Quote: AZDuffmanYou are absolutely right I am saying that. I am PROUD to say it.
If you are homeless you have no fixed residence and as such no fixed place to vote. I do not want homeless wandering in and out of my town and voting on things that affect me. I only want actual residents to vote in my local election. And by "local" I mean any election locals vote in, up to and including POTUS as their vote for POTUS affects my electors.
I really do not get why an ID is supposed to be free. Virtually nothing I need at the government level is free. Funny how the same homeless that can find money for booze can't find money for an ID.
Well regardless of your beliefs thats not the way it works
They knew better than to approach the most feared, well known, secretive HP(homeless person) on the East Coast.Quote: darkozHuh?
Lived homeless on the subways of New York for a number of years - never once offered money for a vote
At any rate you dont have to be homeless to be in need of cash and susceptible to votes purchased
For that matter it seems the rich and powerful are more susceptible to having their votes brought. Those government contracts are usually dangled how many times an election
Quote: rxwineSS Card is free. I was told I have a total of 3 free cards. After that you start paying I guess. Probably not the only thing.
Only had to get a replacement once, and not for me. Not even a replacement. Had to help some black Cuban woman in the laundry because she spoke little English. Her birthday was not reported correct when she got here way back whenever. For my good deed I got my license plates stolen and was almost arrested later that day. So I don't remember much about the transaction.
Quote: AZDuffmanOnly had to get a replacement once, and not for me. Not even a replacement. Had to help some black Cuban woman in the laundry because she spoke little English. Her birthday was not reported correct when she got here way back whenever. For my good deed I got my license plates stolen and was almost arrested later that day. So I don't remember much about the transaction.
Karma's a B.....
Quote: AZDuffmanOnly had to get a replacement once, and not for me. Not even a replacement. Had to help some black Cuban woman in the laundry because she spoke little English. Her birthday was not reported correct when she got here way back whenever. For my good deed I got my license plates stolen and was almost arrested later that day. So I don't remember much about the transaction.
Living life under the assumption that “No good deed goes unpunished “ prepares one to know exactly what you are getting into when you decide to help someone.
allowed to vote. Those were the days..
Quote: EvenBobOriginally only male property owners were
allowed to vote. Those were the days..
This why righties (fill in the blank)
Quote: EvenBobOriginally only male property owners were
allowed to vote. Those were the days..
Yeah, and slaves were counted as 3/5 a person. Good thing we don't do that anymore.
S**t, never mind.
Quote: SteverinosYeah, and slaves were counted as 3/5 a person. Good thing we don't do that anymore.
S**t, never mind.
Were you told that was because of racist souterners thought their slaves were less than human?
Quote: BozLiving life under the assumption that “No good deed goes unpunished “ prepares one to know exactly what you are getting into when you decide to help someone.
True, but I was ordered to take her. I was an HR consultant of sorts at the time but being used as all around utility back. Somehow the difference in birth date she had been using never meshed with what SS had on file. Should have seen her after. She was screaming and had several execs and myself just standing there in awe.
Quote: AZDuffmanWere you told that was because of racist souterners thought their slaves were less than human?
No, it was because I was told racist southerners thought their slaves were 100% human.
Quote: AZDuffmanWere you told that was because of racist souterners thought their slaves were less than human?
Have you really never heard of the Three-Fifths Compromise or have you been sarcastic about it all day?
Quote: gamerfreakHave you really never heard of the Three-Fifths Compromise or have you been sarcastic about it all day?
I have heard about it of course. I also know how it is incorrectly taught in schools.
Quote: MaxPenWe get closer and closer every year to being voted into Socialism. I guess it is inevitable, so why fight it. I do hope the 2nd Amendment survives because the only way out of Socialism is tlhru the use of force by the populace.
I see it as getting closer and closer to a hybrid of socialism and capitalism and perhaps something else thrown in.
%Quote: MaxPenWe get closer and closer every year to being voted into Socialism. I guess it is inevitable, so why fight it. I do hope the 2nd Amendment survives because the only way out of Socialism is tlhru the use of force by the populace.
It is why I keep saying that the USA does not last another 50 years as a united country, We have too many people demanding that things such as their education or health care be paid by someone else. Young fools that think this money comes from nowhere.
CA will crash first. 1% of the people paying near 50% of the income taxes and still cries of "not enough!" CA has become a gilded society. Even silicon valley is not all it seems, a few very profitable companies with most marginal, living off VC money. When that dries up, and it will, just watch.
Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions
Why some of us think for ourselves on GW.
Quote: AZDuffmanMontana just endured one of the nation's most exceptional cold spells on record
Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions
Why some of us think for ourselves on GW.
Follow the money on GW: the insurance companies. It’s what convinced me.
Quote: unJonQuote: AZDuffmanMontana just endured one of the nation's most exceptional cold spells on record
Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions
Why some of us think for ourselves on GW.
Follow the money on GW: the insurance companies. It’s what convinced me.
Science research grants--money flows when they predict doomsday
Taxes--tax whatever burns!
Carbon Trading Exchanges---who will make money off of that?
Quote: AZDuffmanMontana just endured one of the nation's most exceptional cold spells on record
Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions
Why some of us think for ourselves on GW.
But, But, But extreme weather changes are part of Global warming.
None of that has anything to do with what I said. Let me try again. Follow the money: what are insurance companies doing.Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: unJonQuote: AZDuffmanMontana just endured one of the nation's most exceptional cold spells on record
Top 5 failed ‘snow free’ and ‘ice free’ predictions
Why some of us think for ourselves on GW.
Follow the money on GW: the insurance companies. It’s what convinced me.
Science research grants--money flows when they predict doomsday
Taxes--tax whatever burns!
Carbon Trading Exchanges---who will make money off of that?
Quote: MintyI see it as we get closer and closer to an oligarchy if we aren't already there. I think there's a better term I'm looking for about corporations holding the power, but it's close enough.
Corporate oligarchy. Not there, but yes. Far too GD close.
Quote: AZDuffman...health care be paid by someone else.
Last I went to the ER they used one (1) cotton swab and one (1) drop of bromide solution. Took 5 minutes. Cost $1,500.
We're already paying for someone else. It's socialism by proxy; instead of .gov in control, it's corporations. And now we have the highest % of GDP spent on healthcare on the planet with some of the worst stats in the developing world.
Quote: Face
We're already paying for someone else. It's socialism by proxy; instead of .gov in control, it's corporations. And now we have the highest % of GDP spent on healthcare on the planet with some of the worst stats in the developing world.
Yes, we spend the most. Because we consume more as people are free to buy more. In Canada they can tell you to just wait for an MRI or the doctor knows to order fewer of them. As to "worst stats in developed (correcting assumed typo) world" they should not be directly compared as they are kept different. The USA has higher infant mortality as here we count live births different.
My BS detector tells me to question healthcare stats from those that support single payer. Good/Fast/Cheap has to come into play.
Quote: ams288The “stable genius” has some thoughts on air safety.
I wish that he would use twitter less; I guess no one can wrestle the device away from him. He must be fairly strong because I am sure someone has tried!
Anyway, his reaction is over the top but I am concerned about Boeing under-reacting. Some the pieces I have read on this control feature make it sound like they felt it was okay not to tell pilots much about it.
She is clearly more of a student of Algore than we thought.
All you people who believe in GW and the GND keep doing as she says and not as she does!
Quote: AZDuffmanYoung fools that think this money comes from nowhere.
I know. Those young fools are naive, especially when the old fools already spent all the money on themselves.
$1 trillion deficits are back baby!
Quote: ams288The “stable genius” has some thoughts on air safety.
I had to laugh at the "I don't want Albert Einstein to be my pilot" line. I was thinking..."I don't want a cheating and lying scumbag to be my president".
How's that Stones song go?
Quote: SteverinosI know. Those young fools are naive, especially when the old fools already spent all the money on themselves.
$1 trillion deficits are back baby!
All started with LBJ and the Great Society. Then the next failure was baseline budgeting.
Maybe we would not have such a problem if every time reform is suggested Democrats would not show ads of old women in wheelchairs being pushed off a cliff? Or if Democrats would not call reductions in rate of increase a "cut?"
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: SteverinosI know. Those young fools are naive, especially when the old fools already spent all the money on themselves.
$1 trillion deficits are back baby!
All started with LBJ and the Great Society. Then the next failure was baseline budgeting.
Maybe we would not have such a problem if every time reform is suggested Democrats would not show ads of old women in wheelchairs being pushed off a cliff? Or if Democrats would not call reductions in rate of increase a "cut?"
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
Debt to GDP before after LBJ and right before trickle-down was impletmented - around 32%
Debt to GDP today after 35+ years of trickle-down - 104%, and does not appear to be on track to get better
Spending to GDP throughout the last 35+ years - relatively unchanged from 35-38%
I could post the income inequality data that shows throughout the time period since trickle down was implemented, ALL the money is being concentrated at the very tip top of the scale. And while celebrating success is necessary, looking at all the data together, I don't see how anybody non-biased individula could conclude that the trends are good for the country. Yeah, it's a problem.
Quote: SteverinosQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: SteverinosI know. Those young fools are naive, especially when the old fools already spent all the money on themselves.
$1 trillion deficits are back baby!
All started with LBJ and the Great Society. Then the next failure was baseline budgeting.
Maybe we would not have such a problem if every time reform is suggested Democrats would not show ads of old women in wheelchairs being pushed off a cliff? Or if Democrats would not call reductions in rate of increase a "cut?"
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
Debt to GDP before after LBJ and right before trickle-down was impletmented - around 32%
Debt to GDP today after 35+ years of trickle-down - 104%, and does not appear to be on track to get better
Spending to GDP throughout the last 35+ years - relatively unchanged from 35-38%
I could post the income inequality data that shows throughout the time period since trickle down was implemented, ALL the money is being concentrated at the very tip top of the scale. And while celebrating success is necessary, looking at all the data together, I don't see how anybody non-biased individula could conclude that the trends are good for the country. Yeah, it's a problem.
Instead of complaining about "trickle-down" (which Democrat JFK used to great success BTW) maybe we need to look at the fact that the bottom 40% pays virtually nothing in taxes. Free ride. Before complaining that government is not taxing stealing enough from some people, how about the rest pay their fair share?
Spending to GDP - relatively unchanged
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
Quote: SteverinosDebt to GDP - skyrocketed since trickle-down
Spending to GDP - relatively unchanged
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
Debt started skyrocketing when we instituted baseline budgeting.
Pre-1980s tax reform people used all kinds of tax shelters to hide income to not pay confiscatory rates.
It is a spending problem, not a tax problem. Except for the bottom not paying, that is a problem on many levels.
How much more do YOU want to pay to solve things? Not "the rich" but YOU?!
Quote: AZDuffmanInstead of complaining about "trickle-down" (which Democrat JFK used to great success BTW) maybe we need to look at the fact that the bottom 40% pays virtually nothing in taxes. Free ride. Before complaining that government is not taxing stealing enough from some people, how about the rest pay their fair share?
I'd like to see some data on, as a percentage of their income, what the poor free riding takers pay to sales taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes. The people that you are complaining about need their money for milk and bread. It's the same old s**t with people like you, this mentality that these "takers" are not contributing when every last penny they have goes to just LIVING.
lol, the people with no money have all the money
It's a great mentality to have.
Meanwhile, I'll go with folks like these two. It's a better way:
Quote: Steverinos
I'd like to see some data on, as a percentage of their income, what the poor free riding takers pay to sales taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes. The people that you are complaining about need their money for milk and bread. It's the same old s**t with people like you, this mentality that these "takers" are not contributing when every last penny they have goes to just LIVING.
"The Rich" pay payroll and other taxes as well. They probably pay the payroll taxes for these poor folks SS tax.
What I am complaining about is this greedy attitude that 34% of someone's income at the federal level alone is "not enough" when that bottom 40% pay ZERO.
You would like to see what percent the bottom 40% pay in those taxes? Feel free to research. I would be certain that it is nowhere near the percent the top are paying in federal income tax alone.
Sorry, but when you pay nothing yet support "free" everything from helthcare to college you are a taker.
doesn't include sales tax. I'm not a "soak the rich" guy, but I don't have a problem with the 2016 level of progressivity. Not sure how this chart would look for 2018.Quote: SteverinosQuote: AZDuffmanInstead of complaining about "trickle-down" (which Democrat JFK used to great success BTW) maybe we need to look at the fact that the bottom 40% pays virtually nothing in taxes. Free ride. Before complaining that government is not taxing stealing enough from some people, how about the rest pay their fair share?
I'd like to see some data on, as a percentage of their income, what the poor free riding takers pay to sales taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes.

Quote: AZDuffmanIt is a spending problem, not a tax problem.
You say that it's a spending problem and that it can be blamed on baseline budgeting. But wouldn't the Spending-to-GDP ratio also skyrocket as a result of baseline budgeting?
That's remained relatively the same since before and after baseline budgeting was implemented in 1974.
Quote: SteverinosYou say that it's a spending problem and that it can be blamed on baseline budgeting. But wouldn't the Spending-to-GDP ratio also skyrocket as a result of baseline budgeting?
That's remained relatively the same since before and after baseline budgeting was implemented in 1974.
No, it would not. Spending goes up whether GDP goes up or down. Which is the problem. Spending goes up no matter what. Propose cutting spending and the swamp screams like a stuck pig.
One day, it will all go POOF and most everyone's dreams and perceptionss will be shattered. It is the goal to have one side blame the other while the real culprits offer the next grand round of delusions, to be gobbled up by the masses.
Quote: MaxPenIt is pointless to argue about deficits
Balance the budget and republicans might get my vote back
Quote: terapinedWTF
Balance the budget and republicans might get my vote back
Republicans and Democrats.....lesser of two evils.😀
You're allowing yourself to be played like a puppet.
Quote: MaxPenRepublicans and Democrats.....lesser of two evils.😀
You're allowing yourself to be played like a puppet.
I was a fiscal republican
The budget has exploded under republicans
Its just common sense voting
Quote: AZDuffman
What I am complaining about is this greedy attitude that 34% of someone's income at the federal level alone is "not enough" when that bottom 40% pay ZERO.
If you're working and paying nothing or almost nothing, you're not being payed enough. Whose is responsible for that greed?
Quote: rxwineIf you're working and paying nothing or almost nothing, you're not being payed enough. Whose is responsible for that greed?
False. If you're being paid what you and your employer agreed upon, then you're being paid enough. If you're being paid less than the agreed upon amount, then you're not being paid enough.
Quote: RSFalse. If you're being paid what you and your employer agreed upon, then you're being paid enough.
False, that never worked well before minimum wage came along.
Quote: rxwineFalse, that never worked well before minimum wage came along.
Not to mention the poorest people aren't exactly in a great place to negotiate when it comes to wages and many people, poor and non-poor alike don't even know that's what people do. It's easy to say "hey, ask for more money" but when you aren't offered many job prospects due to low education, not having the money to get into trade school or whatever the case is many companies know they have the upper hand in these negotiations and some are simply not allowed to change wages from the starting wage.