So he ( Blavatnik ) contributes $383,000 to the Republican National Committee, donates a million dollars to Trumps inauguration fund and at least $12,000 to trumps legal defense team. This week the trump administration withdrew the economic sanctions on him.
Total coincidence, I'm sure. How is some one under sanction by the US Government even allowed to contribute to a Presidential Inauguration event, or a presidents defense fund?
I heard "If the election were held
today (22 months BEFORE the real
election) Trump would lose!"
They're ecstatic about it. They forgot
election night already, when EVERY
poll said Trump would lose badly,
and that was as the election was
happening. Yet almost 2 years from
the next election, they're having
orgasms again over polling. We
have to listen to this every day
for the next 22 MONTHS.
Quote: billryanThe Obama administration imposed sanctions on a Russian obligarch named Blavatnik.
So he ( Blavatnik ) contributes $383,000 to the Republican National Committee, donates a million dollars to Trumps inauguration fund and at least $12,000 to trumps legal defense team. This week the trump administration withdrew the economic sanctions on him.
Total coincidence, I'm sure. How is some one under sanction by the US Government even allowed to contribute to a Presidential Inauguration event, or a presidents defense fund?
"Political donations
In 2011, Blavatnik donated to both President Barack Obama and his GOP rival, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.[30]
Blavatnik is a supporter of the US Republican Party, and in 2015-2016 donated a total of $7.35 million to six Republican political candidates, including South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Arizona Senator John McCain.[31] In February 2016, Blavatnik donated over $1 million to an anti-Donald Trump GOP group.[32] He also donated $1 million to the committee for the inauguration of Donald Trump.[31] In August 2017, political scientist Bo Rothstein resigned from the Blavatnik School of Government out of opposition to Blavatnik's politics.[33]
Blavatnik and his American wife, Emily, also donated to Democratic Party candidates Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton.[34]
In 2017, after two senior Trump administration officials went on record as being lobbyists for Blavatnik’s Access Industries[35], Blavatnik was mentioned in investigations led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian donations to the administration.[36] Since April 2016 Blavatnik contributed $383,000 to the Republican National Committee and $1 million to Trump’s inauguration fund. However he did not give directly to the Trump campaign.[37]"
I think this is who you may be talking about:
"Their focus: a decision the department announced Sunday easing sanctions against giant energy and aluminum companies tied to Oleg Deripaska, a sanctioned Russian oligarch. It's relief that Treasury officials first announced in December."
There may be a story here about a discussion (with no proof yet) of possible conflict of interest issues but the guy you identify seems to give money to a lot of politicians and is not who was sanctioned, based on what I have found.
@ Deripaska... RonC...."Their focus: a decision the department announced Sunday easing sanctions against giant energy and aluminum companies tied to Oleg Deripaska,...
laugh. It's really hard to decide.
Just more "Fake Views" from the reprimander in chief.
Quote: MrVTrump is once again throwing the intelligence community under the bus.
Just more "Fake Views" from the reprimander in chief.
Its really shocking
Talk about ignoring the defense of this country
Its a vey dangerous world out there.
This is really shocking that Trump has this view
Conservatives should be outraged. Some in congress are but not enough
Really sad
"The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran. They are wrong! When I became President Iran was making trouble all over the Middle East, and beyond. Since ending the terrible Iran Nuclear Deal, they are MUCH different, but....
....a source of potential danger and conflict. They are testing Rockets (last week) and more, and are coming very close to the edge. There economy is now crashing, which is the only thing holding them back. Be careful of Iran. Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!"
When the only elections you win is when LESS people vote, it's not something to be particularly proud of.
If the argument is that no one under age 35 should have to "die for their country", I agree. Let's make it happen.
with no political experience, everybody
thinks that it's a real thing now.
They don't get it. Trump was elected because
of three things that will never happen together
again. People were sick to death of Obama
and his suckass policies. Hillary was the worst
candidate in history. And Trump was a well known
bigger than life personality that literally steam
rollered over anyone in his way.
Those three things will never happen at the same
time again. People with no political experience
are doomed, just like they always were.
Quote: SteverinosMitch McConnell says that making Election day a national holiday is a "power grab" from the Democrats. How bad do Republicans suck? Geez. When you are constantly making efforts to LIMIT the amount of people voting in this country, what does that say about you and your ideas?
When the only elections you win is when LESS people vote, it's not something to be particularly proud of.
Most of the Dems legal voting base doesn't work anyway LOL
Quote: mcallister3200Celebrities turn into politicians all the time EB
Not winning the presidency they don't..
Quote: aceofspadesMost of the Dems legal voting base doesn't work anyway LOL
Cracks me up.
"Dems WANT illegals to come to grow their voting base!"
"Dems voted for the wall already and are only opposing it because of TDS!"
Kind of mutually exclusive, aren't they?
But if you truly believe that Dems are lazy SOB's, then you'd have no problem making Election Day a national holiday. They'll just stay home and play video games anyway, right?
I can't think of ONE issue where the GOP isn't talking out of both sides of their ass in 2019. NOT ONE.
Quote: SteverinosBut if you truly believe that Dems are lazy SOB's,
So you think all those guys living
in their parents basement till they're
35 are conservatives? Smoking dope
in their underwear, watching soaps,
and getting fat. That fits the conservative
template? I don't think so..
Quote: SteverinosThen you'd have no problem making Election Day a national holiday.
I would not have a problem with it being a holiday in concept, but I don't think it would have the intended impact on getting many more to the polls after the first few cycles. We can really screw it up and make it a Monday holiday, which has caused the reason behind the holiday to take a back seat to the things one can do on a three day weekend. Not that people didn't do things besides honor the holiday before; many honored it and then did something.
There are some things--like vote harvesting--that should be eliminated. I don't mind early voting, but it is ridiculous to be able to find out the results and then go gather up the right kind of ballots to try and change it. Since we grant driving privileges to people not eligible to vote, we need to have proof of eligibility for voting. There are ways to do it without harming someone's ability to vote.
Anyway, the Holiday thing would still make everything dependent on who actually got people out to vote. Just like today, but with a free day off.
Quote: RonCI would not have a problem with it being a holiday in concept, but I don't think it would have the intended impact on getting many more to the polls after the first few cycles. We can really screw it up and make it a Monday holiday, which has caused the reason behind the holiday to take a back seat to the things one can do on a three day weekend. Not that people didn't do things besides honor the holiday before; many honored it and then did something.
There are some things--like vote harvesting--that should be eliminated. I don't mind early voting, but it is ridiculous to be able to find out the results and then go gather up the right kind of ballots to try and change it. Since we grant driving privileges to people not eligible to vote, we need to have proof of eligibility for voting. There are ways to do it without harming someone's ability to vote.
Anyway, the Holiday thing would still make everything dependent on who actually got people out to vote. Just like today, but with a free day off.
As long as we have early voting in every state and at least one early voting weekend, I don't think it should be a holiday. Hurts business productivity
Quote: EvenBobSo you think all those guys living
in their parents basement till they're
35 are conservatives? Smoking dope
in their underwear, watching soaps,
and getting fat. That fits the conservative
template? I don't think so..
Honestly have no idea what or who you're talking about. But if you're asking me what fits the conservative template, it's in between the people in this video and the Koch Brothers.
If I had to guess, I'd guess that some folks in there smoke dope in their underwear.
Quote: SteverinosHonestly have no idea what or who you're talking about.
You sound like a Hillary voter. Is that
considered a personal insult here yet?
Quote: EvenBobSo you think all those guys living
in their parents basement till they're
35 are conservatives? Smoking dope
in their underwear, watching soaps,
and getting fat. That fits the conservative
template? I don't think so..
I’ve met quite a few.
There is no template.
There are lazy a-holes who blame others for their problems on both sides.
I don’t understand why everything you say revolves around an us -vs- them mentality.
It’s the kind of thinking that has led to the garbage political situation in OUR country.
Quote: EvenBobNot winning the presidency they don't..
What about Reagan?
Yeah, he was governor first but I think it was his "ah, shucks" folksy image from his movies that got him elected.
Him following Carter is similar to Trump following Trump as well.
Quote: MrVWhat about Reagan? Yeah, he was governor first
Good grief.. facepalm..
Quote: gamerfreakI’ve met quite a few.
Never met any, yet you've met 'quite
a few'.. Hmmm. (holding tongue,
don't want to be suspended)
Quote: gamerfreakI’ve met quite a few.
There is no template.
There are lazy a-holes who blame others for their problems on both sides.
I don’t understand why everything you say revolves around an us -vs- them mentality.
It’s the kind of thinking that has led to the garbage political situation in OUR country.
all kinds
Some are libs
Some are conservative white trash out in the rural country ghetto that cant get a job
Quote: SteverinosWe could also abolish the anti-democratic Electoral College that was established to protect southern slave states.
13 original states , only 3 were Southern states, 4 if you count Maryland. Electoral College was a compromise between having Congress or popular vote elect the President. That's how Hillary explained it to me.
Quote: GWAEOne of things that I have been bashing trump about are the new tax laws. From all of my reading tax returns were going to be way lower. I had mentioned on here that we count on the tax return every year for various things. I am happy to say that I was wrong with all of my bashing. I just completed my taxes and I am getting about the same as I got last year plus I guess my paycheck is about $30 bigger each pay so it appears the tax break was a good thing for me. I have no problem admitting I was wrong. I am actually relieved to say that I am wrong.
It's a nice short term win, but when it becomes time to pay for the deficit or cut back the national debt that extra money won't mean much.
Quote: MintyIt's a nice short term win, but when it becomes time to pay for the deficit or cut back the national debt that extra money won't mean much.
the country is Fed when it comes to money, always has been and always will be. I don't concern myself about those things. The only thing that I care about is me , well and my family.
Quote: rsactuaryA good compromise that the Dems could put forth is to implement required ID to vote. Give people lots of time to get a valid piece of ID and that would take away another of the bogus screams we keep hearing from the right.
As far as I know, voting rights are the baliwick of the States. I think you would need a Constitutional amendment, but I'm not sure.
Quote: jackmagic77713 original states , only 3 were Southern states, 4 if you count Maryland. Electoral College was a compromise between having Congress or popular vote elect the President. That's how Hillary explained it to me.
I should've just said slave states. My bad your fault.
After James Wilson proposed direct national election to elect Presidents, James Madison, during a key speech at the Constitutional Convention, said that with a popular vote, the Southern States, "could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes."
The EC allowed for slave owning states to count their slaves as 3/5 of a person, Virginia emerging as the big winner, getting 12 out of the 91 electoral votes possible, more than a quarter of the 46 needed to win. After the 1800 census, Wilson's free state of Pennsylvania had 10% more free persons than Virginia, but got 20% fewer electoral votes. Think about that.
It's not a coincidence that for 32 of the Constitution's first 36 years, a white slaveholding Virginian occupied the presidency.
But really, whatever you believe about the origin of the EC (I happen to believe that the history is quite clear on it), it's getting harder and harder to argue that it makes sense to use it to elect our President in the 21st century.
Quote: jackmagic777Harder to argue ? No way , Hillary is not President. Makes EC valid for me.
Oh...okay. Right. Gotcha. Makes sense. Totally.
Quote: MintyWhere's the line?
We crossed it a long time ago.
Quote: MintyIt seems like he could do anything and that would still be the sentiment. Where's the line?
It's not Trump, it's what he represents.
He's an outsider, he's an interloper,
he's not supposed to be there.
They decided that Hillary would be
the next president in 2009. They made
her SoS, got rid of any real opponents,
made sure the media was in the loop.
It was all planned out to never have
another Repub president for 30 years,
if ever.
Even the pollsters were in on the fix.
It was the perfect storm, and Trump
was in the right place at the right time.
They don't hate Trump, they hate he
ruined their big plans for a socialist
utopia. Every day he's in office the more
that slips away. If RGB dies or the other
justices remove her (it's been done before)
they're really screwed.
stunned at the economic growth report
from Jan. They had convinced themselves
that Trump had slit his throat with the
government shutdown and that the
economy would collapse in January.
The exact opposite happened. 300,000
new jobs, paychecks went up an average
of 3% for the third month in a row.
This is devastating news and the media
is totally confused. They were counting
on preaching all day today on how
Trump had ruined the country with the
shutdown. Wait till he shuts it down
again, and see what happens.
of the Dem party? It's like they went to
the nursing home and dragged granny
to the mic. It's quite entertaining.
"What’s wrong with Nancy Pelosi?
The House Speaker spoke to reporters today for only about 21 minutes, but there were plenty of strange moments as she botched words, suffered face spasms and brain freezes. Lamenting the recent partial government shutdown, Pelosi said, “Veterans, many of whom— a third of the Republican— federal employees…”
“Maybe we can do something to help our contractors, uh, because they did— are— not getting paid,” she struggled to say.
The House Speaker attempted to read recent votes to reporters, and had trouble finding the right numbers in her notes.
“163— what is it, 163, uh, Democrats, uh, Republicans voted no,” she said, looking at reporters for dramatic effect, “to a resolution that says shutdowns are wrong.”
“163 voted, only 20, um, uh, 1 voted yes on that,” she added.
Addressing another vote, Pelosi said, “Only 29 voted yes on that. 163— 161 voted no,” she corrected herself.
Quote: EvenBobAnybody watch the media today? They're
stunned at the economic growth report
from Jan. They had convinced themselves
that Trump had slit his throat with the
government shutdown and that the
economy would collapse in January.
The exact opposite happened. 300,000
new jobs, paychecks went up an average
of 3% for the third month in a row.
This is devastating news and the media
is totally confused. They were counting
on preaching all day today on how
Trump had ruined the country with the
shutdown. Wait till he shuts it down
again, and see what happens.
It's going to get revised downward, just like December's was. December, after preliminary numbers were corrected, was about 88,000 less than they reported and you're bragging about.
January numbers are heavily skewed by 800000 federal workers and 1M+ contractors having to go out and get jobs fast. Their stopped jobs were not terminated, so those were not subtracted, but those same people were ghosting while working in service and transportation and other easy-hire jobs.
Quote: TomGShe had sex with Trump in an attempt to help her career. This is old news
I consider it a non story if a porn actress sleeps with someone to enhance her career.
I consider it a big story if a politician sleeps with someone to enhance her career, ESPECIALLY when the person she is sleeping with will give her jobs assuming her 'performance' was good enough. I think the Dems will be smart enough to nominate someone without this baggage.
Blocked Calls with Trump Jr. Were Not With His Father, Senate Investigators Conclude