Quote: FinsRuleBut actually reading what people's posts say does make you intelligent.
Tell me where he said he rooted for the same sports team as I did......
Hmm. No response from mkl on this yet . . .
Quote: Toes14Hmm. No response from mkl on this yet . . .
Since the answer to this question could be easily derived from reading the post in question, I didn't bother to respond. I don't want to look things up for other people.
Quote: mkl654321Since the answer to this question could be easily derived from reading the post in question, I didn't bother to respond. I don't want to look things up for other people.
or admit that you misread and/or misinterpreted my post.
Quote: Toes14or admit that you misread and/or misinterpreted my post.
From his comments, I think Lord Chief Justice MKL654321 never gets a judgement wrong. Any posting to the contrary is strictly an imagination of the reader.
Quote: Toes14or admit that you misread and/or misinterpreted my post.
I rarely "admit" things that aren't true to begin with. And, lordy, lordy--neither do you.
Quote: thecesspitFrom his comments, I think Lord Chief Justice MKL654321 never gets a judgement wrong. Any posting to the contrary is strictly an imagination of the reader.
What a silly thing to say. The post in question contained several rah-rahs about the Dolphins football team, which Finsrule's screen name refers to. Duh.
Quote: NareedI choose to take your statement literally. That would be the shortest thread on record.
Not everyone (thank God) thinks the way YOU do, Nareed. There's only a very few people sniping at me here, and they constitute a tiny fraction of this board's membership. They mean less than nothing.
Quote: thecesspitFrom his comments, I think Lord Chief Justice MKL654321 never gets a judgement wrong. Any posting to the contrary is strictly an imagination of the reader.
He's too busy declaring victory in the wrong section. You figure it out.
Quote: mkl654321It's just that he's the Dan Quayle of this forum, and he doesn't even realize it.
And you're the Will Hunting/Irwin Corey of this forum.

Quote: EvenBobAnd you're the Will Hunting/Irwin Corey of this forum.
You really should get a second movie for your video collection, Bob. I mean, I know you love that movie, "Good Will Hunting", but watching it over and over and over and over, every single day, has to get boring eventually--doesn't it?
Quote: mkl654321has to get boring eventually--doesn't it?
But you've moved up, you're now the official Irwin Corey of the forum, Mr Know It All.
I think MKL (and those who ape his methods) needs to join Jerry on semi-permanent vacation. Trolling and (not so) thinly veiled insulting commentary is the specialty. This is a gambling board. And frankly, not such an interesting one when there are a couple of members intent on dominating it with their chit-chat which adds absolutely nothing except making gamblers (such as myself) not want to even bother coming here again.
Maybe I'll come back here and check in another month to see if the mess has been cleaned up. Though honestly, I probably won't. I can find gambling info elsewhere.
I rather feel sorry for Mike, as I enjoy his main site. However, this one is not going the way I am sure he wanted.
Quote: mkl654321There's only a very few people sniping at me here, and they constitute a tiny fraction of this board's membership. They mean less than nothing.
Then there is most of the rest of this board who ignore 99% of your statements as they seem to be more a way to get your 20 posts a day on the board. And yes, I know I just replied and gave you an excuse to get 21 in today. Have fun at it. See your name in lights at the top of the most active list. After all, quantity of posts gets you more respect than quality, right?
Quote: AZDuffmanThen there is most of the rest of this board who ignore 99% of your statements as they seem to be more a way to get your 20 posts a day on the board. And yes, I know I just replied and gave you an excuse to get 21 in today. Have fun at it. See your name in lights at the top of the most active list. After all, quantity of posts gets you more respect than quality, right?
Its really amazing, isn't it? He must spend a big chunk of time every day reading and replying. I usually only look in every couple of days now, I just don't have time to mess with it, I have an actual life. Now he'll say that he's super fast at everything he does and time spent here every day is actually just minutes. Like we don't live in the same world he does, he lives is a special Bizzarro world of his own creation. Yawn, whatever.
Quote: JIMMYFOCKERWhere is Jerry?
Quote: EvenBobIts really amazing, isn't it? He must spend a big chunk of time every day reading and replying. I usually only look in every couple of days now, I just don't have time to mess with it, I have an actual life. Now he'll say that he's super fast at everything he does and time spent here every day is actually just minutes. Like we don't live in the same world he does, he lives is a special Bizzarro world of his own creation. Yawn, whatever.
And now he threatens to post 1000 times a day. That's 1.44 minutes per post working 24 hours per day. That suggests to me that instead of just scanning others' posts just to get an idea for his post, he won't even have time to glance at them. That really opens up the topics he can pounce on. My original prediction still stands. He would be preaching to empty pews.
Quote: HotBlondeWow, sounds like there's a lot of drama in this forum!! Yikes!
You aint seen nothing yet.
Yeah, but the primary drama queen keeps getting himself banned, so it's no as bad as it could be.Quote: HotBlondeWow, sounds like there's a lot of drama in this forum!! Yikes!
Of course, the problem is, when he's here, he and the #2 drama queen tend to make this place unbearable.
Quote: DJTeddyBearOf course, the problem is, when he's here, he and the #2 drama queen tend to make this place unbearable.
Maybe we should have an mkl vs JL Soap Opera section. Any time they get started (whcih is every other post), their feud can be split there. Btter yet, only those two should be allowed to post there. That way their fans in the forum can follow the action, without losing any dignity by taking part in it :P
Quote: NareedMaybe we should have an mkl vs JL Soap Opera section. Any time they get started (whcih is every other post), their feud can be split there. Btter yet, only those two should be allowed to post there. That way their fans in the forum can follow the action, without losing any dignity by taking part in it :P
Perhaps we should similarly segregate discussions about sex change operations and transsexuals.
Quote: dmAnd now he threatens to post 1000 times a day. That's 1.44 minutes per post working 24 hours per day. That suggests to me that instead of just scanning others' posts just to get an idea for his post, he won't even have time to glance at them. That really opens up the topics he can pounce on. My original prediction still stands. He would be preaching to empty pews.
Wow, you never actually read anything before responding to it, do you? I never "threatened" to do that--I said that I would post 1000 times if I wanted to. As in, I will post how much and how often as I feel like it, with ot without your or anyone else's approval.
Quote: HotBlondeWow, sounds like there's a lot of drama in this forum!! Yikes!
There would be orders of magnitude more if JerryLogan were back, at least in his Jerryform.
Quote: AZDuffmanThen there is most of the rest of this board who ignore 99% of your statements as they seem to be more a way to get your 20 posts a day on the board. And yes, I know I just replied and gave you an excuse to get 21 in today. Have fun at it. See your name in lights at the top of the most active list. After all, quantity of posts gets you more respect than quality, right?
I don't care whether I have the most posts or not--even if you think I do; even if you say I do. I also would be very upset if I obtained your respect for any reason--i would then have to seriously examine what it is that I might be doing wrong.
Quote: mkl654321Perhaps we should similarly segregate discussions about sex change operations and transsexuals.
Have we not already done that with the GBLT Section?
Quote: mkl654321I don't care whether I have the most posts or not--even if you think I do; even if you say I do. I also would be very upset if I obtained your respect for any reason--i would then have to seriously examine what it is that I might be doing wrong.
Then why not condense your responses into single posts? Just a thought.
Quote: CroupierHave we not already done that with the GBLT Section?
No, those posts aren't segregated, as in, posts on that or similar topics aren't restricted to that or any other category/area. I was responding to Nareed's "suggestion" (he's really gotten lit up re myself in the last few days, poor man).
Quote: mkl654321Wow, you never actually read anything before responding to it, do you?
Quote: Fezzik_The_GiantI do not think your words mean what you think they mean. Anybody want a peanut?
Quote: CroupierHave we not already done that with the GBLT Section?
Yes, but mkl keeps bringing the subject up in other parts of the forum. Like he just did here. I think the poor dear is obsessed.
Quote: mkl654321I don't care whether I have the most posts or not--even if you think I do; even if you say I do. I also would be very upset if I obtained your respect for any reason--i would then have to seriously examine what it is that I might be doing wrong.
It isn't me thinking it or saying it, the number is on the board for all to see. Maybe you should look? Certainly several people have brought up that you post excessively.
Quote: JIMMYFOCKERWhere is Gerald?
In Arizona, or so he said. You know, maybe he never comes back. Maybe he does. If you try hard enough, you could probably email him or one of his good buddies directly to chat.
Quote: thecesspitNo idea. Bet you could work it out by searching his previous posts if you really need to know.
No, just really looking forward to his posts in the future, seems like a real character.
There is also the fact that those that are rather abrasive will not show up anyway. The whole bark is bigger than the bite theory. Seems like those who have committed are of the more gentlemanly variety.
Quote: HotBlondeI do have to say, in regards to the drama previously mentioned in this post, I'm curious what goes down when people meet up in person for one of these "Wizard of Vegas" social get-togethers in Vegas that I've heard about. Do certain people bicker and fight in person just like they do on here???
Well, teddys posted a report on our meeting with the Wizard. To summarize, he kindly picked me up at the Rio and drove us to the Rampart where we met the Wizard. The three of us had a pleasant lunch. We talked about lots of things, including license plates, Mexican history (which the Wizard knows rather well), and gambling. Then we retired to the casino to play 10 hand VP. teddys and I played Not So Ugly Ducks (NSUD), a deuces wild game with a good pay table, while the Wizard played Jacks or Better (JoB). After a few hours the Wizard left. Later teddys and I went to the Pinball Hall of Fame.
No bickering at all.
Quote: EvenBobThe Wizard hasn't been on the forum since the 13th, is he on vacation or something?
Since the 13th?
Let's hope for the best
Quote: HotBlondeI do have to say, in regards to the drama previously mentioned in this post, I'm curious what goes down when people meet up in person for one of these "Wizard of Vegas" social get-togethers in Vegas that I've heard about. Do certain people bicker and fight in person just like they do on here???
The anonymity of the internet leads to bizarre behavior that does not occur in person to person real interactions. I play online bridge on another site and you can't believe how many times 'you are a moron for playing a spade' type comments occur. I sense that if were 4 actual people sitting around a table the comment might have been... I would have played a heart, why did you try a spade? As this is my first internet forum that I am actually learning distinct people's 'personalities', I am SO interested in meeting everyone. My dream dinner is now me, mkl, Nareed, and Jerry Logan. Lunch with the Wiz would preceed it. And how could I not want breakfast with someone who's moniker is HotBlonde!
Quote: SOOPOOThe anonymity of the internet leads to bizarre behavior that does not occur in person to person real interactions.
Sometimes. Ask around my workplace, and you'll learn I've used the phrase "Weren't you ever five years old?" or "What are you? Twelve?" quite a lot ;)
Quote:My dream dinner is now me, mkl, Nareed, and Jerry Logan.
Nightmare seems more like it.
Quote:And how could I not want breakfast with someone who's moniker is HotBlonde!
Was that a Freudian slip? I mean, it's not hard to assume what activity a man would fantasize about someone named HotBlonde the night prior to breakfast ;)
Quote: JIMMYFOCKERSince the 13th?
Let's hope for the best
Where is the Wizard?
Quote: EvenBobThe Wizard hasn't been on the forum since the 13th, is he on vacation or something?
He must be back today because I'm able to post. But I see my position has been demoted some, as nearly every regular poster has finally caught onto how hilarious the resident bloviating know-it-all is with his constant cut & paste responses from the internet and accompanying numerous unsupportable assertions. One can only shake their head at the level of insecurity someone like that must have spending so much time just to get the approval of a bunch of anonymous posters. I guess his Mazda 3 doesn't do it for him. :)
Quote: JerryLoganI guess his Mazda 3 doesn't do it for him. :)
Hey now Jerry, let's take it easy on the Mazda's. I had a Mazda 3 when I was younger and it was an excellent car! On a side note, nice use of 'bloviate'!
Quote: Toes14Hey now Jerry, let's take it easy on the Mazda's. I had a Mazda 3 when I was younger and it was an excellent car! On a side note, nice use of 'bloviate'!
The key is "younger". He's an old man.