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October 4th, 2018 at 5:57:03 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

So if Obama could come out about it why does Kavanaugh feel the need to lie

Asked and answered, at least by me.
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October 4th, 2018 at 6:40:40 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Nope. Didn't say that. I am saying he lies, he's partisan where he's required to be impartial, and he's not good enough for the job he's applying for. He doesn't get it, ooh, hurt him by sending him back to his top-salary Court of Appeals job. Except he's not good enough for that either, because he lied to get it. Felons don't belong in the judge's chair in court.

All of them are partisan where they're required to be impartial or Senate/President wouldn't really have a preference in the first place provided the other judicial criteria were met. Even with Obama as President, why should the Republicans want to block Merrick Garland were it not known that he has liberal tendencies?

That doesn't make it right, technically, but the only non-partisan justice is no justice at all.

(All quotes clipped from this point forward, parts I'm not specifically responding to omitted.)


She had just started to ask him about the date of July 1, which contained several of the names of people she said were there.

Including, "Squi," who was her ex-boyfriend that she did not reference as being there. His calendar entry for July 1st also includes the names of more people than she said were there in the first place. On the other hand, the FBI has apparently interviewed him, so it could go a long way if he put Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh at least at the same party. If I'm not mistaken, there's nobody presently (other than Blasey Ford herself) who claims to recollect she and Kavanaugh ever even being in the same place.


She got cut off by a nonsense rant, and no Republican asked him anything of substance after that. God forbid they should ask a question that had anything to do with finding any truth. You bought that? Wow. He interceded to shut Mitchell up. We'd already had one paranoid conspiracy-laden rant that day, so why not throw another? He was auditioning for Attorney General or Chief of Staff, both of which will be vacant very soon.

I have no opinion on this.


Dr Ford did not want her name known and did not want to testify. She was leaked by someone with an agenda. You did get that she initiated the warning when she heard he was on the list right? Before he was nominated. Some conspiracy. Like they could fill in the blank on her accusation with whatever Judge Trump put up for consideration. /sarcasm Still not a criminal trial. And yes, if she were doing the job she was supposedly hired to do, and probably did, she took an expert read on Kavanaugh, his lies, bluster, deflection, and insouciance, and wrote that report, too. But we'll never see it.

I'm not buying that for a second. What did she think Feinstein was going to do? Go into the Senate Judiciary Committee with an anonymous allegation? Not only is it unprovable, now it's also anonymous? Did Blasey Ford think her letter would sway Feinstein, who was not voting for Kavanaugh in the first place, into not voting for somebody she was already not voting for? If she didn't fully well expect to come out with it, then why write the letter in the first place? To what end?

With respect to Kavanaugh, my understanding is his name was being floated as a potential nominee when Romney was running in least according to this CNN article dated from 2012:

Which is also when Blasey Ford first says she went to her therapist with it, because according to her, she was concerned about Kavanaugh eventually getting on the Supreme Court, were Romney to win.

I guess it's perfectly fine for someone's attempted rapist to be the judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals, but SCOTUS is where a person should apparently draw the line.


It'a not a civil trial, either. It's not analogous. Mitchell was a showpiece because the Republicans were too chickens!#/ about the campaign commercials they would fill, to do their jobs. And most too full of malice and disbelief to treat Dr. Ford with enough respect to question her without providing that fodder. Ben Sasse and Jeff Flake get a better grade from me, in retrospect, because at least they recognize some compassion in themselves, and are still human enough to recognize when they're being shined on.

This is where I'm going to accuse you of being a little overly partisan on this point. You don't think that eleven white male Republicans have legitimate reason to be concerned about the optic of them grilling an alleged victim of attempted rape? It has nothing to do with being chicken and everything to do with not being stupid. No matter what was asked by them would be framed in the worst possible light. I'd give it fifteen seconds until Twitter lights up with Tweets about how they are all badgering Christine Blasey Ford.

Anyway, there is almost no way that they could have questioned her that would have been acceptable to Democrats. You can't meet an impossible standard. Anything that would come off as even slightly doubtful or argumentative would result in a torrent of press/social media piling. You know it as well as I do.

I think it's just as likely the Democrats are upset that they didn't question her directly because they didn't get the fodder they wanted.

I doubt if Jeff Flake is even an entry-level human being. He's retiring from the Senate. I don't know what his next step is, but it seems to me that it necessitates him being at least moderately respected by the other side.

Just like when McCain died:

Everything about Flake's face said, "Crying," he just couldn't get his damn eyes to work. He probably had a staffer return the REFRESH brand eyedrops to WAL*MART and demand a refund.

I could never prove it, but I'm fairly convinced that this FBI investigation wouldn't even be taking place were Flake running again.


You're being manipulated by people with an agenda. So am I. But I know there are much better choices for SCOTUS than this partisan hack. Conservative or not. I was pleased to support John Roberts. I don't agree with his every decision, but he's a fine justice. I didn't oppose Gorsuch except for the procedural nastiness about Garland. But this guy?

He's not good enough. His entitlement alone makes him a bad judge. He doesn't respect the rights of the people he rules on.

I have no opinion of this one way or another. I pretty much agree with all of it, but I don't think it proves that he is an attempted rapist. As I've stated, I have no problem with him not being on SCOTUS and would prefer he not be. My reason is because he's a social Conservative, so I don't like his politics. That doesn't mean I have to believe criminal allegations against him without proof.


The whole point of a lifetime appointment is to provide the freedom from obligations and debts to powerful people. You can't put a party operative in there, any more than you can put a lobbyist in that seat. His obligations are too heavy.

They are all party operatives, otherwise, the President/Senate wouldn't care who fills the position provided they are fit to serve on the SCOTUS.

Presidents look at how much relative power they have in the Senate and then they nominate with an eye towards getting someone in there aligned asd closely with their political views as possible. That hasn't changed.
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October 4th, 2018 at 6:53:31 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

. I'm reminded of that sports team that had its visitors locker room painted pink... everything was viewed as a chance to win.

Go Hawkeyes!!!

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October 4th, 2018 at 7:08:19 AM permalink
This is the clearly biased Justice Ruth Bader Ginsgurg in 2016, on then presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump:

“He has no consistency about him,” the 83-year-old previously stated about Trump. “He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. … How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that.”

“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,”

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October 4th, 2018 at 7:15:27 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

OH, BULLSH*T! x1000. That's what she wants you to think, and you fell for that BS, so sad, I thought you were smarter than that.

Nowadays, Apparently, you ain't cool unless you #MeToo.

Right back atcha, pal. She wanted the people doing the vetting to look into this guy. She was willing to allow them to know who she was, not the public. She knew there would be other people who had been grabbed, other stories to tell, about what a jerk he was, perhaps is.

You think that in 100 kegs worth of partying he did senior year, this was the only time he got belligerent? Or grabbed girls? Or in their social circle, she didn't hear from other people about him, after he did this to her? He had a wingman, he had procurers, he lived in a general atmosphere of permissiveness.
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October 4th, 2018 at 7:47:02 AM permalink
If I was a betting man, Kavanaugh will be voted through. I doubt the FBI investigation will shed any new light on these events from 30+ years ago. I think Mark Judge would be the most informative in the FBI investigation. Polygraph is essentially useless, and everybody knows it. It is more of just a way to theaen people into admission and allow truthful people to vindicate themselves I think.
Last edited by: familyguy96 on Oct 4, 2018
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October 4th, 2018 at 8:19:47 AM permalink
Quote: Fleaswatter

If the FBI report finds no credible evidence to support the accusations against Kavanaugh, I predict:


Republicans – Kananaugh is innocent,


vote for him now to the Supreme Court



Democrats – Kavaugh is guilty,


the investigation is a sham,


need to interview many many more people,


delay the vote,

not said but hinted at
new motto for the left: “I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” (John Brennan Mar 25, 2019)
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October 4th, 2018 at 8:38:14 AM permalink
The FBI investigation was a sham, but we all knew it would be. They did just enough to give the three wavering GOP senators enough cover to vote yes.

I’d be shocked if he doesn’t get confirmed.
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October 4th, 2018 at 8:39:40 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Right back atcha, pal. She wanted the people doing the vetting to look into this guy. She was willing to allow them to know who she was, not the public. She knew there would be other people who had been grabbed, other stories to tell, about what a jerk he was, perhaps is.

Yet it looks like the FBI found nothing. As expected. Her story has been suspect and full of holes from the beginning.


You think that in 100 kegs worth of partying he did senior year, this was the only time he got belligerent? Or grabbed girls? Or in their social circle, she didn't hear from other people about him, after he did this to her? He had a wingman, he had procurers, he lived in a general atmosphere of permissiveness.

Did you feel this way about Bill Clinton? Did you want him removed from office for his sexual harassment. (Don't answer, you already said no at least once.)

Were you against Obama for office for shoving cocaine up his nose in college? Or smoking a farm of pot, as he admitted to?
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October 4th, 2018 at 8:54:08 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Did you feel this way about Bill Clinton? Did you want him removed from office for his sexual harassment. (Don't answer, you already said no at least once.)

Of course
Bill Clinton disgusts me
He is right up there with disgusting Donald Trump
Both are sexual assault sickos
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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October 4th, 2018 at 8:56:23 AM permalink
Terapined never lets an opportunity slip to mention Clinton.
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October 4th, 2018 at 8:56:35 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

All of them are partisan where they're required to be impartial or Senate/President wouldn't really have a preference in the first place provided the other judicial criteria were met. Even with Obama as President, why should the Republicans want to block Merrick Garland were it not known that he has liberal tendencies?

That doesn't make it right, technically, but the only non-partisan justice is no justice at all

Correct, and you cannot even compare how badly liberals have treated a conservative nominee vs. the other way around. This is why we have 9 justices, cannot have 1 or even 3 deciding, balance out any possible bias.
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October 4th, 2018 at 9:01:00 AM permalink
if confirmed, Kavenaugh will now be suspect in any rulings favoring Trump in the Muellar investigaton. He's as good as bought and paid for as any judge ever will be by Trump's fervent support.
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October 4th, 2018 at 9:46:40 AM permalink
He’s getting confirmed for sure.

I would think this should energize the democrats to vote in 5 weeks, but I could be misreading the situation.
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October 4th, 2018 at 9:54:46 AM permalink

I would think this should energize the democrats to vote in 5 weeks, but I could be misreading the situation.

Republicans will definitely be energized after that farce and bad act by Ford.

Did anyone else watch the body language expert destroy her fake testimony on Fox?
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October 4th, 2018 at 9:58:16 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

if confirmed, Kavenaugh will now be suspect in any rulings favoring Trump in the Muellar investigaton. He's as good as bought and paid for as any judge ever will be by Trump's fervent support.

That's the least of my concerns. That would just make it 8-1.
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October 4th, 2018 at 10:05:30 AM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

Terapined never lets an opportunity slip to mention Clinton.

I just don't get it
Bill Clinton is a total sleaze
Conservatives agree with me
Trump is equally sleazy
conservatives disagree with me

I call out sleaze regardless of politics
Conservatives are blinded by politics and don't have the intelligence to recognize right wing sleaze
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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October 4th, 2018 at 10:17:36 AM permalink
* searching .... searching ... searching *
Quote: mcallister3200

Terapined never lets an opportunity slip to mention Clinton.


Clinton is a dirty, nasty, sicko. Disgusting
I said so from day 1
The democrats agree as do the republicans
Can’t believe someone would support such a sicko
Thankfully Trump beat her in 2016. :-)

bold emphasis mine
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October 4th, 2018 at 10:42:29 AM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

He’s getting confirmed for sure.

I would think this should energize the democrats to vote in 5 weeks, but I could be misreading the situation.

You are misreading it. Democrats were and have been about as energized as possible since Trump won. GOP voters almost hate the GOP in Congress for how incompetent they have been in moving an agenda. Blew a once in a generation chance.

But this farce has us fired up. Reminds us what the Democrats will do to get power. Enthusiasm is now high on both sides. If anything, Ford being shown to be a liar might deject a few liberals. I doubt many, though.

Might also shift some swing voters over to the GOP after this stunt. Again few, but maybe.
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October 4th, 2018 at 10:52:35 AM permalink
Perhaps I missed but where was Ford proven a liar?
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October 4th, 2018 at 10:53:18 AM permalink
Fox News.
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October 4th, 2018 at 10:55:35 AM permalink
Quote: billryan

Perhaps I missed but where was Ford proven a liar?

Nobody backs up he story. Clean FBI Report. Woman who questioned her said her case was so weak she would not prosecute.

Gofundme dollars going to Ford for her story, set up months ago.

Nothing backs up her story.
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October 4th, 2018 at 11:22:19 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Nobody backs up he story. Clean FBI Report. Woman who questioned her said her case was so weak she would not prosecute.

Gofundme dollars going to Ford for her story, set up months ago.

Nothing backs up her story.

How would she have known months ago to set up a gofundme prior to Kavanaugh being chosen?
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October 4th, 2018 at 11:26:36 AM permalink
Quote: Keyser


I would think this should energize the democrats to vote in 5 weeks, but I could be misreading the situation.

Republicans will definitely be energized after that farce and bad act by Ford.

Did anyone else watch the body language expert destroy her fake testimony on Fox?

Yup. I've always said my vote means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but this time I need to do my part to keep out the democrats
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October 4th, 2018 at 11:36:53 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Woman who questioned her said her case was so weak she would not prosecute.

Such a stupid talking point. Usually, ya know, there's a thorough investigation before a case is brought to her. She wasn't on a fact-finding mission when questioning Ford and was cut off by the republicans when she finally started digging at it with Kavanaugh.

It looks like he will be confirmed. The SCOTUS will have a credibility problem for the next generation.

Awesome. It really does look like Trump is the man that can bring us together. He appears up to the task. Seriously.
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October 4th, 2018 at 11:47:53 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

Yup. I've always said my vote means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but this time I need to do my part to keep out the democrats

I've said it before...say it again. The Republicans are VERY good at what they do.
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October 4th, 2018 at 11:51:11 AM permalink
I just read something that says republicans are now more likely to vote since this Kavanaugh thing.

So they are going to get him in, and still be angry, so keep house and Senate.

This is how democracy works. (Except for President). Majority rules.
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October 4th, 2018 at 12:13:30 PM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

I just read something that says republicans are now more likely to vote since this Kavanaugh thing.

I don't know how it is where you live,
but I've never seen the Right so fired
up. My wife's huge family is livid
at what these stupid filthy Dems tried
to do to a great man. They're on the
horn to all their FB friends to vote
vote vote.

NPR says the Kavanaugh business has
erased any edge the Dems had a month
ago. I've never been prouder in my life
of how the Repub leadership in the
Senate pushed back against all
the Dem lies. It's blown up in their faces,
the Dems are stunned. They thought
for sure the Right would cave two
weeks ago. They can't believe this failed.

Kavanaugh is being urged to sue the lying
scum Ford for defamation, to make them
think twice about pulling this stunt again
on the next nominee.
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October 4th, 2018 at 12:17:32 PM permalink
Is he really a great man? I guess I just don’t see it... Just seems like a guy to me.
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October 4th, 2018 at 12:28:17 PM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

Is he really a great man? I guess I just don’t see it... Just seems like a guy to me.

He's the greatest great man ever. Many people are saying that. Lots of women too. Many many fine women.
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October 4th, 2018 at 12:59:37 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

How would she have known months ago to set up a gofundme prior to Kavanaugh being chosen?

It has been months. She sent the letter in June.
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:01:14 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

It looks like he will be confirmed. The SCOTUS will have a credibility problem for the next generation.

It has one from the gay marriage decision, that is for sure. A vague claim from when a guy was in high school is meaningless.
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:08:36 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

It has one from the gay marriage decision, that is for sure. A vague claim from when a guy was in high school is meaningless.

Saw a former FBI supervisor on TV and he
said they usually start at age 18 for a
background check, unless the person has
a juvie arrest record. They will probably
start in preschool from now on, to see
if the person laughed at a transgender
when he was 4.
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:09:12 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

It has one from the gay marriage decision, that is for sure. A vague claim from when a guy was in high school is meaningless.

I was referring to the repeated lies the potential justice told to Congress over the last decade +. That, and his combative, petulant, and partisan behavior during his testimony.
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:15:52 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

I was referring to the repeated lies the potential justice told to Congress over the last decade +. That, and his combative, petulant, and partisan behavior during his testimony.

A guy is combative because a lying woman is trying to destroy his life? OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:16:28 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I don't know how it is where you live,
but I've never seen the Right so fired
up. My wife's huge family is livid
at what these stupid filthy Dems tried
to do to a great man. They're on the
horn to all their FB friends to vote
vote vote.

That's why I feel I need to vote. Usually IDGAF about politics but man the events of this entire thing makes me want to make a statement.
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:21:51 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Saw a former FBI supervisor on TV and he said they usually start at age 18 for a background check, unless the person has a juvie arrest record. They will probably start in preschool from now on, to see if the person laughed at a transgender when he was 4.

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October 4th, 2018 at 1:25:36 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

A guy is combative because a lying woman is trying to destroy his life? OFF WITH HIS HEAD!

And lied. And was partisan. And was childish. Outed himself as a political operative.

If he was a democrat nominated by a democrat, we know where you would stand.

Actually, if he was a democrat nominated by a democrat in an election season, he wouldn’t even get a hearing.
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:31:33 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Actually, if he was a democrat nominated by a democrat in an election season, he wouldn’t even get a hearing.

If he was a Democrat who loved abortion and a woman came forward with an accusation the feminists would call her a trailer park slut and destroy her.

Kavanaugh showed himself to be an honorable man who answered far more questions that any other nominee would. Sorry you cannot handle a non-activist judge who reads the law not public opinion. But we need more of them.
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:43:33 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

If he was a Democrat who loved abortion and a woman came forward with an accusation the feminists would call her a trailer park slut and destroy her.

Donald Trump was a Democrat who loved abortion until just a few years ago.

The feminists didn't go after his accusers.

I've been tempted lately to start a poll: How many abortions has Donald Trump personally paid for? We all know he hates condoms...
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October 4th, 2018 at 1:58:38 PM permalink
I don't think Kavanaugh calling out those who, in his mind, tried to railroad him with an allegation that should have been handled months ago is an issue...any more than Justice Ginsberg saying:

""I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.

Referring to something she thought her late husband, tax lawyer Martin Ginsburg, would have said, she said: "Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.""

--Interview July 8, 2016 with New York Times

Both of them will approach decisions the same way they have already the decisions they have made--they have differing judicial philosophies, which means they will disagree on how certain cases are decided.

...and we already knew that....before either one of them said a word....
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:26:31 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

I don't think Kavanaugh calling out those who, in his mind, tried to railroad him with an allegation that should have been handled months ago is an issue

What about his lies to Congress?
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:40:01 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

What about his lies to Congress?


Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:40:24 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

What about his lies to Congress?

He has not made any lies to Congress.

Ford, OTOH, made up many lies under oath. Should be sued for defamation.
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:40:41 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

What about his lies to Congress?

They are only obvious to those who want to see them.

If there was a real case to be made that there were intentional lies to Congress, one would be made. I have looked quickly at a couple articles pertaining to the allegations...each are written from a point of view either wanting them to be intentionally told lies or one wanting them not to be lies.

So...there it is for you...
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:41:42 PM permalink
Quote: ams288



Why do you keep bringing her up? Didn't she screw up and lose the election, thus putting us in this position in the first place?

To think it only happened because she decided to fly over the fly over states so she would not have to talk to deplorables?
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:53:56 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

What about his lies to Congress?


Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Thursday said that high court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, who Stevens once lauded in one of his books, does not belong on the Supreme Court.
Speaking to a crowd of retirees in Boca Raton, Stevens, 98, said Kavanaugh’s performance during a recent Senate confirmation hearing suggested that he lacks the temperament for the job.
Stevens, a lifelong Republican who is known for falling on the liberal side of several judicial rulings, praised Kavanaugh and one of his rulings on a political contribution case in the 2014 book “Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution.”

“At that time, I thought (Kavanaugh) had the qualifications for the Supreme Court should he be selected,” Stevens said. “I’ve changed my views for reasons that have no relationship to his intellectual ability … I feel his performance in the hearings ultimately changed my mind.”
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:58:14 PM permalink
John Paul Stevens is a lifelong republican who served on the Supreme Court for 35 years. I'll take his word for it.

In Trump land though, he'll be written off. I can hear you guys now...."I like retired Supreme Court Justices that aren't 98. That I can tell you. Many people are saying it."
Last edited by: Steverinos on Oct 4, 2018
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October 4th, 2018 at 2:58:32 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Beat me to it.
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October 4th, 2018 at 3:19:21 PM permalink
The Dems are astounded that so many
women don't believe Ford. The thing
about women is, they all know a woman,
or more than one, that has lied to get a
man in trouble. Their sister did it, their
best friend did it, their best friends sister.
I know of at least 5 women in the last 40
years that lied to get a guy to do what
they wanted.

So women are very skeptical about stories
that are he said/she said. They know first
hand how easy that is. In the old days, if
you were raped, you had a hard time getting
the cops to believe it because they saw so
many lying women that they were skeptical
of every story if there wasn't a load of proof.

Ford's ex boyfriend is putting his law license
on the line by swearing under oath. I believe
him totally. And that thing she did with her
voice, the teen Valley Girl impression. What
55 year old educated woman talks like that.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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