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Quote: joenunzhttp://www.eejitsguides.com/environment/fuel-octane-summary.html
Not that I understand any of it, but from the third paragraph...
"The octane rating isn't really anything to do with octane, but rather its cousin iso-octane"
Thank you.
Now for the face-saving essay.....
Quote: mkl654321The high-compression aircraft engines you mentioned were available precisely because the US had better metallurgy, and more readily available materials. Sometimes it does come down to who has the better factories.
Uh, no, not at all. The Germans had fine manufacturing in the 1930s and 1940s as they do today. What they didn't have was ready access to a lot of oil as we did. Had they known there was an ocean of it under Rommel's feet the air war might have gone different.
My source for this is the book, "The Prize" which is a very complete history of the oil industry from Drake to about 1989.
Anyone who wants to continue this conversation with me please learn the difference between "Jet Fuel" and "Aviation Gasoline." One runs turbines and one runs piston-driven engines. One is so low octane it will not run your car engine, the other is so high it could do serious damage.
This is true. The airlines don't pay wholesale, as MKL claims, but they do get a discount for buying in bulk. And its not 50%, its more like 10-15%.
Quote: EvenBobEveryone pays the same, and airlines may get a quantity discount each month.>>>
This is true. The airlines don't pay wholesale, as MKL claims, but they do get a discount for buying in bulk. And its not 50%, its more like 10-15%.
Airlines have many options. Rememnber the "hedges" Southworst had in 2007-8 which made them sever hundred million $$$? Then the same hedges cost them a ton when the price fell?
I doubt it is even 10% I think they pay a near spot-price. No refinery can give a 10% discount on a product where they make pennies per gallon. And virtually everyone buys in bulk from a refinery.
Quote: AZDuffman
I doubt it is even 10% I think they pay a near spot-price.
I'm sure you're right, I was just guessing because MKL made it sound like they were paying half what retail is.
Quote: joenunzhttp://www.eejitsguides.com/environment/fuel-octane-summary.html
Not that I understand any of it, but from the third paragraph...
"The octane rating isn't really anything to do with octane, but rather its cousin iso-octane"
A little too esoteric for Jerry the Hot Dog Vendor to understand, I'm afraid....
Quote: JerryLoganThank you.
Now for the face-saving essay.....
Oh, are you gonna write one, Jerry? I look forward to it. I suggest looking up "octane" in the dictionary first, though.
Quote: EvenBobI'm sure you're right, I was just guessing because MKL made it sound like they were paying half what retail is.
$2.36 current spot price. Retail, between $3.50 and $4.50.
Quote: JerryLoganAn octane rating without octane....sure thing. How long did it take you to make that one up?
You never admit when you are wrong since this forum is all you have in life outside work. But you're still the most laughed at here. Watch: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
well, at least I'm not the biggest prick, nor am I the most loathed--those honors belong to you.
Quote: mkl654321$2.36 current spot price. Retail, between $3.50 and $4.50.
Spot price does not include taxes, retail does. Ditto transportation and handling costs.
Quote: AZDuffmanSpot price does not include taxes, retail does. Ditto transportation and handling costs.
Whatever. I'm tired of arguing about it. Let Jerry crow about whatever he wants.
The main point of my previous post was that air transport is at least as efficient as car transport, in terms of moving people around. That got lost in all the Jerry-spew. Let him "assert" whatever he wants (and he probably won't even acknowledge that he was waaaaaay off in his first guess--he said that jet fuel cost $6/gallon; wow, what an ASSERTION from a don't-know-it-all.)
Quote: mkl654321well, at least I'm not the biggest prick, nor am I the most loathed--those honors belong to you.
Didn't the Smothers Brothers already do this with their 'Mom liked you best' routine? Now you're going to argue about who's the most loathed?
Quote: EvenBobDidn't the Smothers Brothers already do this with their 'Mom liked you best' routine? Now you're going to argue about who's the most loathed?
He needs love. Just put yourself in his place and imagine the loathing going on since I WON AGAIN TODAY!!
Quote: EvenBobDidn't the Smothers Brothers already do this with their 'Mom liked you best' routine? Now you're going to argue about who's the most loathed?
No need to argue about it--Jerry himself is the only one who would say that he isn't the most loathed.
Quote: PaigowdanI've got nothing against country folk. My family moved to Huntville Alabama from New York City, and truckers and farmers and all of the salt of the earth are...well Salf of the Earth people.
But when you start:
1. Putting Rubber Gonads onto your motor vehicles, or
2. Stencil the crap out of your vehicle's windows with Adolescent rock band logos like a 16-year old...and
3. Use vehicles so inefficient that they chew up a ton of fuel that we pay a premium to the Middle-East (a lot of that cash finding its way to a LOT of anti-american terrorists), and spew a huge amount of toxins into the atmosphere
4. And are actually proud of this....
then yeah, that is indeed some assinine Hillbilly shit-kicking crap.
And I'm not saying it's a GEOGRAPHICAL thing - it's a state of mind and approach kind of thing.
There are plenty of farmers and country folk who are urbane, read books, are not wasteful, and are sober, and then there are those who are not, and it has nothing to do with locale. Again, it has nothing to do with location or the area of the country. It has to do with actually being good citizens, instead of being fools with an American flag on top of it.
Gonna have to call you out on this one - as well as bring the post back on topic (how bizarre! =P )
-- It seems your main complaint is the _class_ of people who "generally" buy pickup trucks. Gonads. Got it. Stencils. Got it. Not pickups per se, it's the type of person and their behavior that really twists your shorts.
-- But #3 terrorism and toxins? Please seeand check out yer ol' Mercedes. Lots of 17-13 mpg gas guzzlers my friend. The whole luxury car class is pretty much in the same boat as pickup trucks. Since *you* admit to driving a Mercedes, it's decent odds *you* get no better mpg than a pickup...which means YOU support terrorism and toxins!!! quid pro quo
Quote: JerryLoganI for one would like to see the price of gas go to $10/gallon or higher.
This thread is so far off topic, I really don't care about the rest of it. But, this one line confused me. Aren't you a trucking company executive? That'd be devastating for your business. Why are you rooting for failure?
Quote: rdw4potusThis thread is so far off topic, I really don't care about the rest of it. But, this one line confused me. Aren't you a trucking company executive? That'd be devastating for your business. Why are you rooting for failure?
All we do is pass the increase onto our customers. Trucks will always roll, and the independents are the ones who'll go down.
I wasn't hoping for the $10/gallon price for this reason anyway. I'd like to see it to help eliminate as many junkers, clunkers, and Sunday drivers as possible.
Quote: Motor
Gonna have to call you out on this one - as well as bring the post back on topic (how bizarre! =P )
-- It seems your main complaint is the _class_ of people who "generally" buy pickup trucks. Gonads. Got it. Stencils. Got it. Not pickups per se, it's the type of person and their behavior that really twists your shorts.
-- But #3 terrorism and toxins? Please see http://www.fueleconomy.gov and check out yer ol' Mercedes. Lots of 17-13 mpg gas guzzlers my friend. The whole luxury car class is pretty much in the same boat as pickup trucks. Since *you* admit to driving a Mercedes, it's decent odds *you* get no better mpg than a pickup...which means YOU support terrorism and toxins!!! quid pro quo
There is a sense of entitlement of the old West, of the endless frontier, of consuming whatever the hell you want, and to hell with anybody else. this lives on as a syndrone...
I hate this posture, and I see it in spades, the Ugly American. These day should be over.
1. Trucks, pickups, etc: for EVERY fill up you might as well hand over a crisp $20 to the Wahabi regime, or even to Osama Bin Laden, seeing the money go to the middle East. WTF. (And NO, the MB 190e is a FOUR CYLINDER small car, can't compare.)
2. Accident with a truck or Pickup? Oh, to HELL with what I hit! Instead of a mere fender-bender, you got dead and injured people. But WTF, I didn't know the soccer mon and her kids in that Toyota: the stetson man's entitled.
3. Attitude? The thing I hate to see at my table when several European or Asian visitors are present is an American downing six shots of Jack in an hour, telling the foreigners what their problem is. Ditto to #2. Guaranteed, these people go home and tell their country all about it. HATE to see it.
What's the whole of this this way o' life and attitude? nothing.
Quote: Paigowdan
1. Trucks, pickups, etc: for EVERY fill up you might as well hand over a crisp $20 to the Wahabi regime,
2. Accident with a truck or Pickup? Oh, to HELL with what I hit!
What a truckload of baloney. We have the right to buy whatever we like, if you don't like it go somewhere else. And driving a truck doesn't automatically make you a jerk. The fact that you think it does speaks volumes about the giant chip on your shoulder, however.
Quote: JerryLoganAll we do is pass the increase onto our customers. Trucks will always roll, and the independents are the ones who'll go down.
I wasn't hoping for the $10/gallon price for this reason anyway. I'd like to see it to help eliminate as many junkers, clunkers, and Sunday drivers as possible.
You'll also lose customers. They'll redeploy assets, regionalize inventory hubs, ship by rail, etc. A 300% cost increase is a BIG deal in sourcing departments, and it will cause a long-term strategy realignment.
Quote: PaigowdanThere is a sense of entitlement of the old West, of the endless frontier, of consuming whatever the hell you want, and to hell with anybody else. this lives on as a syndrone...
I hate this posture, and I see it in spades, the Ugly American. These day should be over.
1. Trucks, pickups, etc: for EVERY fill up you might as well hand over a crisp $20 to the Wahabi regime, or even to Osama Bin Laden, seeing the money go to the middle East. WTF. (And NO, the MB 190e is a FOUR CYLINDER small car, can't compare.)
Hurgh? Isn't the US getting the oil from itself or supporting the People's Republic of Canada from the Albertan Oil sands?
Far worse for getting me angry is not the truck drivers (we see them all over the Pacific North West). No, it's drunk drivers. But that's another thread.
The majority of our oil comes from other countries, a ton from the Mid-East.
And yes, drunk drivers are the real issue, this thread is just a pet peeve run amok.
And I use several criteria to determine if something is of a "not a good practice" situation:
1. If it is more WASTEFUL;
2. If it is more DANGEROUS, and;
3. If it just MORONIC or ASSININE.
and the practitioners are oblivious to such, or just don't give a rat's A.
Quote: Paigowdan
1. If it is more WASTEFUL;
2. If it is more DANGEROUS, and;
3. If it just MORONIC or ASSININE.
Wasteful for who, you're not paying for the gas. Dangerous for who? Certainly not the driver of the truck or SUV. I've had an SUV for 20 years, I won't drive anything else. And I fail to see how surrounding myself with more steel when I drive is moronic. What others drive is their choice.
Quote: EvenBobWasteful for who, you're not paying for the gas.
Yes we are indeed. We ALL are, that's the point. ALL gas prices - indeed any and all prices that we pay - are subject to supply and demand - especially for a finite and dwindling resource.
Quote: EvenBobDangerous for who? Certainly not the driver of the truck or SUV.
Ahh...there's the arrogant attitude I'm talking about..."f]ck the other guy, let 'em die - so as long as I'M safe in my big steel tank!"
Yes, you fail to see how surronding yourself in more steel in moronic, in lieu of modern safety features like seat belts, air bags, car handing and maneoverabilty. Bob, you fail to see: higher initial price, higher upkeep, higher fuel costs, higher insurance, higher risk of law suits, higher risk of more serve injuries to other people you don't care about as a result of your traffic mishaps; risk of more property damage...all these needless risks are moronic to undertake and selfish to risk inflicting on others of your community.Quote: EvenBobAnd I fail to see how surrounding myself with more steel when I drive is moronic.
Yes it is, and It says a real lot about the person who's making these decisions, and why they make them, and what they looked at and considered as "the right thing to do in a good citizen sense, especially if they're American."Quote: EvenbobWhat others drive is their choice.
In an analogy not easily understood, the home owners who insulate their homes very well, install high-efficiency flourescent lighting and heating, clean their filters, recycle their oil, have a huge positive impact when done in numbers. They're the same people who fix broken windows, paint the crosswalk lanes, do crossing guard work for schools, support wind and sunlight electrical generation, so that their kids will have $3/gallon gas and 12c a kilowatt/hour electricity twenty years out. If things keep up, then we won't be able to choose what we drive, as you're saying is the case now. It'll be gone. I look at the U.S. like the fall of the Roman empire, screw the writing on the wall and the truck in front of us.
Quote: DeMangoEvery now and then we let the puppies breath and put 'em in their place.
So...you show dem A-holes who's REALLY got the shortest Johnson, eh? lol! Bragging you drive a Z then pointing at pickup drivers as having Johnson issues is hilarious. A Z says "Hey baby, I have a small Johnson, but I've got money to make up for it". We all have Johnson issues. Deal with it.
Quote: paigowdanAhh...there's the arrogant attitude I'm talking about
You really, really need to re-read all your posts in this thread. Talk about the arrogant pot calling the arrogant kettle arrogant.
Quote: paigowdanTrucks, pickups, etc: for EVERY fill up you might as well hand over a crisp $20 to the Wahabi regime, or even to Osama Bin Laden
Did you look at luxury car mpg in that link I posted? Beemers, Mercedes (except your precious 190, that 18mpg/city is rippin'!), Audis, Lexus', Caddy's -- all get pretty skanky mpg, very much on par with V8 pickups - certainly nothing to look down their noses at. Do you rant about *those* arrogant drivers who are pumping money into foreigners pockets with every tank of gas? No...those are people just like you. Who waste money on over-priced cars that they don't really need. Why don't they buy more fuel efficient cars? I'll tell you why, they WANT TO SUPPORT TERRORISTS AND BIN LADEN! lolololol.
dan, just come out and say what you are trying oh so hard not to say - "I hate those damn hillbilly/redneck types who give Vegas a bad image. I want witty, urbane, metrosexuals, who drive european sedans, to be the face of Vegas!". Then we can all go crawl back into our holes and hibernate.
edit: I googled "truck balls". bleagh. I live in Colorado (tons of pickups ya know? you better not come here dan, your head will 'asplode) and never seen them before. It's not a "pickup truck thing", it's a Vegas thing (or urban cowboy thing). Basically dan, I think it's Las Vegas that brings out the truck balls in people, not trucks.
Quote: PaigowdanOn oil, Yes, the U.S. gets a minority of its oil from its own land, but No, not really, and not enough.
The majority of our oil comes from other countries, a ton from the Mid-East.
About 12% of US Oil imports seem to come from the "Wahabi Regime" (this is before I debate if this handing money to terrorists) :
Your welcome to Canada's oil (I'd love to see a increase in oil prices, it helps my Retirement Investments no end), as long as you don't insist on putting oil tankers down the coast here...
Quote: thecesspitAbout 12% of US Oil imports seem to come from the "Wahabi Regime" (this is before I debate if this handing money to terrorists) :
Your welcome to Canada's oil (I'd love to see a increase in oil prices, it helps my Retirement Investments no end), as long as you don't insist on putting oil tankers down the coast here...
1. ANY U.S. money flowing out of the country, particularly to feed American greed, wastefulness, and stupidity - is a bad thing, especially if it goes to any hostile regimes, or regimes that are quietly in support of Anti-American safety. Period, end of story.
2. Opting for a vehicle ( - or any other practice) that is more WASTEFUL, more DANGEROUS, and just Assinine In Accessories - and with self-righteous attitude that's in your face about it - IS a part of the Ugly American Arrogance. It's selfish and arrogant. Foreigners look at this and say, "Americans are assholes." Americans look at this and stop wearing their Stetsons. (I DO own one. Haven't worn it in five years, and I feel sad. I clean it and brush it.)
3. No, the four cylinder MB gets 22mpg. So do a lot of Beemers. And Hyundai's. There is NO 5-liter-plus truck that gets that. Also, my other car is a used Hyundai Accent; 4-cylinder 5-speed manual. And yes, I was lookin' for a pair of Steer Horns for the hood, but they had to be Korean to fit.
Quote: Paigowdan1. ANY U.S. money flowing out of the country, particularly to feed American greed, wastefulness, and stupidity - is a bad thing, especially if it goes to any hostile regimes, or regimes that are quietly in support of Anti-American safety. Period, end of story.
Why this need to call anything about people wanting something they like "greed?" But if you insist on that line I would retort that Greed, for lack of a better word is good. A "greedy" Steve Wynn bought the DI and made it into a nicer place. It employs many people, including 1,000 or more "greedy" dealers who want to make as much money as possible turning cards. They use this money to buy products and services from other "greedy" people in the Vegas area. Some are "greedy" homeowners who want to refinance to get a lower rate and save money, which employs people like me, who are greedy and go to a poker room to try to win some easy cash, employing more greedy dealers................
Why can't it just be left at not "liking" trucks for whatever reason but not care what others like? I can't see why people waste money on slots when they can play for many times as long for the same money at a table game. Do I care? Heck no!
Quote: Motor
dan, just come out and say what you are trying oh so hard not to say - "I hate those damn hillbilly/redneck types who give Vegas a bad image. I want witty, urbane, metrosexuals, who drive european sedans, to be the face of Vegas!". Then we can all go crawl back into our holes and hibernate.
Don't want no metrosexuals. I don't want ANYONE with any dumb-ass, arrogant, wasteful, in-youir-face cultural syndrome of "identity politics" parading it around, and the silly baggage that comes with it after a point. There's one emblem on my cars and its a simple American flag. It's COMPLETE AS SUCH because I didn't add steer horns, rubber McNuggents, Rock band Stencils, hydraulics lifts, or spin-o-matic wheel covers to the things.
Quote: Motor
edit: I googled "truck balls". bleagh. I live in Colorado (tons of pickups ya know? you better not come here dan, your head will 'asplode) and never seen them before. It's not a "pickup truck thing", it's a Vegas thing (or urban cowboy thing). Basically dan, I think it's Las Vegas that brings out the truck balls in people, not trucks.
I think your right. For Las Vegas to bring out our inner Hillbillies, especially during Jeff Foxworthy shows in town, is an aspect. This town allows people to let loose their true colors, and it can be a goofy rainbow show at times. Rodeo's, speedway events, Computer Expo's, even The Global Gaming expos all bring out there own nerds and cliques and pathos. A lot of it sticks to the town, some of it cruddy.
Quote: Paigowdan."f]ck the other guy, let 'em die - so as long as I'M safe in my big steel tank!"
I can hear the conversation at the dealership: "Honey, we really need an SUV if we want to carry all the kids and bikes and stuff at once."
"Quit being so selfish, dear. You need to think about all the innocent people we'll probably kill in our big, safe vehicle. We need to be just as stupid and vulnerable as the drivers in those Kleenex cars, our kids aren't any more precious than theirs. I not only have to be the protector of my own family, I have to protect the families of every driver out there. Its no longer survival of the fittest and smartest, its survival of every illiterate douchebag that we can save from himself. God wants it that way."
Quote: EvenBobI can hear the conversation at the dealership: "Honey, we really need an SUV if we want to carry all the kids and bikes and stuff at once."
"Quit being so selfish, dear. You need to think about all the innocent people we'll probably kill in our big, safe vehicle. We need to be just as stupid and vulnerable as the drivers in those Kleenex cars, our kids aren't any more precious than theirs. I not only have to be the protector of my own family, I have to protect the families of every driver out there. Its no longer survival of the fittest and smartest, its survival of every illiterate douchebag that we can save from himself. God wants it that way."
That wasn't the conversation. You're way out on that. I never said SUVs/mini-vans are bad, YOU have here.
Indeed I described a pickup slamming into a mini-van with a soccer mom and kids. Who'd survive? You'd answered it Bob, The kicker.
Mini-vans and SUV can be efficient, designed as a passanger car for family use, and they make good work vehicles. They're okay:
1. They seat six plus, not two - or a pretender four.
2. They're economical, not wasteful, with appropriate engines.
3. Their utility generally goes to use, not wasted, or for show.
Bob, you're assuming I think mini-vans/SUV's are in the same catagory. No, you're wrong. They're good family cars - if a family is present. Trucks are NOT!
People are offended that I pointed out some of the inefficiencies and silliness of inappropriate vehicle ownership.
You ask, "Who decides?"
The answer: "The criteria."
A simple checklist:
1. Is it needlessly Wasteful;
2. Is it needlessly more dangerous;
3. Is it just Moronic?
The streets and highways of LV are filled with these "three strike triple-bangers."
Impossible not to notice, impossible to defend, and open to public ridicule.
Quote: Paigowdan
The answer: "The criteria."
A simple checklist:
1. Is it needlessly Wasteful;
2. Is it needlessly more dangerous;
3. Is it just Moronic?
So you want everybody to adhere to what YOU want and what YOU like and what YOU consider proper. There's a name for people like that, guess what that name is..
Quote: JerryLoganAnother example of making it up as he goes. He really should look up the facts before posting all his baseless assertions. There are many race engines that use jet fuel for exactly the same purpose jets use it: ultra high octane. Where does his mind travel to get these things? And jet fuel is over $6/gallon right now. That should tell you just how off this guy is in not just this subject, but everything else he writes his essays about also.
According to the IATA's Jet Fuel Price Monitor, Jet A is $2.36/gallon. Most airlines will buy futures in Jet Fuel in order to save money.
The most fuel efficient pick up trucks are Ford Ranger (2WD) at 22/27 and the Chevy Silverado Hybrids at 20/23. Least efficient are the Toyota Tacoma at 14/18 and Nissan Titan at 12/17.
Quote: boymimboUp here in Canada, most people living in rural areas own a pickup. I think the pick up truck is kind of like the cool vehicle for young single folk like in the movie "Urban Cowboy" I can see that the pick up truck gives people height and power.
Pickup's have always been symbols of masculinity. There's something about all the power and height and (now) 4 wheel drive that makes a guy feel almost invulnerable. Whats wrong with that.
Quote: EvenBobSo you want everybody to adhere to what YOU want and what YOU like and what YOU consider proper. There's a name for people like that, guess what that name is..
Quote: boymimboWrong.
According to the IATA's Jet Fuel Price Monitor, Jet A is $2.36/gallon. Most airlines will buy futures in Jet Fuel in order to save money.
You're undoubtedly correct about the fuel hedges. Most famously, superior hedging strategies propelled Southwest to their current market position by allowing them to offer cheap flights in the fall of 2005 when others simply couldn't.
Do you think there's much of a regional basis in jet fuel pricing? Is it cheaper in Houston or Calgary than it is in Phoenix or NY?
Quote: EvenBobPickup's have always been symbols of masculinity. There's something about all the power and height and (now) 4 wheel drive that makes a guy feel almost invulnerable. Whats wrong with that.
That's always been true in rural and ex-urban areas. But the urbanization of pickups is a very new phenomenon. And urban roadways were simply not designed for vehicles as large (and, more specifically, tall) as those that are currently travelling on them. There's a whole subspecialty in urban and regional planning that is dedicated to the redesign and re-signing of roadways to accomodate the sightlines of car drivers given that they need to see over/around larger vehicles like trucks and SUVs much more than was ever anticipated. I'm not even kidding. There was a whole 3 class series offered on a civil engineering/masters of urban and regional planning track on road design and vehicle accomodation that was offered when I was in Public Policy school.
Quote: rdw4potusThat's always been true in rural and ex-urban areas. But the urbanization of pickups is a very new phenomenon. l.
If you consider 20 years 'new'. Big pickups have been huge everywhere since the late 80's. My son was in Jr High in the early 90's and all he talked about was getting his own monster truck when he graduated. Thank god he joined the AF instead.
Quote: EvenBobSo you want everybody to adhere to what YOU want and what YOU like and what YOU consider proper. There's a name for people like that, guess what that name is..
I couldn't care less....
And Bob, I didn't mean to get your Stetson in a knot. But I couldn't care less if it involves me or not, really. These criteria are unarguably consistent, and have nothing to do with me or any other person.
They are:
1. Needlessly wasteful;
2. Needlessly more dangerous;
3. just silly, moronic;
They can be applied to a LOT of things besides insisting on driving inefficient trucks festooned with cattle accoutrements as personal vehicles.
Quote: EvenBobIf you consider 20 years 'new'. Big pickups have been huge everywhere since the late 80's. My son was in Jr High in the early 90's and all he talked about was getting his own monster truck when he graduated.
Yes, some view it as a high-school mindset, not an adult thing.
Quote: EvenBobThank god he joined the AF instead.
Amen. Your sentiment. And Bob, I am proud of your son serving. I served in the U.S. Army, 1980's.
Quote: PaigowdanThey can be applied to a LOT of things besides insisting on driving inefficient trucks festooned with cattle accoutrements as personal vehicles.
So don't drive them. Believe me, nobody cares if you do or you don't. Thats the point of living in a free society, the nose in the air types can't tell you how to live, no matter how much they'd love to.
I don't.
Some People think the 49 year old adolescent in the monster rig with the cattle motif has his nose in the air,
the "look at me - the Marlboro man" tailgating the Prius that's moving too slowly for his liking - while flippin' him the bird.
Seen it a thousand times in this town: arrogant, dangerous, needless, and adolescent; this is the "nose in the air" side, often flipping the bird to a slow driver, trying to intimate him with the rig. People will soon be tellin' him how to live.
And it's exactly this kind of crap that gets legislators to clamp down, to tell people exactly how to live, as a result. And they do.
In San Fransisco, you can't include a toy anymore with a fast-food meal; talk about legislation.
As for driving trucks:
Gas Guzzler taxes, additional insurance premiums, more expensive tires, engine work premiums, costly fill-ups, condescending comments from city-slickers, you name it, are all part-and-parcel of arrested development.
Quote: Paigowdan
Gas Guzzler taxes, additional insurance premiums, more expensive tires, engine work premiums, costly fill-ups, condescending comments from city-slickers, you name it, are all part-and-parcel of arrested development.
Then they should ban arrested development. Are you for real or is this a joke? You want human nature to change so you can be happy? Good luck with that fantasy..
Quote: EvenBobThen they should ban arrested development. Are you for real or is this a joke? You want human nature to change so you can be happy? Good luck with that fantasy..
No, it isn't a fantasy, so I don't need any luck to count on outside of a crap game.
I don't care about human nature changing, - though it will change, like it or not. Just calling it as I see it, - but I AM saying it will be taxed and changed, like it or not. Nothing to do with you or me, Bob.
The old joke that "there ought to be a special tax on stupid people, just for being stupid" bears true for us all: higher premiums, more exensive fill ups, more expensive repairs, ridicule, more inconvenience, you name; in a sense, a tax just for being slow and inefficient, and oblivious to it.
Some people think that that tax is gambling. Some people think that tax is making stupid large purchases. I can see both points.
Those who practice arrested development are not practicing survival of the fittest, and are getting taxed, and are sadly taxing others. We all pay for them (higher gas prices, more inconvenience, more problems on the road, less resources), and so it is selfish, plain and simple.
This is real, like it or not, fight it or not.
I know because I drive a small car and get pushed around all of the time or get the driver who refuses to move over. More often than not, they are driving a pickup truck or SUV. (Minivans are too worried about their families within the vehicle to have attitude).
Quote: EvenBobIf you consider 20 years 'new'. Big pickups have been huge everywhere since the late 80's. My son was in Jr High in the early 90's and all he talked about was getting his own monster truck when he graduated. Thank god he joined the AF instead.
Yes, 20 years is new when roads are 60 years old and improvement projects have a 10-20 year time horizon for funding, design, and implementation. But trucks haven't been huge everywhere for 20 years. Go to any very large city (especially in the northeast) and look around. You'll see fewer trucks than you do other places - and in most cases very few non-service trucks at all.