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June 20th, 2020 at 6:38:40 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I have no clue if he is right or wrong, however, he's adding information to the discussion from unique perspective of someone who's actually in the trenches (assuming you believe he does what he says he does). If nothing else, he's bringing up some valid points and information to think about and research yourself. I don't think he deserves that comment. I'd like to hear more of what he has to say.

We can ask him how craps DI is going later 😉

Thank you, Mr. Wolf, sir. I never lie on purpose, although I must admit that, throughout my life, my opinions have changed, but never the fact that I was right.

Just to clarify, no I have not worked in RT since 1985. What I did was to study every day for the past 3 months, reviewing everything I forgot, and learning some of the new techniques and terminology. I have religiously watched the MedCram and ICU advantage shows, and also watched the RespiratoryCoach channel, where I've made dozens of comments, telling stories of the good 'old days I did spend in the trenches. I learned about the new sterile techniques for COVID-19 as part of this self-training.

The man who interviewed me for the State of Michigan (for when I volunteered to serve back in March, 2020) even talked about how difficult it is to deal with the constant donning and doffing of PPE garb (listen to it, link below)... it is so much more complex than just tossing on a mask and washing your hands every so often. The actual methods and techniques just to use a simple face mask are extreme... it is IMPOSSIBLE TO TRY CONTROLLING SOMETHING THAT SMALL AND THAT CONTAGIOUS without deploying these meticulous step-by-step procedures.

The masks are not only totally ineffective without full-blown training in microbiology, public health and epidemiology, and practical application techniques, they actually function to increase the spread and disease way worse than never wearing them to begin with. There is no way the public-at-large can do it PROPERLY. That is my opinion and I'm sticking with it. That's what Vernon Coleman ( the old man in the chair) said as well, if anyone bothered to listen to him.

(Proof, Pride and Bragging...)
Here is a link to a YouTube video I went and recorded of my interview with the department head of RT at St. Joseph's hospital in Pontiac, Michigan, way back in April, 2020
9min 39sec

I actually have a LOT to say about what has happened. I have some really strong opinions on the obvious mishandling of our elderly in democratic states, like Michigan. OUR GOVERNMENT IS ENGAGED IN THE OUT AND OUT MURDER OF OUR ELDERLY, RIGHT HERE IN MICHIGAN!! And yet, the SHEEPLE go ahead and blindly follow their directives?? Are you kidding me?
Last edited by: discflicker on Jun 20, 2020
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June 20th, 2020 at 6:50:08 AM permalink
No shirt
No shoes
No mask
No service

I would love to see more masks being worn in Las Vegas.
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June 20th, 2020 at 8:15:40 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I have no clue if he is right or wrong, however, he's adding information to the discussion from unique perspective of someone who's actually in the trenches(assuming you believe he does what he says he does). If nothing else, he's bringing up some valid points and information to think about and research yourself. I don't think he deserves that comment. I'd like to hear more of what he has to say.

We can ask him how craps DI is going later 😉

Axelwolf, congratulations on your newfound progressivism.

I do find Vernon Coleman's self-presentation a bit confusing, however. If he's been a self-proclaimed transvestite for 25 years, and proudly so, why not wear women's clothes for the videos? I suppose it can be argued that he's shooting for gender neutral clothing in the videos.

Anyway, congrats, Axel, on holding your tongue on the clothing choices of Mr. Coleman. It would be great if everyone ignored how people dressed as a prism through which to view their expertise.
"You can't breathe dead hippo waking, sleeping, and eating, and at the same time keep your precarious grip on existence."
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June 20th, 2020 at 8:17:55 AM permalink
Quote: discflicker

Thank you, Mr. Wolf, sir. I never lie on purpose, although I must admit that, throughout my life, my opinions have changed, but never the fact that I was right.

Just to clarify, no I have not worked in RT since 1985. What I did was to study every day for the past 3 months, reviewing everything I forgot, and learning some of the new techniques and terminology. I have religiously watched the MedCram and ICU advantage shows, and also watched the RespiratoryCoach channel, where I've made dozens of comments, telling stories of the good 'old days I did spend in the trenches. I learned about the new sterile techniques for COVID-19 as part of this self-training.

The man who interviewed me for the State of Michigan (for when I volunteered to serve back in March, 2020) even talked about how difficult it is to deal with the constant donning and doffing of PPE garb (listen to it, link below)... it is so much more complex than just tossing on a mask and washing your hands every so often. The actual methods and techniques just to use a simple face mask are extreme... it is IMPOSSIBLE TO TRY CONTROLLING SOMETHING THAT SMALL AND THAT CONTAGIOUS without deploying these meticulous step-by-step procedures.

The masks are not only totally ineffective without full-blown training in microbiology, public health and epidemiology, and practical application techniques, they actually function to increase the spread and disease way worse than never wearing them to begin with. There is no way the public-at-large can do it PROPERLY. That is my opinion and I'm sticking with it. That's what Vernon Coleman ( the old man in the chair) said as well, if anyone bothered to listen to him.

(Proof, Pride and Bragging...)
Here is a link to a YouTube video I went and recorded of my interview with the department head of RT at St. Joseph's hospital in Pontiac, Michigan, way back in April, 2020, followed by another I made to function as a resume for the hospitals I expected to contact me...
9min 39sec
6min 19sec

I actually have a LOT to say about what has happened, and my YouTube videos document everything I proposed and was proven right about, the whole time. I have some really strong opinions on the obvious mishandling of our elderly in democratic states, like Michigan. OUR GOVERNMENT IS ENGAGED IN THE OUT AND OUT MURDER OF OUR ELDERLY, RIGHT HERE IN MICHIGAN!! And yet, the SHEEPLE go ahead and blindly follow their directives?? Are you kidding me?

While I personally disagree with your mask belief that is not what I am objecting too.

You are making political statements

"OUR GOVERNMENT IS ENGAGED IN THE OUT AND OUT MURDER...." and other statement's you have made are of a political nature.

Keep it to the science. I don't want to start discussing what the government is trying to do. I don't want to start asking which government (I guess the global government of the world since masks are required in other countries as well). Etc.

See why this is becoming political because of your statements
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June 20th, 2020 at 8:40:21 AM permalink
Quote: Keeneone

No shirt
No shoes
No mask
No service

I would love to see more masks being worn in Las Vegas.

Ohh right, sorry... this is about Vegas reopening in conformance with the "new normal". That's exactly why I chimed in!

I'm not sorry... I refuse to accept the "new normal". I honestly believe it's simply a means to beat down the masses into submission in order to impose more authority and assure world wide acceptance of global tracking systems which are being deployed via medical tyranny. PLEASE see the 4 links below for proof. I believe the virus is real, yes, however, it is no more dangerous than seasonal flu, and that HERD IMMUNITY has already taken place, eliminating the need for any of this new normal baloney.

I believe that the practical benefits from social distancing, masks and handwashing all have profoundly dangerous effects upon our heath and well being, and do nothing to decrease the inevitable spread of Covid-19. I believe that no reasonable business can possibly survive under the constant pressure of these ever-changing and more and more restrictive policies. Vegas is a sacrificial lamb in the slaughter.

The goal is not to protect us, it is to DESTROY US. We are engaged in a war of information, and the "masters" (who actually rule the planet) want to destroy us and encourage us to destroy one another, in order to gain total control. BEFORE YOU WRITE ME OFF AS A NUTJOB, PLEASE FOLLOW THE 4 LINKS BELOW.

It shocks me to see the way people have rolled over and submitted to ANY of this horseshit. They lied to us about the need for the ventilators. That is a FACT. The lock-downs were all predicated upon the FEAR that hospitals would be overrun with people gasping for air, but that was never a threat, and it is now a known fact. And yet, we're still in lock-down and everyone is conforming to these new rules.

Vegas will not survive under these new rules, and if you don't believe me, just wait for the "second wave" and I'll say I told you so. BY CONFORMING TO THESE RIDICULOUS RULES, WE ARE SURRENDERING TO OUR MOST DANGEROUS ENEMIES... the tight cabal of perverts that believe they own the planet. By researching the truthful information that is still out there, we might just wake up, resist, and survive.

The Corbett Report series about Bill Gates...
(part 1) How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health
23min 57sec
(part 2) Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World
28min 1sec
(part 3) Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid...
36min 47sec
(part 4) Meet Bill Gates...
38min 45sec
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June 20th, 2020 at 8:47:07 AM permalink

Second hand smoke IS 100% a danger to the public. No ifs, ands, or buts...... If we really care about protecting the public, how is smoking allowed in public?

$$$....at least as far as the casinos go.

Does it not strike anyone as odd that between the Governor, his health experts, gaming control and casinos...in the pages and pages of guidelines for health and safety there is not one single solitary mention of smoking. Not one mention of cleaning ash trays. Not one mention of how to handle ash residue on tables. Not one mention of vaping or water particles, etc.

There are pages and pages on every nuance of safety on the casino floor....not one mention or reference to smoke.

I consider the entire rollout of rules a gigantic farce. As an analogy, they found heart disease and decided to treat it by taking your temperature.
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June 20th, 2020 at 9:14:42 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

...You are making political statements...

Good grief.

Quit your carping, flag it, and tell Mommy.
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June 20th, 2020 at 9:17:29 AM permalink
Quote: Calder

Good grief.

Quit your carping, flag it, and tell Mommy.

So apparently you agree it's a political statement

Thank you
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June 20th, 2020 at 9:20:09 AM permalink
It certainly has political color.

The difference is you're the only one crying about it.
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June 20th, 2020 at 9:25:42 AM permalink
Quote: Calder

It certainly has political color.

The difference is you're the only one crying about it.

Forgive me.

I failed to read the WOV rules that state political statements are okay as long as only one person is upset
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June 20th, 2020 at 9:58:17 AM permalink
Hearing stories about lots of layoffs and cutting hours. Most everywhere reducing staffing by 25%, some up to 40%. I'm predicting customer service going way down. Longer lines at the cashier and players club; longer wait when machine needs service. Cash machines not restocked -- I got 18 one dollar bills the other day.

Also hearing about how any positive test among staff forces several other employees to stay home due to exposure. Employees are going to to be way more overworked than before the pandemic.
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June 20th, 2020 at 10:56:12 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

While I personally disagree with your mask belief that is not what I am objecting too.

You are making political statements

"OUR GOVERNMENT IS ENGAGED IN THE OUT AND OUT MURDER...." and other statement's you have made are of a political nature.

Keep it to the science. I don't want to start discussing what the government is trying to do. I don't want to start asking which government (I guess the global government of the world since masks are required in other countries as well). Etc.

See why this is becoming political because of your statements

Ho, boy, am I glad you phrased it like that. I hope I'm not redirecting this topic too far from its origin with my blabbering. I don't want to ruffle feathers or break rules. It seems there are some who agree with my stance. I will keep this purely scientific, and analytical, OK? I don't know if you are aware of what is going on here in my city of Livonia, Michigan. I can't YET prove that our governor Whitmer murdered all those old people in elderly care facilities and people in group homes, but we do know a lot of facts.

We know for a fact that she sighed executive orders mandating that all of those who tested positive be sent into quarantine. MANY were sent into in existing elderly care facilities housing normal, healthy, innocent elderly folks. We know that some of them were criminals, some were let out of jails/prisons across the state, again, all per these executive orders. We know that some were aggressive and beat up their roommates whilst infecting them. SADLY, we know for a fact that this is what DIRECTLY caused the huge wave of death that spiked up the initial numbers, driving us all into full blown panic.

It has been recently revealed that the government of Canada used a strict set of guidelines upon which they set their policies and procedures regarding the handing of their elderly in response to COVID-19. These procedures are described as being exactly like what was, and TO THIS DAY, IS STILL being done in Michigan, that is, to lock up sick people in close-quarters with the elderly, shut down all public access to these facilities, and wait for the bodies to fall. And fall they did, because these elderly had zero exposure to a brand new virus to which they had zero immunity. They died because they could not handle the viral load that was suddenly imposed upon them.

This includes my first cousin, who was locked up in a group home with infected roommates who were transferred in by the state of Michigan, and shipped off to the hospital at the first sniffle. He was drugged, tubed, tied, tortured, and aggressively ventilated. They gave up on him, and part of this was consideration of a possible shortage of vents, even though that hospital never approach their ventilator capacity. Never the less, the state force him into a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order, and had it signed by a surrogate of the state, after which they extubated him and then put him to sleep in the state run hospice, his death ruled as Covid-19. This took about 4 weeks or so, during which time my cousin never saw a face or held a hand. It was like boarding a space ship with everyone wearing space suits... to a man with mental deficiencies, like my cousin Chucky, this was pure torture... he fought and struggled every inch of the way.

Every statement I made above is absolutely true.

In Canada, the following paper was used as the exclusive basis for these guidelines...
Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19
published on March 23, 2020, at NEJM.org.

Please read this paper... basically it's a preordained death-panel that dictates the extinction of elderly as a trade-off for the success of society.

This is nothing new, these decisions were already in place before the pandemic hit really hit... the paper wasn't written the day of the pandemic, and it wasn't the only one used to formulate these policies of trading-off old and/or non-contributory people, like those with mental disabilities and/or PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. Read the paper if you think I'm making any of this up.

Am I being scientific thus far?
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June 20th, 2020 at 11:08:56 AM permalink
Virus could be on other larger particles floating in the air, so even a scarf could provide some protection.
Sanitized for Your Protection
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June 20th, 2020 at 11:25:34 AM permalink
Quote: redietz

Axelwolf, congratulations on your newfound progressivism.

I do find Vernon Coleman's self-presentation a bit confusing, however. If he's been a self-proclaimed transvestite for 25 years, and proudly so, why not wear women's clothes for the videos? I suppose it can be argued that he's shooting for gender neutral clothing in the videos.

Anyway, congrats, Axel, on holding your tongue on the clothing choices of Mr. Coleman. It would be great if everyone ignored how people dressed as a prism through which to view their expertise.

Hey guys, I honestly never knew this about Coleman, I just started listening to him and checking out the articles he referenced to make sure he wasn't full of it. I never knew about his sexuality, nor should I care... I'm glad I was able to view him in a purely scientific light. The article I quoted certainly never strayed from pure science. I will still continue to listen to and respect him, even after you have pointed out something that, in these days, I would think inconsequential. What does the LGBT corner think about this issue being raised?
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
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June 20th, 2020 at 3:12:01 PM permalink
Guy Fieri's restaurant at the Linq is closing again after an employee tested positive.
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June 20th, 2020 at 3:16:01 PM permalink
Quote: ThatDonGuy

Guy Fieri's restaurant at the Linq is closing again after an employee tested positive.

This is going to be the new normal.

Businesses opening and closing and reopening and reclosing.

Robust economy and lives saved from depression and starvation and reopening the economy. Nope, not gonna happen
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June 20th, 2020 at 3:26:35 PM permalink
Quote: TomG

Hearing stories about lots of layoffs and cutting hours. Most everywhere reducing staffing by 25%, some up to 40%. I'm predicting customer service going way down. Longer lines at the cashier and players club; longer wait when machine needs service. Cash machines not restocked -- I got 18 one dollar bills the other day.

Also hearing about how any positive test among staff forces several other employees to stay home due to exposure. Employees are going to to be way more overworked than before the pandemic.

I think it depends on what part of the country you live in. From what I hear from colleagues, the mid-west is suffering along with the East coast in employment quite badly. I'm 20 minutes outside of NYC and they're not even considering opening up to the public until mid July.

Perhaps on the West coast it is less severe, but still feeling the pinch. My uncle is an accountant in West Covina, CA and he's not seen much uptick in individuals consulting him for tax advice with the deadline less than 30 days away. Also, sports entities like the NHL and NBA are postponing training camps due to the surge in positive Covid test results for players.
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June 20th, 2020 at 5:00:05 PM permalink
Quote: BedWetterBetter

I think it depends on what part of the country you live in. From what I hear from colleagues, the mid-west is suffering along with the East coast in employment quite badly. I'm 20 minutes outside of NYC and they're not even considering opening up to the public until mid July.

Perhaps on the West coast it is less severe, but still feeling the pinch. My uncle is an accountant in West Covina, CA and he's not seen much uptick in individuals consulting him for tax advice with the deadline less than 30 days away. Also, sports entities like the NHL and NBA are postponing training camps due to the surge in positive Covid test results for players.

Zoom works in anywhere around the world and surely helps some people make some money during the war of covid19.

Before lives return to some resemblance of normality, people need to make use of ZOOM.
Zoom enables people
1) to get prescriptions from doctors to cure illness such as gout, flu, VDs, etc...
2) to do tax returns with CPAs, or to file bankruptcy with Esqs.
3) to do shopping on line, and to do a baby shower with relatives & friends,
4) to teach classes so that students can graduate in a timely manner, and
5) to coach simpletons some Martingale System for $1,000 per lesson upfront!
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June 20th, 2020 at 5:13:10 PM permalink
Quote: Armagedden

Zoom works in anywhere around the world and surely helps some people make some money during the war of covid19.

Before lives return to some resemblance of normality, people need to make use of ZOOM.
Zoom enables people
1) to get prescriptions from doctors to cure illness such as gout, flu, VDs, etc...
2) to do tax returns with CPAs, or to file bankruptcy with Esqs.
3) to do shopping on line, and to do a baby shower with relatives & friends,
4) to teach classes so that students can graduate in a timely manner, and
5) to coach simpletons some Martingale System for $1,000 per lesson upfront!

Just a stickler but I have Gout and there is no cure. Just treatment.
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June 20th, 2020 at 6:06:52 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Just a stickler but I have Gout and there is no cure. Just treatment.

Mr. Stickler, google the best foot doctor who will cure your gout.

If you can not casino-hop on Las Vegas Strip because of gout, do a zoom with the best foot doctor. Ask her to prescribe MetyL-PRED-NI-SOLONE (Met Toel Pred Nee Sah Lone). Within 6 days you will be able to casino-hop among Vegas casinos. Just like flu, gout will pop up again if you don't take care of yourself (i.e, you need to keep away from red meats that cause the flare up of gout).
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June 20th, 2020 at 6:29:11 PM permalink
Quote: Armagedden

Mr. Stickler, google the best foot doctor who will cure your gout.

If you can not casino-hop on Las Vegas Strip because of gout, do a zoom with the best foot doctor. Ask her to prescribe MetyL-PRED-NI-SOLONE (Met Toel Pred Nee Sah Lone). Within 6 days you will be able to casino-hop among Vegas casinos. Just like flu, gout will pop up again if you don't take care of yourself (i.e, you need to keep away from red meats that cause the flare up of gout).

I know how to avoid flare ups.

As you pointed out you don't get rid of it. The Gout is there, all you can do is avoid a flare-up.

And no, Flu doesn't pop up if you don't take care of yourself. You contract the Flu from a transmissible virus.
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June 20th, 2020 at 7:01:51 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

...I failed to read the WOV rules that state political statements are okay as long as only one person is upset

That post upset you? Really?
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June 20th, 2020 at 7:19:50 PM permalink
Quote: Calder

That post upset you? Really?

I have been suspended for making political statements

Damn sure not gonna listen to other people making them without saying something.

Either way, your argument seems to be that yes it's a political statement but okay if it doesn't upset anyone.

I missed that exception in the WOV forum rules
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June 20th, 2020 at 7:49:38 PM permalink
Quote: Joeman

Not a resident, but as a frequent visitor to the state of Illinois, I concur. Of the 50 CET properties nationwide, the only two that aren't open 24 hrs are Harrah's Joliet and Harrah's Metropolis -- their only properties in IL.

And Harrahs North Kansas City.

Quote: Gabes22

I could be wrong but I don't think IL casinos are allowed to be open 24 hours by State Law

The law was 22 hours max. But the gaming board started to allow appeals to the stay open 24/7 this year. Rivers got it earlier this year.

Missouri has a more messed up law. Casinos MUST close at least one hour PER WEEK. Most STL/KC casinos do it around 5a or 6a Wednesday mornings. Smaller casinos sometimes close daily.
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June 21st, 2020 at 5:48:21 AM permalink
Quote: coilman


Nice suspenders.
Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, you are going to f*** up again in the future, quite possibly in the most spectacular fashion, why worry about yesterday's f*** up's when you have tomorrow's f*** up's to look forward to? You are a f*** up, and f***** up is part of your growth process, embrace the process.
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June 21st, 2020 at 8:39:26 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

...Either way, your argument seems to be that yes it's a political statement but okay if it doesn't upset anyone...


My point is crying and tattling about every minor potential violation doesn't do the board any good. You fall back on 'The rules are the rules,' but I suspect few people live their life that way.

Other posters seemed to get on with the thread just fine, either not caring, silently flagging, or confident the mods would take action as they saw fit.

"Waaah! I got in trouble for it, so he should too!" is for five year-olds in sandboxes, not adults.
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June 21st, 2020 at 9:12:00 AM permalink
Quote: Calder


My point is crying and tattling about every minor potential violation doesn't do the board any good. You fall back on 'The rules are the rules,' but I suspect few people live their life that way.

Other posters seemed to get on with the thread just fine, either not caring, silently flagging, or confident the mods would take action as they saw fit.

"Waaah! I got in trouble for it, so he should too!" is for five year-olds in sandboxes, not adults.

Personal insult!
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June 21st, 2020 at 7:32:43 PM permalink
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June 22nd, 2020 at 9:25:35 AM permalink
Governor Murphy is trying to catch up to Governor Sisolak, and Murphy okays his casinos to reopen on July 2, Thursday.


Governor Phil Murphy

BREAKING: On Thursday, July 2nd:
🎰Casinos may reopen – operating at 25% capacity
🍽️Indoor dining may resume – limited at first to 25% capacity

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June 22nd, 2020 at 11:55:45 AM permalink
Rumors are masks may become much less optional soon.
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June 22nd, 2020 at 12:41:09 PM permalink
Quote: TomG

Rumors are masks may become much less optional soon.

Should have been that way since day 1 of re-opening. It is ridiculous that people are thinking it is their "right" to not wear a mask in a casino. How many businesses have a no shirt, no shoes, no service policy? No one argues that is violating any rights.

Casinos are not an essential business. Just as sporting events and concerts aren't. As much as it pains me, I don't think we are going to see sports any time soon. People should have been willing to wear masks in casinos in the hopes that would be enough to allow for continued operation. IF casinos have to be shut down yet again, it will be a mess and likely for a very long time. All because people didn't want to wear a mask?

I don't like wearing a mask. We are all inconvenienced. I was sick for the better part of a month (April). THAT was pretty inconvenient! People laying in hospitals for months on a ventilator and even dying....hell THEY are inconvenienced! Nick Cordero, 37 year old healthy actor, in a coma for several months, leg amputated....He is F***ing inconvenienced! This virus which so called experts still don't know much about, doesn't give a damn who thinks they are inconvenienced. Until we get a grip on this, wearing a mask is just like wearing pants. Don't tell us how inconvenient it is. People are just being selfish and self centered.
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June 22nd, 2020 at 3:23:09 PM permalink
I arrived to Las Vegas (staying at Cosmopolitan) last night. My initial synopsis :

Though less crowded, the casino floor seems somewhat “normal” to me. Masks are required at the craps table here, though It’s fine to lift it while drinking or smoking. I went to the pool a couple hours ago and it was quite full, just like usual times.

Surprisingly, I haven’t seen a craps table under $25, even this morning. Normally there would be some $15 tables until about 7pm, even on weekends

Outside, the strip itself still looks deserted, relatively speaking. I drove down LV Boulevard and there’s no traffic at all. Few people walking. I like being able to easily drive down the strip
It’s all about making that GTA
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June 22nd, 2020 at 4:24:08 PM permalink
Quote: kewlj

Should have been that way since day 1 of re-opening. It is ridiculous that people are thinking it is their "right" to not wear a mask in a casino. How many businesses have a no shirt, no shoes, no service policy? No one argues that is violating any rights.

I agree completely that it makes sense to wear a mask. It makes common sense. My personal choice is to wear one in situations where I decide that it's appropriate.

I disagree that it's the role of government to determine whether or not I should wear one inside a private establishment.

I would be complete;y okay with two competing casinos, next door or across the street, to independently decide whether or not their customers had to wear masks: where, when, what kind, what color. One casino says "always, everywhere (no shirts, no shoes, no mask, no service") and the other one says "What? Me Worry? Come on in!". You and I could decide which casino we wanted to visit. We might possibly decide to visit the same one.

"No shirts, no pants, whatever" are business decisions arrived at by casino ownership. Those offended either way - whether you like pants or not - can choose to frequent or avoid whichever establishment chooses to adopt whichever rule. Refuse to wear pants when that's the rule and the casino can refuse you entrance to their property. Without having any hard and fast numbers, my impression is that no casino in Las Vegas decided, on its own, to strictly require mask-wearing prior to the State of Nevada requiring it. Maybe some did - I don't know for sure. But just like shoes and shirts, prior to the state's action any casino that wanted to could have done so.

There are situations everywhere in the real world where people around you make bad decisions that impact you. Masks are just one of a bunch of other decision-points in life where what other people do makes a difference. As a responsible, reasoning individual, at every single one of those points, you too get to decide, freely, what to do.

Smoke, Eat fatty foods. Exercise. Watch the news. Get married. Don't get married.

Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask.

Go into a casino. Walk on by.
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June 22nd, 2020 at 4:45:22 PM permalink
Quote: racquet

I disagree that it's the role of government to determine whether or not I should wear one inside a private establishment.

Under "normal" times, yes your argument is fine. These are NOT normal times. I mean how do your feel about the government closing 90% of businesses and issuing a stay at home order? Who would have thought we would ever see such a thing?

So my fear is that in a couple weeks some of us will be facing a second shutdown / stay at home order. And the reason will be because people couldn't handle re-opening 'responsibly'. Wearing a mask until this crisis resolves....oh how terrible.

And I am not directing that at you. I read that YOU choose to wear a mask in public places around other people as I do. But these people (and Vegas is full of them) that absolutely refuse to wear a mask and will lead to a second probably longer mandatory shutdown....That makes no sense to me. This unique viral emergency is not over. It will not be over until a vaccine is discovered. THAT is when we can get back to normal. Until then we can have some sense of normalcy with some activities WITH precautions, like wearing masks and reduced occupancy.
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June 22nd, 2020 at 8:03:01 PM permalink
Let people determine their own level of risk. If a business wants to require masks, awesome. The patron can than choose if they want to go to that business or somewhere else. To me it is that simple.
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June 22nd, 2020 at 8:32:55 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

Let people determine their own level of risk. If a business wants to require masks, awesome. The patron can than choose if they want to go to that business or somewhere else. To me it is that simple.

The problem is people's irresponsibility has consequences to others. It isn't like someone deciding to smoke (forget second hand smoke for a minute) or stuff themselves full of fatty foods and weight 400 lbs. Those actions effect the person making the bad decision. But this decision to not wear a mask effect other innocent people.

Someone decides not to wear a mask and gets sick and then brings that home to my mother, or to you or your family members or friends.
So innocent people get sick because people couldn't be bothered to do something as simple as wear a mask to break the chain of infection.

On top of that, cases soar. Next thing you know, Governor Sisolak is shutting down everything again. That effects ME, not just the idiots refusing to wear a mask because it is their right not to.
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June 22nd, 2020 at 8:38:36 PM permalink
At Red Rock smoking at the craps tables is not allowed because of the new mask rules. But they let you enjoy your drink. But unless you're sipping, nose and mouth must be covered. Players, even shooters, not covering their nose are told to do so.
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June 23rd, 2020 at 8:30:57 AM permalink
Quote: kewlj

Someone decides not to wear a mask and gets sick and then brings that home to my mother, or to you or your family members or friends.
So innocent people get sick because people couldn't be bothered to do something as simple as wear a mask to break the chain of infection.

On top of that, cases soar. Next thing you know, Governor Sisolak is shutting down everything again. That effects ME, not just the idiots refusing to wear a mask because it is their right not to.

I think that kind of makes my point. Your mother can determine who she trusts to be around. The most cautious person will choose to solely isolate, the most liberal can choose to completely associate with other like themselves. If a business owner requires masks then only people that agree with it can go there, you and your Mom will feel safer there. I will mainly choose to go to places that don't require a mask and myself and your Mom will probably not be hanging out together.
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June 23rd, 2020 at 8:44:51 AM permalink
Quote: DRich

I will mainly choose to go to places that don't require a mask and myself and your Mom will probably not be hanging out together.

That is a pretty irresponsible comment and thought, DRich. What if she happens to be behind you in line at the grocery store? Or you get infected and spread it to the mailman or anyone else, who spreads it to my mom?

This whole thing is about breaking the chain of infection. That is what people screaming about THEIR rights (not to wear a mask) simply don't get. Like I have said before, what good is it having experts in science, medicine and disease control if you refuse to listen to them?

It isn't like people are being asked for some major sacrifice. They are being asked to wear a mask for god sakes. People unwilling to do so are flat out selfish (IMO)
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June 23rd, 2020 at 8:49:15 AM permalink
Quote: kewlj

That is a pretty irresponsible comment and thought, DRich. What if she happens to be behind you in line at the grocery store? Or you get infected and spread it to the mailman or anyone else, who spreads it to my mom?

If the store requires masks then I will be wearing a mask. If they don't require a mask and your Mom is concerned why is she at that store and not one that requires masks?
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June 23rd, 2020 at 8:56:48 AM permalink
Quote: DRich

If the store requires masks then I will be wearing a mask. If they don't require a mask and your Mom is concerned why is she at that store and not one that requires masks?

Because they have what she needs?

Because it's closer to where she lives?

Lower prices?

Why should she have to spend more or travel further because some people don't care about other people health
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June 23rd, 2020 at 8:58:47 AM permalink
CoolJay, I'm just curious... How did you get sickened with covid19 previously when you have worn a facemask in casinos? Did your brother or your partner spread covid19 to you at home?
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June 23rd, 2020 at 8:58:52 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Because they have what she needs?

Because it's closer to where she lives?

Lower prices?

Why should she have to spend more or travel further because some people don't care about other people health

Don't you think that is awfully selfish? Mom shouldn't be inconvenienced but I should be?

My Mom has chosen not to go out in public at all for three months. If she decides to go out and she catches Covid and dies, at least she was able to make an educated choice and suffered the possible consequence of that choice. I wouldn't blame others for it.
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June 23rd, 2020 at 9:24:05 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Because they have what she needs?

Because it's closer to where she lives?

Lower prices?

Why should she have to spend more or travel further because some people don't care about other people health

I understand your thoughts. But the value to society of your mother not having to travel a few blocks or miles or whatever to me is not more than the value to the business owner to run his business as he sees fit. As long as the policies are clear and open. There are no requirements for the government to insure there are certain stores near your mother. Nor should there be.

Since this is WoV, the analogy to whether ALL casinos should be smoke free is always there. If your mother lives in Las Vegas should she be guaranteed a smoke free casino?
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June 23rd, 2020 at 9:35:28 AM permalink
Quote: Armagedden

CoolJay, I'm just curious... How did you get sickened with covid19 previously when you have worn a facemask in casinos? Did your brother or your partner spread covid19 to you at home?

I live in a community that experienced an outbreak. 11 People in my building have tested posirive (that I know of). No one died, but one older gentleman was pretty sick in ICU for a number of days.

There are a number of pro poker players in the building. The first guy to test positive had been in the casinos right up until they closed. Masks weren't even recommended at that time.
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June 23rd, 2020 at 9:40:40 AM permalink
All I can think back to is WW2. People were asked to make all sorts of sacrifices. No one complained. They call that the "greatest generation".

Today people are being asked to wear a damn mask for the good of others. And some are refusing because they don't feel like it, proving today's Americans are a far cry from the "greatest generation". Apparently replaced by selfishness and the "me" generation.
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June 23rd, 2020 at 9:41:16 AM permalink
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June 23rd, 2020 at 9:47:29 AM permalink

I understand your thoughts. But the value to society of your mother not having to travel a few blocks or miles or whatever to me is not more than the value to the business owner to run his business as he sees fit. As long as the policies are clear and open. There are no requirements for the government to insure there are certain stores near your mother. Nor should there be.

Since this is WoV, the analogy to whether ALL casinos should be smoke free is always there. If your mother lives in Las Vegas should she be guaranteed a smoke free casino?

I actually believe she should be.

Currently there are states where that is the case. The government felt the inconveniences of smokers who may have to walk a few feet outdoors to smoke is overweighted by the health and safety of non-smokers.

NY smoker has to travel a few feet to smoke. Big deal.

Vegas non-smokers has to travel to another state for smokeless conditions?

Of course, that's the way it is currently. I don't agree with it.

If smokers had their way, smoking would be permissible in restaurants, movie theaters and airplanes.

Yeah, airplanes. Imagine smokers having to go for hours without a drag. They still manage to fly, correct? Without a smoke for the health and safety of others?

The casino industry is way behind on this

Back to Covid-19, the real issue is that we do contact tracing. That means there is a strong likelihood that if many people contract Covid-19 from a certain casino, it's going to be shutdown. Look at bars in Florida and meat packing plants etc.

Seems strange to me that the argument is convenience with wearing a mask. How inconvenient will it be when your casino shuts down and it could have been avoided?

How selfish when NO ONE gets to gamble because you refused to wear a mask?

But, hey, it's Vegas. If your favorite casino shuts down due to Covid-19, You can just do it again across the street, gamble without safety measures to they shut down as well.
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June 23rd, 2020 at 10:01:56 AM permalink
Quote: kewlj

All I can think back to is WW2. People were asked to make all sorts of sacrifices. No one complained. They call that the "greatest generation".

Today people are being asked to wear a damn mask for the good of others. And some are refusing because they don't feel like it, proving today's Americans are a far cry from the "greatest generation". Apparently replaced by selfishness and the "me" generation.

Face it Walter, there’s no connection to WW2.
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June 23rd, 2020 at 10:11:18 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Seems strange to me that the argument is convenience with wearing a mask. How inconvenient will it be when your casino shuts down and it could have been avoided?

How selfish when NO ONE gets to gamble because you refused to wear a mask?

Why wouldn't you just go to your favorite casinos management and convince them to only allow patrons with masks? Let the casino decide but don't mandate it for every casino.
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