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Perhaps July 4th is significant to him. I did a quick browse of his posts and found a gap from last summer. It went from July 4th to September 22nd.

Quote: WizardI just sent him an Email about this thread and it bounced back.
I hope all is well. But I can say from years on boards people do dissapear because of life circumstances. I know I went form many posts a day on usenet to zero the day I got a new job where my boss actually expected work. Usually it takes the rest of the board a few weeks to notice they are gone.
Quote: AZDuffmanI hope all is well.
Me too. He confessed to being rather depressed about life in a thread a while back. I think he had a long absence before, but returned without comment about it. Good guy, hope to see him posting again.
Quote: matildaHis profile says his last visit here was Sept. 7, 2011
So he's around, he's just avoiding us. Fine for him, then. We're
now officially avoiding HIM. Lets see how he likes it....
Quote: EvenBobSo he's around, he's just avoiding us. Fine for him, then. We're
now officially avoiding HIM. Lets see how he likes it....
I think he was abducted by aliens and his ship's orbit brings him close enough to communicate once a month.
As for us both falling off the map, maybe there was something going around that affected us both. I'm still here, but I haven't regained my former level of participation in the forum. Whatever it might have been, it hasn't wiped out my addiction to craps. Since WoVCon, I have made two trips which took me to a total of 17 casinos in Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
Quote: buzzpaffWould take dynamite to blast mine away from the casinos.
Last time my wife went to Vegas with me, we got
separate rooms so she wouldn't wake me up when
she came wandering in at 3:30am from losing at
the slots and drinking half a dozen free Tequila
Some people just lose interest. Goat and Croupier might have just become busy with other facets of their lives. I'm on this site in spurts as well and miss long threads sometimes I just don't have interest at the time for responding.
Some people just lose interest. Goat and Croupier might have just become busy with other facets of their lives. I'm on this site in spurts as well and miss long threads sometimes I just don't have interest at the time for responding.
?Quote: buzzpaffCongrats on getting your wife to Hoover Damn.
Actually, I think my wife likes the damn dam. We didn't get to see it for several trips because the construction-induced traffic jams blocked our way. We visited last December and got a chance to see the new bridge. In June, we took the tour with Croupier and his wife down to see the generator floor.
The rest of this has nothing to do with Croupier, but it is very slightly related to visiting the dam. After our visit last December, I posted some photos. In discussing the new bridge, I also commented on some of the other long, high bridges in the US.
I recently revisited one of those bridges in West Virginia to get a photo I was missing -- I wanted to frame together photos of three catenary arch bridges that I like. In case anyone is interested in seeing these similarly-configured bridges (of different materials) and perhaps seeing why I wanted photos framed together, here are links to my photos, in reduced resolution:
#1. Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge downstream of Hoover Dam,
#2. New River Gorge Bridge in West Virginia,
#3. Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls, just downstream of the falls.
I'm not posting the images to take up space in this thread because they are off topic -- you only have to look at them if you are interested enough to click the links.
Quote: EvenBobSo he's around, he's just avoiding us. Fine for him, then. We're
now officially avoiding HIM. Lets see how he likes it....
He's probably avoiding this gaggle of stalkers.
(tip#: if you answer the phone on the 100th ring, the stalker then knows you'll answer the phone after 100 rings)
Quote: DocAnd the really strange thing is that Croupier and I, along with our wives, spent a fair amount of time together during our WoVCon trip. The four of us had dinner together at the Venetian, went to the Fremont Street Experience together, visited Hoover Dam together, gambled together at Hacienda, then met up one last time at WoVCon.
As for us both falling off the map, maybe there was something going around that affected us both. I'm still here, but I haven't regained my former level of participation in the forum. Whatever it might have been, it hasn't wiped out my addiction to craps. Since WoVCon, I have made two trips which took me to a total of 17 casinos in Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
Did you both swing by the Aria? Legionnaires has been in the air.