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Did't I read somewhere here that someone thinks mkl & I are the same person? Hahaha! I kill myself!!!
What if JerryLogan and MKL were actually the same person, just with a huge split personality disorder ?
That's why they both get suspended at the same time, and why you never have seen them in the same
place at the same time. Makes you wonder, doesn't it ?
Stranger things have happened, ie Palin as a VP Candidate, "W" getting a second term in office, etc.
NOW, to apply some McCarthy-era logic, if you were in fact the same person, I wouldn't expect you to
admit it. Which in a sense therefore strongly suggests that you are ! I suspect that maybe the MKL
side of your personality will admit it.
How would the Wizard possibly know that MKL and Jerry were the same person so he could suspend them at the same time?
So if I'm mkl, mkl is Jerry, and Jerry is Rob Singer, then that would make me Rob Singer. Wow, I can't even get my mind around that.
Hmm. I've done it before... Of course, musing about it this way makes the point rather moot. Too bad, I've been wanting to try out new nicks.
Anyway, last weekend when we got there the progressive jackpot was only $4,200; someone had hit the royal not too long ago. So my wife was playing $.25 triple double bonus. She got four aces with the kicker, 4,000 coins, or $1,000! So then she starts playing TDB for $1, and within a few spins she got 4 aces with the kicker again! $4,000 more! She is so lucky.
but instead of using {} around it, use [ ] brackets instead.
So for example if I use the images here :, I put it in and get :
Would work. The link for formatting codes gives you clues as well (down in bottom right).
I look forward to a JLogan teaching report with Mr Singer.
Quote: HeadlockJerry, you will appreciate this. I primarily play craps, while my wife plays video poker, usually DDB, and some blackjack. There is a $1 progressive at our local casino that I play when the progressive gets over $5,000.
Anyway, last weekend when we got there the progressive jackpot was only $4,200; someone had hit the royal not too long ago. So my wife was playing $.25 triple double bonus. She got four aces with the kicker, 4,000 coins, or $1,000! So then she starts playing TDB for $1, and within a few spins she got 4 aces with the kicker again! $4,000 more! She is so lucky.
That's better than anyone could ask for esp. on that very tough game. BTW, one thing RS taught me today was that after hitting a big winner like that, NEVER go UP in denomination. Start over again at a lower one. He said it will turn out good for the player very infrequently and overwhelmingly (his words) the player will experience a shocking loss that they didn't think could happen after the high of the win. He also said that people who do get overconfident and rush to higher denominations they really aren't bankrolled for, are problem gamblers. Still, congratulations are in order to your wife for beating those predictions.
Oh, i'll give a full report here tonight after I post the pic and take care of a few things around the house.
Under that it says " Grab The Link".
Paste that here. That'll give us a link to click on see it here. Flickr doesn't actually share the raw URL easily, I thought it did.
If you are jerrbear on flickr, you might need to share the image with the rest of the world...
Quote: JerryLoganHe said it will turn out good for the player very infrequently and overwhelmingly (his words) the player will experience a shocking loss that they didn't think could happen after the high of the win.
Quote: bluefire
Two events that are not 1 in 40,000-plus chances of happening. I think that's what's being said there.
Quote: thecesspitIf you look at the picture on the flickr site there's a little menu marked "ShareThis"
Under that it says " Grab The Link".
Paste that here. That'll give us a link to click on see it here. Flickr doesn't actually share the raw URL easily, I thought it did.
If you are jerrbear on flickr, you might need to share the image with the rest of the world...
Here's my link. I don't see what you're referring to though.

Jerry's Royal for all you Royal Flush fans out there...
(The "Share this" -> "Get BB Code" option will give you code that would work on other bulletin boards, but not this one, as it's had crafted by BlueJay)
Here's what we did and I learned. As I said earlier, RS teaches not to ever go UP in denomination (a walk into the high limit room for some) after hitting a jackpot such as I did today. In fact, his strategy is built around that fact, since after hitting this I started another session back down at the same 25c level. His play says to use $1/$2/$5/$10/$25/$100 (with a min. win goal of $2500) games with 100 credits BP on each level then 300 credits on SDBP or DDBP etc. He recommends SDBP or TBP+ only because of the quad payouts, but if they're not available I'm to use DDBP which is everywhere. Also, his strategy has an elaborate, confusing (to me) scheme of cashing out whenever a profit of 40 CREDITS on any level is attained, then we started over again on that same level & game to try to do it again & again. That 40 credits is not counted as real profit (he calls it "soft profit never again to be risked in the session") unless you win the session by hitting your overall win goal. And if you do lose your session bankroll, you didn't really lose it all because you have these multiple soft profit cashouts waiting for you. (Notice the pay table is 9/5, which he said is well below 100%? He made fun of the people who'd say even though I won a bundle here, I really LOST money by playing a -ev machine.) Ha! I love being a LOSER!!
I used 25c/50c/$1/$2/$5 because that's all they had where I was taught, so he had me use a win goal of just $100/session. I was told to bring $3500 with me, which covers one total losing session. NOTE: He never plays but only teaches at Indian casinos because he does not believe they are on the up & up. I played 3 sessions today. This royal was on the very first attempt. How'd I do? On this SESSION #1: I lost 25c ($100) and 50c ($200) and $1 BP ($100) and as you can see I was almost out of my 300 $1 DDBP credits when this sweet thing appeared. So do the math: -$100 + -$200 + -$100 + -$245 + +$4000 = +$3355. HOWEVER, now's when those "soft profits" came into play. I had a total of 2 of them on quarters for $10 and $12.50; I had one on 50c for $40; and I had one on $1BP for $65. (Yes that's over $100 but at the time I hit them I was never up $100 OVERALL which is the only thing that counts). So my overall profit for this 1st ever session was $3482.50. Oh, when the tribe came over to pay me (and naturally the last $100 was in 20's) Singer never tips and since I read that from him a few years ago I stopped tipping handpays, so I kept every penny of this.
SESSION #2: This session went by in just 30 minutes. I hit four aces on 50c DDBP without the kicker, and I didn't have any previous 40 credit cashouts. Profit was +$170.
SESSION #3: This one was a ball-buster. It probably lasted 4 hours. One thing I learned was that his first mini-win goal is to go back to the previous level's BP game, but you have to recover all that was lost on your current and that lower level PLUS win at least 10 credits profit in order to do so. That happened multiple times, as did those 40 credit-minimum cashouts. I played all the way into $5 BP (which is more my style, but he didn't like that I said that and told me I sounded like an addict). The bottom line is the session ended after I hit four 2's for $1000 then on my next venture into $5BP I hit them again, and ended with an overall $320 profit.
He only plays one of these sessions on a trip and I can see why. They are totally exhausting on the mind, and he writes things down meticulously along the way so as not to lose track. Plus I can imagine the stress at those crazy higher limits he goes to. I'll be doing this with him again in a month or so, but he only want to spend max 2 hours. I'm not going to try this myself until I feel I know what I'm doing 100%, like him.
Overall results for the day: 3-0, +$4292.50. Any doubts I had about him or his play results are just about gone now. He told me never to expect to hit a royal and that his strategy actually counts on winning without them. They are just a bonus if and when they come. I feel if I didn't hit this one today I'd have still have won at least a hundred bucks on the 1st session, so it would have been a good day anyway.
I want to add here that I just read Wizards comments on another thread about not making optimal plays purposely. As you may know by now RS has numerous holds which go against the math for reasons he seems to understand best, and we made quite a few of them today. Nothing earth-shatterring either way happened, but I won anyway. He says I can expect to win at least 85% of the time and make a consistent overall profit by doing so. How can one argue with that?
I saw else where you used the special plays a few times, but they weren't that regular.
I'd forgotten the full play system had the 40 credit winners. I'm not sure quite what effect they have on the overall results...
Any comments from Mr Singer on taking up any challenges with Mr Bluejay?
Quote: thecesspitThanks for the report.
I saw else where you used the special plays a few times, but they weren't that regular.
I'd forgotten the full play system had the 40 credit winners. I'm not sure quite what effect they have on the overall results...
Any comments from Mr Singer on taking up any challenges with Mr Bluejay?
We discussed it, but the last I read was MB didn't really have a handle on the strategy and he didn't want to spend the time learning more about it I guess. RS will talk to anyone though, aren't you the one he said he's been chatting with here about his method?
Oh, notice how MKL's stayed away from this thread? Imagine the PAIN he felt as he looked at a JL one dollar royal! Absolutely PRICELESS!!