Wezvidz I am of little to no help to you unfortunately as my only NM chips are from Albuquerque. Sorry that I'm no help. You can check the complete chip list I posted in my thread though and check that. It's up to date as of a few months ago.
Wezvidz: It's been almost three years since I collected chips in New Mexico, so I'm a bit out of date. Isletta is the former Hard Rock; I collected a chip from Hard Rock, and Isletta is on my list in case I ever get back. The only other NM chip I have on my list is Wild Horse Casino much farther north and west in the state. I played BJ there and got a $1 token that says Apachee Nugget, which is the name of the ownership corporation and of another of their casinos. I added Wild Horse to my list in case I got back there and chips were available, even at a higher denomination. Unfortunately, the limited info I can find suggests that their table games are gone.
I think your best simple resource for chips currently available might be PokerGrinder's list, but I don't remember the link for that.
Doc I've actually thought about posting to MoGH a couple times. I've made two posts previously there and have probably 30-40 more I could make but haven't out of laziness. I probably should so other collectors can see them.
Quote: wezvidzLove that this thread is alive and kicking!
Got a question for ya'll. Doing a trip in 2 weeks to collect chips around Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
My current driving plan:
Isleta Casino & Resort
Route 66 Casino Hotel
Sky City Casino Hotel
Sandia Resort & Casino (stay overnight)
Santa Ana Star
San Felipe Casino Hollywood?***
Camel Rock Casino
Buffalo Thunder
Big Rock Casino
Ohkay Resort***
fly out SAF
The two *** casinos have a chip posted in this thread as of 2013, but neither site lists table games at all anymore. Both just mention slots. I'm going to call this week to see if they're worth a stop or if table games were shut down.
Anyone know if I'm missing any easy stops around those cities that aren't on my list? New places or casinos I missed on Google?
Looks like Isleta Casino & Resort will be a new contribution for this thread when I collect that one. Thanks for any info ya'll.
You could check out The American Casino Guide.
They have a free online app that lists casinos by state.
On a side note, I collected a Lucky Dragon chip in Vegas last month. I assume I'm not the only one, are we waiting for "new poster" time to post that one? I have to imagine others on here have grabbed it.
Quote: wezvidzI collected a Lucky Dragon chip in Vegas last month. I assume I'm not the only one, are we waiting for "new poster" time to post that one?
For quite a while now, we have had recurring dead spots during which there is no one ready to post a "chip of the day", so I don't think we should be doubling up; i.e., posting two chips of the day on the same day. Right now, Konbu seems to be going strong, and I think he has almost two more weeks worth of chips to post.
After that, PokerGrinder has promised to post the chips he collected in Asia, in spite of the fact that I made a snide comment that we know he won't be ready for a month. ;-)
If you have just the one chip from the Lucky Dragon to post, perhaps PokerGrinder would let you go ahead of him (after Konbu is finished) and use that as an excuse for one day of the almost-inevitable delay in showing Asian chips from Asia, as opposed to chips from Asian-themed casinos in Nevada.
You are certainly welcome to be the one who posts the "official" Lucky Dragon chip in this thread. I just don't think you need to do that until there isn't someone else trying to post a new chip that same day.
Btw Doc I laugh quite hard at all the snide remarks. Keep them coming as they amuse me :)
City: Jacó
Casino: Casino Cocal
Cocal is right next to the beach just a short walk away from the main drag where all the bars, restaurant, and shopping are. There are about 6 or 8 tables total with Rummy and Tute (CSP) at $5-100/200, Rummy at $25-300/500, and Roulette at $5 min, even money bets $10 min.
I lost my $19 at roulette as usual, but this time I didn't even bother asking. I plopped the stack of $19 roulette chips on my usual bet, the 3rd column. The dealer asked me if I was gonna bet the one in my hand while the wheel was spinning. Then I just threw it in and blurted "cambio" after I lost.
As for the ladies, the place is just as the Wizard described, with ladies hanging out at the eRoulette machine (the same one like everywhere else from Abaco D.O.O. Slovenia), seated at slots,, walking around the table games area and also a few standing outside near the main entrance (one was 5'9" with wide shoulders, looked like a transsexual) where the parking lot is. There was also one with some chips in her hand that was pacing back and forth the 2-3 rummy tables with players and she would rub the older man's shoulder at the $25 table (who had 2 full stacks of green and was betting 1-4 units) and say she brought him luck when he won, fishing for tips and/or business. I also saw her put a $10-20 bet down a few times at the other table. Maybe she gets bored waiting for business. Wizard said there were a lot more towards the swimming pool, but I was in no mood to hang around and look anymore since I haven't won a single column bet this trip so far (and turned out I wouldn't) and none were particularly attractive anyway. Walking out I saw a middle age man with his arms on 2 ladies shoulders getting ready to take a taxi. Good for him, I thought, because a thick mediocre looking lady would not soothe my mind from the losses, much less two.
There aren't a lot of chips with actual pictures of animals, so I like this chip with the yellow/black bird, with the insert almost lined up with the outside marks.

The chip looks brand new. Was it hard to find one in such good shape?
City: San José
Casino: Club Colonial
Today we move to the Costa Rica's capital, San José, with two different denominations and make of chips to present! Club Colonial is right next door to another famous/infamous Hotel Del Rey, to be covered next. The casino has a total of 12 tables and 2 eRoulette tables. It has the best assortment of games in a classy setting, to include a craps table at C 2,000-? or $5-? (There was no min max placard) with 2x odds, 2x field, all calls made in Spanish, and setting dice is no problem but all the locals except one I saw shoot just grabbed and tossed semi-hard to hard. Stick gave me hard time about my 6" off the table lob from 1 left stick that landed right on the edge of the wall and died. The box said the throw should stand since it technically hit the backwall but that I need to not lob them and they need to actually hit the back. Pfft... Anyway there is one Roulette and 2 Canasta with chips at C 200 (~$0.36) or higher value, so if you buy in with C 20,000 (~$36.36) they'll give you 5 stacks of roulette chips. Inside min is C 2,000-15,000 or $25, and C 2,000 to 100,000/$50 for 2 to 1 odds or C 200,000/$100 for even money bets. There is one CSP at C 1,000 to 100,000 or $5-200 with some progressive bet, two PGP at C 3,000 to 150,000 or $10-300 (Fri,Sat after 6PM is C 5,000 min) with a bonus bet from C 200 (~$0.36, good for cheapskate like me) and paytable that's not posted at the table, but which I guess might be hidden in the supervisor podium. It did pay 1 to 1 for three pairs, 2 straight, 3 three of a kind, 4 flush, 5 full house. Don't know how paying 1 to 1 for three pairs would affect the other payouts. Most other places the bonus bet is at least C 1,000, and nowhere was I allowed to bet odd amounts in the bonus. Why??? Again, no use trying to make sense of it. Also there is no envy bonus but that did not stop players from betting C 5,000 or more. Me, I just bet the min as an insurance against a no joker 7SF. *grin* The other tables are Rummy, with the last one being Paigow TILES! I don't play it but man was it surprising to see tiles. It's probably the only tiles table in all of Costa Rica. The tica (Costa Rican) dealer appeared to deal pretty well, with occasional call to supervisor to check her tile setting. As expected, all 5 players at the table were Chinese. There are Chinese everywhere now in San Jose CR. Chinese restaurants, Chinese owned supermarkets, Chinese run pachinko / pinball parlors, Chinese wholesale stores, gift stores, Chinese backhoes, tour buses, motorcycles.
Anyway, even with the low minimums I managed to drop about -$200 at dice and had ups and downs at PGP but stayed even at the end, in 2 sessions.
I kept a C 100 and 200 chip. I don't know the make of the 100 chip, but the 200 is a tophat chip. Have we seen higher denomination chips (solely in number, not value) than 200? Well, I shall post even higher number tomorrow!
$1 approx 550 Colones as of writing.

The chip I posted from Chile was higher in denomination; will you post higher than that one? Will yours be marked with the "$" symbol or perhaps just a higher number when expressed in "¢"?Quote: KonbuI don't know the make of the 100 chip, but the 200 is a tophat chip. Have we seen higher denomination chips (solely in number, not value) than 200? Well, I shall post even higher number tomorrow!
Also I love these Asian chips, they are much more colourful than my North America chips.

The only jetton (or "jeton" in French) that I have in my entire collection is one from Casino da Madiera that I posted here, including an edge view.Quote: AyecarumbaIs it thin on the edge and thicker in the middle?
OK I admit defeat... My highest denom chip is "¢" 1,000, as follow:Quote: DocThe chip I posted from Chile was higher in denomination; will you post higher than that one? Will yours be marked with the "$" symbol or perhaps just a higher number when expressed in "¢"?
City: San José
Casino: Del Rey
Del Rey means "of the king" in Spanish. It is a well-known hotel for meeting ladies of the night. Most hang out at or near the bar with no drinks but I'm sure that is welcome, since they're the main attraction in this otherwise old and dumpy casino. If you've come to ogle or talk business you're in the right place. If you've come to gamble then you're in the wrong place and you need to move your bum next door to Club Colonial!
Its table game offerings betray their main clientele. They have 5 BJ (or Rummy I'm not sure), 1 Roulette (and maybe 1 Canasta too, I made poor notes) at C 1,000-100,000/$5-200 for even money bets, C 1,000-50,000/$5-100 for 2 to 1 bets, and C 1,000-10,000/$5-25 for inside bets. I bought in for C 20,000 and they gave me all 10 stacks of roulette chips (value= C 100 each). On the 3rd spin I made a nice pyramid on/around the number 8 and hit it, for a win of about $65. I kept the lowest denom chip that I ended up with after exchanging my roulette chips, which was the C 1,000 below.
While I was playing a local man bought in for $100 and got all red and spread it around and hit a number. The next 2 spins he lost it all and bought in for another $100, hitting one number then losing it all on the next 2 spins again. Normal folks tell me that the economy is tough but with the money I've seen being thrown around at different casinos it sure doesn't seem like it.
Their chips are not in the best condition. This is the best specimen I found, out of the 4 I received.
$1 approx 550 Colones as of writing.

City: San José
Casino: Casino Tropical (Hotel Morazan)
Casino Tropical is located inside the Hotel Morazan, on the same seedy street about 2 blocks away from Del Rey. Online photos shows a Canasta game but I can confirm that is no more. There are 3 PGP at C 5,000-?, 1 3CP at C 2,000-25,000/$5-50 with the pair plus bet at C 1,000-3,000/$2-5, and a BJ table that had no tray and not in use. The 3 PGP tables all had a shuffler and a bonus bet that was made by placing the bonus bet right above the regular bet. The dealer would place something on it like a clear lammer or a buy/lay lammer before dealing the cards. I guess make good use of whatever is available, right? The starting position is determined by 3 dice, with dealer being one and going counterclockwise. Also, in order to save time, if a spot has no bet, the dealer will move the cards towards the spot and immediately put it in the discard tray. Some other dealer will touch the cards to the betting circle then put in discard tray. (This was done at most other places) No problem with picking up cards and setting hand immediately after it's dealt, though I'm sure they would nullify the round if there's a malfunction and they don't have 4 cards remaining which they'll spread on the felt for the camera.
The C 100 and C 500 chips below have the star on the chip. I know it must have been described before but I can't remember the maker. The C 1,000 chip is a tophat chip, but I did not keep one. I try to keep only the lowest or two lowest denom chips.
This felt like a real local's joint, with the old, dirty, faded table felt and friendly/chatty dealers and players, making min bets of C 5,000, and attendants passing snack bites of sandwiches.
$1 approx 550 Colones as of writing.

That "star" is the Sun mold from the Blue Chip Co. We have seen it before on the CasaBlanca, the D, and the Virgin River chips that I posted, the Wyandotte chip posted by rdw4potus, and probably several others. When I posted that CasaBlanca chip back in 2012, I included some comments on the shape of the logo, as well as some of the Blue Chip company history. Then I repeated myself on that history when we saw some later chips.Quote: KonbuThe C 100 and C 500 chips below have the star on the chip. I know it must have been described before but I can't remember the maker.
Quote: PokerGrinderOmg those chips are so gross lol. When I find ones that nasty I like cleaning half the chip to show how dirty it is before cleaning the whole chip. Yes I'm weird lol.
There are those who call it "patina". Hehe..
The chips match Konbu's description perfectly. Reminds me of Binion's Horseshoe just before they closed the doors.
City: San José
Casino: Fiesta Casino (Holiday Inn)
Fiesta Casino is located inside the Holiday Inn, in front of Morazan park, a short walk away from the Del Rey and Club Colonial. There is a PGP at C 5,000-? and a bonus bet at C 1,000/$2-100, 1 BJ, 1 UTH, and a Canasta at C 1,000-25,000/$1-50, with a minimum roulette chip value of C100/$1. Cheap 20 cents roulette here too! I played PGP for about 10 rounds then no more because I could not stand the very loud live music. I had to lean in and talk loud to be heard, same for the dealer. There was one player at UTH, and 4 others at PGP. There was a cute player at PGP still in her supermarket uniform t-shirt that was playing 5K and lost it when I was buying in with 40K. She pulled a 20K bill and bet 5K a hand but pushed and lost in the next few hands. She was setting them so fast probably because they were all crappy hands. I was thinking wow that's a lot of money she's throwing around because they only make around $6-800 a month. There was another older lady that also lost it all and she stayed to watch me play, and when I was ready to leave with about 6K up she grabbed my hand and would not let me pull my bet back, saying I should play a few more and that I will win (in a friendly way). I did win the next 2 rounds and after each round I would try to leave and she would grab my hand and prevent me. She would stack half the win and pull back for me the other half. Finally I did leave with another 5K because the 3rd round I lost. She didn't seem to expect a tip or anything, looks like she just wanted to gamble vicariously hahaha! She definitely seemed to me like an addicted gambler!
$1 approx 550 Colones as of writing.

City: San José
Casino: Taormina Hotel & Casino
Taormina is located several blocks north of Morazan park in a quieter area than the center of town where the downtown trio are (Del Rey, Club Colonial, Morazan). There is a variety of games, a PGP, 3CP, BJ, Rummy, Craps from 6PM-2AM, Canasta at C 2,000-15,000/$5-30, 2 to 1 bets at $5-100 and even money at $10-200. I forgot about this table when I wrote that Croc's might have the only Baccarat table in Costa Rica! There is one here in their VIP room which has 2 tables, 1 a Rummy table. The Baccarat is C 25,000-500,000/$50-1,000, tie $5-00 and Dragon at $2-20. No squeeze/touch cards. Pretty expensive game I'd say. It's not a bad casino but I wouldn't go out of my way to gamble at this casino unless I was staying there since it's in a quieter neighborhood. I don't even remember what I played here, my notes only say I lost 20k here ~$36.
I kept the lowest denom, but if my memory serves right only the C 100 and 500 are of this type. C 1,000 and above are more proper chips like tophat or chipco.
$1 approx 550 Colones as of writing.

Is the logo a stylized "T"? Or is it supposed to be something else?
I see a "BJ" in the gold leaf which means "Bud Jones" manufactured this "Suits" mold chip. It appears to be in very good shape, with very little wear.
I can't see where those chips would come from to create a problem again. From my estimation if as a group we visited every available casino in North America I think that would still be only 200-300 more chips to add to the thread. I'll be grabbing probably 30-40 more from Southeast Asia next January when I plan to go back to Asia for 8 weeks. Unless Konbu plans to backpack all of South America and Europe we shouldn't have many issues :)
Quote: DocMaybe this 3-part index will last longer than the geezer who started the whole shebang.
City: Escazú
Casino: Grand Casino (Sheraton)
Grand casino is located west of the upscale Multiplaza mall in the affluent town of Escazú, part of the San José metro. It's a very spacious and comfortable casino, with 3 Canasta tables at C 2,500-50,000/$5-100, 1 table with a chip sorter. There are also 5 Rummy tables at C 2,000-25,000/$5-50, and a game called "Super Peek Tute" which appeared to me like UTH, except the dealer's 2 hole cards are dealt face up. I didn't note the paytables as I don't play UTH. There are 4 poker tables in a separate area as well.
I looked at the hotel website http://www.ghlhoteles.com/hoteles/costa-rica/san-jose/sheraton-san-jose-hotel-costa-rica/ and the photos don't look like the place I visited. There was definitely no craps table. So I don't know if it's a mismatch of photos or they remodeled or what...
The chip itself has a shiny gold ring which I like.
$1 approx 550 Colones as of writing.

Try to imagine what it was like when rdw4potus and I posted essentially all of the chips that were covered in the thread from 3/16/12 through 3/11/14. The Wizard did post his 36 Chinese New Year commemorative chips during that period, and there were a very few others, but rdw and I were basically generating a chip/casino write-up every day for months on end. And now we post each time we come up with a new one. Ya jus' have to view it as a fun "opportunity."Quote: KonbuI'm starting to feel a little tired of having to write daily.
Do you have info about table games in operation there now? Why would a casino go to the trouble and expense of installing and operating table games but not be willing to update their web page to mention this?
Quote: KonbuI'm sorry everyone but I have a last minute trip. I have 4 more chips I won't be able to post until a week later. If PG or anyone else would like to start posting please do so. I will post the remainder when everyone else in line is done.
Well Wezvidz wanted to post his Lucky Dragon chip and I am busy for the next couple days so that would work well for me if he posts first. I will take pictures and upload them today or tomorrow.
That's pretty close to what you told me about the Mizpah Club in Tonopah. Are they operating tables on about the same schedule? If so, I have to figure out how to get to both of those places in the evenings while staying in Las Vegas and Stateline. Could be a challenge.Quote: PokerGrinderEl Capitan has BJ from 6 PM-close Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
While searching through this stuff, I came across a place that might interest you. According to CasinoCity.com, there is one poker table at Cactus Jack's in Carson City, and the MoGH chip guide does show a bunch of chips for the place. World Casino Guide seems to indicate that the table operates Thursday and Friday nights, so you would need to hit there earlier in the week than the three places you mentioned in that last post. This one is not included in your "Complete" Chip Guide, so you might have conflicting info, but if not, perhaps it should be on your itinerary or should at least be checked out. This thread needs that chip!
Quote: DocI think I have a draft plan for a way to hit all of the chip-collection spots I have in mind for a Spring Fling trip. My challenge now seams to be that airline fares keep jumping around every time I look at them. I'm hoping I can catch them at a nadir tonight or this weekend then book my rooms to match.
While searching through this stuff, I came across a place that might interest you. According to CasinoCity.com, there is one poker table at Cactus Jack's in Carson City, and the MoGH chip guide does show a bunch of chips for the place. World Casino Guide seems to indicate that the table operates Thursday and Friday nights, so you would need to hit there earlier in the week than the three places you mentioned in that last post. This one is not included in your "Complete" Chip Guide, so you might have conflicting info, but if not, perhaps it should be on your itinerary or should at least be checked out. This thread needs that chip!
Lol it's already on my itinerary. Appreciate the help though. I'm hitting that on Friday after Grand Lodge. They have a poker tournament at 6 with cash games afterwards. I didn't mention it because I know you won't collect from only poker places. Thanks for the info though. I saw it on the NGC report about six months ago so I called them.