So my car needs a new door handle cause it decided to break. I go to the mechanic since i dont have tools on me to look at it myself and maybe something simple got disconnected. So i take my car over to this guy. They say its $50 to check it. I say ok. After he checks it he says i need a new door handle cause the piece inside broke off. Then im like what now? We need to order the part. They wanted to order it for me and i was like bo ill just order it myself. I then told them I dont want to wait and come back and have to pay labor twice. They said they wont charge me today, but when I come back with the part it will just be 50. I told them ok.
Now heres the thing. I told them i would come back and then deecided NOT to because im gonna do it myself with some tools from my neighbor. Now as soon as this happens, the fucking world falls on me. This literally ALWAYS happens. Whenever i do something considered 'bad' or unethical divine intervention kills me. I literally ealk on eggshells my whole life. The world never remember all the good I do though. I dont even do anything 'bad' either to anyone other than stupid stuff like this or taking extra food off a mcdonalds when it wasnt even my order or not buying my neighbor pizza etc. As soon as somethiny like this happens, i never win a session ahhahahah. Explain that to me and tell me the world is not out to get me or that wr dont livr in a simulation.
Just look at this. As soon as i called them today and said i wouldnt be coming back, I drop 2800 in 2 hours. Tell me the last time i dropped 2800 in two hours lmaoo. Either my life id a freaking troll and stuff like this coincidentally happens to me every single time just to piss me off even more or we live in a simulation and my lifes objective is to talk on eggshells everytime i do something even remotely unethical. Im so done with this city as well as my life. Good riddance.
YA, but where are you getting oxy?Quote: ZenKinGHonestly im so close to jumping off a bridge or overdosing on oxycontin and this isnt a joke or a troll. Im fucking done with my life and please dont try to support me either. Im sick of getting trolled by divine intevention evety single time. I just dropped 2800 in 2 hours and guess why it happened? Just guess.
So my car needs a new door handle cause it decided to break. I go to the mechanic since i dont have tools on me to look at it myself and maybe something simple got disconnected. So i take my car over to this guy. They say its $50 to check it. I say ok. After he checks it he says i need a new door handle cause the piece inside broke off. Then im like what now? We need to order the part. They wanted to order it for me and i was like bo ill just order it myself. I then told them I dont want to wait and come back and have to pay labor twice. They said they wont charge me today, but when I come back with the part it will just be 50. I told them ok.
Now heres the thing. I told them i would come back and then deecided NOT to because im gonna do it myself with some tools from my neighbor. Now as soon as this happens, the fucking world falls on me. This literally ALWAYS happens. Whenever i do something considered 'bad' or unethical divine intervention kills me. I literally ealk on eggshells my whole life. The world never remember all the good I do though. I dont even do anything 'bad' either to anyone other than stupid stuff like this or taking extra food off a mcdonalds when it wasnt even my order or not buying my neighbor pizza etc. As soon as somethiny like this happens, i never win a session ahhahahah. Explain that to me and tell me the world is not out to get me or that wr dont livr in a simulation.
Just look at this. As soon as i called them today and said i wouldnt be coming back, I drop 2800 in 2 hours. Tell me the last time i dropped 2800 in two hours lmaoo. Either my life id a freaking troll and stuff like this coincidentally happens to me every single time just to piss me off even more or we live in a simulation and my lifes objective is to talk on eggshells everytime i do something even remotely unethical. Im so done with this city as well as my life. Good riddance.
Suspension term to be determined, but provisionally expect reinstatement on 1st April.
Quote: ZenKinG
Just look at this. As soon as i called them today and said i wouldnt be coming back, I drop 2800 in 2 hours. .
One has nothing to do with the
other except in your mind. Do
you plan on reaching age 30,
or is that just a remote possibility
at this point. Seek help, dude..
Quote: OnceDearI'm going to cut Zenking some slack here because he's having another bad day. His most recent suspension for an f-bomb was for a month, wayyyyy back in December.
Suspension term to be determined, but provisionally expect reinstatement on 1st April.
Is there going to be an April Fools joke somewhere in his reinstatement?
This thread is not really a laughing matter.Quote: darkozIs there going to be an April Fools joke somewhere in his reinstatement?
I wish ZK well and I appreciate any support messages to him / for him.
Since ZK asked a question in this thread, then helpful and supportive answers belong here.
However, since the guy is suspended, posts that deride or insult him will, of course not be appreciated.
I've already fired PM's off to Wizard and BBB and I await their input.
To ZenKing: I would recommend seeking some sort of counseling, if you haven’t already. It could be +EV, and if you’re seriously considering ending it, you won’t need your money if you do that anyway.
Also, you can call a suicide prevention line. Those are free and work if you just need an outlet, even if it’s just to vent. They’ll listen to anything you have to say as long as you are not rude to them and don’t say anything illegal or that threatens violence against yourself or any person.
Quote: FinsRule1-800-273-8255
and 1-800-522-4700. Probably should start with yours...
If you own a car, oddly enough things will break from time to time and in a city like Vegas the odds of having things happen is probably higher than in others.
From what I've read from you, (and that's probably most of what you've written here), your life is relatively "normal". Some days are good, many others suck. Sometime you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes you manage to get a "F" word through on a forum, sometimes you don't. And that's a good indicator too: You know, (or at least SHOULD know by now since you've been suspended so many times), that you CAN'T USE THE "F" WORD"! So when you do it's a "self-inflicted" event.
I'm not about to go into details but I can assure you that I have gone through FAR more crap in the past 10 years then you could even think about. I often wonder what horrible things I've done in the past to merit the garbage I have to deal with. But occasionally, or more like "rarely", there's some good. Even when there isn't what I'm dealing with is far, FAR less than a lot of people have to face. Do you have a fatal disease? Have you lost everything in a fire? Did you have children die unexpectedly at a young age? Did your house flood? And on and on.
It's easy to dwell on the downside while forgetting the upside, even if they are few and far between. From my perspective what you go through is pretty normal, maybe somewhat on the low side, so you might as well just get used to it.
Quote: FinsRule1-800-273-8255
Hopefully not the hotline EB volunteers for

Meanwhile, while you're on suspension, or anytime, you have my number. I'm always happy to listen. If you ever are on the bridge, I insist you call somebody.
Quote: OnceDearThis thread is not really a laughing matter.
I wish ZK well and I appreciate any support messages to him / for him.
Since ZK asked a question in this thread, then helpful and supportive answers belong here.
However, since the guy is suspended, posts that deride or insult him will, of course not be appreciated.
I've already fired PM's off to Wizard and BBB and I await their input.
I went back and reread it
When he mentioned being thru with this life I thought he meant the AP life, not suicide. But it appears I misinterpreted that
If this is a reach out to us in a time of possible suicide contemplating then blocking his ability to talk is the wrong move.
I know you are in a difficult position too but as Mission says the only offense is an F-bomb and someone contemplating ending probably doesn't care about thst
I vote for lifting it under the circumstances
(I noted the third paragraph he says freaking as if he was mindful of the rules. The other instance may have been overlooked in his mood)
Quote: darkozI vote for lifting it under the circumstances
We mods are put in a tough position with this one. He knows how to reach me by phone and I'm happy to take his call. I also welcome him to post on DT as long as it isn't to complain about his suspension here.
Quote: HullabalooFrom what I've read from you, (and that's probably most of what you've written here), your life is relatively "normal". Some days are good, many others suck....[snip]
I'm not about to go into details but I can assure you that I have gone through FAR more crap in the past 10 years then you could even think about.
Zenking has had it tough. In just a few short months..
Someone dented his car's bumper:
He had a flat tyre which he wasn't prepared for:
His cable TV went off for a while,
His kitchen sink got blocked,
He got some bedbugs
And now the one thing he's the greatest at: Card counting, has seen him lose some hands.
And to round it off some Limey b*****d moderator* suspended him on a forum for a couple of typos.
Life doesn't get much worse than that......
Somewhere along the way, somebody lost perspective. Maybe, just maybe if ZK could meet up with a few members of this forum in real life, then just possibly he'd regain some balance.
I wish that could happen. I'll send beer money to anyone who'd meet him for a pint and a chat.
I'll still suspend him for his F-bombs though.
*I think I can call myself that in good humor without it being a personal insult.
Quote: OnceDearQuote: HullabalooFrom what I've read from you, (and that's probably most of what you've written here), your life is relatively "normal". Some days are good, many others suck....[snip]
I'm not about to go into details but I can assure you that I have gone through FAR more crap in the past 10 years then you could even think about.
Zenking has had it tough. In just a few short months..
Someone dented his car's bumper:
He had a flat tyre which he wasn't prepared for:
His cable TV went off for a while,
His kitchen sink got blocked,
He got some bedbugs
And now the one thing he's the greatest at: Card counting, has seen him lose some hands.
And to round it off some Limey b*****d moderator* suspended him on a forum for a couple of typos.
Life doesn't get much worse than that......
Somewhere along the way, somebody lost perspective. Maybe, just maybe if ZK could meet up with a few members of this forum in real life, then just possibly he'd regain some balance.
I wish that could happen. I'll send beer money to anyone who'd meet him for a pint and a chat.
I'll still suspend him for his F-bombs though.
*I think I can call myself that in good humor without it being a personal insult.
Someone please send him a link to my AP nightmare thread. Maybe that will make him feel better about his situation
I understand he is young and at his age every disaster is seen through a magnifying glass. As others have noted he will see it better as he ages
A mans measure is not how he handles the good in life but the bad as well. Learning to let the bad wash over you and cope with it is how he is going to overcome these trying days
When it comes to suicidal idealations, these sorts of passing events are a catalyst, not a cause. The cause would be whatever is going on deep in ZK’s mind and thoughts, which none of us are really in a position to even guess at. I also think it’s at least possible that even he doesn’t know what the, “Real,” problem is...and it might not even be a single problem or anything easily identifiable.
I think there are situations in which people just feel how they feel unless they have something to distract themselves from it. When something negative happens, it’s a catalyst that brings about a temporary inability to distract yourself from the underlying problem...which is almost always there.
Trying to minimize what he perceives to be his problems is not helpful to him, though. I’ve always hated spaghetti. When I was a kid complaining about being made to eat it, my Grandma would occasionally remind me about the starving kids around the globe and how they would love to have that spaghetti. Didn’t make it taste any better to me.
I'm suspending his sentence this time. He's reactivated now.
If he can get through March without any further f-bombs (or other offenses ) then I'll call the matter closed. I hope he can do that. He's managed before.
I invite Zenking to PM me and he can rant and f and blind as much as he wishes in those PM's.
Wizard has also invited ZenKing to contact him by phone, or any other channel. Again, I hope he does that. I'm not saying that ZenKing should seek councelling, but we could all use a support network of some sort.
A car problem followed by a bad day gambling and everyone chimes in with their sympathies LOL. And this for a guy who willingly chose gambling as his profession
Next time my dishwasher breaks or my roullette numbers don’t hit I’ll be sure to come here and seek the support and compassion needed in those times of distress.
Thanks for the alternative perspective. We all need them.Quote: michael99000Yet another attention seeking “whoa is me” thread
A car problem followed by a bad day gambling and everyone chimes in with their sympathies LOL.
Quote: michael99000
Next time my dishwasher breaks or my roullette numbers don’t hit I’ll be sure to come here and seek the support and compassion needed in those times of distress.
It occurs to me there is likely a reason that you wouldn't do that, yet ZenKing does do that.
Quote: Mission146It occurs to me there is likely a reason that you wouldn't do that, yet ZenKing does do that.
When aspiring card counters see that the greatest among them cries over losing $2800, they may seek a droned out office job.
I believe this is all just pent up frustration over the Lock of the Century 2
Quote: michael99000When aspiring card counters see that the greatest among them cries over losing $2800, they may seek a droned out office job.
I believe this is all just pent up frustration over the Lock of the Century 2
Most of the people I know with droned out office jobs cry when losing $280 and even $28.
Truth is the average person sees losing $2800 in an hour as an unbelievable fiasco. As an AP I have gotten used to these shifting wins and losses but few people I observe do
Not a believer in Karma but doing the right thing when no one looking is a good way to live your life.
Or it falls under the “No good deed goes unpunished” category.
Best Wishes ZK.
Quote: darkozMost of the people I know with droned out office jobs cry when losing $280 and even $28.
Truth is the average person sees losing $2800 in an hour as an unbelievable fiasco. As an AP I have gotten used to these shifting wins and losses but few people I observe do
In order to lose $2800, you must first make the decision to put $2800 at risk. Once money is in the betting circle, no outcome should be considered unbelievable, especially losing.
One troubled soul leaves, another returns.
A door is closed, and a window is opened.
Quote: michael99000In order to lose $2800, you must first make the decision to put $2800 at risk. Once money is in the betting circle, no outcome should be considered unbelievable, especially losing.
I didnt mean unbelievable from an odds or mathematical standpoint
I meant unbelievable from a humanistic standpoint
As in "Hey, I just spent $500 on a rare comic book that cost ten cents in 1950"
Response: "Thats unbelievable. I would never do that. I am just an office drone barely able to pay my rent"
It’s a good life I lead and I only wish it for others including ZK.
Stay on topic, Boz, stay on topic.
I am sure that ZK has been reviewed and observed multiple times by the top teams in and around LV. If he was any good he would have been contacted by them. The fact that he is still out solo counting cards says everything about who he is.
Quote: teliotOne of the finest advantage players I ever knew told me early on that he came to LV to be a card counter and promptly lost a big chunk of his $60k initial bankroll as a card counter before learning about hole-carding. This is back in the days of the single-deck games at the Horseshoe, late 90's. Later he would go on to wager table maximum per hand at hole-card games, and look at his early card counting days with compassion.
I am sure that ZK has been reviewed and observed multiple times by the top teams in and around LV. If he was any good he would have been contacted by them. The fact that he is still out solo counting cards says everything about who he is.
It's not just the Money, you are minimizing the broken door handle and flat tire. Have any of us had to deal with such circumstances, all within a three month period?
It is always worthwhile keeping in mind Grosjean's infamous comment about card counters,Quote: billryanIt's not just the Money, you are minimizing the broken door handle and flat tire. Have any of us had to deal with such circumstances, all within a three month period?
"There are some people who think that the average card counter is the equivalent of a chimpanzee and I am a fully evolved human. But that's not quite accurate. In reality, card counters are more like salamanders just crawling onto land -- even though they think they're swinging through the trees."
-- James Grosjean in "The Game Killer", Cigar Aficionado, March/April 2009.
ZK, you need to put your big boy panties on and grow the eff up. You've chosen to put yourself in this situation. You're not forced there. Do something about it and quit b****ing.
Quote: teliotIt is always worthwhile keeping in mind Grosjean's infamous comment about card counters,
"There are some people who think that the average card counter is the equivalent of a chimpanzee and I am a fully evolved human. But that's not quite accurate. In reality, card counters are more like salamanders just crawling onto land -- even though they think they're swinging through the trees."
I'd never heard that before, but it doesn't surprise me. I was a regular on Ken Smith's forum when Grosjean decided to join and show us how alpha males are supposed to act, or some nonsense. While we welcomed him with anticipation of learning from the great man, he seemed to be on a mission to destroy a few regulars while permitting the rest to bask in his presence. He left after a short time and wasn't missed.
You have eloquently captured a common denominator of the personality of a great many top APs, including Grosjean, Stalker (LVHCM) and others. Some top casino executives also share these traits. I will say, however, there are also some genuinely nice/humble folks there at the top, on both sides of the table.Quote: billryanI'd never heard that before, but it doesn't surprise me. I was a regular on Ken Smith's forum when Grosjean decided to join and show us how alpha males are supposed to act, or some nonsense. While we welcomed him with anticipation of learning from the great man, he seemed to be on a mission to destroy a few regulars while permitting the rest to bask in his presence. He left after a short time and wasn't missed.
Quote: WizardIf you ever are on the bridge, I insist you call somebody.
They have bridges that high in Vegas?
Quote: OnceDear
Zenking has had it tough. In just a few short months..
Someone dented his car's bumper:
He had a flat tyre which he wasn't prepared for:
His cable TV went off for a while,
His kitchen sink got blocked,
He got some bedbugs
Life changing catastrophes all.. Wonder
what he would do if some really bad
thing happened to him and not these
mundane everyday occurrences..
Quote: EvenBobLife changing catastrophes all.. Wonder
what he would do if some really bad
thing happened to him and not these
mundane everyday occurrences..
You don’t get it Bob.
The door handle broke and the blackjack losing session occurred IN THE SAME DAY.
Quote: michael99000You don’t get it Bob.
The door handle broke and the blackjack losing session occurred IN THE SAME DAY.
Things that don't kill us only make
us stronger. The same day? The
horror, the horror..
But I get to stay at home for 2 days and recover while getting paid.
My wife was laid off last week. She’ll get another job soon.
I don’t think I need any sympathy, I just need my horse to win Saturday, lol.
Quote: EvenBobThings that don't kill us only make
us stronger. The same day? The
horror, the horror..
You've never had Arthritis apparently
Quote: SOOPOOOnce again I STRONGLY disagree with the Wiz and other Moderators here. Any poster threatening suicide, and make no bones about it, that is what ZK has done, now multiple times, would not be welcome on my internet forum. If I had knowledge of his actual identity I would report him to the authorities. You have offered various forms of help many times, to no avail.
What would the "authorities" do? Serious question, as I don't have a clue.