Quote: PokerGrinderState: Oregon
City: North Bend
Casino: Mill
The chip is a white RHC with 2 edge inserts in blue and red. The centre inlay has a gear shape that shows a sunset from a dock. The casino name and denom are white and the location is red.
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Oregon is timber country: the design represents a sawmill's circular blade:

Dog Hand
City: Roseburg
Casino: Club House Poker
Today’s chip of the day is from The Club House Poker in Roseburg, Oregon. The Club House is a small poker room with 4 tables. They run small tournaments and cash games. I showed up and they had 1 game running but no seats available. The game was run and dealt by the same worker, very much a home game feel. I gave him my number and asked him to text me when a seat became available. In the meantime I drove 30 minutes to Seven Feathers Casino and hustled slots until I got the call. At that point I told him I’d be about 30 minutes since I had to drive back. I got there and bought in no problem. Like I said it was a home game feel as all the players knew each other. I played for two hours and made a few dollars. I did see my first bad beat in over 15 years of playing poker when one player rivered quads but still lost to bigger quads. Sadly it was a small bad beat, winner of the hand got $400, loser got $800 and sadly no table share for me… oh well 🤷♂️
The chip is white with 4 large blue edge inserts and 4 small blue edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with a white sticker on it. The sticker has the name and location in black with a large ♣️ that has the denom inside of it.

City: Medford
Casino: No Look
Today’s chip of the day is from No Look Poker Room in Medford, Oregon. The No Look Poker Room had about 5 tables and is owned by Jon and his wife (I forgot her name). I got there right at open as I was trying to get a jump on my stops for the day. At 11 am they didn’t have enough players yet for a game. They told me there was a Chinese food truck in the parking lot and to go order myself some lunch on the house. I had some sort of spicy saucy chicken and fried rice which was very good. The game got started by 1130 and was full shortly after. The dealer was illegally taking the game for $6 a hand but still it was a reasonable rake. They did this weird thing where they would take the rake out and put in a generic chip worth nothing. The pot would be pushed to the winner with the rake chip and every 30 minutes they would collect all the rake chips. I assume they think this makes the rake legal which it obviously doesn’t but it amused me.
The red and yellow chips beside my stack are the rake chips.

The game was soft as all of these games usually are. I made $200 before leaving after about a hour.
The chip is blue with 4 green/white edge inserts. The poker room name is on the top and bottom of the chip in green. The centre inlay is a picture of Jon’s parents, one per side of the chip. The location and denom are in white on the inlay.

City: Medford
Casino: Aces
Today’s chip of the day is from Aces Poker Room in Medford, Oregon. I got to Aces shortly after leaving No Look and they had one game running with a seat open. The game had some interesting characters in it and they clearly all knew each other well. There was a guy spewing chips all over the table as he was clearly tilted. He kept pull random amounts of 100’s out of his pocket to rebuy each time between 1000-1500. I lost a few pots early but doubled through the spewy guy. The game was really good but I had 3 more stops for the day and sadly didn’t have time to stick around. I left the game up about $500. The owner of the room was very nice, made sure everyone had snacks and drinks and even offered me an Aces t-shirt.
The chip is grey with 4 black edge inserts each with suit in white on it. Two A’s and two K’s covering the 4 suits are around the outside of the chip. The centre inlay is grey with a black spade covering the majority of the inlay. The room name, location and chip denom are all in white.

City: Yreka
Casino: Rain Rock
Today’s chip of the day is from Rain Rock Casino in Yreka, California. Rain Rock Casino opened 4/14/2018 with 349 slot machines and 8 table games. Rain Rock is definitely on the smaller side and is tucked away far away from any other casinos in California. For this reason I took a little road trip from Medford to grab a chip here before going back the same direction I came to stop in Grants Pass at a few poker rooms. Sadly one was using generic Monte Carlo home game chips and the other closed early for the night so I didn’t get a chip there. Rain Rock had a few vulturables so I made some money in the 20 minutes or so I spent playing slots. I then proceeded to lose $100 of it very quickly at their blackjack game. The dealer did the amazing magic trick of making my $100 bill disappear in about 5 minutes!
The chip is a white RHC with 4 edge inserts in pink and purple. The centre inlay is rainbow waves with a giant white R in the middle. The location and chip denom are also white.

City: Crescent City
Casino: Elk Valley
Today’s chip of the day is from Elk Valley Casino in Crescent City, California. Elk Valley Casino opened in 1995 and moved to its current location in 2022. The new building holds 300 slot machines and 4 table games. This is one of the smallest casinos that I’ve seen with table games. You could walk from one end to the other in only a couple of minutes. It was slow when I visited so I was able to check the handful of machines for plays before playing bj. I found a few plays and made a few dollars. At the bj table I played by myself and won $100 on a $10 table before leaving. There was a restaurant but other than that there wasn’t much else in the casino.
The chip is a white RHC with 3 pink edge inserts. The centre inlay is grey with a white starburst in the middle. The casino name is in black with an elk above it. The location is in black and the denom is white and pink.

City: Smith River
Casino: Lucky 7
Today’s chip of the day is from Lucky 7 Casino in Smith River, California. The backstory I was able to gather about this casino is that it opened in 1996 in a double wide trailer as Smith River Casino offering only 60 slot machines. I wasn’t able to find a date when the new building opened or when the casino name changed. The current casino has 330 slot machines and 7 table games and poker tables. My visit to this casino was very short for two reasons. First they didn’t have much to vulture so that took me very little time and second when I bought in at the one open bj table a guy was chain smoking and I hate cigarette smoke. I played 2-3 hands, grabbed a chip and got out of there even.
The chip is white with 4 fake yellow edge inserts. The centre inlay is orange with a purple design. There is an oversized red box with various aboriginal designs and two sets of feathers. The casino name is yellow and orange while the location and denom are both white. I like how colourful this chip is, it’s a nice change from some of the boring chips in circulation nowadays.

City: Redding
Casino: Casino Club
Today’s chip of the day is from Casino Club in Redding, California. This card room originally opened next door to its current location in 1975. In 1982 it moved to its current location and doubled in size from 6 tables to 12. When I visited they had a 3 card poker table and a normal poker table open but both were full. After about ten minutes I got a seat at 3 card poker. The dealer helped me since I didn’t know the strategy and I played for a few minutes before walking away up $10 and a chip. There were a couple guys betting $100’s a hand, I don’t understand the appeal to the game I found it quite boring. The club was small and honestly quite dingy. If I was a local I don’t think it would be somewhere I’d want to hang out.
The chip is purple with 4 green/pink edge inserts. There are 8 rose engravings around the chip. The centre inlay is white with a snow covered mountain. The casino name is blueish purple, the location and denom are black.

City: Redding
Casino: Win-River
Today’s chip of the day is from Win-River Casino in Redding, California. Win-River opened in 1993 as a casino and bingo hall, since then they have dropped bingo from their name and I don’t remember seeing bingo so they might not have it anymore. The casino has 655 slot machines and 18 table games and poker tables. This was a smaller casino and of what they did have there wasn’t much for me to play as far as the slot machines go so it didn’t take me long to get to a bj table. I had to wait a few minutes because they didn’t have many tables open but the ones they did have were packed. Someone left and I was able to grab a seat. Turns out it wasn’t a lucky seat as I very quickly lost my $100 buy in and left with nothing but my souvenir.
The chip is blue with 12 white edge inserts. There is a red line between each set of 3 edge inserts. The centre inlay is blue with a white circle halfway in. Around the circle is the denom and “WR” three times each. Inside the circle is an eagle and the casino name in full. I really like the colour and design of this chip.

I remember winning there because a guy would go all-in frequently just for the heck of it, and I called with A-K – and it held up!
I can’t even say that I remember the casino sadly.
City: Corning
Casino: Rolling Hills
Today’s chip of the day is from Rolling Hills Casino in Corning, California. The casino opened on 7/31/2002 and has since undergone an expansion that was finished in 2021 and expanded the gaming floor by 40%. The casino has 844 slot machines and 8 table games. This happens time to time and it’s happened again, I have no recollection of this casino. Most of the time I can look at online photos and that will jog my memory but this place looks completely foreign to me. Sorry not much else to say I guess. 🤷♂️
The chip is white with 4 black edge inserts and 8 blue circles around the edge of the chip. The centre inlay is a shiny blue with the casino name and chip denom in white. There is a large red feather above the casino name.

I've wanted to visit Rolling Hills Casino for the reasonable reason that it's the closest casino to where one of my cousins lives, and for the silly reason that it has the same name as my daughter's middle school! Sounds like a cookie cutter casino!
Quote: PokerGrinderState: California
City: Redding
Casino: Win-River
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Quote: PokerGrinderState: California
City: Corning
Casino: Rolling Hills
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Are those the same style of chip? They look to be. Any idea who the provider is? Bud Jones? Something else?
City: Chico
Casino: Casino Chico
Today’s chip of the day is from Casino Chico in Chico, California. Good news today, I remember this casino! Actually it’s a card room but you all get the point. I made a mistake at this place but I’ll get to that in a minute. This is the second Casino Chico both owned by the same guy. The original opened in 1992 and closed sometime in the 90’s while this new Casino Chico opened in October, 2018. The card room has 7 tables located inside of Quackers Fire Grill and Bar. When I walked in mid afternoon there were 3-4 employees sitting around doing nothing and no tables were open. I thought I was too early but turns out they just don’t bother standing at the table with no customers. They asked what I wanted to play and I chose pai gow as it’s my favourite game to play. I played for about 20 minutes or so, usually I leave after a few hands but since I got them to open the table I figured I’d give them some action. The guys were nice and we chatted a bit. I ended up winning like $47 before cashing out. This is where I made the mistake. I try and not keep any special edition or grand opening chips in my collection unless that’s the only option available. They had a very cool skull/devil design chip but it said grand opening/rebirth 2018 on it so I chose to keep the boring white inlay chip with no picture on it. Problem is I didn’t look close enough and the boring one also had the grand opening/rebirth 2018 on it so I ended up with a special edition boring chip instead of a cool special edition chip, oh well. 🤷♂️
The chip is a blue RHC with no edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with the casino name, location and grand opening/rebirth 2018 all in black. The denom is red.

City: Chico
Casino: Casino 99
Today’s chip of the day is from Casino 99 in Chico, California. I walked into this card room to find no players and 3 very bored employees. They asked me what game I wanted to play and as I had done 20 minutes earlier at Casino Chico I responded with pai gow. They opened up the table and the guys were very chatty and having a good time. I started out winning a few hands but then started to get my butt kicked over and over when the dealer started making huge hands. About 20 minutes after I got there one of the workers bought chips and came and sat down to play with me. I was stunned and asked how he was allowed to do that. He responded that there was no rules against it but it sure did suck days he lost cause then he works for free. He ended up winning a few hundred before cashing out while I was still stuck. A regular came by and bought in for $100 and quickly lost it. He seemed very down and I get the impression he can’t afford how much he loses after talking to the staff about him after he left. I upped my bets trying to get even and actually managed to cash out my full $500 buy in without taking any damage. Gotta love good variance!
The chip is a red with 8 black/white/black edge inserts. There are 4 “5’s” and 4 rectangles alternating around the chip. The centre inlay is white with the casino logo which is a highway sign with the casino name on it. Above the logo is the club’s phone number which I don’t see too often. The location is in black and the denom is red. The reason I kept a $5 chip here was all the old chips were worn out chipcos. They started replacing the old chips with these new ones but haven’t done the $1’s yet so I kept the new $5 instead.

In the CCotD index thread, I have the casinos in each state (or other category) listed alphabetically. So which properly comes first alphabetically: Casino 99 or Casino 580?
This should thoroughly annoy any math types.
Which sequencing scheme is selected shouldn't matter; consistency to it should.
edit: Current LoC filing rules (yes, I had to check) specify numerical order, so 99 would come before 580.
City: Redwood Valley
Casino: Coyote Valley
Today’s chip of the day is from Coyote Valley Casino in Redwood Valley, California. Coyote Valley opened in 1994 and currently has 400 slot machines and 15 table games and poker tables. I screwed up the table games opening time and arrived a hour early. Instead of waiting since there were almost no vulturable slots I drove to the next casino 30 minutes away knowing that I would have to retrace my steps again in a hour but I figured at least this way I could knock two more casinos off my list instead of sitting around. When I got back the tables were in fact open and they were happy to take my $100 at the bj table as quick as possible.
The chip is white 4 grey edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with a grey border. The casino name is red and black, the denom is black and there is a silhouette of a coyote.

Quote: PokerGrinderState: California
City: Redwood Valley
Casino: Coyote Valley
<snip>The chip is white 4 grey edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with a grey border. The casino name is red and black, the denom is black and there is a shadowsilhouette of a coyote.
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Dog Hand
City: Upper Lake
Casino: Running Creek
Today’s chip of the day is from Running Creek Casino in Upper Lake, California. Running Creek opened on 5/25/2012 and has 277 slot machines and 6 table games. I stopped here after leaving Coyote Valley because the tables weren’t open yet. With only 277 slots it didn’t take me long to go through them, I didn’t find much. They had one bj table open and I got the last seat. The table moved extremely slow as everyone had match play coupons and the pit boss had to sign each one. I think in close to ten minutes we only played 5 hands between the coupons and the full table. The chips sadly were very blurry and worn out similar to the Reserve Casino chip I posted years ago from Colorado. I kept the best one possible but it still looks like the picture is out of focus.
The chip was originally white but is now more yellow due to staining. The chip has 4 tan edge inserts that look more brown now. The centre inlay is a few shades of brown and yellow. The casino name is blue and the denom is shown 4 times in white. The location and tribe name are in black.

Here is the link.
City: Nice
Casino: Robinson Rancheria
Today’s chip of the day is from Robinson Rancheria in Nice, California. Robinson Rancheria Casino opened as Robinson Rancheria Bingo in 1989 and was renamed “Casino” in 1993. The casino has 349 slot machines and 8 table games. I actually found quite a few slot plays given how few machines they had, easily the most of the 3 casinos in this area. After I was done getting smacked on a play that ran long I sat down to play at the only open bj table with one other player. I played for a short time as I still had to backtrack to Coyote Valley but managed to win $100 which would cover my upcoming loss 40 minutes later at Coyote Valley. All these small Indian casinos in California seem to be the same, small table games pit that has limited hours and not many tables open outside of peak hours and between 300-400 slot machines.
The chip is blue with 3 pink oddly shaped edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with 12 pink dots around it. The casino name and denom are in red with “RR” in pink with a black border. Bingo and Casino is listed in pink. There are two feathers on either side of the chip.

Quote: PokerGrinderState: California
City: Redding
Casino: Casino Club
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I have $1 chips from the Casino Club and all are pink. This mold is a newer style, so I assume that you picked up this purple $1 chip somewhat recently.

City: Lakeport
Casino: Konocti Vista
Today’s chip of the day is from Konocti Vista Casino in Lakeport, California. Konocti Vista Casino opened in 1994 and has 350 slot machines and 6 table games. I actually had to visit this casino twice in about a week’s time because the first time I stopped through was on a Tuesday and apparently their tables are closed on Monday and Tuesday. Not sure how I missed that info but it clearly says it on their site. Due to that error I had to come back 4-5 days later as I had somewhere to be for the next 3 days so I couldn’t stick around, basically it cost me an extra 3 hour drive that I shouldn’t have had to make. Anyways my first visit i did a quick walk through of the slots and found very little. There was one bank of slot machines connected to a must hit by that was close. A couple people were betting min on it and hoping to get it and got mad when I took the two remaining machines and bet max on them both. I did eventually hit it and felt a tad bad when I immediately cashed out and left. I was definitely getting some upset looks from the ladies but $250 profit makes it feel a bit better.
My second visit later that week I didn’t find any plays on slot machines but still managed to make money. There was a $5000 must hit getting close to a playable number and I had never played the type of machine before so I put $100 in to check the meter rate to do my calculations. During my few spins I hit the minor must hit for like $450 or so which was even more fun when I did the math and found out the major wasn’t ready and wouldn’t be for a bit. I left the major and took my good fortunes to the bj table. At the bj table I found a very new sloppy dealer who was cutting the shoe wayyyy too deep so I figured I’d play a few shoes and count until I exposed my top bets. I got through 2 shoes before I caught some heat for betting so much in a small casino. I won $500 and left. The funny part is my max bet was only $300 which is tiny compared to what I’ve spread to in larger casinos but that’s the joy of small casinos, not much action tolerance.
The chip is white with 6 edge inserts, 3 grey/blue/grey and 3 grey/yellow/grey. The denom is listed 4 times around the inlay. The inlay is a body of water with mountains in the background. The casino name and denom are in black and the location is in white all at the bottom of the inlay. The middle of the inlay has the casino name in black with a large white “K” that has feathers made to look like wings.

City: Middletown
Casino: Twin Pine
Today’s chip of the day is from Twin Pine Casino in Middletown, California. Twin Pine opened in 1994 which seems to be the year most of the these casinos first opened. I didn’t find anything with a google search of a new law in ‘94 but maybe one of you can. The casino has 523 slot machines and 7 table games. It was very slow when I visited early week so either a hustler had been through there or no customers had played much because I didn’t find anything on the slots. I played bj and took a beating at a $15 table losing $300 very quickly which seems like it goes that way too often lol. The dealer was very personable and seemed to enjoy his job which always makes the game more enjoyable.
The chip is tan with 9 dark blue edge inserts, I don’t think I remember this edge insert set up before. The centre inlay is white with two orange/brown pine trees with “TP” underneath them in red and orange. The casino name, location and denom are all black.

City: Elk Grove
Casino: Sky River
Today’s chip of the day is from Sky River Casino in Elk Grove, California. I actually didn’t realize until just now when I looked up the opening date that this was a new casino. It opened 8/15/2022 which actually makes sense now that I think of it because it wasn’t there the last time I was in the Sacramento area around the time that Harrahs Northern California opened pre-covid. Sky River Casino has 2100 slot machines and 80 table games. It also has one of the best “food courts” I’ve ever seen in a casino. I put food court in quotations cause it’s really not. It’s not fast food, it’s a bunch of really good to go restaurants all in one food court looking area. If you ever visit I highly recommend all 3 sandwiches and the Brussel sprouts at the sandwich spot. They also have the normal sit down restaurants and the steakhouse menu is Vegas+ prices but looks amazing. The casino is an awesome set up, I spent quite a bit of time here over a couple of visits. I played pai gow on my first visit and won $300 on a $25 table while collecting my chip.
The chip is white with 2 brown edge inserts. Around the edge of the chip there are 4 “SR” engravings separated each by a small circle. The centre inlay is white with water covering the bottom half of the inlay. The casino name is black with blue waves above it, the location and denom are both white.

Quote: PokerGrinderState: California
City: Middletown
Casino: Twin Pine
Today’s chip of the day is from Twin Pine Casino in Middletown, California.
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Twin Pine casino holds a dear place in my family's heart because I dragged them to a Yogi Bear Campground a bit past the casino, and after walking around in the 100-plus-degree heat, we decided to bail and go back to stay at the Twin Pine hotel. Its air conditioning was the most glorious we'd ever felt under the circumstances.
This casino was the most chill I'd ever experienced, with table gaming that wasn't 24 hours, and just me and a dealer and seemingly nobody else around at one point! Breakfast at the restaurant also seemed like a throwback and very relaxing!
City: Manteca
Casino: Parkwest Manteca
Today’s chip of the day is from Parkwest Casino Manteca in Manteca, California. The card room opened in 1978 with 5 tables as Casino Real. In 2004 the card room moved to its current location and expanded to 6 tables. In 2019 Parkwest bought up a few card rooms including Casino Real and changed the name. The current room has 13 table games and poker tables. The card room at night doesn’t feel the safest but they always have an armed guard on duty. I sat down at a pai gow table with an older Asian lady probably in her mid 50’s. She didn’t speak great English but was friendly. When I sat down the dealer asked if I had a card which I didn’t, she asked if I wanted one since they were giving every card holder $25 match play that day so I said yes. I’ve found this in 20 or so card rooms in California where they give all players with a card a daily match play between $5-$25 and it’s not only for new card signups. Eventually a younger black guy around my age sat down, at first I wasn’t sure but they became very handsy and I realized they were actually married. I assume she has money, is it wrong to assume an older lady has to have money to attract a good looking younger guy? 😂 I played for about 30 minutes with them and chatted a bunch. She was Vietnamese and I had been to her hometown and he was from I believe Chicago originally. Very nice people, drinking a ton of shots and very into PDA lol. They tried to get me to drink with them but I was driving and also don’t really drink much. I left after 30 minutes up $100 and parted ways from my new friends?!? 🤷♂️
The chip is grey with 4 grey/blue/grey edge inserts. The centre inlay is white with a gold ring around it. The casino name and the denom are both black. There is a gold sun… firework… star?!? in the middle of the inlay.

City: Jamestown
Casino: Chicken Ranch
Today’s chip of the day is from Chicken Ranch Casino in Jamestown, California. From the second I heard about this casino being built I realized one thing, they had the chance to have the best table games chips in the history of chips. So many options, you do a rubber squeaky chicken, you could go even sillier and have a chicken tender being dipped in ranch dressing as a play on words or any number of other cute options. After visiting this casino and seeing the chips I can officially say I’ve never been more disappointed in a casino in my life and that’s saying a lot. But I’ll get to the chip later.
I stole this from 500Nations.com
“The Chicken Ranch Casino in Jamestown, California was opened as a bingo hall in 1985 by the Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians. The bingo hall became a casino when slot machines were added in 2000. A major renovation project in 2011 added more slot machines and a restaurant. In May 2019 the casino expanded added 247 more slot machines, 9 table games, a bistro cafe and a coffe bar.
Today the Chicken Ranch Casino features 600 slot machines, 9 table games, a 900-seat bingo hall, the Ranch House Restaurant and The Roost coffee shop“
This casino is a bit out of the way so I hit it on my way to Reno from central California on my way back to Canada this summer. The casino is nice enough, not much in the way of vulturable games. I played heads up bj for about 15 minutes to walk away with my boring ass chip. I was then even more annoyed when I stopped at the cafe to grab food and THEY HAVE A BUNCH OF AMAZING FUNNY MERCHANDISE!!! They had squeaky chickens, funny shirts, mugs with the squeaky chicken on them, like what the hell. Clearly they got the joke and still made horrible chips lol. Sorry I’m definitely a bit bitter about this one. Oh well, maybe one day they will fix their mistake but I doubt it. 😊
The chip (😡🤬😡) is a white with 4 grey not edge inserts so I guess I’ll call them inlay inserts? I hate to give them any credit but I actually like the white squares inside the grey inserts. The denom is written 4 times around the chip. The centre inlay is grey woven basket look with the casino and denom in black. The lame logo is a black box with a red feather over top of it… how creative 😂

I heard this place is an 18+ gambling establishment, so was no alcohol served? See any teens at the tables? The only time I've seen teens playing, they were clearly blackjack noobs.
City: Reno
Casino: J Resort
Today’s chip of the day is from J Resort Casino in Reno, Nevada. Sands Reno opened in 1978 and lasted until 3/7/2023 when it was renamed J Resort. The casino has 312 slot machines and 8 table games. I walked in around 9 am as I was leaving Reno so it was very dead. No more than 30 customers at that time of the day. Wasn’t much for slots, I think I only played one. They had two bj tables open so I sat down to play and grab my chip. The staff was very friendly and I played with an older gentleman and a smoke show around my age. Sadly she didn’t want to come back to Canada with me 😂. I ended my quick session with a $45 profit and got on with my long drive I had that day. The casino was still under renovations and I hadn’t been there in probably 10 years since I collected my chip from the Sands so I couldn’t tell you if it had changed much.
The chip is white with 5 grey edge inserts. The denom is listed in grey 5 times around the chip as well. The centre inlay is a few shades of grey with some sort of design. The middle of the inlay has the casino name in blue and the location in grey. Overall a very nicely designed chip.

City: Billings
Casino: Bugz’s Bar Casino
Today’s chip of the day is from Bugz’s Bar and Casino in Billings, Montana. I wasn’t planning on stopping in Billings on my way north but I got a flat tire about a hour out and ended up there since no closer spot had the right tire. I drove on the spare to the closest town, they told me to try the town over, they didn’t have my tire and neither did the other place in town they called for me. They told me to drive 30 more minutes into Billings where they definitely have a tire for me. By the time they changed the tire and got me on the road again it was about 11 am and I hadn’t slept so I decided to get a hotel for the day. I grabbed a nap for about 4-5 hours before seeing what poker rooms were around. I was in Billings a bunch of years back so two of them I had already collected from. I tried a poker room and they didn’t have any players that night but told me there was a good game at Bugz’s.
I got there and got a seat almost immediately. It was just two tables, only one running. Half the table was quite drunk and one guy was blind raising to between $50-$400 every hand. Made the game interesting for sure especially given the max pot in Montana is $800, stupid regulations. Also weird was when he raised to $400 it was $400 to call but if one person called then it was only $267 for the next call and it went down every time someone called. I hope that makes sense. So basically no matter how many people call the all in the total pot can’t be more than $800 so the $800 is divided by the amount of players in and that is how much each all in player would put into the pot. I played for about 4 hours until the two drunk guys finally busted and it was down to 4 players, two of which had no gamble in them at all. I made about $1000 in the game which more than paid for the flat tire replacement. Overall it was your standard drunken home game type of vibe, guy running the game and his mother dealt. There was dominos pizza and snacks for the players. Great vibe, would return if I got stuck there again.
The chip is blue with 4 blue edge inserts. The centre inlay is dark blue with mountains and trees. Poker Montana is on the chip and from the info I gathered in the room they are a poker group that has/will run games in multiple different bars. The denom is listed in white. The other side of the chip has the shape of Montana taking up the majority of the inlay. The denom is in Montana and poker Montana is written small at the top.

That particular shade of huckleberry seems awfully familiar.
Quote: PokerGrinderState: Texas
City: Dallas
Casino: Poker House
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This poker room is Poker House Dallas, and not just Poker House. They opened a new location in Austin. Guess what's it's called.

Quote: PokerGrinderWelcome back from Italy, how was your trip?
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Great trip, as always. I usually don't buy much of anything for myself, but saw this in an antique store and decided to treat myself. It's from a school of sculptor in Florence that closed over 100 years ago. One student project was to carve a skull out of a wild boar bone. The shop had four. This one with the crown was the largest. The other three were slightly smaller -- one had a fly on its head, another a spider, and another a millipede. The one I purchased was in the best condition. I was able to remove it from the wooden base the owner had mounted it on and put it on a new one fashioned from an old wooden nickel painted metallic black. It'll make for a unique chip talisman. On it's debut I hit a $200 high hand almost as soon as I sat down. (That 'll go a long way in paying for it.)

Quote: DieterHave we seen that Poker Montana design before?
That particular shade of huckleberry seems awfully familiar.As a machine player, I love that stupid $800 limit.
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Not that I can think of.
Quote: alpha1243Quote: PokerGrinderState: Texas
City: Dallas
Casino: Poker House
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This poker room is Poker House Dallas, and not just Poker House. They opened a new location in Austin. Guess what's it's called.
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I think Doc usually waits until the new chip is posted to fix the old one.
Quote: alpha1243Quote: PokerGrinderWelcome back from Italy, how was your trip?
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Great trip, as always. I usually don't buy much of anything for myself, but saw this in an antique store and decided to treat myself. It's from a school of sculptor in Florence that closed over 100 years ago. One student project was to carve a skull out of a wild boar bone. The shop had four. This one with the crown was the largest. The other three were slightly smaller -- one had a fly on its head, another a spider, and another a millipede. The one I purchased was in the best condition. I was able to remove it from the wooden base the owner had mounted it on and put it on a new one fashioned from an old wooden nickel painted metallic black. It'll make for a unique chip talisman. On it's debut I hit a $200 high hand almost as soon as I sat down. (That 'll go a long way in paying for it.)
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Awesome I love the skull. Sounds like it was an expensive souvenir.
I’m going for 45 days. I’m going to try and collect chips from 8 casinos and a poker room in Australia. 5 casinos and a poker room in New Zealand and then 2 casinos in Vanuatu. I’m not sure if the cruise I go on will have a chip for me to collect, they might be using the generic chips.
Edit: oh I forgot about the casino in Tasmania.