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felt they were, well, dumb. I can understand
a small one here and there, but when I see
these guys (or women) with that crap all over
their arms and chest and legs, I always think
they have a screw loose. To me it means you're
massively insecure and have to get your body
stained with ink to get attention. I saw a girl
cashier today who had something written in
blue tatoo on her forearm, from the elbow to
the wrist. But its all blurry, you can't read it.
She said she got it done in high school when
she was thin, now she's gained weight and
the skin stretched. I mean, at no point in
high school was I ever that out of it to do something
so ridiculous. And its not just her, these tatooed
loons are everywhere.
Sometimes they tell a story ...

Quote: MrVWhy not?Sometimes they tell a story ...
I wonder if most people even know that the old
carnivals that had freak shows, they always had at
least one fully tatooed man. And he was considered
a freak. Now you see these people everywhere, the
world has turned into a freak show.
Stupidest tattoo I ever saw was a young girl with Dave tattooed on her breast. Did she think they would never break up?
Of course at a recent family gathering one acquaintance took all the young girls off to get their very first Tramp Stamps. Fortunately they were these washes off in the next bath kind, but all the girls loved getting them.
Juan Pablo Pino was just arrested in Saudi Arabia for walking around in public with his tattoos uncovered. The fact that one is of Jesus was not supposed to be the main reason, but it probably didn't help.
Ofcourse if this had happened in Malaysia all the shoppers in the store would need to obtain religious counseling because of their having been exposed to a contrary faith.
Normally those whip like sticks would have been applied on the spot.
Quote: EvenBobI wonder if most people even know that the old
carnivals that had freak shows, they always had at
least one fully tatooed man. And he was considered
a freak. Now you see these people everywhere, the
world has turned into a freak show.
That same carnival had the Fat Woman, a freak at the time. Now, most the folks who attend that carnival are fatter than the freak 100 years ago.

Quote: zippyboyThat same carnival had the Fat Woman, a freak at the time. Now, most the folks who attend that carnival are fatter than the freak 100 years ago.
Thats true, isn't it. I see those women in Walmart all
the time, riding around in those electric carts. I always
wonder if they need 3 toilets, one for each cheek and one in
the middle to do their business in. Freak shows are long
gone, the world is a freak show now.
a huge self image problem as a teen and used
to self mutilate by cutting herself with knives.
She still has a big knife collection
Candidates for the freak show:

People who have them seem to naturally gravitate towards one another. I was working a survival job and a chick in the front and a dude in the back both had them. One day out of nowehere she asks him, "want to see my tats?" On "Cops" saw them cuff a guy and the cop says, "hey, let me see yoru tats." Didn't look like he was checking for gang-tats but just liked tattoos by his reaction.
Those that hate them seem to agree they just don't get the point. Roommate I had was in marines and at the end of basic the whole platoon went for tats. He refused to get one. As a result, he was the only one not punished for doing so and got to go on liberty that weekend instead of KP. Despite what you may think, the military does not like their people getting tats as it is an "identifying mark" and a security risk.
Saw a guy in a store once had "**** OFF" one word going down each leg. I wish I was big because I'd like to smack him and ask what goes thru your head to do that?
People that like them, well women that do, say they are "addicting" and after you get one you get many.
Tats/no tats seems to be getting to be one of those dividing things like Coke/Pepst; GOP/Democrat; Ford/Chevy. Lately the people, again espically women, who are "tattooed up" still seem to be getting jobs in the business world no matter how ugly it looks.
Well yeah... it doesn't matter how ugly you are in business. Just can you do the job and get the work done. As it should be.....
I don't mind good tattoos, and some are rather good pieces of art (which is why I suspect some people like checking each others out). Some frankly are horrible and badly advised. But to each their own. Doesn't bother me if someone wants to do something daft with their body... it's theirs to screw around with.
Quote: AZDuffmanThose that hate them seem to agree they just don't get the point.
When I had the bar in the late 70's early 80's,
the only people I saw with tats were bikers.
A lot of them came in the bar because it was
on the lower end of town, close to the beach.
Their IQ's were not stellar and I guess I've
always linked tats with the IQ challenged. I
could never understand getting something
permanent stuck on your body. My uncle had
a skull on his forearm from when he was in
the Navy, but it was 30 years old and you
couldn't even tell what it was anymore.
Quote: thecesspit
Well yeah... it doesn't matter how ugly you are in business. Just can you do the job and get the work done. As it should be.....
Well, this is not 100% true. Some employees are the image of the business and a certain standard of presentation is required.
Quote:I don't mind good tattoos, and some are rather good pieces of art (which is why I suspect some people like checking each others out). Some frankly are horrible and badly advised. But to each their own. Doesn't bother me if someone wants to do something daft with their body... it's theirs to screw around with.
I still don't care for art on the body and don't see the art in 99.99% of tattoos. But this guy takes tatoos and being a fan to a new level.
Quote: AZDuffmanWell, this is not 100% true. Some employees are the image of the business and a certain standard of presentation is required.
Well, that's true enough... I was thinking of less image concious business and more business where the person and results matter more than a few tattoos or fat lip and nose. But in some areas, sure image is a lot. It shouldn't be, but it is. That's human beings.
Quote:I still don't care for art on the body and don't see the art in 99.99% of tattoos.
As is your right, no-one has to make you like it.
I don't care much for Ed Hardy shirts and UFC caps... (or button down collars, bolo ties and pant suits).
I'm sure there is, but when you sober up you may find out that you were not at that one.Quote: NareedIs there a place in Vegas that does temporary tatoos?
I got a fake one once at The Stratosphere. I don't remember the name of the place. It was a temporary air-brushed one...Quote: NareedIs there a place in Vegas that does temporary tatoos?
Quote: HotBlondeI got a fake one once at The Stratosphere. I don't remember the name of the place. It was a temporary air-brushed one...
Is this you? When was it taken?
That is me. I'm at the Jockey Club and that's the Bellagio through the window. I don't know exactly when but this picture was taken maybe in 2002 or 2003.Quote: EvenBobIs this you? When was it taken?
Quote: HotBlondeThat is me. I'm at the Jockey Club and that's the Bellagio through the window. I don't know exactly when but this picture was taken maybe in 2002 or 2003.
Girl, you are amazingly hot in this pic. Good for you.
Quote: HotBlondeI got a fake one once at The Stratosphere. I don't remember the name of the place. It was a temporary air-brushed
Very nice. Thanks.
Any more than one, I find strange.
However, the other day I was watching Comics Unleashed. Three of the male comics started talking about how stupid tattoos are, and how they get all deformed when the person gets old and the skin gets wrinkly. The one female comic had a lot of tattoos, and when confronted about it, she simply said, "I like tattoos and think they are sexy."
Again, while I don't find tattoos attractive, I found a lot of respect in her very simple answer. If you like them, great. If not, stay away from them. Makes sense to me.
Then again, I bet the hard 10, so what do I know?
Google Tattoo and you'll get a whole bunch of freaky images. Here's some of my favorites:

A face only a mother could love...


Perfect for Halloween