Quote: petroglyphIt has many names, inflation, deflation, fees, taxes, whatever.
The US$ is worth less than 3% of what it was in 1913 when congress passed the fed reserve act on Christmas eve.
The gold that came out of the Klondike in 1892 was priced at less than $19 per ounce.
Inflation is a stealth tax levied mostly on the poor.
Do you think today's poor are worse off then the poor of 1913? I don't see where a hundred plus years of inflation hurt them, or anyone else.
You do raise a conundrum, it is easier [at least in the US] for the poor to fill their belly's.Quote: billryanDo you think today's poor are worse off then the poor of 1913? I don't see where a hundred plus years of inflation hurt them, or anyone else.
But there is a global opportunity cost from kiting checks for a hundred years.
I don't understand the motivation?
Quote: petroglyphhttps://www.truthdig.com/articles/white-house-considers-plan-to-deport-vietnam-refugees/
I don't understand the motivation?
A bully is his own motivation.
Some might say Donnie wants to make America white again, but that would be mean. I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason America should deport a few thousand people who escaped communism and have been living here the last 25 years.
Heck, conditions in Ireland have greatly improved since the Potato Famine. Lets get rid of a few million Papists while we are taking out the trash.
Quote: petroglyphhttps://www.truthdig.com/articles/white-house-considers-plan-to-deport-vietnam-refugees/
I don't understand the motivation?
DHS wants to deport Vietnamese criminals.
That misleading article, which is based on the Atlantic article, left out this part:
Katie Waldman, a spokeswoman for DHS said: “We have 5,000 convicted criminal aliens from Vietnam with final orders of removal—these are non-citizens who during previous administrations were arrested, convicted, and ultimately ordered removed by a federal immigration judge. It’s a priority of this administration to remove criminal aliens to their home country.”
National Review
"This includes people such as Tam Minh Le, who arrived here illegally in 1990 and was jailed for shooting a man in the head in 1993. Since he could not be deported, he was released on parole in 2005, after which he slit the throats of two fellow gang members, for which he was sentenced to death in 2016."
"Another example is Binh Thai Luc, who immigrated with his family in 1989. He was ordered deported after a 1998 conviction for armed robbery, but since Vietnam wouldn’t take him back, he had to be released. That proved unfortunate for five members of the Lei family of San Francisco, whom he murdered in a botched burglary in 2012."
They apparently padded tenant's rents with fake costs.
Quote:As a way to appreciate the scope of the impact, a onetime $10 increase in 1995 on all the 8,000 apartments involved would put the total overpaid by tenants at more than $33 million to date, an analysis of approved rent increases shows.
Mr. Leitner, a retired computer programmer, was not pleased to learn that his rent had been artificially inflated. Like other tenants interviewed by The Times, he wants that money back.
Quote: billryanA newly released video shows Trumps new Chief of Staff calling Donny a " terrible human being".
Well, he wasn’t wrong...
Quote:"I have watched with dismay and increasing horror as my nephew, an educated man who is well aware of his heritage, has become the architect of immigration policies that repudiate the very foundation of our family’s life in this country."
Dr. David S. Glosser, uncle of Stephen Miller
"A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live. It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?"
Trump is questioning if its legal to make fun of him
What a thin skinned clown
Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells
Dashing to the polls
On the next election day
Casting all our votes
So Republicans go away
The House is turning blue
A warning to the right
We're going to get our country back
And soon remove this blight
Trumpies suck, trumpies suck
Trumpies suck all day
They'll deport you if you're Muslim
And hate you if you're gay, hey
Trumpies suck, trumpies suck
Trumpies suck all day
Oh what fun it is to live
In a country run this way
2nd verse.....
Trump is just an ass
Impeachment is in view
Kick the bastard out
That's what we've got to do
McConnell has to go
His Senate cronies too
When 2020 elections come around
Their numbers will be few
Trumpies suck, trumpies suck
Trumpies suck all day
If you cross the border
They may take your kids away, hey
Trumpies suck, trumpies suck
Trumpies suck all day
Oh what fun it is to live
In a country run this way
*snipped from PDX craigslist.com rants and raves: I do not claim authorship
Quote: terapinedTrump tweet
"A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live. It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?"
Trump is questioning if its legal to make fun of him
What a thin skinned clown
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
Too bad the democrats are weak and in disarray, otherwise they'd capitalize on it.
Time for the young-uns / millenials to get politically involved and take over the democrats and remake it into something they can believe in.
"Sometimes, I think it's a shame when it feels like I'm winning but I'm losing again."
Quote: billryanTrump Foundation agrees to dissolve, but the NY AG is continuing its criminal and civil investigation and lawsuit.
Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation continues to do good work and actually helps people (who aren’t the Clintons).
Quote: ams288Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation continues to do good work and actually helps people (who aren’t the Clintons).
LOL, you should write comedy.
Looks like the foundation will do less "good" work now since donations were way down 57.8% in 2017
I guess the pay to play scam is falling apart.

I wonder how much more the contributions will continue to fall in 2018?
Quote: FleaswatterLOL, you should write comedy.
Which part of my statement was incorrect?
“Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation continues to do good work and actually helps people (who aren’t the Clintons).”
Quote: FleaswatterI wonder how much more the contributions will continue to fall in 2018?
I can think of at least one person that quit contributing.
His name is Donald Trump.
The next question is why would a "stable genius" donate to a corrupt organization in the first place?
But the truth is that the Clinton Foundation continuously receives A grades from charity watchdog organizations and is a fantastic charity. I welcome an investigation into the bulls**t.
When you see that the contributions are down, the obvious response is, "Duh."
Compared to:
Here's another reference:
Donald Took $7 out of his Charity to pay for his Son’s Boy Scout Membership Fees
Quote:It could be a crazy coincidence: the Trump Foundation just happens to give the Boy Scouts a fee of $7, the same year his kid is old enough to join the Boy Scouts, the exact same amount needed to join the Boy Scouts!
Don’t forget — if this is true, he didn’t even pay this measly $7 from his pocket, but rather from his charity bin, filled with money expected to go to noble causes and worthy endeavors….not to pay for his kid’s Boy Scout membership fees!
Quote: ams288My favorite Trump Foundation story:
Donald Took $7 out of his Charity to pay for his Son’s Boy Scout Membership Fees
Quote: ams288Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation continues to do good work and actually helps people (who aren’t the Clintons).
Aha! So we agree, Clinton’s aren’t good people!
Before the mid-terms, RonC took umbrage over some of us calling Donald’s promise of a “10% middle class tax cut” a LIE (which it was) vs. a “misstatement.”
Quote: RonCPolitical Promise = the new 10% tax cut
Misstatement = whatever he said that had to do with doing anything before the election. The only thing that can happen before that is to present a plan and perhaps write the bill
Mnuchin Backs Off Trump's Promise of 10% Middle-Class Tax Cut
There is a hint of irony though, lol.
Quote: SteverinosWe are sending too many people to jail for too long. The criminal justice reform bill passed in the Senate is called the "First Step Act", appropriately so. It's not a sweeping major overhaul as some have described it, but it's exactly what it's called, a good first step. A rare display of bipartisanship in a time when it's needed. You have to applaud the efforts.
There is a hint of irony though, lol.
F That, do the crime, do the crime. Face it, it you are not smart enough to understand you are going to jail when caught you don’t deserve freedom.
Just another example of certain people, including Trump, thinking they are better than others. And those others are not their equals and can’t help turning to crime. It’s an insult to anyone who ever pulled themselves up from a bad situation and made the right choices.
Mike Lee is wrong on this too. There I said it.
Quote: BozF That, do the crime, do the crime. Face it, it you are not smart enough to understand you are going to jail when caught you don’t deserve freedom.
Just another example of certain people, including Trump, thinking they are better than others. And those others are not their equals and can’t help turning to crime. It’s an insult to anyone who ever pulled themselves up from a bad situation and made the right choices.
Mike Lee is wrong on this too. There I said it.
This bill mostly deals with non-violent drug offenses.
Life in prison under 3 strikes for dealing weed is excessive.
Today he declared victory in Syria and has ordered our troops out.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Quote: BozF That, do the crime, do the crime.
Oh don't get me twisted, I wholeheartedly agree. I'm a huge advocate of Trump going to prison after he serves his term, but not for the rest of his life. Sending people to jail for the rest of their life for non-violent offenses is a non-starter to me.
See, the definition of personal freedom to me, as a progressive, is that I can do what I want with MY BODY. It's not your business nor anybody else's if I want to smoke a joint, snort lines, or shoot heroin. OR....play poker on the internet. (Thanks again Republicans, you guys rock)
The War on Drugs is bulls**t.
Evidently, you can still fool some of the people all of the time.
Hows that 401K doing today?
Quote: gamerfreakI bet Boz is also in favor of the Death Penalty.
Of course I am, not sure how anyone can’t be.
I know, the old liberal motto, better a 1000 killers walk free than one innocent man go to jail. Naturally they never consider the victims of crime and how their lives are affected.
Yes it sadly has been used against minorities in a higher percentage of cases. That’s wrong and can easily be fixed by applying it more often to everyone convicted of 1st Degree Murder by a jury of fellow citizens.
It may not be a deterrent but it sure saves money. I don’t see any normal person complaining McVeigh was put to death rather quickly, with due process. Some people just don’t deserve the right to live out their life in prison.
Quote: BozOf course I am, not sure how anyone can’t be.
I know, the old liberal motto, better a 1000 killers walk free than one innocent man go to jail. Naturally they never consider the victims of crime and how their lives are affected.
Yes it sadly has been used against minorities in a higher percentage of cases. That’s wrong and can easily be fixed by applying it more often to everyone convicted of 1st Degree Murder by a jury of fellow citizens.
It may not be a deterrent but it sure saves money. I don’t see any normal person complaining McVeigh was put to death rather quickly, with due process. Some people just don’t deserve the right to live out their life in prison.
You can’t be in favor of small government AND capital punishment. They are mutually exclusive ideas. Pick one.
I thought government was bad at everything, why is this any exception?? There have been 156 death row inmates exonerated since 1976, around 1400 were executed in the same timeframe. So we have has at least a 10% failure rate in sentencing guilty people to death.
The fact that an innocent person can be imprisoned and executed by the State is as big and bad as government gets.
It’s not cheaper like you suggest either. Seeking the death penalty imposes an average of approximately $700,000 more in case-level costs than not seeking death.
I can see what makes the republican party so attractive to some people. It's good to always have someone to blame. It's not you, it's them.
Quote: billryanRepublican Congressman in Maine is suing to be declared winner of a race he lost, claiming that he was in the lead on election day. Meanwhile in North Carolina, Republicans want to seat a man who they admit was involved in the worse voter fraud scandal in years. They say to do the election over but put this cheater into Congress pending a new election.
I can see what makes the republican party so attractive to some people. It's good to always have someone to blame. It's not you, it's them.
The Maine suit was tossed.
A little more info - It was a ranked-choice vote, and after the first accounting he had the most 1st place votes, but not more than half of the votes. He was seeking to have the ranked-choice voting system declared unconstitutional.
Regarding ranked-choice voting:
Quote:But Walker, appointed by Republican President Donald Trump, said states are given great leeway in how they conduct elections. Critics can question the wisdom of ranked-choice voting, Walker said, but such criticism “falls short of constitutional impropriety.”
Quote: billryanRepublican Congressman in Maine is suing to be declared winner of a race he lost, claiming that he was in the lead on election day. Meanwhile in North Carolina, Republicans want to seat a man who they admit was involved in the worse voter fraud scandal in years. They say to do the election over but put this cheater into Congress pending a new election.
I can see what makes the republican party so attractive to some people. It's good to always have someone to blame. It's not you, it's them.
This is a great op-ed that just came out a few days ago:
Whatever happened to the GOP principle of personal responsibility?
Quote: gamerfreakThis is a great op-ed that just came out a few days ago:
Whatever happened to the GOP principle of personal responsibility?
Quote:The president must own up to the egregious personal mistakes he made years ago that immersed him in his current legal predicament. Nobody forced Trump to engage in wild sexual escapades while Melania Trump was pregnant with the couple’s son.
That's just straight up retarded.
Quote:When allegations about affairs with a porn star and Playboy model threatened to blow up Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, nobody forced him to arrange hush-money payments through his lawyer, Michael Cohen. The specific goal of these payments was to deprive voters of important information they needed in order to judge Trump’s character and background.
I think you meant "third rate op-ed" not "great". Because this is most certainly terrible.
Quote: RSQuote: gamerfreakThis is a great op-ed that just came out a few days ago:
Whatever happened to the GOP principle of personal responsibility?
That's just straight up retarded.
I think you meant "third rate op-ed" not "great". Because this is most certainly terrible.
Its almost longer than your tagline
Quote: darkozQuote: RSQuote: gamerfreakThis is a great op-ed that just came out a few days ago:
Whatever happened to the GOP principle of personal responsibility?
That's just straight up retarded.
I think you meant "third rate op-ed" not "great". Because this is most certainly terrible.
Its almost longer than your tagline
Yet not nearly as succulent.
It's almost like it was a campaign promise or something.Quote: billryanShowing his usual testicular fortitude, the noble leader is cutting and running in Syria. What a man.

Quote:"Either Trump never intended to build a wall and was scamming voters from the beginning or he hasn’t the first idea in how to get it done and no interest in finding out," Coulter told The Daily Caller. "My prediction is his support will evaporate and Trump will very likely not finish his term and definitely not be elected to a second term."
After she made these comments, Donald unfollowed her on Twitter. (lol)
Quote: ams288Trouble in paradise:
After she made these comments, Donald unfollowed her on Twitter. (lol)
Actually she has been calling him out for not following through on this promise for the past year. And she is right, he showed he is not ready for Prime Time and got played by Chuck & Nancy. Even he has to see how bad he looks to his supporters on this one.
You should be hopeful they find other ways to screw him over in the next 2 years in the spirit of Bipartisanship.
He won with the support of new voters disillusioned with politics as usual who believed in him and what he said. In the end, he’s just another lying politician.
It’s a good day for your side today AMS, at this point whichever crazy on the left can survive the primaries is our next President. Unless of course Pence takes over before 20.
Quote: RSQuote: gamerfreakThis is a great op-ed that just came out a few days ago:
Whatever happened to the GOP principle of personal responsibility?
That's just straight up retarded.
I think you meant "third rate op-ed" not "great". Because this is most certainly terrible.
Ok, maybe not “great” :)
But what about the parts you quoted are “straight up retarded”?
Do you not agree that personal responsibility and family values have historically been strong principles of conservatism?
Do you not agree that those principles have been eroded under Donald Trump?
Quote: ams288Trouble in paradise:
After she made these comments, Donald unfollowed her on Twitter. (lol)

Quote: darkozLooks like Americans are gonna pay for it now
And I thought the lottery was a tax on stupidity.
Trump promised his wall wouldn't cost taxpayers one cent. If his supporters want to privately fund it, I say go for it.