Quote: FunkyDoctorBecause I love this thread so much and can't let it die, I offer the following official list of the Top 10 Gayest Cars of all time...
Don't worry djatc, there are four cars even gayer than yours!
Hmm!! Either they are wrong or I might be gay. I owned a Miata in 1990 and I currently drive one of the cars pictured.
I don't know. Is it attracted to other Mazda Miatas? :)
Quote: DRichHmm!! Either they are wrong or I might be gay. I owned a Miata in 1990 and I currently drive one of the cars pictured.
Time to come out of the garage?
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceThese guys definitely have it wrong. Nothing beats the Miata. VW Beetle is a close 2nd (the new one, not the original)
I have to agree with you now, although I think it was "cool" in 1990. I am actually surprised the car I drive now is on the list. It is "fabulous".
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceThese guys definitely have it wrong. Nothing beats the Miata. VW Beetle is a close 2nd (the new one, not the original)
Remember the scene in Fight Club where Brad Pitt and Ed Norton are walking down the street whacking cars with baseball bats to set off the car alarms? And then they come upon a new VW Beetle...they both stop, look at each other and give each other a smile as they simultaneously swing for the fences on the Beetle. It was the only model of car they both whacked...that was no accident.
You need to check your calibration, my friend...or perhaps you just live in Northern California. ;-)
Quote: FunkyDoctorReally???
Remember the scene in Fight Club where Brad Pitt and Ed Norton are walking down the street whacking cars with baseball bats to set off the car alarms? And then they come upon a new VW Beetle...they both stop, look at each other and give each other a smile as they simultaneously swing for the fences on the Beetle. It was the only model of car they both whacked...that was no accident.
You need to check your calibration, my friend...or perhaps you just live in Northern California. ;-)
When I say "nothing beats", I mean, it is the ultimate gay car.
Miatas are also the most raced car out there, because they are dirt cheap ($10k gets you a used track-ready car) and Mazda provides pretty good support for racers. So it's sort of a dichotomy. If you drive a stock one you are gay. If you drive one with a cage and a racing harness you are just cheap.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceWhen I say "nothing beats", I mean, it is the ultimate gay car.
Ah, got confused by the "these guys got it wrong" comment. My apologies.
So if I am reading your post correctly, you are saying that Miata's are for cheap gays. Yeah, that sounds like djatc. lol
Quote: FunkyDoctorAh, got confused by the "these guys got it wrong" comment. My apologies.
So if I am reading your post correctly, you are saying that Miata's are for cheap gays. Yeah, that sounds like djatc. lol
Ya, I meant that they got it wrong because they had it in the bottom half of the top 10. It's clearly #1.
I wouldn't drive one because it doesn't have enough power and it's not loud enough. I actually do fit in one though (they are surprisingly roomy).
StrictlyAP is right, the mini coopers are #3. And I'd have to throw the new Fiat 500 somewhere in there. That car is a disgrace. It's not even a 500.
What pic is gayer?
Once you decide, we have a real Vegas GA..P looking Miata pic for you.
Flying Miata and other web sites devoted to the Miatas sell lots of performance parts and other trick items for the cars.
Heres a video of a performance challenge where a guy tries to make his Miata faster than a Porsche.
There are 2 clubs in my area that do track days, poker runs and driving tours. The folks that have done speed modifications can make them really fast. Add on turbos and superchargers are available as bolt on packages.
Quote: ThatDonGuy
and they are fabulous!!!
Somebody please say a prayer
Turns out it was a cheap fix. Overall the tow cost more then the repair. I am still on the hunt for a new car, it's too impractical to drive a 2 seater around town.
Quote: kewljIs this Mazda Miata gay car thing just a rumor or has someone actually witnessed a Mazda Miata making love to another Mazda Miata?
Yes, I have.
Notice the bumper sticker.
Quote: WizardofnothingSo weird I just got an email with an update to this thread and there was no update
There was a spammer this morning hitting a bunch of the threads, so that may be what caused it. Looks like the admins have cleaned them all up.
I flagged several of the spam posts, but then my "flag button" disappeared. I guess maybe we only get so many flags during a certain period of time or something?
Nice Avatar, does it come with a phone # ?Quote: WizardofnothingIt's not this thread I troll all the lgbt ones .!!!!!
Don't answer that.
PM would be better ;-)
Quote: TwoFeathersATLNice Avatar, does it come with a phone # ?
Don't answer that.
PM would be better ;-)
I saw the avatar and thought it was ol' Dodsferd at first. ;)
As for Dodsferd, where did that boy go?
Profile says he visited a day or two ago, no recent posts.
He did have a knack for avatarism.
And there is a cockroach in the wiring somewhere.....
The Miata thread shows on 'recent threads' but doesn't show on the home page at the moment.
Is there a way to take advantage of that and make a couple bucks ;-?
Re: the g/f. That is a child. There is not a single mark on her, no stamp of Life. Her bra is terribly ill-fitted and much too large for her stature, and her floor is a GD mess. No woman would ever go the day being that uncomfortable, nor advertise that her home is in such disarray.
If it really IS your g/f, then enjoy. If it is REALLY your g/f, just PM some proof and I'll self ban for the insult =p

Reckon that's why they only give me one bullet. Who would've thought it was for myself? =p
The thread shows up if you specifically pull up recent threads FROM the home page (the longer list)
Or you just go to the home page, it doesn't show in the most recently active threads.
Jhit, I don't know if that makes any sense whatsoever, and I was trying to be clear.
I will attempt to understand as Face has described, made more sense than what I wrote ;-)
<edit> just double checked. What I called 'home page' begins with with 'Forum Overview' that lists recently active threads. If you click on 'recent threads', there is the thread. But left off the 'overview'.
I will assume that is as it should be, as determined by those that determine such things, and that the sun will rise in the East in the morning ( I know, it just looks like the sun rises as I spin toward where it was the last time I saw it, etc )
He posted that pic of his GF on the forum, as an Avatar?
RR+1, at least...
We may need a whole new scale.
Quote: AxelWolfhttp://www.focusst.org/forum/attachments/focus-st-discussions/14012d1373994117-i-don-t-like-fwd-cars-miataposter.jpg
What pic is gayer?
Once you decide, we have a real Vegas GA..P looking Miata pic for you.
Haha, Those are my friends, Eric in front and Kirk in back. The car belongs to my friend Dave. They did the pose as a parody of the "gay Miata" theme, and it has become Internet famous.
As best I know none of them are gay, Eric is married and Kirk dates regularly. Dave has been married for years and has kids and grandkids. None of that means that they aren't gay... but the fact that our mutual gay friends say they aren't gay probably does.
I have had my Miata for years, and I'm pretty sure I'm not gay. Not yet, anyhow.
I'm fairly certain he has come to realize Miata's aren't practical since there's no room, it barely has enough room to fit his satchel and barbra streisand CD collection.Quote: PuckerbuttResorts Casino in Tunica will be giving away a Mazda Miata on Sunday, May 29th.
Perhaps he will upgrade to a Prius .