Quote: redietzI'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Las Vegas casinos will be closing their doors in about a week. The question, in my mind, is whether they stay open through March 17 and whether that is "responsible."
I was thinking the exact same thing as you were posting. Casinos are petri dishes when there is no coronavirus going around. I would bet they are closed within a day or two.
I want to take the over on that . How many casinos are we talking about? I want to limit it to Las Vegas casinos only. A Washington state Casino closing down wouldn't count (-;.Quote: SOOPOOI was thinking the exact same thing as you were posting. Casinos are petri dishes when there is no coronavirus going around. I would bet they are closed within a day or two.
I was at a casino today downtown it was pretty dead. I'm wondering why these casinos are not offering multiple hand sanitizer machine stations and they don't have three or four employees running around sanitizing machines after people get done playing. I'm not sure, but it seems like they should definitely stop the use of chips in cards.
Quote: redietzI'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Las Vegas casinos will be closing their doors in about a week. The question, in my mind, is whether they stay open through March 17 and whether that is "responsible."
I think that would be the wise decision, but would bet against that happening. Money comes before lives here in Las Vegas.
Just out of curiosity, I checked room rates for this weekend. Here are the some rates per night (before adding the usual nonsense):
South Point: $139
Venetian: $157
NY NY: $107
Cosmopolitan: $196
Aria: $143
Certainly lower than usual, but it still looks pretty good economically for Vegas. It's not like nobody is coming. I watched bits and pieces of a news conference by our governor and didn't hear anything about specific drastic steps. Just about appointing advisers.
Any trusted WoV members want to bet the other side?
Quote: WizardI think that would be the wise decision, but would bet against that happening. Money comes before lives here in Las Vegas.
I'd say next to no chance of any of the top ten Vegas casinos closing their doors for more than 24 hours within the next 30 days. That's even if someone keels over and dies in mid wager in a coughing and sneezing frenzy. Business might get noticeably quiet though.
[edit] And yes. I expect there will be some reported events of infected visitors showing symptoms in those venues.
If Stations locals casinos have to shut their doors....they will be at risk to declare bankruptcy. BIG debt payments will be missed. Their debt to equity is running more than 3 to 1. Not good.
Eldorado resorts has lost almost 80% of their market cap in 2 weeks.
These operators are in a tough situation. If they don’t have cash on hand to weather the storm...they may have to declare.
MGM cancelled their $1.2 billion stock re-purchase plan today. They are preserving cash now.
None of the top ten Vegas casinos will close their doors for more than 24 hours within the next 30 days.Quote: OnceDearI'd say next to no chance of any of the top ten Vegas casinos closing their doors for more than 24 hours within the next 30 days. That's even if someone keels over and dies in mid wager in a coughing and sneezing frenzy. Business might get noticeably quiet though.
[edit] And yes. I expect there will be some reported events of infected visitors showing symptoms in those venues.
I will take the other side of that bet. How much ?
Let security keep a count of patrons entering and exiting one main door and keep the numbers from increasing beyond a certain amount. Just like they do in some nightclubs.
Quote: petroglyphDo they all even have doors?
I think they do, but some are never closed normally. Even if not, security could man a bullhorn nearby tell patrons to stop or go. Actually they might not be able to have lines outside, unless there's room to spread out.
When I asked why a few days after the storm I was told it had to do with surveillance and security staff shortage. Many called in unavailable and they closed over security concerns more than storm concerns
If enough surveillance and security staff don't report to work the casinos may close for those reasons
It was an opinion. I'm not wagering on itQuote: Ace2None of the top ten Vegas casinos will close their doors for more than 24 hours within the next 30 days.Quote: OnceDearI'd say next to no chance of any of the top ten Vegas casinos closing their doors for more than 24 hours within the next 30 days. That's even if someone keels over and dies in mid wager in a coughing and sneezing frenzy. Business might get noticeably quiet though.
[edit] And yes. I expect there will be some reported events of infected visitors showing symptoms in those venues.
I will take the other side of that bet. How much ?
Quote: OnceDearIt was an opinion. I'm not wagering on itQuote: Ace2None of the top ten Vegas casinos will close their doors for more than 24 hours within the next 30 days.Quote: OnceDearI'd say next to no chance of any of the top ten Vegas casinos closing their doors for more than 24 hours within the next 30 days. That's even if someone keels over and dies in mid wager in a coughing and sneezing frenzy. Business might get noticeably quiet though.
[edit] And yes. I expect there will be some reported events of infected visitors showing symptoms in those venues.
I will take the other side of that bet. How much ?
You only really believe something to the extent you would be willing to wager on it.
BTW, I know of some smaller casinos already discussing the idea.
Does this change anybody's mind about whether or not Vegas will "close" in the near future?
Closing of Vegas casinos is relatively minor.
Quote: Ace22 weeks ago no one would ever believe that NBA and MLB would be suspended.
Closing of Vegas casinos is relatively minor.
Sports companies can still make some money even if the season is suspended; e.g., merchandise sales and rerunning old games and highlights. Plus players can still make money from endorsements and maybe making appearances if they want to risk it.
Casinos NEED people coming in the doors. They don't have any other major revenue streams. Closing a casino is a way bigger deal than suspending a sports season.

and lay off dealers and staff. Then
will come total closure. Handling
chips is a bad idea. Some will never
reopen when bills aren't being paid.
Quote: EvenBobFirst casinos will close at 4am to noon,
and lay off dealers and staff. Then
will come total closure. Handling
chips is a bad idea. Some will never
reopen when bills aren't being paid.
This is an aspect of closures that is not being mentioned in so much of the news reporting.
ex: NYC has mandated the shutdown of all Broadway theaters for 30 days. Each of those broadway shows will be hemmorraging cash, especially if they keep paying the actors and crew. I think most productions cannot afford to do that. But if they don't pay the actors and crew, there is no guarantee that they can get the show together whenever they are allowed to open again.
So, they may well have disbanded all the Broadway theater shows! And financially damaged people who invested in these shows.
It will be interesting to see how the theater business reorganizes itself after the pandemic.
have been shut down indefinitely.
in the last 5 min.
What a roller coaster.
The weekend will either give people a chance to relax and catch their breath, or Monday morning is going to be another train wreck.
If you look at the 2008/2009 crash, there were several days like this (dead cat bounce probably ) on the way down.Quote: EvenBobDOW closed up 1980 today. 400
in the last 5 min.
It’s either the sign of a bottom, or (more likely) one of the last chances to sell before the real crash.
Sometimes I think these interventions by the Fed are just to artificially prop up the market for few more days so the big money can get out.
We all know that the US/global economy is going to take an enormous hit, at least in the short term. We’re only seeing the very beginning of it with travel restrictions, event cancellations etc. What makes this even worse is nobody knows how this is going to play out since there is no modern-day precedent, and if there’s one thing the markets hate it’s uncertainty.
I sold some stock today and on Tuesday. No plans to sell more. In a year or two I’ll know if that was a good decision.
Incidentally, it’s odd that the market shot up in the last 30 minutes today, especially going into a weekend. In uncertain times, it’s much more common for the market to give back the day’s gains at the end of the session since people don’t want to hold overnight.
Quote: Ace2If you look at the 2008/2009 crash, there were several days like this
Apples and oranges. That was a huge worldwide
banking crisis. This is a ginned up rumor crisis.
Not even close to being the same.
Quote: gordonm888
ex: NYC has mandated the shutdown of all Broadway theaters for 30 days. Each of those broadway shows will be hemmorraging cash, especially if they keep paying the actors and crew.
The backers always require the shows
be insured against these kinds of
things, to protect their investments.
Quote: Ace2
Incidentally, it’s odd that the market shot up in the last 30 minutes today, especially going into a weekend. In uncertain times, it’s much more common for the market to give back the day’s gains at the end of the session since people don’t want to hold overnight.
Watch what happens at the close of the market next Friday. Will be a Quadruple Witching Hour.
Quote: EvenBobFirst casinos will close at 4am to noon,
and lay off dealers and staff. Then
will come total closure. Handling
chips is a bad idea. Some will never
reopen when bills aren't being paid.
If you could get people to stop idly flipping them and shuffling them it would probably reduce half the risk.
If coronaviris is around, getting it on your hands is likely if you’re touching contaminated surfaces. Still needs to get in you for infection.
Quote: Ace2
Incidentally, it’s odd that the market shot up in the last 30 minutes today, especially going into a weekend. In uncertain times, it’s much more common for the market to give back the day’s gains at the end of the session since people don’t want to hold overnight.
President gave a speech 30 minutes ago. Could that affect anything?
Quote:Incidentally, it’s odd that the market shot up in the last 30 minutes today, especially going into a weekend. In uncertain times, it’s much more common for the market to give back the day’s gains at the end of the session since people don’t want to hold overnight.
Did that coincide with the State of Emergency declaration? Markets may have shot back up because "now we have a plan" or something along those lines.
Regardless of how serious the virus threat actually is, governments around the world have demonstrated they will take any/all measures to combat it, even if those measures destroy the economy. And they willQuote: EvenBobApples and oranges. That was a huge worldwide
banking crisis. This is a ginned up rumor crisis.
Not even close to being the same.
Quote: EvenBobThe backers always require the shows
be insured against these kinds of
things, to protect their investments.
I'm certain there is some type of act of God clause the insurance companies will invoke
Carnegie Hall and the New York Philharmonic, have
all closed. All museums in Europe closed a couple
weeks ago.
the local store and some people were
in panic mode, running their cart
down isles and throwing stuff in.
Everybody had toilet paper, one
guy had nothing but TP. The TP aisle
was bare when he got to it. Amazon,
Walmart and Target are out of TP
taping without a studio audience Monday.
Disney Cruise Line has canceled all cruises.
suspended operations till mid May.
This was the TP aisle in Australia
Quote: EvenBobMy brother just reported he went to
the local store and some people were
in panic mode, running their cart
down isles and throwing stuff in.
Everybody had toilet paper, one
guy had nothing but TP. The TP aisle
was bare when he got to it. Amazon,
Walmart and Target are out of TP
Some people are so stupid. These are the same people that when a winter storm is coming into town, they stock up on months' worth of food. The worst storm that's ever hit where I live shut things down for like two weeks, tops.
I didn’t see any toilet paper or paper towels (didn’t need any), but they had plenty of everything else. TONS of cases of water.
I was actually very impressed with how smoothly everything was running there.
With chaos and death, there could be much more significant and long term damage. Things will be fine once the threat is gone. You'll be fine, that's good enough. I do otherwise like your ideas, I'm somewhat suspicious wondering if this COVID19 is just an excuse for the powers that be to completely sell out, making everyone else think it's a temporary panic. 2020 was supposed to be a year of reckoning, I've kind of dreaded getting here for a few years. I forget what even convinced me about the dangers of 2020(think a lot of things coming to roost this year), but I'm afraid of the optimism I have this year.Quote: Ace2Regardless of how serious the virus threat actually is, governments around the world have demonstrated they will take any/all measures to combat it, even if those measures destroy the economy. And they will
We had the knowledge, methods, techniques to stop it early.
Quote: EvenBobMy brother just reported he went to
the local store and some people were
in panic mode, running their cart
down isles and throwing stuff in.
Everybody had toilet paper, one
guy had nothing but TP. The TP aisle
was bare when he got to it. Amazon,
Walmart and Target are out of TP
I went to get groceries today and the store was a madhouse. I would say that a third of the shelves were empty. No ground beef, chicken, or pork chops. No pasta or bread. It was crazy.
Quote: DRichI went to get groceries today and the store was a madhouse. I would say that a third of the shelves were empty. No ground beef, chicken, or pork chops. No pasta or bread. It was crazy.
It's interesting but NYC is pretty calm. Subway travel is less but still lots of people traveling
I think NYC is by definition a "large gathering" so people are just like nothing to do as far as avoiding it
Broadway is closed
Movie theaters open, subways open, buses running, schools open, casinos open
I'm trying to understand what the point of Broadway closing is if the spread is just going to be everywhere else. And what will Broadway and Disneyworld do if in 4 weeks it's worse than better. They gonna stay closed?
Yes, they would have to stay closed. It's irresponsible if things get worse, more places will close between then and now, they'll close one by one. You need to isolate even if everyone else isn't if it's not too late because you felt safe. Everyone should have enough food on hand to last a few weeks just with things they don't really like, I hope, so people don't get crazy in the city just miles away.Quote: darkozIt's interesting but NYC is pretty calm. Subway travel is less but still lots of people traveling
I think NYC is by definition a "large gathering" so people are just like nothing to do as far as avoiding it
Broadway is closed
Movie theaters open, subways open, buses running, schools open, casinos open
I'm trying to understand what the point of Broadway closing is if the spread is just going to be everywhere else. And what will Broadway and Disneyworld do if in 4 weeks it's worse than better. They gonna stay closed?
Quote: onenickelmiracleYes, they would have to stay closed. It's irresponsible if things get worse, more places will close between then and now, they'll close one by one. You need to isolate even if everyone else isn't if it's not too late because you felt safe. Everyone should have enough food on hand to last a few weeks just with things they don't really like, I hope, so people don't get crazy in the city just miles away.
In Italy, there seems to be no problem with food delivery at least on the report I saw. Grocery and pharmacies continue to function. There is just crowd control Only so many inside at once.
Hospital care, if you need it, is the serious problem.
And there's nothing really to do in extra curricular activity which normally involves multiple people or crowds. If you like reading books all day, you're all set. It's not quite as bad as prison if you stay well and have a source of income.
Define exactly what "closing" means? Just the casino and not the hotel? Both? Any area of the casino? What constitutes a "major" casino? Can you list all that are eligible? Finally, what time period are we talking about? Within the next month? Within the next two weeks? Closing for 24 hours? Closing for at least 72 hours?Quote: SOOPOOGetting back to the thread. I am willing to bet there will be major casino closings in Las Vegas. If anyone is truly interested in betting against me I have a few dollars left in my account!
Quote: darkoz
I'm trying to understand what the point of Broadway closing
The majority of people who see Broadway
plays are over 60. They cram them in there
like sardines. Way too risky.
regulated to 100 customers in the
building at one time. All might be
closed by next week. Can only assume
this will be happening all over the