Why are some conservatives such snowflakes when they hear "New World Order"
Some conservatives will be in their bunkers afraid of this so called New World order, I'll probably be playing golf instead
Quote: billryanNew World Order indeed. What is Hulk Hogan 63? 64?
There is no doubt we will have a new world order
That's just the way it is
AOC and her generation will have all the power in about 20 years
Quote: billryanNew World Order indeed. What is Hulk Hogan 63? 64?
LWO rules!
Quote: terapinedThere is no doubt we will have a new world order
That's just the way it is
AOC and her generation will have all the power in about 20 years
Oh No!
Quote: terapined3 videos and its own thread. Scared?
Why are some conservatives such snowflakes when they hear "New World Order"
Some conservatives will be in their bunkers afraid of this so called New World order, I'll probably be playing golf instead
Quote: billryanLWO rules!
No New World order
Bring back Sgt Slaughter and the Iron Sheik
Quote: terapined3 videos and its own thread. Scared?
Why are some conservatives such snowflakes when they hear "New World Order"
Some conservatives will be in their bunkers afraid of this so called New World order, I'll probably be playing golf instead
Quote: bobbartop
Chill out dude
This new world order stuff is right up there with the boogie man
Its total nonsense.
11 years ago, I had a conservative friend totally freaking out. "If Comrade Obama wins, New World Order"
Of course I just chuckled like I am chuckling now
Quote: terapinedQuote: bobbartop
Chill out dude
This new world order stuff is right up there with the boogie man
Its total nonsense.
11 years ago, I had a conservative friend totally freaking out. "If Comrade Obama wins, New World Order"
Of course I just chuckled like I am chuckling now
Was the fall of Saigon also "nonsense"? I consider your remarks about as credible as anything Billy could muster in the "Wiki/Nicaragua" thread. Maybe you guys could try harder. I dunno, maybe it's already your best. At least I amuse you.
"America’s coming back like we used to be."
Good slogan, but a little too wordy.
Maybe he should say something like Make America Great Again.
Quote: bobbartopQuote: terapinedQuote: bobbartop
Chill out dude
This new world order stuff is right up there with the boogie man
Its total nonsense.
11 years ago, I had a conservative friend totally freaking out. "If Comrade Obama wins, New World Order"
Of course I just chuckled like I am chuckling now
Was the fall of Saigon also "nonsense"? I consider your remarks about as credible as anything Billy could muster in the "Wiki/Nicaragua" thread. Maybe you guys could try harder. I dunno, maybe it's already your best. At least I amuse you.
We should have never been in Viet Nam.
Fall of Saigon was inevitable
Nothing could stop that
too sum up the war
During negotiations in Hanoi a week before the fall of Saigon, US generals bragged to Viet Nam generals "You know, you never beat us on the battlefield"
the reply
"That may be so, but it is also irrelevant."
Quote: terapined
We should have never been in Viet Nam.
Fall of Saigon was inevitable
Nothing could stop that
I am considering blocking you. Unless, of course, you want to block me first. You can't say I'm not polite.
By the way, I have some Vietnamese friends who would kick your ass for what you just said.
Not saying Trump isn't further along on that spectrum.....
Quote: bobbartopI am considering blocking you. Unless, of course, you want to block me first. You can't say I'm not polite.
By the way, I have some Vietnamese friends who would kick your ass for what you just said.
I'm not going to block you. This New World Order stuff entertains me just like the boogie man entertains me
Appreciate you being polite
As to Viet Nam, I'm just telling like it is.
I think your Vietnamese friends are incredibly dumb and stupid to want to kick my ass
They cant deal with reality so they resort to physical violence. Are your friends that brainless?
Quote: bobbartopQuote: terapinedQuote: bobbartop
Chill out dude
This new world order stuff is right up there with the boogie man
Its total nonsense.
11 years ago, I had a conservative friend totally freaking out. "If Comrade Obama wins, New World Order"
Of course I just chuckled like I am chuckling now
Was the fall of Saigon also "nonsense"? I consider your remarks about as credible as anything Billy could muster in the "Wiki/Nicaragua" thread. Maybe you guys could try harder. I dunno, maybe it's already your best. At least I amuse you.
I do hope you amuse yourself. Laughter is strong medicine. I always wondered if Abbott had as much fun as Costello.
Quote: OnceDearFalling somewhere between personal insult and race hate, I'm close to awarding a suspension for that. For now, take a warning. Other mods might think differently.
I was born in Asia
I don't hate people from Viet Nam
I do hate people that want to beat me up that just happen to be from Viet Nam. I'm anti violence
Quote: terapinedI'm not going to block you. This New World Order stuff entertains me just like the boogie man entertains me
Appreciate you being polite
As to Viet Nam, I'm just telling like it is.
I think your Vietnamese friends are incredibly dumb and stupid to want to kick my ass
They cant deal with reality so they resort to physical violence. Are your friends that brainless?
They wouldn't really. But it would have made them mad. Do you remember a story maybe a couple decades ago? Westminister is in Orange County and there are a lot of relocated Vietnamese people there. The older ones saw atrocities, and the younger ones heard their parents tell the stories. Anyway, there was a mini-mall and one of the shop keepers put a picture of Ho Chi Minh on his window. Omg, now they really DID want to kick his ass. Or worse, lol. If you're from Los Angeles you would remember that news story. It was a big story.
I had some other Vietnamese friends who went through the whole "boat people" thing, escaping through Thailand, attacked by pirates, daughters raped, etc. That is how awful communism is that people will risk anything to get out. They even ate a baby that had died, they were at sea in a rickety boat for weeks. Ghastly. I met this family in a card room in Northern California. They thank God every day, and thank America.
Quote: OnceDearFalling somewhere between personal insult and race hate, I'm close to awarding a suspension for that. For now, take a warning. Other mods might think differently.
What is this? There's no insult, no racism, no hate, we're just talking. We're adults. I don't hate anyone. It's all in your mind. Please, don't bother the other mods, be a man and make the call yourself. Go ahead and ban me. Geez, we're just talking. Let me help you with your decision. Just do it.
And if you're going to ban me, at least let me have my final words.
First, I want a blindfold.
Now a cigarette.
Ok, let's go.
Quote: bobbartopThey wouldn't really. But it would have made them mad. Do you remember a story maybe a couple decades ago? Westminister is in Orange County and there are a lot of relocated Vietnamese people there. The older ones saw atrocities, and the younger ones heard their parents tell the stories. Anyway, there was a mini-mall and one of the shop keepers put a picture of Ho Chi Minh on his window. Omg, now they really DID want to kick his ass. Or worse, lol. If you're from Los Angeles you would remember that news story. It was a big story.
I had some other Vietnamese friends who went through the whole "boat people" thing, escaping through Thailand, attacked by pirates, daughters raped, etc. That is how awful communism is that people will risk anything to get out. They even ate a baby that had died, they were at sea in a rickety boat for weeks. Ghastly. I met this family in a card room in Northern California. They thank God every day, and thank America.
Atrocities on both sides, South Viet Nam govt was as corrupt as you could get. A Vietnamese in Orange County cant open a business unless he pays off the Vietnamese mob which is old military.
Bottom line
USA should have never gotten involved
Let Ho Chi Minh unite the country.
It was inevitable. The French knew. They smartened up and left.
If the USA never got involved, Viet Nam would be similar to what's happening in China today,
LOL, what other MODS? You mean his political bestie Bab's? (-;Quote: OnceDearFalling somewhere between personal insult and race hate, I'm close to awarding a suspension for that. For now, take a warning. Other mods might think differently.
TE all but blatantly call him a snowflake even before the other crap.
Which one was OD threatening?Quote: AxelWolfLOL, what other MODS? You mean his political bestie Bab's? (-;
TE all but blatantly call him a snowflake even before the other crap.
Quote: OnceDearfalling somewhere between personal insult and race hate,
Race hate.. lol
"Can we all just get along?" Rodney King
Quote: terapinedAtrocities on both sides, South Viet Nam govt was as corrupt as you could get. A Vietnamese in Orange County cant open a business unless he pays off the Vietnamese mob which is old military.
Bottom line
USA should have never gotten involved
Let Ho Chi Minh unite the country.
It was inevitable. The French knew. They smartened up and left.
If the USA never got involved, Viet Nam would be similar to what's happening in China today,
What is your problem? Ho Chi Minh was a bloody murdering communist who ruled by terror, just like all communist tyrants. One question, smarty pants. Why did all the refugees run SOUTH? This is what happens when you have decades of communist professors teaching in our universities and liberal slant in fake news media. People end up thinking Ho Chi Minh was some kind of hero. Ho Chi Minh was a murdering scumbag of the highest order. If Trump has done one thing good it has been his bringing attention to the lies of the MAJOR media.
And speaking of China, the SAME people who rule China today, i.e., the Communist Party, are the same criminals who murdered 60 million Chinese people in a 20 year period under Mao. You gotta problem, dude.
Quote: EvenBobRace hate.. lol
"Can we all just get along?" Rodney King
I can't recall even one instance of "race hate" in this entire thread. Too bad, because I'm not going to read back through the whole thing looking for it. If I can't remember it, it must not have been too hateful. Either that or my memory is getting worse with age. I hate that.
Quote: terapined.... would be similar to what's happening in China today,
What's happening in China today? I'll tell you what's happening in China today. China executes more people than any country in the world. Today. They execute people for MISDEMEANOR-TYPE offences. Massive prison labor drives their economy. And I read THAT in the New York Times. Don't tell Trump, the New York Times told the truth for once.
Quote: bobbartopAND THEY EAT DOGS! f*ckers
I doubt if cows like being eaten. In fact, I see no difference as far as it goes.
Harder to teach a cow to do tricks.Quote: rxwineI doubt if cows like being eaten. In fact, I see no difference as far as it goes.
Quote: rxwineI doubt if cows like being eaten. In fact, I see no difference as far as it goes.
Then let me explain the difference to you. It doesn't matter what part of the world you're in, it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, or what religion you are, or what your politics are, a dog will love you, and protect your children.
Quote: bobbartopThen let me explain the difference to you. It doesn't matter what part of the world you're in, it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, or what religion you are, or what your politics are, a dog will love you, and protect your children.
What a coincident
Our big local story yesterday was dogs attacking people
One poor guy had to get 40 stitches
Quote: bobbartopWhat's happening in China today? I'll tell you what's happening in China today. China executes more people than any country in the world. Today. They execute people for MISDEMEANOR-TYPE offences. Massive prison labor drives their economy. And I read THAT in the New York Times. Don't tell Trump, the New York Times told the truth for once.
On the flip side
US companies are doing massive business in China
They are the number 1 customer in the world for cars and jets
I send more Americans to China then any other country in the world (I work in corporate business travel)
Many US companies success and failure are based on the amount of business they do in China
The times have changed
Also, me reading this thread:

Quote: terapinedOn the flip side
The times have changed
True. Who would've thought in 1944 that Germany and the US would become the best of allies? Who would've thought in 1967 that Israel would have normal relations with Egypt?
Someone up thread complained that China executes people for non capital crimes, by OUR standards. Well a large part of the world thinks we are barbaric for executing ANYONE. I am not against harsher penalties for criminal behavior. I think our laxness is not good. Talk to any "Correction Officer" ( I always laugh at that job title!) and see if they think society is better off when the guy who is on his second five year sentence for armed robbery is released.
Quote: bobbartop
Showed his hand early.
This is President Bush, former CIA Director, speaking about a “New World Order” in 1999.
This is NIC Chairman John Gannon’s Feb. 1, 2000 speech on “The CIA in the New World Order”.
" I hope this broad approach will set the stage for the seven distinguished speakers who will follow me in this series on intelligence in the new world order. "
They've been running this country for the past sixty years. Their "New World Order has left tens of thousands of US soldiers and more than one million more dead across the world.
As time moves on, the world changes. That's just reality
200 years ago Napoleon Bonaparte saw it coming and its happening now
"China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world."
20 years from now, China will dominate car manufacturing on this planet
Electric is the future and China has a massive head start
9/11 ushered in a new world order.
The collapse of the Soviet Union was another one.
There was probably one somewhere during the Vietnam War era.
End of WWII. End of WWI. Industrial Revolution was probably one. And so on. On and on, every few years, throughout history. Probably 3 or 4 more in the 20th century alone I'm not even thinking of.
New world orders are no big deal, and pure conspiracy fodder. We're probably on the tipping point of one right now with China involved somehow.
Quote: bobbartopThen let me explain the difference to you. It doesn't matter what part of the world you're in, it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, or what religion you are, or what your politics are, a dog will love you, and protect your children.
Just remember to appreciate your next steak more. Cows do tricks.
Quote: rxwineJust remember to appreciate your next steak more. Cows do tricks.
Oh that was great. Seriously, thanks for that, it was adorable. I like cows too. I swear, if I was dictator, I would outlaw the beef industry. I live near a lot of dairies, they're cute, especially the all-brown ones, I don't know what they call them. If I had a cow, I would put a ribbon around its neck and name it Betsy, like in DeVoss. I would let it come inside at night and sleep next to my dog. Thanks for the youtube link.
Someone up thread complained that China executes people for non capital crimes, by OUR standards.
That was me, SOOPOO. Slave labor camps, executions for misdemeanor offences, it is still barbaric. It always will be barbaric. And so will the Communist Party of China. They don't need tourism, they need their own Second Amendment. They need freedom.
Quote: TigerWuLOL... There's a new world order every 10-20 years or so.
9/11 ushered in a new world order.
The collapse of the Soviet Union was another one.
There was probably one somewhere during the Vietnam War era.
End of WWII. End of WWI. Industrial Revolution was probably one. And so on. On and on, every few years, throughout history. Probably 3 or 4 more in the 20th century alone I'm not even thinking of.
New world orders are no big deal, and pure conspiracy fodder. We're probably on the tipping point of one right now with China involved somehow.
You and Terapined are still confused. There's nothing I can do to change that. There is ONE New World Order. You simply have not done your homework. Bavaria, Professor Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776. Working mens associations. In fact, May 1 is coming up just next week. There will be huge military displays in all communist regimes on the globe. That's because the roots of the Communist Conspiracy can be traced back to that date. Erase national sovereignty, abolish religion, one world government. Communism is not a movement of the downtrodden, the proletariat, to divide the wealth. It is actually a movement of the super rich, to consolidate the wealth.
Quote: bobbartopYou and Terapined are still confused. There's nothing I can do to change that. There is ONE New World Order. You simply have not done your homework. Bavaria, Professor Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776. Working mens associations. In fact, May 1 is coming up just next week. There will be huge military displays in all communist regimes on the globe. That's because the roots of the Communist Conspiracy can be traced back to that date. Erase national sovereignty, abolish religion, one world government. Communism is not a movement of the downtrodden, the proletariat, to divide the wealth. It is actually a movement of the super rich, to consolidate the wealth.
Comedy gold.
Quote: bobbartopYou and Terapined are still confused. There's nothing I can do to change that. There is ONE New World Order. You simply have not done your homework. Bavaria, Professor Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776. Working mens associations. In fact, May 1 is coming up just next week. There will be huge military displays in all communist regimes on the globe. That's because the roots of the Communist Conspiracy can be traced back to that date. Erase national sovereignty, abolish religion, one world government. Communism is not a movement of the downtrodden, the proletariat, to divide the wealth. It is actually a movement of the super rich, to consolidate the wealth.
It's all on Wikipedia. Well, not actually all of it, Steve missed some details. But you can add Thomas Jefferson to Bob Bartop's Sh*t List.
"While others such as Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in a letter to James Madison that "Barruel’s own parts of the book are perfectly the ravings of a Bedlamite" and considered Weishaupt as an "enthusiastic Philanthropist" who believed in the indefinite perfectibility of man and his intention was simply to "reinstate natural religion, and by diffusing the light of his morality, to teach us to govern ourselves."
Quote: bobbartopYou and Terapined are still confused. There's nothing I can do to change that. There is ONE New World Order. You simply have not done your homework. Bavaria, Professor Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776. Working mens associations. In fact, May 1 is coming up just next week. There will be huge military displays in all communist regimes on the globe. That's because the roots of the Communist Conspiracy can be traced back to that date. Erase national sovereignty, abolish religion, one world government. Communism is not a movement of the downtrodden, the proletariat, to divide the wealth. It is actually a movement of the super rich, to consolidate the wealth.
New world order =/= one world government =/= the Illuminati =/= communism.
You're taking like three or four different conspiracy theories and twisting them all up into one. Might as well throw Flat Earth in there while you're at it; it'd be a little funnier that way.
Quote: TigerWuNew world order =/= one world government =/= the Illuminati =/= communism.
You're taking like three or four different conspiracy theories and twisting them all up into one. Might as well throw Flat Earth in there while you're at it; it'd be a little funnier that way.
Wait until he introduces George Soros into the narrative. I enjoyed reading his take on how the gallant Nicaraguan army couldn't fight the Sandnanista's because they foolishly used up its ammo shooting its own citizens and how the Somoza family bravely fled the country to ensure the four billion dollars they looted didn't fall into commie hands.
Meanwhile, in a darkened cell, Mason waits patiently.
If only Charlemagne had had air support.
Quote: billryanWait until he introduces George Soros into the narrative. I enjoyed reading his take on how the gallant Nicaraguan army couldn't fight the Sandnanista's because they foolishly used up its ammo shooting its own citizens and how the Somoza family bravely fled the country to ensure the four billion dollars they looted didn't fall into commie hands.
Meanwhile, in a darkened cell, Mason waits patiently.
If only Charlemagne had had air support.
Go ahead and laugh, but you'll be laughing at your own ignorance of the situation. It is absolutely true that the Nicaraguan National Guard ran out of ammunition at the height of the Sandanista attack on their country. As I said earlier, that was Jimmy Carter's doing. And there was indeed a ship of ammunition from Israel not allowed to dock. Laugh all you want. If I thought you had any integrity I'd propose a wager. You'd lose, dude.