Quote: aceofspadesDoes that mean you are reversing your former ruling that "#WEAK" is not a personal insult? Are you reversing the Wizard's ruling that comments about someone's comprehension of English are not bankable offenses?
These are serious questions - thank you for the time in answering them.
It means what it says. We're all adults. You seem to think my post was directed at one or more of yours. So, if you think it might have been, you should use a bit more tact, stick to facts, have a bit more consideration for the other members.
True for everyone in this thread. If you find you're starting to make it personal, get some attitude towards those you don't agree with, chances are you're right, you are. If you're continuing to be respectful while arguing, chances are you're fine.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt means what it says. We're all adults. You seem to think my post was directed at one or more of yours. So, if you think it might have been, you should use a bit more tact, stick to facts, have a bit more consideration for the other members.
True for everyone in this thread. If you find you're starting to make it personal, get some attitude towards those you don't agree with, chances are you're right, you are. If you're continuing to be respectful while arguing, chances are you're fine.
So long as everyone is on a level playing field, I am fine with this

Quote: aceofspadesStormy denied
For now. Her case is on a temporary stay because of the gravity of the other criminal charges against Cohen, and his 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination.
It would suck to be so criminal that people have to get in line to sue you.
Quote:U.S. District Judge S. James Otero in Los Angeles said Tuesday the request by Clifford, who goes by the stage name Stormy Daniels, didn’t overcome the seriousness of the criminal investigation into Trump’s longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who got a 90-day hold placed on the suit after pleading his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
“The gravity of the criminal investigation and the various competing interests in this action counseled in favor of a temporary stay,” Otero said.
Yeah, that's funny good news.
If Hillary Cliton was president she would not be holding those kids in cages.Quote: aceofspadesDinesh bringing the LULZ
She would be sex trafficking them out of a pizza shop.
Quote: rxwineThat's good news to you is it? Then this must be a good weather report, "Thunderstorms averted, but hail the size of baseballs expected."
Yeah, that's funny good news.
The entire Russian narrative is collapsing - Nothing will happen to President Trump or Michael Cohen
Quote: aceofspadesThe entire Russian narrative is collapsing - Nothing will happen to President Trump or Michael Cohen
And then they woke up and found out it was all a bad dream?

Quote: RSIt’s kinda funny (IMO) when the lefties try to lump us all together. Just because Trump does or doesn’t support something, it doesn’t mean I agree with him. Just because EvenBob, AZD, Boz, AoS, or whoever else believe something, it doesn’t mean I believe it, too.
I read an interesting piece saying we could just sell them off as slaves to other countries. I am against this, since I’m a humanitarian. But it would solve many issues — we’d obviously make money on it, they wouldn’t be able to come back (hopefully), and it may even dissuade others from coming here illegally. Kills 3 birds with 1 stone.
Yes human slavery
Very humanitarian of you
Quoted in the same post about why you are offended at being lumped in with other conservatives
Quote: TigerWuIf Trump legalized marijuana and fixed healthcare, he'd win by a landslide in 2020.
Yeah but hes trying to squelch the black and latino vote. Not encourage them
Quote: aceofspadesQuote: SOOPOOQuote: TigerWuHaha... I always think it's hilarious when conservatives lose their minds whenever liberals go on some march or protest or something. Rioting is one thing, but they even get upset at peaceful grassroots protests.
One of the most free and American things you can possibly do, and conservatives hate it when people exercise that right.
Why is that?
I am a conservative and I LOVE when people, Liberal or Conservative, engage in peaceful marches.
I'm never up in arms over PEACEFUL marches or protests by either side
I totally agree
I totally supported tea party protests
I used to live in DC
Saw Jewish and Palestinian protests and marches on the DC mall
supported both
What I don't get is conservatives going nuts and crazy over one of the most peaceful laid back quiet protests in the history of mankind. 99.9% of protests are loud and in your face.
The NFL protests have got to be the most mild protest in the history of mankind. Being at the game with so much going on, its really hard to notice anybody kneeling. If it wasn't for the media, majority of football fans at the game would not even be aware of a protest. Yet some conservatives go totally bonkers over this
Quote: RSIt’s kinda funny (IMO) when the lefties try to lump us all together.
....says the guy who lumps together liberals, socialists, and communists...
Quote: RSBut if I say communists or socialists, the liberals aren't going to think that applies to them. Hint: It does.
Haha... gimme a break, pal....
Quote: beachbumbabsIf the current level of rudeness and attacks keeps up, either we will have to close all the politics threads
I'd be okay with this. Maybe we should do a poll.
Quote: terapined
What I don't get is conservatives going nuts and crazy over one of the most peaceful laid back quiet protests in the history of mankind. 99.9% of protests are loud and in your face.
The NFL protests have got to be the most mild protest in the history of mankind. Being at the game with so much going on, its really hard to notice anybody kneeling. If it wasn't for the media, majority of football fans at the game would not even be aware of a protest. Yet some conservatives go totally bonkers over this
Most of them don't even know why even know why they're going bonkers over it. Trump and Fox News told them they should be angry, so they get angry.
I had a coworker say to me, "I hate what they're doing. And as a veteran, I bet YOU must be furious about this..." I was really confused why I should be furious, because it was a military veteran in the first place who told them to kneel because it would be more respectful than just sitting there doing nothing. And furthermore, peaceful protesting is one of the things that I was sworn to uphold as a service member of the United States military. I've been in a few veteran forums, and most of them are either supportive or indifferent. Almost no veterans I've come across are angry about it.
So yeah, I also don't get why pro-America, pro-military, pro-Constitution conservatives are going bonkers over one of the most pro-American, pro-military, pro-Constitution things you can possibly do - peaceful and respectful protest.
Quote: darkozYeah but hes trying to squelch the black and latino vote. Not encourage them
Really? How is he doing that?
Quote: darkozYes human slavery
Very humanitarian of you
Quoted in the same post about why you are offended at being lumped in with other conservatives
SMH as well. See........

Quote: TigerWuI guess if we're just posting crappy memes now....
Don't agree with either of those
Quote: aceofspades
Don't agree with either of those
Cool... but at least the NFL players continued to do their job.
Quote: TigerWuCool... but at least the NFL players continued to do their job.
So the righties who said "no one will be paying attention to this by the 4th of July" were probably correct.
It's curious though... all week Donald has been saying this is not his policy, it's the Dems fault, and there is nothing that can be done without changing the law. It's *almost* as if he was lying.
Quote: AZDuffmanSMH as well. See........
No. All i see is
"This plugin is not supported"

Quote: ams288Looks like Donald is folding and will sign an EO to keep families together while they're detained.
Called it yesterday.... haha....
Quote: TigerWuThe child thing will be over by the end of the month because Trump is going to reverse his policy. That's what he always does when faced with enough backlash to make himself look like the good guy.
Quote: ams288Looks like Donald is folding and will sign an EO to keep families together while they're detained.
So the righties who said "no one will be paying attention to this by the 4th of July" were probably correct.
It's curious though... all week Donald has been saying this is not his policy, it's the Dems fault, and there is nothing that can be done without changing the law. It's *almost* as if he was lying.
It must be a terrible feeling to be a billionaire and POTUS and insistent on getting your way...
Only to discover you are not actually a dictator and must bow to outside pressure
Quote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanSMH as well. See........
No. All i see is
"This plugin is not supported"
Upgrade your plugins. Adobe Flash.
Quote: darkozIt must be a terrible feeling to be a billionaire and POTUS and insistent on getting your way...
Only to discover you are not actually a dictator and must bow to outside pressure
You are cheering for EO's -- which come about as close to ruling as a dictator as you can get in this country - rather than a law passed by Congress and signed by POTUS
Quote: aceofspadeshttp://dailycaller.com/2018/06/19/photos-obama-immigration-detention-facilities/
Good find, Ace. Where was the media outrage.
"The policy of prosecuting immigrants for crossing the border illegally has been in place for multiple administrations. The Obama administration prosecuted half a million illegal immigrants and similarly separated families in the process. So did the Bush administration."

the executive order ending the actions re the kids must have really hurt you guys who liked it.
sure he is. it's a 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊.
Quote: lilredroosterAwwww shucks.
the executive order ending the actions re the kids must have really hurt you guys who liked it.
sure he is. it's a 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊.
Quote: EvenBobGood find, Ace. Where was the media outrage.
As per Ace's suggestion, I decided to do a little googling to get some more info on the situation:
"The rumors correctly suggested that “family detention” as a whole came before the Trump administration, but as of August 2015 intact families at the border were rarely separated. Other iterations of the rumor held that the Obama administration separated more children from their parents than the Trump administration, a claim stemming from an inaccurate retelling of the fact that an influx of unaccompanied minors from Latin America crossed the border in from 2014 onward. In those instances, minor children primarily traveled without their parents."
"On Monday, for instance, Kirstjen Nielsen, the current secretary of homeland security, falsely told reporters that the Obama administration also separated children and families. Although that was untrue, the issue of detaining migrant children and families was a familiar one in the Obama White House. The administration detained families together, sometimes indefinitely, in an attempt to deter more illegal immigration."
"In three years on my watch, we probably deported or returned or repatriated about a million people to enforce border security,” Jeh Johnson, who was homeland security secretary during a 2014 surge of migrants, told MSNBC. “One of the things I could not do is separate a child from his or her mother, or literally pull a mother from his or her arms. I just couldn’t do it.”
"But immigration advocates and former Obama administration officials say that's just not true: The Obama administration did not have any kind of widespread practice of separating children from their parents."
"The idea that this is simply a continuation of an Obama-era practice is "preposterous," said Denise Gilman, director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas Law School. "There were occasionally instances where you would find a separated family — maybe like one every six months to a year — and that was usually because there had been some actual individualized concern that there was a trafficking situation or that the parent wasn’t actually the parent.""
"Once custody concerns were resolved, "there was pretty immediately reunification," Gilman told NBC News. "There were not 2,000 kids in two months — it’s not the same universe," she added."
"Obama generally refrained from prosecution in cases involving adults who crossed the border with their kids," said Peter Margulies, an immigration law and national security law professor at Roger Williams University School of Law. "In contrast, the current administration has chosen to prosecute adult border-crossers, even when they have kids. That's a choice — one fundamentally different from the choice made by both Obama and previous presidents of both parties."
Denise Gilman, a law professor who directs the immigration clinic at the University of Texas School of Law, said immigration attorneys "occasionally" saw separated families under the Obama administration.
"However, these families were usually reunited quite quickly once identified," she said, "even if that meant release of a parent from adult detention."
More reading about family detention practices during the Obama era.
So yeah, Obama locked up kids (with their families) in steel cages. No one is disputing that. The issue at hand here, since day one, is how widespread the practice of separating children from their families is in the Trump era vs. the Obama era.
Quote: billryanAmazingly, our soulless POS turned out to have more heart than our phony neo-fascists members.
How is border protection “neo-fascist?”
I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Quote: billryanAmazingly, our soulless POS turned out to have more heart than our phony neo-fascists members.
Nothing wrong with a little nationalism every now and then. Better than trying to pretend to be something you are not. I am also in agreement of opinion that your remark is intended to be an insult. However, you will probably get off the hook because of your ignorance.
Quote: aceofspades#MAGA
I was wrong, I said this would be
gone by July 4th. It's gone today.
Somebody go to the strip club
and drag Skanky Daniels back to
CNN, her 24/7 show is about to
come back on.
Quote: EvenBobI was wrong, I said this would be
gone by July 4th. It's gone today.
Somebody go to the strip club
and drag Skanky Daniels back to
CNN, her 24/7 show is about to
come back on.
I say it's gonna be Russian collusion stuff for a few days, then tariffs. That should get us through the 4th. I still say Stormy's 15 minutes are up.
I think they really do think their base is stupid.
That should boost sports betting to an all-time new high.
Quote: AxelWolfCan someone wake me up when they used the cages for cage matches where they can earn their freedom?
We should decide our politicians that way, too.
Quote: TigerWuWe should decide our politicians that way, too.
What's the money line on Hillary versus Trump?
Got to be -100000 on DJT as Hillary is usually drunk, can barely walk without falling and wears a back brace
Quote: aceofspadesWhat's the money line on Hillary versus Trump?
Got to be -100000 on DJT as Hillary is usually drunk, can barely walk without falling and wears a back brace
It never would have gotten to Hillary v. Trump.
Hillary would have been out in the first round, and Trump is too fat to last and too dumb for any kind of strategy.
I don't know who, though.... None of these people look like they can fight... haha....
Quote: aceofspadesWhat's the money line on Hillary versus Trump?
100.00 she does not enter a primary
no odds. even money
It will be telling that no conservative will take this bet
Quote: terapined100.00 she does not enter a primary
no odds. even money
It will be telling that no conservative will take this bet
That wasn't the context of the conversation
We were discussing a cage match between politicians