A former governor of Mississippi had a male secretary who was his constant companion for forty years or so. They lived together after the gov's wife died. The wife was buried in the local section of the battlefield. The governor's last request was that his best friend and companion would be allowed to be buried alongside him—this upset many in the community and the wife's powerful political family.
Fate intervened most unexpectedly. Shortly after the funeral, the gov's beloved labrador retriever was hit by a car and killed. The people in charge took the Govs last words literally and buried the dog next to him. I couldn't confirm or prove it wrong, but it made a good tale.
Quote: AZDuffman
I saw a will once where the woman wanted to be buried with her dog. I wondered if they were supposed to off the dog after she died or something else, it did not say. But you read wills as part of your job you see all kinds of stuff.
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I was friends with a rich family 30 years ago where the mother was worth about 20 million. She constantly changed her will and used it as a weapon just like you see in the movies. If you displeased her she wrote you out of her will. It wasn't an idle threat, she actually had her lawyer do it. Her oldest daughter was my friend and she planned on getting the bulk of the estate but when the old lady finally died she only ended up getting $500,000. And she didn't even have time to spend that because she herself died the next year in a home accident. Using the will as a weapon really worked to control the people around her, they kissed her ass for months or even years to get back in her good graces. Money can be a very Insidious thing.
Quote: GenoDRPh
Dude wanted his vet to euthanize his dog to be buried together. Family says it ain't happening.
That makes me very happy to hear. When the dog dies, bury him with the man then.
On June 25, 2024, Sika passed away at the age of 79, and then, on August 16, 2024, Afa passed away at the age of 81.

Heh heh. And now kiddies, a little terror tale I call...
This isn't so much a bizarre death as a look at what we humans are becoming.
Back on Friday, August 16, in Tempe, Arizona, 60-year-old Denise Prudhomme scanned in at 7:00 a.m. to the Wells Fargo office where she worked. She never scanned out. On Monday, employees complained of a foul odor, but attributed it to faulty plumbing. On Tuesday, August 20, Prudhomme was found by another employee who was walking around her cubicle area. Prudhomme was slumped over her desk and unresponsive. The employee alerted building security, who then called 911. When officers arrived, they confirmed that Prudhomme was dead, and had been since Friday.
How did this happen? We've all heard stories of older people living alone who die and are found in their homes days, sometimes weeks, later. Such cases were exacerbated during the COVID lockdown. But this was a busy office. Didn't anyone hear her gasping for air or weakly calling for help? Further, didn't anyone stop by her cubicle just to wish her a good weekend or remind of some meeting? Evidently not.
But, perhaps, COVID did play a role as the office wasn't actually busy. Before the lockdowns, all the cubicles were full. Post COVID less than half the staff were in the office. People work at home now. Technology also seems to have had a hand. Why walk down the row to speak to a fellow human face-to-face when, without leaving your chair, you can simply shoot them an email wishing them a good weekend and reminding them of the upcoming meeting?
Just something to think about the next time you find yourself in a big room filled with cubicles wondering if that foul odor is something to do with the plumbing.
Quote: Gialmere
Heh heh. And now kiddies, a little terror tale I call...
This isn't so much a bizarre death as a look at what we humans are becoming.
Back on Friday, August 16, in Tempe, Arizona, 60-year-old Denise Prudhomme scanned in at 7:00 a.m. to the Wells Fargo office where she worked. She never scanned out. On Monday, employees complained of a foul odor, but attributed it to faulty plumbing. On Tuesday, August 20, Prudhomme was found by another employee who was walking around her cubicle area. Prudhomme was slumped over her desk and unresponsive. The employee alerted building security, who then called 911. When officers arrived, they confirmed that Prudhomme was dead, and had been since Friday.
How did this happen? We've all heard stories of older people living alone who die and are found in their homes days, sometimes weeks, later. Such cases were exacerbated during the COVID lockdown. But this was a busy office. Didn't anyone hear her gasping for air or weakly calling for help? Further, didn't anyone stop by her cubicle just to wish her a good weekend or remind of some meeting? Evidently not.
But, perhaps, COVID did play a role as the office wasn't actually busy. Before the lockdowns, all the cubicles were full. Post COVID less than half the staff were in the office. People work at home now. Technology also seems to have had a hand. Why walk down the row to speak to a fellow human face-to-face when, without leaving your chair, you can simply shoot them an email wishing them a good weekend and reminding them of the upcoming meeting?
Just something to think about the next time you find yourself in a big room filled with cubicles wondering if that foul odor is something to do with the plumbing.
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Dying at your desk is not the most desirable retirement plan...
Now I know why :)
Quote: GenoDRPh
Dying at your desk is not the most desirable retirement plan...
Dying at my computer is my likely outcome as I spend about 17 hours a day on it.
Quote: DRichQuote: GenoDRPh
Dying at your desk is not the most desirable retirement plan...
Dying at my computer is my likely outcome as I spend about 17 hours a day on it.
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As long as you die happy.
Quote: billryanQuote: DRichQuote: GenoDRPh
Dying at your desk is not the most desirable retirement plan...
Dying at my computer is my likely outcome as I spend about 17 hours a day on it.
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As long as you die happy.
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I guess that depends on which website I have open.

I guess he will be covered and topped.

This isn't a celebrity death but rather a Vegas touristy one. A week ago, on September 5th, 67 year old Alan Loman died of heat exposure after getting stranded in the desert.
Loman was staying at the Saddle West Hotel Casino out in Pahrump which is a small town on Highway-160 just on the other side of Red Rock Canyon from Summerlin. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and Loman decided to visit nearby Sheri’s Ranch Brothel. So he he headed up the highway.
Sheri's is by no means a fly-by-night operation like one of those motor-home brothels you might have heard of. It fancies itself a resort, complete with sports bar, restaurant, spa, tennis courts and an outdoor swimming pool (plus the whore house). It is, however, off from the highway and that's where things went south for Loman.
First he got hopelessly lost on the dirt roads of the desert. Then he got his car stuck in the sand. With a temperature high that day of 106 degrees he called 911 but didn't know where he was to guide help. An off-road rescue crew was dispatched but, after a few hours searching, could neither find him nor ping his cellphone. A rescue helicopter was then summoned. After a few more hours it finally spotted his car.
Unfortunately, the ground crew found the vehicle abandoned, but Loman had left a note saying he was walking back to the highway. The 67 year-old didn't make it very far though. His body was eventually discovered only a quarter-mile from his vehicle. He had collapsed from heat exposure and died a lonely death beneath a blazing desert sun.
And the moral of the story is: It sucks being a slave to the male sex drive.
The first thing I did when I moved to Vegas was to throw a case of water in my trunk. I change it every few months. I also keep umbrellas in my car, and it is not for the rain.
Quote: Gialmere
This isn't a celebrity death but rather a Vegas touristy one. A week ago, on September 5th, 67 year old Alan Loman died of heat exposure after getting stranded in the desert.
Loman was staying at the Saddle West Hotel Casino out in Pahrump which is a small town on Highway-160 just on the other side of Red Rock Canyon from Summerlin. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and Loman decided to visit nearby Sheri’s Ranch Brothel. So he he headed up the highway.
Sheri's is by no means a fly-by-night operation like one of those motor-home brothels you might have heard of. It fancies itself a resort, complete with sports bar, restaurant, spa, tennis courts and an outdoor swimming pool (plus the whore house). It is, however, off from the highway and that's where things went south for Loman.
First he got hopelessly lost on the dirt roads of the desert. Then he got his car stuck in the sand. With a temperature high that day of 106 degrees he called 911 but didn't know where he was to guide help. An off-road rescue crew was dispatched but, after a few hours searching, could neither find him nor ping his cellphone. A rescue helicopter was then summoned. After a few more hours it finally spotted his car.
Unfortunately, the ground crew found the vehicle abandoned, but Loman had left a note saying he was walking back to the highway. The 67 year-old didn't make it very far though. His body was eventually discovered only a quarter-mile from his vehicle. He had collapsed from heat exposure and died a lonely death beneath a blazing desert sun.
And the moral of the story is: It sucks being a slave to the male sex drive.
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I thought maybe it was ride share with a prostitute.
I didn't know anything about him but he died pretty young too. Not as young as Steve though.

Quote: gordonm888Dame Maggie Smith, the great actress. R.I.P.
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They killed off her character in Downton Abbey movie last year and now she's gone for good.
What is a weekend?
Don’t be defeatist, dear, it’s very middle class.
It always happens when you give these little people power, it goes to their heads like strong drink.
I couldn’t have electricity in the house, I wouldn't sleep a wink. All those vapors floating about.
(After struggling with a telephone): Is this an instrument of communication, or torture?
(Looking at Lavinia, Matthew Crawley’s fiancée): So that’s Mary’s replacement. Well, I suppose looks aren’t everything.
(Replying to Sir Richard who has said, "I doubt we'll meet again"): Do you promise?
(Replying to Isobel Crawley taking her observations as a compliment): I must have said it wrong.
Last night! He looked so well. Of course it would happen to a foreigner. No Englishman would dream of dying in someone else’s house.
(To Cora, on the topic of her American mother): I’m so looking forward to seeing your mother again. When I’m with her, I’m reminded of the virtues of the English.
I have plenty of friends I don’t like.
I don’t dislike him. I just don’t like him, which is quite different.
I’m not a romantic, but even I concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose to pump blood.
I know several couples who are perfectly happy. Haven’t spoken in years.
My dear, love is a far more dangerous motive than dislike.
One way or another, every woman goes down the aisle with half the story hidden.
I’m a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose.
A woman of my age can face reality far better than most men.
No guest should be admitted without the date of their departure being settled.
Principles are like prayers; noble, of course, but awkward at a party.
When tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. And in the absence of a suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves. You are not to blame. No one is to blame.
Sir Richard, life is a game, where the player must appear ridiculous.
No life appears rewarding if you think about it too much.
All life is a series of problems which we must try and solve.
Does it ever get cold up there on the moral high ground?
RIP Dame Maggie
Quote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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A good excuse to re-watch "Amerika."
Quote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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I lost all respect for him decades ago when he divorced Rita Coolidge and I found out that he was an abusive alcoholic who used to beat her and constantly belittle her talent because he was so jealous of it. The guy was a real jerk in his private life.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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I lost all respect for him decades ago when he divorced Rita Coolidge and I found out that he was an abusive alcoholic who used to beat her and constantly belittle her talent because he was so jealous of it. The guy was a real jerk in his private life.
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He may have been a jerk and drunk but you can’t say he led a boring life. Phi Beta Kappa as an undergrad. Rhodes scholar, golden glove boxer, Army Ranger helicopter pilot for several years. Then he had a singing and acting career.
So Willie outlived all the rest of The Highwaymen. The evidence is growing that he is in fact immortal.
Quote: JimRockfordQuote: EvenBobQuote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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I lost all respect for him decades ago when he divorced Rita Coolidge and I found out that he was an abusive alcoholic who used to beat her and constantly belittle her talent because he was so jealous of it. The guy was a real jerk in his private life.
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He may have been a jerk and drunk but you can’t say he led a boring life. Phi Beta Kappa as an undergrad. Rhodes scholar, golden glove boxer, Army Ranger helicopter pilot for several years. Then he had a singing and acting career.
So Willie outlived all the rest of The Highwaymen. The evidence is growing that he is in fact immortal.
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It's a fact that being a jerk and beating your women pretty much cancels out anything else you might do in life. There are some things you just don't do. The fact that he constantly belittled his wife's talent shows that inside he was really a very little man. And the fact that he was even with The Highwaymen always puzzled me because he was only 1/10 as talented as any of the rest of them.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: JimRockfordQuote: EvenBobQuote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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I lost all respect for him decades ago when he divorced Rita Coolidge and I found out that he was an abusive alcoholic who used to beat her and constantly belittle her talent because he was so jealous of it. The guy was a real jerk in his private life.
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He may have been a jerk and drunk but you can’t say he led a boring life. Phi Beta Kappa as an undergrad. Rhodes scholar, golden glove boxer, Army Ranger helicopter pilot for several years. Then he had a singing and acting career.
So Willie outlived all the rest of The Highwaymen. The evidence is growing that he is in fact immortal.
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It's a fact that being a jerk and beating your women pretty much cancels out anything else you might do in life. There are some things you just don't do. The fact that he constantly belittled his wife's talent shows that inside he was really a very little man. And the fact that he was even with The Highwaymen always puzzled me because he was only 1/10 as talented as any of the rest of them.
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He had more talent and accomplished so much more in his life than you could dream about. Why is it that the least among us never have a good word to say about anyone or anything?
The man served his country, flew helicopters, was an Airborne Ranger, was a Rhodes Scholar, wrote multiple hits, starred in multiple hit movies, was awarded the US Veteran of the Year, and raised millions for various charities. Which of those boxes do you check off?
Quote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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I really liked him in Payback.
Quote: billryanQuote: EvenBobQuote: JimRockfordQuote: EvenBobQuote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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I lost all respect for him decades ago when he divorced Rita Coolidge and I found out that he was an abusive alcoholic who used to beat her and constantly belittle her talent because he was so jealous of it. The guy was a real jerk in his private life.
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He may have been a jerk and drunk but you can’t say he led a boring life. Phi Beta Kappa as an undergrad. Rhodes scholar, golden glove boxer, Army Ranger helicopter pilot for several years. Then he had a singing and acting career.
So Willie outlived all the rest of The Highwaymen. The evidence is growing that he is in fact immortal.
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It's a fact that being a jerk and beating your women pretty much cancels out anything else you might do in life. There are some things you just don't do. The fact that he constantly belittled his wife's talent shows that inside he was really a very little man. And the fact that he was even with The Highwaymen always puzzled me because he was only 1/10 as talented as any of the rest of them.
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He had more talent and accomplished so much more in his life than you could dream about. Why is it that the least among us never have a good word to say about anyone or anything?
The man served his country, flew helicopters, was an Airborne Ranger, was a Rhodes Scholar, wrote multiple hits, starred in multiple hit movies, was awarded the US Veteran of the Year, and raised millions for various charities. Which of those boxes do you check off?
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Ask 10 random people who they think are the 20 most talented people in Hollywood and I guarantee you Kris Kristofferson's name will never come up on any of them. Even if you asked 20 people in Show Business his name would never come up because he was a jerk. I can't remember a single thing he was ever in that I wanted to see again.
Quote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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Shoot. I liked him as an actor and musician. I didn't know about the alleged personal flaws EB mentions.
Quote: WizardQuote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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Shoot. I liked him as an actor and musician. I didn't know about the alleged personal flaws EB mentions.
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Her account is he belittled her musical accomplishments, and hit her once while he was drunk and it never happened again. They divroced in part over his infidelities and alcoholism. However, she always maintained that despite the end of their romantic relationship, Rita and Kris maintained a strong friendship and connection.
In a 2019 interview, she told MichaelCavacini.com: "Kris is a wonderful man. He is an extraordinary songwriter.
“He’s been a close friend of mine and the father of my daughter, so I have nothing but glowing things to say about Kris.
“Our marriage was volatile. It’s all in the book, and it’s one of the reasons I wrote my book. Not to tell on Kris but to share my experience with him.
“He’s an amazing guy, and he’s a national treasure now.”
Does he deserve a scarlett letter? I don't know. But if she forgives him and still has an affinity for him, and he has atoned, who am I to judge?
Pete Rose, 83
Quote: DeucekiesDikembe Mutombo, 58
Pete Rose, 83
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Wow, didn't know about Pete Rose. The best player I remember seeing play. Next to Barry Bonds I don't put any player in the last 50 years in his league.
Quote: rxwineThey going to put him in the hall of posthumous fame?
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I am guessing not for a long time.
Quote: DRichQuote: rxwineThey going to put him in the hall of posthumous fame?
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I am guessing not for a long time.
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Keeping him out doesn't punish him any more. I won't be surprised if there is a push to put him in now that he can't exploit it or enjoy it.
Quote: billryanQuote: DRichQuote: rxwineThey going to put him in the hall of posthumous fame?
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I am guessing not for a long time.
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Keeping him out doesn't punish him any more. I won't be surprised if there is a push to put him in now that he can't exploit it or enjoy it.
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I think there will be a big push for him at the next nomination, but I don't think he will get in for a long timr. Yes, his playing career definitely justifies it.
Quote: GenoDRPhQuote: WizardQuote: avianrandyKris Kristofferson,88. He died September 28
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Shoot. I liked him as an actor and musician. I didn't know about the alleged personal flaws EB mentions.
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Her account is he belittled her musical accomplishments, and hit her once while he was drunk and it never happened again. They divroced in part over his infidelities and alcoholism. However, she always maintained that despite the end of their romantic relationship, Rita and Kris maintained a strong friendship and connection.
In a 2019 interview, she told MichaelCavacini.com: "Kris is a wonderful man. He is an extraordinary songwriter.
“He’s been a close friend of mine and the father of my daughter, so I have nothing but glowing things to say about Kris.
“Our marriage was volatile. It’s all in the book, and it’s one of the reasons I wrote my book. Not to tell on Kris but to share my experience with him.
“He’s an amazing guy, and he’s a national treasure now.”
Does he deserve a scarlett letter? I don't know. But if she forgives him and still has an affinity for him, and he has atoned, who am I to judge?
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In an interview in the 1980s Kristofferson claimed that he beat Rita Coolidge like a drum when they were married because he was drinking. That she downplayed it is no surprise because that's what women do. It makes them look like idiots that they put up with a man beating them so they make it look like it was less than it really was. I heard Kristofferson say he felt he had no right to be playing with The Highwaymen because they were so much more talented than him. He was correct.
Quote: DRichQuote: DeucekiesDikembe Mutombo, 58
Pete Rose, 83
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Wow, didn't know about Pete Rose. The best player I remember seeing play. Next to Barry Bonds I don't put any player in the last 50 years in his league.
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He is still the holder of the most hits title to this day. Him and Ty Cobb are number one and two. If anybody deserves to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame it is Charlie Hustle
Quote: billryanKris Kristofferson is bad, Pete Rose is good. If there is a better sentence that describes EB to a T, I have not seen it.
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Oh no, Pete Rose was a gambler. But at least he didn't beat his wife like a drum. Some people have a problem with priorities.. Pete Rose was truly talented and his records still stand. Kris Kristofferson, not so much.