Then when someone with an actual brain questions, "Why would someone who is anti vax or decides to not get any vaccines, why would they pose such a threat to someone with a vaccine if vaccines work so well"? They talk about all this bullshit herd immunity and what not to distract you from the truth. So basically what pro vaxers and big pharma are telling me is that it doesnt work then? Dont contradict yourself back and forth. It either works or it doesnt. None of this bullshit herd immumity crap. Or are you telling me vaccines are just another prototypical 'Treat the symptom' pharma trick to make you feel just healthy enough to get sick again and keep coming back for 'more' treatment? Let all of that sink in. Recurring treatment is all big pharma cares about. Recurring treatment = lifetime of profits with everyone just healthy enough to last until the next doctors appointment down the road. This society is unbelievably brainwashed and naive. Doctors are mislead with misinformation through their doctorate studies and are just droned out robots that memorize what theyre told and become labeled as an 'expert' that everyone blindly follows as gospel.
Welcome to 2019 where being natural is frowned upon because natural doesnt SELL. Living as god created you doesnt fill the pockets of the elite unless they can create a whole agenda based story and brainwash you to get you to believe it does. Step 1 is to create the false narrative saying there's a problem. Step 2 is getting puppet 'experts' to spread the bullshit to every droned out idiot in the world. God didnt put us on this planet without everything we needed to survive. The answer is all around us and in nature. Our bodies are capable of so much more than people think or care to believe. Fasting is a part of the solution. Fasting would end big pharma as we know it, but everyone is so brainwashed and droned out of their minds to practice it because they need to eat every 3 hours or else they think they will die, which is completely hilarious and debunked and more proof of the brainwashed sheep out there today.
I’m disgusted.
Quote: ZenKinGThen maybe in 10 years we can diagnose you with one of the many anxiety disorders(OCD, ADD, ADHD, etc), depression, or put you on the autism spectrum.
I worked in military recruiting in the 90's. I was stationed in Detroit one of those years.
Michigan, at the time, had one of the highest rates of students "diagnosed" with attention disorders and, consequently, many kids were medicated.
Those kids had to undergo a psych eval for entry after the medicine had been stopped for a while.
Besides the population expansion impact, were there really more people with these disorders...or were more simply being diagnosed and medicated? The medicine works well from what I saw...I had a kid who played on a hockey team I coached. He was almost two different people based on whether he was with the team on a school day or not...his parents did not medicate him on non-school days.
Kids like that got their butts tanned a lot when I was young...they weren't diagnosed with a disorder.
Diagnosing a larger number of people with a disorder does not necessarily mean a like number were without the disorder before a certain point. It may just mean we decided to include more things as part of the disorder spectrum and more people then became diagnosed as having a disorder.
Quote: ZenKinGLiving as god created you doesnt fill the pockets of the elite unless they can create a whole agenda based story and brainwash you to get you to believe it does. Step 1 is to create the false narrative saying there's a problem. Step 2 is getting puppet 'experts' to spread the bullshit to every droned out idiot in the world. God didnt put us on this planet without everything we needed to survive.
Imagine being so brainwashed that you believe the ground below you is moving faster than the speed of sound. You claim God placed you on a planet yet none of the major religious texts say that. You learned that in school. The Holy Bible certainly teaches that God placed us on a flat, stationary earth with hell below, the firmament above, and heaven above that. Think about this: Jesus was a flat earther.
It's not about you. It's about you carrying transmittable and deadly organisms to people and their children who are vulnerable and can't process the vaccine internally. There has to be a community saturation point (somewhere above 90%, can't remember the exact percentage, and might vary by organism) or the disease can take hold, grow resistant, and decimate the larger population.
How do you, ZK or others, ignore the science on this? Look up Typhoid Mary if you don't understand disease transmission. Only one of many historical plague-spreading incidents, until we learned better.
Never underestimate the Left's lust to force other people to do things. Yes, this includes invading your body.
Quote: RogerKintHow not surprising Babs is a pro vaxxer and completely buys and parrots scientific consensus.
To quote Nathan, O.O
It's science. They follow a process that includes validation and independent verification. Whacha got that stands up to that standard of proof?
More people died in the flu epidemic of 1917-18 than in WWI.
50 to 100 MILLION people died: they couldn't even count them. SAME H1N1 virus that's killing people today.
The 1918 influenza pandemic (January 1918 – December 1920; colloquially known as Spanish flu) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.[1] It infected 500 million people around the world,[2] including people on remote Pacific islands and in the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population),[3] making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.[4][5][6] - wiki

Quote: RogerKintHow not surprising Babs is a pro vaxxer and completely buys and parrots scientific consensus.
Never underestimate the Left's lust to force other people to do things. Yes, this includes invading your body.
Its not a personal health issue
Its a public health issue
We as society can't people running around infecting the general public with deadly infections
Quote: terapinedIts not a personal health issue
Its a public health issue
We as society can't people running around infecting the general public with deadly infections
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
Quote: RogerKintBe afraid. Be very, very afraid.
I'm 60 and have taken vaccines all my life
What's there to be scared of except the unvaccinated
Quote: terapinedwhy
I'm 60 and have taken vaccines all my life
What's there to be scared of except the unvaccinated
I never knew you were that old. Never met you but saw your mcnugget video a few years ago and didnt realize
Millions of Africans have never seen a needle.
Why doesn't the plague rip through these country's and kill everyone?
Quote: petroglyphMillions of fake vaccines delivered in China.
Millions of Africans have never seen a needle.
Why doesn't the plague rip through these country's and kill everyone?
Vaccines are anti Christ .
Okay, I'll get a rabies vaccine and you don't get one. Then we'll both expose ourselves and see how we do. Maybe Roger Knit is up for it.
Fake science says, "weeks, or even months after a bite, rabies can cause pain, fatigue, headaches, fever, and irritability. These are followed by seizures, hallucinations, and paralysis. Human rabies is almost always fatal. "
Quote: GWAEI never knew you were that old. Never met you but saw your mcnugget video a few years ago and didnt realize
It was a fun trip
I got to meet PaiGow Dan (RIP) Rudeboyoi, The Wiz, Mission and his now EX, Axelwolf and a few others
The timing was perfect as I arrived a few days before Mission was leaving so he agreed to wait for me to do the Nugget challenge
If he did the challenge after arriving instead of waiting a few days for my arrival, we may have seen a different result
Quote: rxwineOkay, I'll get a rabies vaccine and you don't get one. Then we'll both expose ourselves and see how we do. Maybe Roger Knit is up for it.
RogerKint has already been eaten by dogs (it's not fun) and all this fear mongering from the left is boring. Forcing other people to do things won't make you any more secure. Security is an illusion in this life.
Quote: RogerKintNever underestimate the Left's lust to force other people to do things. Yes, this includes invading your body.
the picture you paint - those on the left being pro and those on the right being against is completely false
the vast majority of those who would identify themselves as being conservative have been vaccinated and have no problem with the public policy
Have you already had a rabies vaccine? I wondered if they gave those to people.Quote: rxwineOkay, I'll get a rabies vaccine and you don't get one. Then we'll both expose ourselves and see how we do....
Quote: RogerKintForcing other people to do things won't make you any more secure.
I beg to differ.
Forcing real estate companies to adhere to principles of statics makes my roof not fall on my head.
Forcing water companies to inspect and clean the water they provide prevents me from being poisoned.
Forcing people to undergo security screenings when they board a plane helps me not get blown up.
Forcing people to not smoke at my workplace helps me not get cancer.
Forcing people to get vaccines helps my baby not die a sudden death.
Seems to me, forcing people to do things helps my security a lot. Hooray for society!
Quote: lilredroosterthe picture you paint - those on the left being pro and those on the right being against is completely false
You are correct Sir. Even worse, there seems to be quite a large group of self-identifying "left" people who are anti-vaccines. You know, the "vegan gluten-free homeopathy-loving big-pharma-and-Coca-Cola-is-coming-to-get-us" variety.
Quote: CanyoneroI beg to differ.
Forcing real estate companies to adhere to principles of statics makes my roof not fall on my head.
Forcing water companies to inspect and clean the water they provide prevents me from being poisoned.
Forcing people to undergo security screenings when they board a plane helps me not get blown up.
Forcing people to not smoke at my workplace helps me not get cancer.
Forcing people to get vaccines helps my baby not die a sudden death.
Seems to me, forcing people to do things helps my security a lot. Hooray for society!
People have a choice whether they want to go through security screenings or not by deciding whether to fly or not. Don't want to buy auto insurance? Don't operate a motor vehicle. No one chooses to be born.
Quote: RogerKintPeople have a choice whether they want to go through security screenings or not by deciding whether to fly or not. Don't want to buy auto insurance? Don't operate a motor vehicle. No one chooses to be born.
But we do choose where we live
Some choose the Alaska frontier
Most choose to live among people
Quote: terapinedBut we do choose where we live
Some choose the Alaska frontier
Most choose to live among people
When I was -1 I chose to be born in Norway (cause Norwegian girls are hot) but I didn't get my wish.
I was wondering if some refugee ate you.Quote: CanyoneroSeems to me, forcing people to do things helps my security a lot. Hooray for society!
Quote: RogerKintWhen I was -1 I chose to be born in Norway (cause Norwegian girls are hot) but I didn't get my wish.
If I was anti vaxxer, I would move to a remote area where I could not infect anybody
People in this country move a lot
What is preventing you from moving?
I was born in The Republic of China but I would rather live in the USA so I live in the USA
If you were born here but prefer Norway, why don't you move to Norway
Quote: terapinedIf I was anti vaxxer, I would move to a remote area where I could not infect anybody
People in this country move a lot
What is preventing you from moving?
I was born in The Republic of China but I would rather live in the USA so I live in the USA
If you were born here but prefer Norway, why don't you move to Norway
Even the left uses the "murica, love it or leave it" argument when it's convenient. You seem to be very afraid of the unvaccinated so you're probably super scared of illegal immigrants?
Quote: RogerKintEven the left uses the "murica, love it or leave it" argument when it's convenient. You seem to be very afraid of the unvaccinated so you're probably super scared of illegal immigrants?
Its a big country
A lot of remote areas in this country. Real real remote. Some areas of the southern border are like that
I thought you wanted to move to Norway. Go for it. I would not be surprised if they have public health laws
I am not afraid of illegals.
Whos to say an illegal is unvaccinated
Say a well educated and rich visitor from Western Europe visiting the country overstays a visa and becomes illegal
Why should I be scared?
Neil Young was an illegal in this country for a long time. Neil doesn't scare me. I'm a big fan
"Get a vaccine to prevent yourself from getting a disease"
"Scared of anti-vaxxer from giving them a disease"
Quote: ZenKinGPro-vaxxer logic.
"Get a vaccine to prevent yourself from getting a disease"
"Scared of anti-vaxxer from giving them a disease"
It’s more about the very young (not yet vaccinated) and those with poor immune responses (elderly, sick, otherwise). Vaccines don’t last forever and they aren’t 100% effective.
Quote: petroglyphHave you already had a rabies vaccine? I wondered if they gave those to people.
I have!
ZK, if you take a break from the law and spend a few hours studying the science behind vaccines, you'll see it's not that complicated. You don't have to have a PhD to understand why they work.
Do you work with bats or something ?Quote: jmillsI have!
Quote: unJonIt’s more about the very young (not yet vaccinated) and those with poor immune responses (elderly, sick, otherwise). Vaccines don’t last forever and they aren’t 100% effective.
Vaccines are not 100% effective and don't last forever? LOL. How coincidental of the same pharmaceutical agenda for decades now. TREAT the symptoms to get you coming back for more and more. Recurring treatment = recurring profit. Just look at the 'flu' vaccine. They tell you to get one EVERY YEAR LOL. I mean really? To prevent the flu I need to inject myself every year? WOW, really? What a great solution. I never got that vaccine and I never get the flu, if anything maybe once in 15 years and it lasted 3 days. It's called natural defense and having a strong immune system like nature designed it to be. The fact that they promote everyone to get the flu should raise immediate red flags to everyone about the truth of vaccines and what their agenda really is when they now try to vaccinate you for something as idiotic as the flu. Big pharma always wants to treat the symptom and not the cause. If your immune system is so damn weak you need a vaccine, that's the problem right there. Treat the cause. Fix your immune system, dont treat the symptom and delay the inevitable, which is sickness and death.
You want to know what IS 100% effective and lasts forever? Eating real food and fasting and not injecting garbage into your bloodstream. Natural doesnt SELL so they have to brainwash you to think natural is not enough and that these 'experts' have all the answers. If only you knew how much the pharmaceutical industry has covered up the amount of deaths and side effect injuries to the many people who got vaccinated. So sad. Just look at the supplement market such as the fitness industry and how much they advertise 'pills' and 'enhancers' and what not. You can get all those ingredients in those same pills from REAL FOOD, but people are so brainwashed to think a 'pill' has all the answers that this same industry is now a multi billion dollar industry LOL. What about the drug industry with all these drug commercials saying to 'take this' and 'take that' and when they start labeling the side effects, the background becomes all 'cheery and happy' to distract you from hearing the side effects of these drugs. This isn't by coincidence. Next time you watch a drug commercial, when they start labeling the side effects, watch how the background and actors are all smiles and theres a picture of a big blue sky and everyone's happy and at peace, etc. It's one big agenda to make money off you and keep you sick treating the symptom and not the cause. What a sad time to be alive.
Quote: ZenKinGVaccines are not 100% effective and don't last forever? LOL. How coincidental of the same pharmaceutical agenda for decades now. TREAT the symptoms to get you coming back for more and more. Recurring treatment = recurring profit. Just look at the 'flu' vaccine. They tell you to get one EVERY YEAR LOL. I mean really? To prevent the flu I need to inject myself every year? WOW, really? What a great solution. I never got that vaccine and I never get the flu, if anything maybe once in 15 years and it lasted 3 days. It's called natural defense and having a strong immune system like nature designed it to be. The fact that they promote everyone to get the flu should raise immediate red flags to everyone about the truth of vaccines and what their agenda really is when they now try to vaccinate you for something as idiotic as the flu. Big pharma always wants to treat the symptom and not the cause. If your immune system is so damn weak you need a vaccine, that's the problem right there. Treat the cause. Fix your immune system, dont treat the symptom and delay the inevitable, which is sickness and death.
Don't get the flu vaccine. It no big deal. Nobody cares
I am a firm believer in vaccines
Yet, most seasons, I don't get the flu vaccine
The only time I get the flu vaccine is if I am at my Dr's office and its that flu vaccine time of the year and they have it.
Of course I tell them, hit me up
But that's kind of rare because I usually visit just out of necessity. Something is wrong.
Quote: ZenKinG
You want to know what IS 100% effective and lasts forever? Eating real food and fasting and not injecting garbage into your bloodstream. Natural doesnt SELL so they have to brainwash you to think natural is not enough and that these 'experts' have all the answers. If only you knew how much the pharmaceutical industry has covered up the amount of deaths and side effect injuries to the many people who got vaccinated. So sad.
I don't buy that. Doctors do encourage their patients to eat healthy. My Dr has given a lot of advice on eating right. Currently She wants me on low purine diet. I don't have gout but I am at risk and don't want it. Means eating right and avoiding certain foods and alcohol
Quote: ZenKinG
Just look at the supplement market such as the fitness industry and how much they advertise 'pills' and 'enhancers' and what not. You can get all those ingredients in those same pills from REAL FOOD, but people are so brainwashed to think a 'pill' has all the answers that this same industry is now a multi billion dollar industry LOL.
I take vitamins but I don't take them blindly. I take them under DR recommendation after testing my blood.
I take fish oil which provides omega 3 fatty acids. I also take D3
This supplements what's missing from my diet. I cook and eat fresh healthy food. I rarely eat fast food
Do your blood tests come out perfect?
Quote: ZenKinG
What about the drug industry with all these drug commercials saying to 'take this' and 'take that' and when they start labeling the side effects, the background becomes all 'cheery and happy' to distract you from hearing the side effects of these drugs. This isn't by coincidence. Next time you watch a drug commercial, when they start labeling the side effects, watch how the background and actors are all smiles and theres a picture of a big blue sky and everyone's happy and at peace, etc. It's one big agenda to make money off you and keep you sick treating the symptom and not the cause. What a sad time to be alive.
I don't buy those commercials for a nanosecond and I suffer from depression
In a way, they remind me of beer commercials.
All those people drinking, having the best times of their lives
Its incredible how happy people are in beer commercials, seems beer is the key to happiness
yet I don't drink
Wont touch it, especially now that Doc wants me on low Purine. Beer is a fast lane to gout
Quote: petroglyphDo you work with bats or something ?
I was required to get the vaccines in vet school. Never got additional boosters since it's only bats around here that carry rabies, and luckily I don't have to work with them.
Quote: ZenKinGVaccines are not 100% effective and don't last forever? LOL. How coincidental of the same pharmaceutical agenda for decades now. TREAT the symptoms to get you coming back for more and more. Recurring treatment = recurring profit. Just look at the 'flu' vaccine. They tell you to get one EVERY YEAR LOL. I mean really? To prevent the flu I need to inject myself every year? WOW, really? What a great solution. I never got that vaccine and I never get the flu, if anything maybe once in 15 years and it lasted 3 days. It's called natural defense and having a strong immune system like nature designed it to be. The fact that they promote everyone to get the flu should raise immediate red flags to everyone about the truth of vaccines and what their agenda really is when they now try to vaccinate you for something as idiotic as the flu. Big pharma always wants to treat the symptom and not the cause. If your immune system is so damn weak you need a vaccine, that's the problem right there. Treat the cause. Fix your immune system, dont treat the symptom and delay the inevitable, which is sickness and death.
You want to know what IS 100% effective and lasts forever? Eating real food and fasting and not injecting garbage into your bloodstream. Natural doesnt SELL so they have to brainwash you to think natural is not enough and that these 'experts' have all the answers. If only you knew how much the pharmaceutical industry has covered up the amount of deaths and side effect injuries to the many people who got vaccinated. So sad. Just look at the supplement market such as the fitness industry and how much they advertise 'pills' and 'enhancers' and what not. You can get all those ingredients in those same pills from REAL FOOD, but people are so brainwashed to think a 'pill' has all the answers that this same industry is now a multi billion dollar industry LOL. What about the drug industry with all these drug commercials saying to 'take this' and 'take that' and when they start labeling the side effects, the background becomes all 'cheery and happy' to distract you from hearing the side effects of these drugs. This isn't by coincidence. Next time you watch a drug commercial, when they start labeling the side effects, watch how the background and actors are all smiles and theres a picture of a big blue sky and everyone's happy and at peace, etc. It's one big agenda to make money off you and keep you sick treating the symptom and not the cause. What a sad time to be alive.
At least I can agree with you about the supplements, if not about vaccines in general. The original outbreak of canine parvovirus in 1978 was way before my time, but I've worked with vets that remember their wards being filled with dogs suffering from severe diarrhea and dying in some cases. I haven't seen a case in five years, and the only cases I've seen were in unvaccinated dogs. I was around for the H3N2 influenza outbreak in Chicago in 2015. The only available vaccine for flu in dogs was for H3N8, and unsurprisingly it didn't work. We had to wait for the H3N2 vaccine to be developed. In humans they can at least try to predict what strain of flu is most likely to cause problems any particular year.
Anybody remember the Happy Fun Ball ad from SNL? It reminds me of the current drug ads.
Do not taunt Happy Fun BallQuote: jmillsAnybody remember the Happy Fun Ball ad from SNL? It reminds me of the current drug ads.
Quote: terapinedDon't get the flu vaccine. It no big deal. Nobody cares
I am a firm believer in vaccines
Yet, most seasons, I don't get the flu vaccine
The only time I get the flu vaccine is if I am at my Dr's office and its that flu vaccine time of the year and they have it.
Of course I tell them, hit me up
But that's kind of rare because I usually visit just out of necessity. Something is wrong.
I don't buy that. Doctors do encourage their patients to eat healthy. My Dr has given a lot of advice on eating right. Currently She wants me on low purine diet. I don't have gout but I am at risk and don't want it. Means eating right and avoiding certain foods and alcohol
I take vitamins but I don't take them blindly. I take them under DR recommendation after testing my blood.
I take fish oil which provides omega 3 fatty acids. I also take D3
This supplements what's missing from my diet. I cook and eat fresh healthy food. I rarely eat fast food
Do your blood tests come out perfect?
I don't buy those commercials for a nanosecond and I suffer from depression
In a way, they remind me of beer commercials.
All those people drinking, having the best times of their lives
Its incredible how happy people are in beer commercials, seems beer is the key to happiness
yet I don't drink
Wont touch it, especially now that Doc wants me on low Purine. Beer is a fast lane to gout
I havent had a blood test in god knows how long, let alone go to a doctor. I dont need a doctor to live. Must suck to be reliant on someone in a white suit. By the way, why do you think they wear the color white? This isn't done by coincidence either. It's to promote the idea of subconscious 'peace and prosperity', that they are the 'experts' and listen to waht they say because they will make you healthy. Such an unbelievable subconscious scam starting from the drug commercials all the way to the doctor's office. Don't believe me? Imagine they wore black? Would you feel the same sitting inside the office? I think not.
ZK- What is your view on condoms?
Quote: happaheroZK- What is your view on condoms?
99.9% of society needs them to keep from bringing any more drones into the world. The gene pool is already bad as it is.
I'm part of the .01% if you're wondering. Im allowed to go in raw since I can still save the gene pool. The problem is finding a non-droned out girl, which by today's standards is getting harder and harder. None of them can clean or cook and still feel so entitled. Most of them are just in for the marriage benefits to divorce you later and reap the rewards. Never let them know of your finances and whatever you do, do NOT take out a life insurance policy.
Quote: ZenKinG99.9% of society needs them to keep from procreating any more drones into the world. The gene pool is already destroyed.
I'm part of the .01% if you're wondering. Im allowed to go in raw since I can still save the gene pool. Problem is finding a non-droned out girl, which by today's standards is getting harder and harder. None of them can clean or cook and feel so entitled. Most of them are just in for the marriage benefits to divorce you later and reap the rewards. Never let them know of your finances.
How about as a means of protecting against STDs? Are they just a pleasure reducer that the elite imposes on the droned out masses in order to further instigate fear in the general population?
Quote: ZenKinG99.9% of society needs them to keep from bringing any more drones into the world. The gene pool is already bad as it is.
I'm part of the .01% if you're wondering. Im allowed to go in raw since I can still save the gene pool. The problem is finding a non-droned out girl, which by today's standards is getting harder and harder. None of them can clean or cook and still feel so entitled. Most of them are just in for the marriage benefits to divorce you later and reap the rewards. Never let them know of your finances and whatever you do, do NOT take out a life insurance policy.
Quote: ZK mega rant about vaccines
Oh, my Lord. What was I thinking, not begging you for supersperm last time I saw you? What a missed opportunity!
I feel comforted that you'll probably win a Darwin before you meet your definition of a non-drone.
Good grief.
Quote: ZenKinG99.9% of society needs them to keep from bringing any more drones into the world. The gene pool is already bad as it is.
I'm part of the .01% if you're wondering. Im allowed to go in raw since I can still save the gene pool.
Wow, just wow. And what about the 0.09% you didn't account for?
Quote: ZenKinG
I'm part of the .01% if you're wondering. Im allowed to go in raw since I can still save the gene pool.
Umm, shades of Khan Noonien Singh
Nathan, if you were set up on a date with ZK and the friend that set you up had you look at his posts on here, what would your thoughts be about this date?
If any of my daughters were dating someone who holds all of these views, I’d have to do a DarkOz style rescue mission.
My guess is that ZK doesn’t act anything like this when he’s outside his home.
Quote: ZenKinGI havent had a blood test in god knows how long, let alone go to a doctor. I dont need a doctor to live. Must suck to be reliant on someone in a white suit.
It doesn't suck
My DR has kept me alive
Sometimes I get infections, bronchitis
Before anti-biotics, you got an infection, you died
So I get an infection, I see my DR, they give me anti-biotics. I get better and continue living
Anti biotics have saved my life several times
I had 2 major stomach operations. I had severe diverticulitis. The pain was very hard to bear. It would be absurd for me not to go to hospital, have the operation to stay alive and pain free.
Its not seeing a DR sucks
Its that you are incredibly fortunate to be so healthy to not see a DR
When you get to my age, 60, stuff goes wrong and you need a DR
Boy, I want to go back to was so much better then!
Being part of a society sometimes requires giving some control to the group. The best way for that to work is to make sure it is limited to only those things essential to the well-being of the society and not to ever give it full control. Vaccines save lives, in spite of the pseudo-scientists out there.
With the many anti-vaxxers out there, it is best for new parents to keep their younger, not yet vaccinated children away from the public as much as possible. Diseases that are rarehere, like pertussis, can be nearly impossible to detect quickly and is sometimes fatal in time for babies. All it takes is to come in close contact with someone who has it.
New Living Translation:
𝑫𝒐 𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝑨𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝑨𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑭𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒔, 𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝑭𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒂𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝑨𝒓𝒆