I don't think people who say this have any real idea of what casino rules and T&C actually state but here is an example of Resorts World terms and conditions.
You agree by gambling in their facilities that you will bring no lawsuit or claims against them. However if you do, those claims will be pursuant to Malaysian law (BTW US law is if the location of an incident and the individual live in the same city then that's the venue. In fact so does Malaysian law so right away this T&C is ridiculous.
You also agree that if you win in court damages are restricted to 100 Malaysian ringgit (which last I checked was about $18.)
I also checked Malaysian court and in order to file a case you must have residency in Malaysia with a valid Malaysian court address.
Does anyone here with a court case against Resorts world appreciate someone telling then it's their house their rules and they need to fly to Malaysia, get an apartment and file a case to win a potential $18?

And even if the U.S. casino tried something like that, it would not hold up in court, if the action ever got to court that is.
Formed on February 26, 2013, Resorts World Las Vegas LLC is the owner and operator of Resorts World Las Vegas. If something happens at RW Vegas, I am sure that the lawsuit would be against RWLV LLC, not Genting.
Quote: MDawgFor example,
Formed on February 26, 2013, Resorts World Las Vegas LLC is the owner and operator of Resorts World Las Vegas. If something happens at RW Vegas, I am sure that the lawsuit would be against RWLV LLC, not Genting.
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The T&C for NY location can be found right on their website.
It's under "Terms and Conditions " sections 13 1-5for attorneys who have difficulty doing research.
The Casino is operated by Genting New York LLC d/b/a Resorts World New York City.
So again, I am sure you could sue that LLC for anything that happened at that property, assuming you had a cause of action that was lawsuit worthy to begin with.
Quote: MDawghttps://rwnewyork.com/about/
The Casino is operated by Genting New York LLC d/b/a Resorts World New York City.
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And Resorts world NYC LLC has on its website precisely what I said and showed.
Is your argument that you refuse to read the evidence because you know better?
Are you refuting that they have those in the T&C?
Talk to me when you get your black belt.
Quote: MDawghttps://rwnewyork.com/about/
The Casino is operated by Genting New York LLC d/b/a Resorts World New York City.
So again, I am sure you could sue that LLC for anything that happened at that property, assuming you had a cause of action that was lawsuit worthy to begin with.
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Well I agree you can sue in NYC.
Perhaps we are arguing the same thing.
My point in the OP is that terms and conditions at casinos are worthless because they say things that doesn't even have legal standing.
You are arguing someone could indeed sue in NYS and not have to fly to Malaysia so we actually agree.
But the T&C do state you have to go to Malaysia
Quote: MDawgYou're like me in my first year or two of martial arts training. More dangerous to myself than I was when I knew nothing, because I THOUGHT I knew something, but really didn't.
Talk to me when you get your black belt.
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A person is always dangerous to themselves when they admit they didn't even look at the actual evidence.
Suggestions for all lawyers. Read evidence before making comments.
I didn't go to law school but would imagine that is somewhere in law 101
I have to acknowledge being given a copy of the T&C for every online casino and agree to abide by the T&C. I also have to acknowledge when the casino sends me a notice that the T&C have changed. When I get a promo from a B&M casino or an online casino, the T&C specific to that promotion are included in the offer. Any T&C that I have acknowledged or that is attached to my offer would seem to have better legal standing in case of a dispute.
And if I do sue and win I get 100 bucks Malaysian. These Lawyers write some funny stuff.
Quote: rainmanSo I can't sue if they back room me beat my ass and cause permanent damage to my person.
And if I do sue and win I get 100 bucks Malaysian. These Lawyers write some funny stuff.
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And to be clear I was also pointing out that what they wrote is illegal. But they wrote it nonetheless.
And the T&Cs I've come across prove it. Some say [in so many words] " we may decline to pay you for any reason we might dream up". In my view you should be able to say in any lawsuit you'd bring, the T&C here should be thrown out in it's entirety due to ridiculous clauses like that. But no, evidently that goes no where.
Disclaimers are something else that I can hardly believe. You might see a commercial with a disclaimer in tiny print that you'd need a microscope to read , and that would take at least a minute to read, and it is shown for about one second. So, in my opinion, you should be able to say the disclaimer shown was invalid. But .... apparently not.
The explanation might be as simple as that some jerk off at Genting copy / pasted the same TOS all over the different casino websites worldwide. You have to use some common sense when looking at something like this.
Quote: MDawgIf you want to waste the time, look up any lawsuits that have been filed against RW NYC and I doubt you will find any where the LLC defendant tries to switch venue to Malaysia. This is a ridiculously misleading thread.
The explanation might be as simple as that some jerk off at Genting copy / pasted the same TOS all over the different casino websites worldwide. You have to use some common sense when looking at something like this.
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You are totally missing the point. I don't understand why you are being so obtuse.
I myself sued Resorts World NYC in NYC.
The argument isn't that the venue will be changed by the casino to Malaysia.
The argument being made is that the agreement patrons make to abide by T&C AS WRITTEN is ridiculous. Because Terms and conditions AS WRITTEN are usually illegal or wrong.
I don't understand why you can't grasp that aspect of the Original Post.
You yourself have argued that casinos have rules that must be followed as written. Now you say it may be written but doesn't have to be followed. WHICH IS THE POINT!!
How is this a ridiculously misleading thread?Quote: MDawgIf you want to waste the time, look up any lawsuits that have been filed against RW NYC and I doubt you will find any where the LLC defendant tries to switch venue to Malaysia. This is a ridiculously misleading thread.
The explanation might be as simple as that some jerk off at Genting copy / pasted the same TOS all over the different casino websites worldwide. You have to use some common sense when looking at something like this.
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Anyone who's an actual Advantage Player or someone who plays with an advantage regularly understands exactly what DarkOz is saying, And what the point of this thread is. Even people who
Are not APs get it.
As far as B&M Casino go, I tend to ignore their terms and conditions that are unfavorable to me. Especially, if they are in contradiction to what I believe the gaming laws state.Quote: darkozQuote: MDawgIf you want to waste the time, look up any lawsuits that have been filed against RW NYC and I doubt you will find any where the LLC defendant tries to switch venue to Malaysia. This is a ridiculously misleading thread.
The explanation might be as simple as that some jerk off at Genting copy / pasted the same TOS all over the different casino websites worldwide. You have to use some common sense when looking at something like this.
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You are totally missing the point. I don't understand why you are being so obtuse.
I myself sued Resorts World NYC in NYC.
The argument isn't that the venue will be changed by the casino to Malaysia.
The argument being made is that the agreement patrons make to abide by T&C AS WRITTEN is ridiculous. Because Terms and conditions AS WRITTEN are usually illegal or wrong.
I don't understand why you can't grasp that aspect of the Original Post.
You yourself have argued that casinos have rules that must be followed as written. Now you say it may be written but doesn't have to be followed. WHICH IS THE POINT!!
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When it comes to special promotions, I read and reread the rules/ terms ans conditions. When it comes to Special promotions things can get fuzzy. When there is an issue where gaming needs to get involved, there's always a chance gaming rules against you even though you're technically right.