Found this Cracked Magazine cover from 1973
Coincidence it's talking about a similar plagued presidency? The Nixon White House?

Are they going to let the Saudi's tell it any way they like and go with that?
Quote: rxwineAnyone wonder if Trump is going to go with the Saudi's ever changing story? They've admitted he's dead. SO, there's that undeniable admission.
Are they going to let the Saudi's tell it any way they like and go with that?
They orchestrated 9/11 yet he still bent the knee to them.
Quote: rxwineAnyone wonder if Trump is going to go with the Saudi's ever changing story? They've admitted he's dead. SO, there's that undeniable admission.
Are they going to let the Saudi's tell it any way they like and go with that?
Yes. Trump always agrees with whoever spoke to him last, regardless of whether or not it contradicts anything else.
Quote: TigerWuYes. Trump always agrees with whoever spoke to him last, regardless of whether or not it contradicts anything else.
Except news reporters
Quote: darkozExcept news reporters
They just incompetent. :-)
Why would they do this since Trump is "literally Hitler"?
I just want to know who here thinks they should be let into the USA (other than BBB) and why?Quote: RSSo apparently there's a human caravan that started in Honduras and they're making their way up through Mexico and plan on going to the USA.
Why would they do this since Trump is "literally Hitler"?
Quote: billryanOther than the fact that America has always welcomed refugees and that the rich and powerful have an obligation to care for the weak and poor, no reason at all.
We seem to be at full occupancy. When the hotel is 99% full I'm not sure why someone wants to give away the last couple rooms. Do you think any there can afford the non discounted rack rate? I wonder if they would still want a room at a non discounted price? Can we send one over to your spare room?
Quote: RSSo apparently there's a human caravan that started in Honduras and they're making their way up through Mexico and plan on going to the USA.
Honestly, who cares?
This is an obvious distraction by Donald/the GOP/Fox News to rile up his racist base before the midterms.
They lose on the issues (how about that tax bill, eh? how about those votes to deny health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions, eh?), so they have to resort to blaming brown people for everything.
It's tired.
Quote: AxelWolfI just want to know who here thinks they should be let into the USA (other than BBB) and why?
They’re worth it. They only cost us $18.5 billion in cross-subsidized health care, and only 62% of illegal immigrant households are on the federal dole.
Then they keep giving, with between 300,000 and 400,000 anchor babies every year, which only cost us $2.4 billion annually.
This helps the cities and towns, because they get to raise taxes and spend billions, building new schools and hiring thousands of teachers to educate these kids.
Only 75% of them are committing felonies using false ID’s and Social Security numbers to get jobs, and they have contributed hundreds of billions to Social Security, which they will never get back.
They also help landlords like me, by competing for housing, which causes property values to rise, and forces more people into the rental pool, which puts tremendous upward pressure on rents.
Quote: ams288Honestly, who cares?
This is an obvious distraction by Donald/the GOP/Fox News to rile up his racist base before the midterms.
They lose on the issues (how about that tax bill, eh? how about those votes to deny health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions, eh?), so they have to resort to blaming brown people for everything.
It's tired.
What is tired is this kind of rhetoric trying to turn the issue of illegal immigration into a race issue.
Unfettered illegal immigration, without regard to race, color, or anything else, is a bad idea. That is why many Democrats are concerned about immigration, too. Does their concern make them against brown people, too?
The next thing someone will come up with that Trump is supporting the caravan in order to impact the election.
Democrats are not doing as well as they thought on the issues you raised, so the next best thing is to distract, call people names, and disrupt folks at dinner.
Quote: RonCDemocrats are not doing as well as they thought on the issues you raised
Huh? What world are you living in?
Dems are killing it on the issue of health care. And the GOP doesn’t even mention their tax bill in their ads.
Haven't seen any ads about the "caravan."
Quote: AxelWolfI just want to know who here thinks they should be let into the USA (other than BBB) and why?
Freedom of Movement. Libertarianism. The notion that people shouldn't be, "Owned," by any one Government, but only subject to that Government's laws while there.
Quote: ams288Huh? What world are you living in?
Dems are killing it on the issue of health care. And the GOP doesn’t even mention their tax bill in their ads.
Overall, the race is closer than they thought it would be. I am not saying that they are not using those issues, but the race as a whole is coming closer than anyone thought it would. That means that they are not getting as much traction with their issues as they thought they would.
It isn't what your ads is the results. Democrats expected to take a very large number of seats. They may do that, but it doesn't look like they will take nearly as many as they thought.
Quote: Mission146Freedom of Movement. Libertarianism. The notion that people shouldn't be, "Owned," by any one Government, but only subject to that Government's laws while there.
All well and fine...but I can bet the vast majority won't want to be treated under Libertarian principles when they get here...
Even assuming, for the sake of argument, that every single one of those people is just let into the U.S. willy-nilly, that number is a statistical rounding error in the grand scheme of political issues that we need to be discussing right now.
I doubt even a fraction of that 2,000, if any, even make it to the U.S. border and are let in.
Total non-issue.
EDIT: Okay, now I'm seeing the total is 7,000 people? I think for the most part my point still stands, though.
Quote: RonCOverall, the race is closer than they thought it would be.
Who is "they?"
Quote:I am not saying that they are not using those issues, but the race as a whole is coming closer than anyone thought it would.
Says who? Anyone who knows about the level of gerrymandering in this country has known how stacked the deck is against the Dems. Dems need to win the popular vote by 5.4% just to be favored to win a simple majority of House seats. Saying the race is "closer than anyone thought it would" be is just plain wrong.
Quote:Democrats expected to take a very large number of seats.
I have no idea where you are getting this from. Dems need to flip 24 Republican seats to get the house (without losing any of their currently held ones). THAT alone would be a "very large number" of seats.
I'm still not calling it one way or the other, that is up to EvenBob.
Quote: RonCI'm not going to argue with you, ams288. I think we pretty much all have seen the Democrats lose momentum.
Lost momentum in the Senate (which they were never going to win this year), but gained momentum in the House and Governors races...
Quote:I'm still not calling it one way or the other, that is up to EvenBob.
He’s on record saying the GOP will keep the House by 10-15 seats.
I have made no predictions (EDIT: well, I guess I did make a prediction about the Senate up above). I learned my lesson in 2016. I am not nearly as optimistic as some Dems seem to be.
I'm mostly focused on Michigan. We have a chance to elect a Dem governor (a good chance) and pass ballot proposals that will: end gerrymandering, legalize weed, and make it much easier for people to vote. Even if things go south nationally on election night for the libs, it will hopefully be a good night here in Michigan.
I am sure it will settle down to the more usual lazy pace for the next week or so before picking up towards the end of early voting.
I'm all for every person who can legally vote having their vote counted, but I don't think we need three weeks to ensure that.
Quote: billryanI'm not a fan of this extended early voting. In NY, you vote Election Day or you send an absentee ballot in. While I'm 99.% sure who I'm voting for, selecting them two weeks ahead of time is silly. Suppose I vote for Candidate A and in ten days he is arrested for something.
I'm all for every person who can legally vote having their vote counted, but I don't think we need three weeks to ensure that.
Yeah, probably a week tops is "good enough", and if is isn't, then that state needs to open up their pocketbook to be able to run an election fairly.
Quote: RonCI'm not going to argue with you, ams288. I think we pretty much all have seen the Democrats lose momentum.
I'm still not calling it one way or the other, that is up to EvenBob.
Lol if EvenBob calls it, it's a Republican landside no matter what the reality is.
And I do feel like there is a slight momentum slip. So much is going on, and the average American is likely tired of thinking about it. Fortunately for the Republicans, the economy hasn't tanked yet due to their trickle-down policies. I wonder how many seats the Dems win if we had a major crash before the election? (Not saying I want that to happen.)
Quote: billryanI'm not a fan of this extended early voting. In NY, you vote Election Day or you send an absentee ballot in. While I'm 99.% sure who I'm voting for, selecting them two weeks ahead of time is silly. Suppose I vote for Candidate A and in ten days he is arrested for something.
I'm all for every person who can legally vote having their vote counted, but I don't think we need three weeks to ensure that.
If you want to wait till the last possible day to vote, that's your business and right.
I could care less, its none of my business
Wait till the last possible minute, a person has all day to get arrested on election day ROTFL
If I want to make a decision today and vote, that's my business and none of your business.
3 weeks is perfect. Gives everybody a chance to vote at their convenience.
The govt should make life easy not hard.
Quote: billryanSuppose I vote for Candidate A and in ten days he is arrested for something.
To others, perhaps a low probability occurrence.
For us, we're actually casting votes for someone known to have committed a crime and will certainly face charges / be arrested soon.
I don't have a comment for that.
These people are just trying to survive day to day after that hurricane. The area is devastated
Damm right they should be given a few weeks to vote
have some compassion
Election day is right smack in the middle of hurricane season
Can you guarantee no hurricanes a couple weeks from today?
Give the people weeks to vote
You may elect criminals, but at least they are alive.Quote: FaceTo others, perhaps a low probability occurrence.
For us, we're actually casting votes for someone known to have committed a crime and will certainly face charges / be arrested soon.
I don't have a comment for that.
Dennis Hof may still win?
"A Montgomery County judge sentenced Reynolds to 12 months in the county jail following that 2015 conviction, but Reynolds spent the last three years appealing the conviction. Reynolds’ law license was suspended on May 2, 2016.
Since the convictions were misdemeanors, Reynolds will not have to resign his elected office. Reynolds will likely be sitting in a jail cell when the legislature reconvenes in January 2019."
The hurricane season begins on June 1, peaks inQuote: terapinedElection day is right smack in the middle of hurricane season
Can you guarantee no hurricanes a couple weeks from today?
Give the people weeks to vote
September and ends on Nov. 30, relatively close to Nov. 6.
It’s not often that you can see the exact moment a politician’s spine leaves his body.
Quote: ams288
It’s not often that you can see the exact moment a politician’s spine leaves his body.
They were pretty strict
When I signed, they refused to accept my signature
Sorry but my signature is very sloppy and all over the place
Overall somewhat similar but in reality no 2 are alike
They made me sign again asking if I could try to copy what's on my license.
I glance at my license and notice that's one of my more sloppier ones. lol
They were not thrilled with the 2nd signature but accepted it
Its ridiculous. What's next. Handwriting experts at the polls?
My face on my ID is not good enough?
My right to vote should not depend on the a ability to produce an exact match signature to what's on my ID
Quote: ams288LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!!
Huixtla, Mexico to the closet point on the Texas border is about 1140 miles.
Average walking speed is 3 mph.
Walking 8 hours a day, it would take 47 days to cover that distance.
Even 12 hours a day would take almost 32 days.
However, the original caravan left San Pedro Sula 10 days ago, and in that time they've managed to cover about 483 miles. That means they've been walking 16 hours a day or else they've had transportation. (Have they had transportation? I haven't been paying much attention to this story since it's nothing but fearmongering bulls***.)
Hey, if they manage to make all the way to the U.S. border that would be pretty impressive. Maybe we can give them all jobs building the wall.
Quote: terapinedVoted today in Tampa
They were pretty strict
When I signed, they refused to accept my signature
Sorry but my signature is very sloppy and all over the place
Overall somewhat similar but in reality no 2 are alike
They made me sign again asking if I could try to copy what's on my license.
I glance at my license and notice that's one of my more sloppier ones. lol
They were not thrilled with the 2nd signature but accepted it
Its ridiculous. What's next. Handwriting experts at the polls?
My face on my ID is not good enough?
My right to vote should not depend on the a ability to produce an exact match signature to what's on my ID
I doubt it was your signature that was the problem, ed. Haven't you said before you're of mixed race? This is Florida. We're pretty racist here. And, I'm guessing registered as a Dem,or a not-Republican, which they could see.
Thanks for voting. We were going today, the first early voting here, but Mom isn't up to it, so we'll try again tomorrow.
Quote: TigerWuMaybe we can give them all jobs building the wall.
Or Rolls-Royce's.
Dude is a clown. Embarrassing.
Quote: petroglyphYou may elect criminals, but at least they are alive.
Dennis Hof may still win?
Hof probably will win. I voted for former Gov. Mel Carnahan for US Senate in 2000 after he died in a plane crash and he won. His wife was assigned the seat and she then lost in a 2002 special election to my former representative. The loser of the 2000 election, John Ashcroft, became W's attorney general afterward.
Quote: billryanIf someone votes today and dies, why does their vote count? They obviously wouldn't be eligible to vote on election day.
Well, in some states absentee ballots are counted if the person dies before election day, and in some states they aren't counted. So I guess it is also state by state as to whether or not early votes cast in person count if the voter dies before the election.
There are various different laws for dealing with 'candidate dies before election day' too.
Quote: SteverinosOr Rolls-Royce's.
Dude is a clown. Embarrassing.
That's like the whole Obama Phone fake news thing, only 1,000 times dumber.
Quote: beachbumbabsI doubt it was your signature that was the problem, ed. Haven't you said before you're of mixed race? This is Florida. We're pretty racist here. And, I'm guessing registered as a Dem,or a not-Republican, which they could see.
Thanks for voting. We were going today, the first early voting here, but Mom isn't up to it, so we'll try again tomorrow.
Wrong...he is registered as a Republican...
Quote: terapinedII am a registered republican because I don't trust republicans. I figure being registered as a republican, they wont mess with my voting status. I see Georgia purged 100k voters :-(
I renew my DL in 2020. I think i'll just draw a straight line next time.
Your signature is your signature, it doesn't have to be your name.Quote: rxwineThey asked me to sign like my driver's license as well.
I renew my DL in 2020. I think i'll just draw a straight line next time.
Quote: RonCWrong...he is registered as a Republican...
Ah, that's right, he did say that, thanks.
Quote: beachbumbabsAh, that's right, he did say that, thanks.
Florida appears to require signatures of voters to come close to the ones on record:
"When voting in person, by provisional ballot, or by Vote-by-Mail ballot, Florida election law requires each voter to sign a Voter’s Certificate. While an exact match of a voter’s signature is not required, the signature must reasonably match the signature of record."
They do provide provisions for updating your signature (from the same site):
"Ensuring that the signature on file with our office is fresh will help alleviate delays at the polls when matching the signature at check in, and can prevent a Vote-by-Mail ballot from being disqualified due to a non-matching signature.
Voters should update their signature if:
Voter signature has changed over time.
Voter updated signature at Driver License office and experienced difficulty with electronic signature pad.
Voter decided to change the style of signature.
Voter adopted different styles of signature for professional and personal use.
Voter name changed.
Voter has hand injury or change in motor skills.
Last signature on file is over 10 years old and may lack sufficient detail for comparison with current signature."
Quote: Mooseton☝️ So he’s just missing some white privilege then lol
Yes--if you can't find a logical reason to oppose something like Voter ID or the request for signatures to look similar, call it racist. We all know that no one out there lies, cheats, or steals IDs, Social Security Numbers, or anything of the sort.
As I've said before, I am in favor of Voter ID with provisions to make sure every legal US citizen can get an ID and is allowed to vote, if they desire. I also favor carving out an age where it is not as stringent and moving that age up until all of those people are gone.