midnight tonight. Its a protest over the
internet SOPA bill. I'm in serious withdrawal,
I use Wiki at least a dozen times a day. Thank
god for vodka...
Seems like the javascript loophole was left for own editors. Just add it to NoScript blocked sites.
Or you can add ?banner=none to the end of the url.

It links to https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction
It's ahrd to take the useless gesture protest seriously. Like the atheist who boycotts a church.
Quote: NareedThis will answer the question: how long does it take for mirror wiki sites to go up? :)
You mean if SOPA passes or if it doesn't?
If it doesn't, none: wikipedia will be back online tomorrow, it's a one-day protest.
If it does, who knows. Since Encyclopedia Dramatica has been destroyed, presumably as a deal with Unfunny Network, it has been replaced by encyclopediadramatica.ch, but not all text content and less than 1/3 of image content have been recovered.
Quote: NareedIt's ahrd to take the useless gesture protest seriously. Like the atheist who boycotts a church.
Actually, at this point there still is some chance that the bill might not pass.
Quote: P90You mean if SOPA passes or if it doesn't?
You know, I've heard too little about that. I've been busy.
Overall the government should stop passing laws and star repealing a lot of them. But that's not ever going to happen.
Never before have major websites, from relative small-timers like Reddit and Scribd to mainstays such as Wikipedia and Google, staged such an act of protest. It's a first, because the legislation is a first in voiding all tenets of due process at any accusation of copyright infringement.
My fear is other countries follow suit (Harper here in Canada LOVES to follow the US example on such things).
To access such sites, people will be forced to use proxies, like they do in China (and not only there, a lot of more savvy users already do it preemptively). To a large extent, SOPA implements the legal framework for a cross-ISP equivalent of the Great Firewall of China, except instead of anti-communist content it allows for blocking any site accused of not cooperating with the "war on piracy" - all you need to qualify is to have a single link to any site that links to a third copyright-violating website, anywhere, including in user-contributed content.
How will Bob think?Quote: waltomealHow will college students write papers?!!!
Quote: waltomealHow will college students write papers?!!!
The old-fashioned way: by buying them from the guy in the hallway.
Quote: vert1276this is becasue companies like youtube
If there was no Jewtube, there would be - and are - similar sites from Ukraine, China, Tokelau and wherever, which unlike jewtube (which deletes videos upon complaint) don't give half a rat's ass about US copyright.
Quote: thecesspit"Jewtube"??!!!??
I'm curious as well. Especially since I'm Jewish.
Quote: thecesspit"Jewtube"??!!!??
It's how youtube has been called on the internets for a long while, with the implication that it's run by Media Jews who delete videos at the first hint of a complaint - which is a true one.
Was only a matter of time before someone capitalized on the alternate name, of course.
Broadly speaking, youtube has been very complicit in removing and censoring content, much more so than most of the net would prefer. That this legislation threatens such a complicit website only shows how overreaching it is.
Quote: P90Broadly speaking, youtube has been very complicit in removing and censoring content,
So has Facebook. One complaint about copyright infringement
and the thing is gone, whether true or not.
Quote: P90Broadly speaking, youtube has been very complicit in removing and censoring content, much more so than most of the net would prefer. That this legislation threatens such a complicit website only shows how overreaching it is.
What would you prefer YouTube/Google do? Not remove copyrighted content when requested to? Or is your chief complaint that content can be copyrighted at all?
Quote: P90It's how youtube has been called on the internets for a long while, with the implication that it's run by Media Jews who delete videos at the first hint of a complaint - which is a true one.
Was only a matter of time before someone capitalized on the alternate name, of course.
First time I have ever heard it called that. Seems kinda of inappropriately offensive (I much prefer appropriate offence).
I have no problems with sites taking down any content posted, be it copyrighted or not. It's their site to run however they wish, and if they think there's a risk of being sued for hosting someone elses work, then they should take it down.
For the record, the original "joke" as well as this comment, is rather insulting.Quote: P90Strange. Most Jews get Jew jokes before anybody else.
Quote: P90Strange. Most Jews get Jew jokes before anybody else.
Broadly speaking, youtube has been very complicit in removing and censoring content, much more so than most of the net would prefer. That this legislation threatens such a complicit website only shows how overreaching it is.
lol, yes indeed, but this more implies that just removing something that one deems inappropriate or conflicting with copyright is to "jewtube" something, etc. That isn't really a jew joke. Now....if Google was majority controlled by jews, than it would be a kosher joke. :) Not so much here. Since there is nothing more than just saying that taking something down is "jewish" it is kind of offensive. But that's just my opinion.
Quote: DJTeddyBearFor the record, the original "joke" as well as this comment, is rather insulting.
I disagree. Most jews get jew jokes. With an exception, good jew jokes that make sense and have some base of logic. We are generally pretty easy going.
Jokes that don't really follow any logical path, that just randomly throw the word jew in there, are both offensive, and kinda dumb.
Quote: vert1276So whats the solution, just throw up your hands and say oh well? Anything can be pirated so you no longer own your intellectual property anymore becasue of the internet?
Not at all, but saying you are in contravention of IP laws because your site has a LINK to a site that breaks IP laws (maybe outside the country) is a problem. Especially if you force all sites with any potentially user generated content (like say Wizard of Vegas) to check all links for IP and piracy contravention before being posted.
As I understand it, at least, the rules could make The Wizard liable for a poster (say me) outside the US posting a link to a site outside the US (say Great Britain) that is hosting a streaming video of the pilot episode of the Office.
I could misunderstand the rules, of course.
Quote: DJTeddyBearFor the record, the original "joke" as well as this comment, is rather insulting.
what is that I hear in the background? Hmmm listen hard.....is that the PC police?.....oh that's them I can hear their siren now... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Quote: vert1276what is that I hear in the background? Hmmm listen hard.....is that the PC police?.....oh that's them I can hear their siren now... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
It's called an observation. A joke is either good, or it isn't. What are you like 5 years old?
1900 it would have been hilarious, today it just
seems dumb.
Quote: EvenBobI don't get the joke, what part of it is funny. In
1900 it would have been hilarious, today it just
seems dumb.
oh I get now...you are allowed to call people stupid for believing in religion(or a fairy tail as you call it)....and that's not insulting but this is....ok, check, I now understand you are now in charge of whats insulting or not....cool thanks for the head up bro! I will check with you the new head of the insulting police before making any comments....
Quote: EvenBobI don't get the joke, what part of it is funny. In
1900 it would have been hilarious, today it just
seems dumb.
Why would it have been funny in 1900. No internet, no copyright web infringement, lol. ;)
Quote: EvenBobI don't get the joke, what part of it is funny. In
1900 it would have been hilarious, today it just
seems dumb.
Actually, in 1900 a joke about video streaming would have been met with a response of "What's video?"
Quote: YoDiceRoll11It's called an observation. A joke is either good, or it isn't. What are you like 5 years old?
no I'm 6....how old are you that you feel the need to play captain save a hoe? 7?
Quote: vert1276no I'm 6....how old are you that you feel the need to play captain save a hoe? 7?
Quote: vert1276...and that's not insulting but this is....
I didn't say its insulting, just dumb. Please explain
why its funny, nobody here gets it except you.
Um, you know most people would take offense to this, right?Quote: P90It's how youtube has been called on the internets for a long while, with the implication that it's run by Media Jews who delete videos at the first hint of a complaint - which is a true one.
Was only a matter of time before someone capitalized on the alternate name, of course.
Quote: EvenBobI didn't say its insulting, just dumb. Please explain
why its funny, nobody here gets it except you.
Exactly. What? The worst jokes, are the ones, that only one person knows the punchline.
Quote: EvenBobI didn't say its insulting, just dumb. Please explain
why its funny, nobody here gets it except you.
did I say it was funny? did I make the original comment? nope....I only commented on your hypocrisy...
Quote: MathExtremistActually, in 1900 a joke about
I said 1900 because ethnic humor was paramount. I
have a book somewhere written in 1902 titled '500
Modern Jokes' and 80% them are about kikes, wops,
pollocks, N-word, and so on. Jokes about black people
stealing chickens and watermelons were apparently
hilarious, the book is full of them. These jokes were
state of the art a hundred years ago, knee slappingly
funny. Reading them now they're almost meaningless.
Quote: vert1276did I say it was funny?.
Its a joke, jokes are funny. Whats the punchline?
Quote: AcesAndEightsFor the record, I believe the "JewTube" thing started with Anonymous, 4chan, and /b/, which if you have any background in Internet/culture, means that it makes very little sense at all. They generally just insult any/all religions/races/etc., with a special focus on Jews. I don't really get it either, since as has been pointed out, YouTube is owned by Google.
Now it all comes together. Yeah, anything from Anon or 4chan, especially 4 chan, is just plain devoid of any thinking whatsoever.
Quote: YoDiceRoll11What?
I was only commenting on the fact that evenbob doesn't need you to defend his comments by calling me 5 years old? FYI the "are you 5 comment" is a little played out on message boards. so in the future when you are looking for a way to ask if someone is immature and an ass.....a different comment might be in order...just lookin out for ya bro ;)
Quote: vert1276I was only commenting on the fact that evenbob doesn't need you to defend his comments by calling me 5 years old? FYI the "are you 5 comment" is a little played out on message boards. so in the future when you are looking for a way to ask if someone is immature and an ass.....a different comment might be in order...just lookin out for ya bro ;)
"just lookin out for ya bro" is overplayed. Who is the hypocrite now. ;)
I'm not defending anyone. Making a siren noise is probably overplayed too.