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I sure am thankful for a lot in my life. Im thankful for running like a pile of **** as soon as I move out of my parents house to a new city halfway across the country for the first time on my own. Im thankful for all the doubters in my life including my so called friends and family and people of this and other forums. Im thankful for the zero support ive had in my life regarding anything I do. Im thankful for my college scam business degree that society brainwashes us to get that I havent even used yet and probably never will. Im thankful for wasting 16 years of my life in a public education system where you learn nothing other than being a compliant robot to society. Im thankful for never having a job worth more than $11 an hour. Im thankful for the unconstitutional trespasses from immoral corrupt security guards and the idiotd who run these casinos who sold their souls for a dollar. Im thankful for the 3 knee surgeries ive had in my life and prevented me from playing college soccer and potentially going pro. Im thankful for the doctor who lied to me saying i needed a 4th surgery(2nd ACL reconstruction), but I smartly put it off and got an MRI 3 years later showing it healed on its own. Im thankful for this wonderful society that we live in where Im forced to pay 6 months upfront for a decent place to live away from bed bugs and coackroaches just because Im not a drone slave to the government and need a handout and credit for everything. Of course, Im also thankful for this inflationary monetary system in place devaluing every dollar in my wallet each and every day of my life and the drones in society who co tribute to this system. Im thankful for the same house that was worth 50k 100 years ago is now worth 500k.
Im thankful for a lot of things, but most importantly and last but not least, Im thankful for the hole in my bumper to remind myself of how thankful I am. I will buy a nice turkey tomorrow for myself and eat it outside in the cold right next to the hole and just appreciate everything about the lodd of paint and dents in it.
Thank you God and divine intervention for choosing me as your troll puppet for your amusement and for trolling me every chance you get. The fact that i havent lost my head yet after all this adversity since I been here really shows how special I am.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
13 years ago, I bought a car with monthly payments instead of the cash I had saved up. I totaled that car, swerving to avoid a deer. My wife and I flipped over twice and walked away with barely a scratch. If I had bought a run down crappy car instead of the nicer one I could afford with monthly payments, my wife and or me may not be here today.
I’m also thankful for my mortgage. It has allowed me to live in an amazing home that I get to enjoy with my wife and daughters. If we were just renting, we could never afford to live in a place this nice.
I’m also thankful for the lines of credit I’ve established. I know that I have 12k in credit card debt (13 after dumb Black Friday), but we wouldn’t have been able to have our 2nd and 3rd daughter without starting that debt. It’s tough to be missing a paycheck for 12 weeks. And even though people would probably say that we shouldn’t have had 3 kids if we couldn’t afford them, I wouldn’t change anything about my life.
Basically, if you can’t tell, what I’m really thankful for, is the people in my life. The other stuff really doesn’t matter if you are happy.
Now it’s time for me to play some football slowly and probably get hurt.
Maybe they would be a little better since the day before thanksgiving is the biggest travel day of the year so there is probably a higher risk of an accident with more cars moving around.
Quote: GWAELook at all of the money zk is losing by all these months of rent instead of taking a mortgage at 4% and building equity. Maybe one day the smartest person in all of the world will learn how to function in this society. I am surprised that he hasnt figure out that he could just move to Belize or live in the congo and obtain this life that he prefers.
i relate with ZK, as you are correct, this society functions in its own way, and i would say he knows how to live, and that makes him bored, so he, along with myself, try to make it in a "different" way. Its like we get to a fork in the road, and the one road is clearly labeled, "THIS IS THE EASY WAY DEFINITELY GO THIS WAY!!!". But we take the way that might say, "Jesus christmas, please, for the love of yourself, please, for your family, and friends, go the other way! ITs a sure fire thing to go that way NOOOO!" and we still take that road because the person who made that sign knows that there is something that only the person who made the sign understands.
Quote: GWAELook at all of the money zk is losing by all these months of rent instead of taking a mortgage at 4% and building equity. Maybe one day the smartest person in all of the world will learn how to function in this society. I am surprised that he hasnt figure out that he could just move to Belize or live in the congo and obtain this life that he prefers.
You guys simply dont get it and im sick of rehashing this. Just look at your short sighted response. Yeah, let me destroy half my bankroll on a down payment and pay monthly payments in mortgage with INTEREST on it for 15-30 years and build so called 'equity' in a house that can easily depreciate in value over my lifetime.
You guys simply have destroyed the economy with this hand me a bone for free please mindset. You just care about your little short term benefits with your quick and easy handouts given to you on a silver platter and dont care about the long term implications of this mindset. You guys dont understand the true value of wealth and how an economy grows and propsers. The result is a massive inflationary economy with 20 trillion in debt. A 50k house 50 years ago is now 500k while the working wage only increased from about $3 an hour to $12 an hour, let that sink in.
Somehow everyone is happy and blinded about whats going on. And whats my reward for doing it the right way and also trying to educate everyone? Spending thanksgiving alone with a hole in my bumper a DAY before thanksgiving. Thank you god for everything.
Quote: heatmapi relate with ZK, as you are correct, this society functions in its own way, and i would say he knows how to live, and that makes him bored, so he, along with myself, try to make it in a "different" way. Its like we get to a fork in the road, and the one road is clearly labeled, "THIS IS THE EASY WAY DEFINITELY GO THIS WAY!!!". But we take the way that might say, "Jesus christmas, please, for the love of yourself, please, for your family, and friends, go the other way! ITs a sure fire thing to go that way NOOOO!" and we still take that road because the person who made that sign knows that there is something that only the person who made the sign understands.
Fools laugh, the Wise understand.
Choose the path less taken.
Quote: ZenKinGYou guys simply dont get it and im sick of rehashing this. Just look at your short sighted response. Yeah, let me destroy half my bankroll on a down payment and pay monthly payments in mortgage with INTEREST on it for 15-30 years and build so called 'equity' in a house that can easily depreciate in value over my lifetime.
You guys simply have destroyed the economy with this hand me a bone for free please mindset. You just care about your little short term benefits with your quick and easy handouts given to you on a silver platter and dont care about the long term implications of this mindset. You guys dont understand the true value of wealth and how an economy grows and propsers. The result is a massive inflationary economy with 20 trillion in debt. A 50k house 50 years ago is now 500k while the working wage only increased from about $3 an hour to $12 an hour, let that sink in.
Somehow everyone is happy and blinded about whats going on. And whats my reward for doing it the right way and also trying to educate everyone? Spending thanksgiving alone with a hole in my bumper a DAY before thanksgiving. Thank you god for everything.
Stop beating yourself up with the “Woe is me” BS. Take some of the confidence you have and go out today and make some worthless money.
Like you said, it’s just another day, make the most of it. Sitting alone pissed about it isn’t going to change anything. The bumper will still have a hole in it.
Quote: ZenKinGYou guys simply dont get it and im sick of rehashing this. Just look at your short sighted response. Yeah, let me destroy half my bankroll on a down payment and pay monthly payments in mortgage with INTEREST on it for 15-30 years and build so called 'equity' in a house that can easily depreciate in value over my lifetime.
You guys simply have destroyed the economy with this hand me a bone for free please mindset. You just care about your little short term benefits with your quick and easy handouts given to you on a silver platter and dont care about the long term implications of this mindset. You guys dont understand the true value of wealth and how an economy grows and propsers. The result is a massive inflationary economy with 20 trillion in debt. A 50k house 50 years ago is now 500k while the working wage only increased from about $3 an hour to $12 an hour, let that sink in.
Somehow everyone is happy and blinded about whats going on. And whats my reward for doing it the right way and also trying to educate everyone? Spending thanksgiving alone with a hole in my bumper a DAY before thanksgiving. Thank you god for everything.
Instead you will throw away 300k over the course of 30 years in rent. Since you are the best ever you should have been putting in more hours and taken your bankroll to 150k over the last 24 months and paid cash for a house.
Quote: GWAEInstead you will throw away 300k over the course of 30 years in rent. Since you are the best ever you should have been putting in more hours and taken your bankroll to 150k over the last 24 months and paid cash for a house.
Yeah because I plan on rentimg for the next 30 years, right? Maybe another 5 or so and maybe actually start grinding out the hours and build this bankroll to 150k along with my ETF portfolio that i plan on investing once i can get to around 55-60k liquid and 65k net worth. I already said I eventually plan to buy a house but my bankroll needs to be in a certain range and i have to study this housing market carefully. As the past 50 years have shown, this inflationary economy is very dangerous to invest blindly.
Quote: ZenKinGYeah because I plan on rentimg for the next 30 years, right? Maybe another 5 or so and maybe actually start grinding out the hours and build this bankroll to 150k along with my ETF portfolio that i plan on investing once i can get to around 55-60k liquid and 65k net worth. I already said I eventually plan to buy a house but my bankroll needs to be in a certain range and i have to study this housing market carefully.
Your bankroll hasn't gone up since you got there. You now have a less valuable car, no home equity, no 401k, no health insurance, no steady income, wouldn't qualify for a mortgage, are unhappy and have no real future.
Quote: Zcore13Your bankroll hasn't gone up since you got there. You now have a less valuable car, no home equity, no 401k, no health insurance, no steady income, wouldn't qualify for a mortgage, are unhappy and have no real future.
If he isn't aware of that already, do you think this is the post that's going to finally get through?
Never hit a man when he is down. Use your knees.
Having been born in America, and having been raised by two parents who loved me and sacrificed so that I might thrive;
Finding love in the hearts of five different women over the course of my lifetime;
Having a son who is all I'd hoped he'd become;
Friends I enjoy spending time with;
A profession I don't hate working at, and which has been personally and financially rewarding;
For having quit drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, and replacing those vices with casino gambling;
For having the discipline to surf the gambling wave without wiping out into degeneracy;
For my good health.
For the American Way, flawed as some say it may be.

Quote: ZenKinGHappy thanksgiving everyone.
looks like an exciting evening.Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW
Quote: RSFor the record, I don't think it'd be a good idea for ZK to buy a house right now. Get a credit card and start building some credit. Either get a part time job OR start putting in some serious hours at the tables.
Quote: happaheroCHURCH
As in Joey Diaz podcast or the cult?