they are the minority if you separate everyone.
You have any data on this?
Most times at the majority of the places in all my years of playing, that is what I have found. As far as the strip in Vegas, still true but at times at The Mirage there are more Chinese than any other nationality. With rare exceptions, I would say the norm at baccarat tables would be no more than 40% Chinese. Might fluctuate from casino to casino and the closer you are to California, Chicago or NYC at properties that are nearer a more populated locale by Chinese.
Watching The Interview right now. Gotta admit, North Korea is a lot different than I expected it to be.
KJU plays basketball? Who knew?
Quote: RS"They hate us cuz they ain't us [anus]."
Watching The Interview right now. Gotta admit, North Korea is a lot different than I expected it to be.
KJU plays basketball? Who knew?
He plays with Dennis Rodman on the weekends
You used the the term "oriental" in you fourth sentence. From what I've heard most Asians consider that term to be offensive.Quote: FranciscoI am new here. I just read June 6 2014 post about Chinese people and baccarat .I think there was a little racism in the discussion .
These Chinese people are probably not all Chinese but oriental from all over Asia. Some of them probably American citizens. They are superstitious, yes, but so are all those multiracial people playing jackpot machines , keno, etc,.Most of them think or dream that they can win! Just like these Chinese people. No difference. There are very few gamblers from Asia study the right kind of English casino book. Most of them don't know how to read complicated English book. So they read those superstitious Chinese books about casino gambling. I think most of gamblers in US are also
Not too informed about the odd ,the house edge etc about casino gambling .So, why single out those Chinese people !! Long time ago, black was the target of racism. But look at the president of the America!!
So basically every time you use the word Asian, you should use oriental, unless you're talking about people. (ie: It's oriental food, not Asian food.) Although I *believe* you CAN use Asian instead of oriental. Asian can refer to things, but oriental is the most proper.
To use the word oriental when describing a person, though, would be improper.
He was actually a pretty courteous guy and wouldn't lock up every seat, leaving seats for independent agents like myself. The people who worked for him said he was a fair and honest guy. I mostly played against his team at the Cal Neva on the 9/6 Jacks progressives with super strong meters like 1.5% and 2%.
I actually liked playing with the team present. I'm not a marathon player. With ten machines going and everyone cranking out at least 1000 HPH, and everyone using an aggresive royal strategy meant the royal was usually hit in just a few hours and I could go on my way.
$2300 was the magic number we all came in on.
Quote: RSI believe (grammatically) the word "Asian" refers to description of people from Asia, while "oriental" is used to describe THINGS from/of Asia.
So basically every time you use the word Asian, you should use oriental, unless you're talking about people. (ie: It's oriental food, not Asian food.) Although I *believe* you CAN use Asian instead of oriental. Asian can refer to things, but oriental is the most proper.
To use the word oriental when describing a person, though, would be improper.
That's pretty much the work it works with the Asians in my family.
Quote: GandlerCan you cite the thread to which you are referring.
Thanks for asking; that was my first question as well.
The term Oriental never bothered me.
In fact, I'm a big Charlie Chan movie fan.
I grew up watching the movies Sunday morning and liked them.
I know there are Chinese groups bothered by the Charlie Chan movies and have demanded they not be shown on TV.
I dont agree with those groups. Bring back the Charlie Chan movies.
Whats the big deal.
I've watched Triumph of the Will , Hitler movie, its part of film history
I've watched Birth of a Nation, its part of film history.
Both above movies are offensive in different ways (glorifying KKK and Hitler) but still part of film history.
Charlie Chan movies are part of fim history.
I believe in NO censorship.
I support Charlie Hebdo.
Quote: AcesAndEightsThanks for asking; that was my first question as well.
Possibly ?
The only Chinese reference I see is but that doesn't appear anywhere near racist to me.
Edit: woops, I see he specifically mentioned June 6, 2014. Here it is
Quote: RSWhite people play blackjack, black people play craps, Asian people play baccarat (and the other "Asian" games like PGP, Tiles, shit with dragons in it, etc.). Pretty much everyone, except for blacks, play slots. Oh yeah, old people too -- they play slots as well as bingo.
In my area, black people play tons of slots too...VP not so much, except for looking for Ultimate X multipliers.
Quote: mickeycrimmYou used the the term "oriental" in you fourth sentence. From what I've heard most Asians consider that term to be offensive.
I wonder why "oriental" is somehow racist but "European" is not?
I think these stereotypes come into play moreso for fobs. Most Asians who were born here follow Chinese/Asian stereotypes about as much as white people do, I'll give OP that. However, the fobs tend to fit these stereotypes to a letter as far as I'm concerned.
I'm really surprised nobody I have ever met considers "fob" a derogatory word. Like, in the grand scheme of all racial terms, that one is tantamount to "wetback". Both are shortened ways of pointing out how someone arrived into the country.
Quote: FranciscoI am new here. I just read June 6 2014 post about Chinese people and baccarat .I think there was a little racism in the discussion .
These Chinese people are probably not all Chinese but oriental from all over Asia. Some of them probably American citizens. They are superstitious, yes, but so are all those multiracial people playing jackpot machines , keno, etc,.Most of them think or dream that they can win! Just like these Chinese people. No difference. There are very few gamblers from Asia study the right kind of English casino book. Most of them don't know how to read complicated English book. So they read those superstitious Chinese books about casino gambling. I think most of gamblers in US are also
Not too informed about the odd ,the house edge etc about casino gambling .So, why single out those Chinese people !! Long time ago, black was the target of racism. But look at the president of the America!!
Hey Francisco, I am also a little bothered by the fact that the number of racists and bigots on this forum seems above the internet average. However, they are still only a vocal and obnoxious minority. Hang around here for a little while and you know who they are and you will know which threads you don't need to bother with. And with the rest of the people here, you can have the best gambling and Vegas discussions anywhere on the net.
vote I'm A Bigot.
Quote: ahiromu
I'm really surprised nobody I have ever met considers "fob" a derogatory word. Like, in the grand scheme of all racial terms, that one is tantamount to "wetback". Both are shortened ways of pointing out how someone arrived into the country.
Maybe abbreviating it isn't too common? It's definitely not in St. Louis. I've only heard that term in long form. I had to Google to verify the abbreviation.
And also there is the term "key fob" that's non-offensive.
seems very offensive because its meant to be. Oriental is not used to be offensive in most cases.Quote: ahiromu"wetback"
People are to dam sensitive, geeze, but I guess that's what a whitey would .say
Quote: AxelWolfseems very offensive because its meant to be. Oriental is not used to be offensive in most cases.
People are to dam sensitive, geeze, but I guess that's what a whitey would .say
Or a cracker.
Quote: CanyoneroHey Francisco, I am also a little bothered by the fact that the number of racists and bigots on this forum seems above the internet average. However, they are still only a vocal and obnoxious minority. Hang around here for a little while and you know who they are and you will know which threads you don't need to bother with. And with the rest of the people here, you can have the best gambling and Vegas discussions anywhere on the net.
Being called a rascist is pretty much of a joke these days. It's a catch all term the left uses to describe anyone who doesn't support their policies. If you can't win the debate play the race card. Its a way for the left to stifle debate and play on white guilt. If you believe in low taxes and less government you are a rascist. If you believe in law and order you are a rascist. The list goes on and on. Call me a rascist all you want. I don't care anymore. Your tactics of calling me a rascist will not change my opinion on anything.
Quote: tringlomaneMaybe abbreviating it isn't too common? It's definitely not in St. Louis. I've only heard that term in long form. I had to Google to verify the abbreviation.
And also there is the term "key fob" that's non-offensive.
I have never heard anyone say "fresh off the boat" without it being in the acronym form. I can confirm that my Asian friends in DC use the term (along with my hometown which is Seattle as mentioned). Regional differences in English are odd.
I'm sure someone could find a way to make key fob offensive.
Quote: AxelWolfseems very offensive because its meant to be. Oriental is not used to be offensive in most cases.
People are to dam sensitive, geeze, but I guess that's what a whitey would .say
I was comparing it to "fob" which is an acronym of "fresh off the boat" for first generation Asians.
I agree completely that intent is 90% of the issue, just pointing out how it's funny that one became acceptable and the other an insult.
Quote: mickeycrimmBeing called a rascist is pretty much of a joke these days. It's a catch all term the left uses to describe anyone who doesn't support their policies. If you can't win the debate play the race card. Its a way for the left to stifle debate and play on white guilt. If you believe in low taxes and less government you are a rascist. If you believe in law and order you are a rascist. The list goes on and on. Call me a rascist all you want. I don't care anymore. Your tactics of calling me a rascist will not change my opinion on anything.
Rascist? Is that someone who's both racist and fascist? ;)