Wages slip behind over the years -- just like has happened with income inequality. And then people complain about taxing the wealthy more. Well, what do they expect?
Telling them they are victims is much easier.
Quote: BozThe simple fact few will admit. Unless you are mentally or physically disabled, being so call “poor” is a life choice in today’s America. Rewarding those choices only provides more excuses to continue the behaviors that keep people from striving for more and making the sacrifices it takes.
Telling them they are victims is much easier.
Be fine with me, if we told people you had to prequalify financially before you had a kid. And then qualify for each future ones. (twins and triplets' would be a bit of an issue)
But then I like having people screaming at me about their freedom (birthing freedom) == as would be the case.
Quote: ams288The “stable genius” has some thoughts on air safety.
Aww. Geez. Think he's inhaling too much spray tan in the mornings.
What’s next in her demented mind?
Quote: BozLove her, hate her or just feel embarrassed that our “education “ system failed her, AOC is certainly amusing.
The best part is, she thinks she's the
smartest person in the room. Call
her a dummy and she just tries all
the harder to prove she's not. Classic
actions by the IQ challenged..
Smart people often think they're dumb
because they're smart enough to see
their limitations. The truly dumb never
question their brilliance, it's everybody
else that's the idiot.
Quote: EvenBobCall
her a dummy and she just tries all
the harder to prove she's not. Classic
actions by the IQ challenged..
So when Trump is constantly reminding us over and over and over again about how smart he is and how he has "like...a really big brain", what he's actually saying is that he's a dumba** and has "like...a really small pecker".
Got it.
I hope CNN loses big time.
Quote: FleaswatterNicholas Sandmann's attorney files suit against CNN, asking for compensatory damages in excess of Seventy Five Million Dollars ($75,000,000.00) and punitive damages in excess of Two Hundred Million Dollars ($200,000,000.00)
I hope CNN loses big time.
The same lawyer made his name big suing for Richard Jewel falsely accused as the Atlanta bomber.
Quote:In 2006, Jewell said the lawsuits were not about money, and that the vast majority of the settlements went to lawyers or taxes. He said the lawsuits were about clearing his name.
Quote: FleaswatterNicholas Sandmann's attorney files suit against CNN, asking for compensatory damages in excess of Seventy Five Million Dollars ($75,000,000.00) and punitive damages in excess of Two Hundred Million Dollars ($200,000,000.00)
I hope CNN loses big time.
No way he gets 275mil
Its laughable
100 bucks on the no
Quote: EvenBobThe best part is, she thinks she's the
smartest person in the room. Call
her a dummy and she just tries all
the harder to prove she's not. Classic
actions by the IQ challenged..
Smart people often think they're dumb
because they're smart enough to see
their limitations. The truly dumb never
question their brilliance, it's everybody
else that's the idiot.
There is a ton of irony in this post
Quote: rxwineThe same lawyer made his name big suing for Richard Jewel falsely accused as the Atlanta bomber.
4 out of 5 lawsuits were settled for huge
amounts, including against CNN and NBC.
Sandman's lawyer is at the absolute top
of his field at 66, he will get the kid
hundreds of millions in settlements. This
is an open and shut case, the lawyer saw that
as the story unfurled. He couldn't
believe what he was seeing, the very
basis of journalism being thrown out
the window right on live TV.
Quote: BozThe simple fact few will admit. Unless you are mentally or physically disabled, being so call “poor” is a life choice in today’s America. Rewarding those choices only provides more excuses to continue the behaviors that keep people from striving for more and making the sacrifices it takes.
Telling them they are victims is much easier.
Jordan Peterson disagrees with you and I believe him.
Quote: rainmanJordan Peterson disagrees with you and I believe him.
Where exactly is the disagreement? Mentally retarded people belong in the ~85 and lower range.
Quote: RSWhere exactly is the disagreement? Mentally retarded people belong in the ~85 and lower range.
Mild retardation is said to be 55-70.
Quote: RSWhere exactly is the disagreement? Mentally retarded people belong in the ~85 and lower range.
85 is only one SD below the mean, fyi. The bottom 16% of the world. Only 2.5% each are supposed to be below 70 and above 130.
Quote: RSWhere exactly is the disagreement? Mentally retarded people belong in the ~85 and lower range.
You would probably enjoy listening to some more of Jordan Peterson. He is conservative and super smart.
The point he is making is that IQ’s are normally distributed, so 15.5% of the population is going to have an IQ of <85, and are not even eligible to serve in the military, much less capable (on average) of much more than a minimum wage job.
Minimum wage with no benefits is not enough to survive without some sort of external support. “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” is not really a feasable scenerio with an IQ <85.
15.5% is a lot of people, so the question becomes what do we do with these people as a society? In my opinion, it would behoove conservatives to have a more serious discussion about this. The “not my problem” attitude is just going to breed more cries for socialism from the far left.
Quote: BozThe simple fact few will admit. Unless you are mentally or physically disabled, being so call “poor” is a life choice in today’s America. Rewarding those choices only provides more excuses to continue the behaviors that keep people from striving for more and making the sacrifices it takes.
Telling them they are victims is much easier.
To statistically avoid being poor:
1. Finish high school
2. Do not marry until your mid 20s
3. Do not have kids out of wedlock
This simple formula almost guarantees you will not fall below the poverty line unless you do something else stupid like refuse to work or commit a crime and end up in the can. It will not alone make you rich, but it keeps you from being poor.
Next thing is to not have what I would call a "poverty mentality." Too much to teach there, but if you have worked among the lower classes you would have seen it.
4. No using crack.Quote: AZDuffmanTo statistically avoid being poor:
1. Finish high school
2. Do not marry until your mid 20s
3. Do not have kids out of wedlock
This simple formula almost guarantees you will not fall below the poverty line unless you do something else stupid like refuse to work or commit a crime and end up in the can. It will not alone make you rich, but it keeps you from being poor.
Next thing is to not have what I would call a "poverty mentality." Too much to teach there, but if you have worked among the lower classes you would have seen it.
Quote: darkozThere is a ton of irony in this post
I thought so, too. That, and the one about name-calling and making disparaging comments on people's appearance.
Quote: AZDuffmanTo statistically avoid being poor:
1. Finish high school
2. Do not marry until your mid 20s
3. Do not have kids out of wedlock
This simple formula almost guarantees you will not fall below the poverty line unless you do something else stupid like refuse to work or commit a crime and end up in the can. It will not alone make you rich, but it keeps you from being poor.
Next thing is to not have what I would call a "poverty mentality." Too much to teach there, but if you have worked among the lower classes you would have seen it.
I agree poverty mentality is a whole different subject.
But for a variety of reasons, we need minimum wage jobs to exist. Do you believe that someone can work full time minimum wage, with no benefits, and stay above the poverty line?
Quote: EvenBobThe best part is, she thinks she's the
smartest person in the room. Call
her a dummy and she just tries all
the harder to prove she's not. Classic
actions by the IQ challenged..
I agree with EB, call Trump a dummy and he tries harder to prove he's not
The below tweet from Trump is a classic action by an IQ challenged President
"Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.......Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star.........to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"
Quote: gamerfreakI agree poverty mentality is a whole different subject.
But for a variety of reasons, we need minimum wage jobs to exist. Do you believe that someone can work full time minimum wage, with no benefits, and stay above the poverty line?
Minimum wage is not meant to keep you above the poverty line. Nor should it. Some jobs are simply not there to pay a so-called "living wage."
Quote: AZDuffmanMinimum wage is not meant to keep you above the poverty line. Nor should it. Some jobs are simply not there to pay a so-called "living wage."
So you are against minimum wage correct?
And against any benefit handouts to those who need them because they should be working
And recognize some jobs dont allow people to have a so called living wage
But feel those people even working are mooching when the govt helps them because they should know better
And you support big businesses being allowed to have no government interference to keep those wages consistent with living wage requirements
And you want those big businesses to also benefit from tax cuts
And you want higher taxes on the poor who already are being offered jobs that dont fully support them by these big businesses
Amd anyone who goes under from this situation and loses their home from financial instability you want their voting rights stripped
And finally you dont want any Mexicans or other illegals who might take away these underpaying jobs the rich coroporations are offering for lower than living wage benefits because you feel it is Americans who should be working for such low substandard wages (because anyone who does its their fault)
Do I pretty much understand your position correctly?
Quote: darkozSo you are against minimum wage correct?
And against any benefit handouts to those who need them because they should be working
And recognize some jobs dont allow people to have a so called living wage
But feel those people even working are mooching when the govt helps them because they should know better
And you support big businesses being allowed to have no government interference to keep those wages consistent with living wage requirements
And you want those big businesses to also benefit from tax cuts
And you want higher taxes on the poor who already are being offered jobs that dont fully support them by these big businesses
Amd anyone who goes under from this situation and loses their home from financial instability you want their voting rights stripped
And finally you dont want any Mexicans or other illegals who might take away these underpaying jobs the rich coroporations are offering for lower than living wage benefits because you feel it is Americans who should be working for such low substandard wages (because anyone who does its their fault)
Do I pretty much understand your position correctly?
Pretty much you got it. You forgot to mention legalizing prostitution so we can take unemployment away from women who refuse a job in a brothel.
Quote: AZDuffmanPretty much you got it. You forgot to mention legalizing prostitution so we can take unemployment away from women who refuse a job in a brothel.
It is quite clear then that you truly do want to Make America Great Again!
Quote: rxwineThe same lawyer made his name big suing for Richard Jewel falsely accused as the Atlanta bomber.
It one thing to falsely accuse a person of a crime and then he is unable to get a job
That's real damage
On the other hand
The kid was being accused of being rude. Its not crime to be rude
I am sure many right wing companies would jump at the chance of hiring him.
This probably raised his profile to make more when he graduates if he graduates
I just don't see any damages that can be proven
Quote: terapinedIt one thing to falsely accuse a person of a crime and then he is unable to get a job
That's real damage
On the other hand
The kid was being accused of being rude. Its not crime to be rude
I am sure many right wing companies would jump at the chance of hiring him.
This probably raised his profile to make more when he graduates if he graduates
I just don't see any damages that can be proven
So, you are OK with the fact that the kids received death threats because of the drive-by media reporting?
Quote: darkozIt is quite clear...
Quote: EvenBob4 out of 5 lawsuits were settled for huge
amounts, including against CNN and NBC.
Sandman's lawyer is at the absolute top
of his field at 66, he will get the kid
hundreds of millions in settlements. This
is an open and shut case, the lawyer saw that
as the story unfurled. He couldn't
believe what he was seeing, the very
basis of journalism being thrown out
the window right on live TV.
We will never know, because all settlements will be shielded by NDAs, but I'd guess the sum of the settlements will exceed 1 million but be less than 10 million. He really has no 'damages' to speak of.
Quote: AZDuffmanMinimum wage is not meant to keep you above the poverty line. Nor should it. Some jobs are simply not there to pay a so-called "living wage."
See my post two pages back. So do you not believe there are people who have no other real option other than a minimum wage job?
Quote: gamerfreakSee my post on the last page. So do you not believe there are people who have no other real option other than a minimum wage job?
Very few. Even very low intelligence people will usually be able to work themselves up from MW, even if only by a few dollars an hour. Most employers reward loyalty this way. Most people can also learn some kind of skill no matter how basic that picks you up.
When I see those people the media trot out saying they have been at a place years and are still making minimum wage my reaction is that they have to be a total lump to work at a place years, get no raise, and do not try to better their situation.
Quote: AZDuffmanVery few. Even very low intelligence people will usually be able to work themselves up from MW, even if only by a few dollars an hour. Most employers reward loyalty this way. Most people can also learn some kind of skill no matter how basic that picks you up.
When I see those people the media trot out saying they have been at a place years and are still making minimum wage my reaction is that they have to be a total lump to work at a place years, get no raise, and do not try to better their situation.
Even if that was the case, I don’t even think job market could handle every adult in America having a job above minimum wage.
Simple fact is that there are a lot of minimum wage jobs out there and our economy needs them. I need someone to hand me my food at the drive thru and check me out at Walmart.
I am not necessarily arguing for social programs, minimum wage increases, or any other specific solution. But to simply say that 100% of those working a minimum wage job simply needs to stop being lazy is ignoring reality.
Quote: AZDuffmanTo statistically avoid being poor:
1. Finish high school
2. Do not marry until your mid 20s 30's
3. Do not have kids out of wedlock
I fixed that for you..
Quote: AZDuffmanSo, you are OK with the fact that the kids received death threats because of the drive-by media reporting?
No I am not ok with that
People sending death threats need to be prosecuted
Its not CNN'S problem
Quote: terapinedNo I am not ok with that
People sending death threats need to be prosecuted
Its not CNN'S problem
It is CNN's fault for spreading false information that caused the threats. For masking commentary as news. They need to be held accountable.
Quote: gamerfreakEven if that was the case, I don’t even think job market could handle every adult in America having a job above minimum wage.
Simple fact is that there are a lot of minimum wage jobs out there and our economy needs them. I need someone to hand me my food at the drive thru and check me out at Walmart.
I am not necessarily arguing for social programs, minimum wage increases, or any other specific solution. But to simply say that 100% of those working a minimum wage job simply needs to stop being lazy is ignoring reality.
Yes, we need minimum wage jobs. People take them to get experience and skills. Then they move up and a new, younger batch takes the minimum wage job the earlier person vacated. With the exception of some interim and moonlighting work I have not worked a minimum wage job since college. Yet they are still being filled. Filled with younger folks who don't have the skills I now have.
Who said "100% of them simply need to stop being lazy?" Like I said above, a minimum wage job is either a stepping stone or a way station. However, if you have been in such a job several years and are over the age of 20 or so and you are complaining that is "all you can get" but you have not tried to develop more work skills then yes, you need to stop being lazy.
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is CNN's fault for spreading false information that caused the threats. For masking commentary as news. They need to be held accountable.
'It's not CNN's problem", I actually laughed
out loud. Who's problem is it if not the people
who dispensed the libelous lies and distortions.
The disappointment on the Left that this story
was false is palpable. Same with Kavanaugh,
some of them still think he'll be impeached
when they find a woman with a story they
can prove who isn't lying thru her teeth as
the others were.
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is CNN's fault for spreading false information that caused the threats. For masking commentary as news. They need to be held accountable.
Trump spreads false info
Libs get death threats
Is it Trumps fault?
Quote: terapinedTrump spreads false info
Libs get death threats
Is it Trumps fault?
Trump spread false information on someone who is getting death threats because of it? Cite?
Quote: AZDuffmanTrump spread false information on someone who is getting death threats because of it? Cite?
In a statement released on Wednesday Lanny Davis, Cohen’s attorney, said Cohen would be willing to appear before the House Oversight Committee in the future but would not appear as planned.
“Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr Cohen’s continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr Cohen’s appearance will be postponed to a later date,” Davis said.
“This is a time where Mr Cohen had to put his family and their safety first.”
Quote: terapinedIn a statement released on Wednesday Lanny Davis, Cohen’s attorney, said Cohen would be willing to appear before the House Oversight Committee in the future but would not appear as planned.
“Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr Cohen’s continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr Cohen’s appearance will be postponed to a later date,” Davis said.
“This is a time where Mr Cohen had to put his family and their safety first.” [/q
Trump and Rudy gave them death threats? Did they tape the calls or something? Really, a POTUS giving death threats to someone like that seems a tad hard to believe.
Isn't Cohen going to the can for lying?
Nice try, you cannot even come close to comparing this silliness to CNN effectively inciting people to riot with their drive-by coverage.All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
“You’re the enemy of the people, and we’re going to kill every fucking one of you. Hey, why don’t you call the F, why don’t you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out buddy. Still there faggot? Alright, why, you going to trace my call? What are you going to do motherfucker? You ain’t going to do shit. I’m going to shoot you in the fucking head later today, at 4 o’clock. Goodbye.”
Investigators did in fact trace his call, pinpointing Chain’s location in Southern California. They also stationed officers outside the Globe’s office.
Quote: Steverinos
Did you forget about the Rachel Maddow fan who shot up the GOP softball practice?
Quote: SteverinosShow me where Rachel Maddow lied and that influenced James Hodgkinson's actions.
Her hate talk influenced him. He admitted it IIRC.
I don't know how to tell you this without shattering your world, but if you look at USA history far more violence comes from the left than the right. CNN and the Covington Kids is just a latest example.
Quote: AZDuffmanHer hate talk influenced him. He admitted it IIRC.
I don't know how to tell you this without shattering your world, but if you look at USA history far more violence comes from the left than the right. CNN and the Covington Kids is just a latest example.
I'd only agree more civil unrest is likely from the left. Murdering SOBs and other loons, you have plenty.
And that's without looking it up.