Quote: billryanPropose a wager.
It's real simple. I take the NO on either of them showing up and you take the YES. How hard is that too understand? Preferably a wager for an amount of money but we could do rib eyes, if you are more comfortable with that
Quote: MaxPenIt's real simple. I take the NO on either of them showing up and you take the YES. How hard is that too understand? Preferably a wager for an amount of money but we could do rib eyes, if you are more comfortable with that
Fine. $100. No bet if the chairwoman cancels it.
Quote: terapinedSome people on the right really disgust me
I am sure Fox and Briebart are working hard to have Dems accused
If that happens
I will listen to any women that claims sexual assault regardless if its against a Dem or Republican
It really disgusts me that some conservatives will try to shame a woman claiming sexual assault by posting their picture all over the internet with disgusting memes. Its disgusting
I think its important to listen to ALL women that claim sexual assault
Unfortunately in our current environment you have people using women as pawns to further their own agendas. It is only diminishing the credibility of real victims in the future. I will listen to a real victim but not a troll.
Quote: billryanNo bet if the chairwoman cancels it.
Is Chuck Grassley transitioning?!
Quote: billryanFine. $100. No bet if the chairwoman cancels it.
Remove the chair woman clause and I will book it.
Quote: billryanFine. $100. No bet if the chairwoman cancels it.
I know the Dr. Ford was invited to testify, but I'm sure about the other woman? (the other woman may not show up simply because she was not invited to testify).
Quote: MaxPenI will listen to a real victim but not a troll.
If a woman accused a Dem or Rep of sexual abuse in anyway
How do you separate the trolls?
How do you determine who is a real victim?
Its important to listen to all sexual assault victims
We should never ever post disgusting memes of sexual assault victims if the truth has not been determined yet
This pubic shaming before the facts are determined is totally disgusting
We need to encourage women to come out and be honest about this. Not shame them into not coming out when the facts have not been determined
Quote: terapined...It really disgusts me that some conservatives will try to shame a woman claiming sexual assault by posting their picture all over the internet with disgusting memes. Its disgusting...
I don't appreciate you practically calling me disgusting.
Quote: MaxPenRemove the chair woman clause and I will book it.
So what happens if Chuckles cancels the circus?
Quote: billryanSo what happens if Chuckles cancels the circus?
The bet is she will/will not testify tomorrow. $100
Real simple. I take the will not.
You get a free roll on Ramirez
So far the only part of the procedure accomplished, has been removing half the brain.Quote: ams288Is Chuck Grassley transitioning?!
Quote: 777I know the Dr. Ford was invited to testify, but I'm sure about the other woman? (the other woman may not show up simply because she was not invited to testify).
Now I know why you are so confused.
The only allegation of her own sexxual assualt does not specifically name Kavanaugh or Judge.
So...it amounts to not a whole lot unless a victim of Kavanaugh's at the same party comes forward.
It does keep the lawyer's name in the press.
We'll see where it goes from here...
Quote: MaxPenThe bet is she will/will not testify tomorrow. $100
Real simple. I take the will not.
You get a free roll on Ramirez
Not sure if you are purposely avoiding this or not, but what happens if the chairperson cancels the meeting?
Quote: billryanNot sure if you are purposely avoiding this or not, but what happens if the chairperson cancels the meeting?
Of course the meeting could be cancelled if Ford decides not to testify.
Quote: RonCIt does keep the lawyer's name in the press.
Laws may have changed, but it's pretty obvious the attitude lives on.
I can't wait to tell my grandkids about the last days of the dinosaurs.
Quote: MaxPenOf course the meeting could be cancelled if Ford decides not to testify.
Your nonsense is tedious. How many escape clauses do you need?
Quote: RonCThe only allegation of her own sexxual assualt does not specifically name Kavanaugh or Judge.
Yes it does.
Quote: billryanYour nonsense is tedious. How many escape clauses do you need?
Zero. Ford nor Ramirez will not testify tomorrow for your proposed $100. You say at least one will. You're the one trying to have a no action clause.
Quote: billryanYou changed the bet. Your initial offer was they wouldn't show up. Now you want it so if they don't testify because there is no meeting you win.
It is obvious that you too believe there will be no testimony tomorrow.
Is there anyone willing to take the YES on Ford or Ramirez testifying tomorrow?
Quote: billryanYou changed the bet. Your initial offer was they wouldn't show up. Now you want it so if they don't testify because there is no meeting you win.
Paid opposition often have a clause in their contract to show up for the game. However, it is rare for them to be obligated to commit a crime. Some do it on their own accord though. Just ask the pawns still in jail from the Inauguration protests. Didn't Soros promise them defense.....lol
Quote: MaxPenIt's real simple. I take the NO on either of them showing up and you take the YES. How hard is that too understand? Preferably a wager for an amount of money but we could do rib eyes, if you are more comfortable with that
So when Ford shows up tomorrow, hearing or no hearing, I win.
I accept. $100.
Quote: MaxPenPaid opposition often have a clause in their contract to show up for the game. However, it is rare for them to be obligated to commit a crime. Some do it on their own accord though. Just ask the pawns still in jail from the Inauguration protests. Didn't Soros promise them defense.....lol
lol, careful, tin foil is conductive
Quote: billryanSo when Ford shows up tomorrow, hearing or no hearing, I win.
I accept. $100.
It is obvious when you asked for the clause that things really needed to be spelled out for you. I'm not saying they might not show up to play Tiddlywinks. There will be no testimony and it is obvious by your angling that you agree.
Let's assume everything she said was true. I find it very sad that she kept attending the parties while knowing all this horrible stuff was going on(WHY???). People should be horrified and angered at her since she just avoided the spiked punch, and did not call the authorities. How many sexual assaults, rapes and gang bangs could she have stopped if she spoke up like a reasonable citizen? I wonder how many wild parties she attended after the bad things that happened to her?Quote: 777Quote: ams288Avenatti didn’t bluff:
In fairness to Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford, Ms. Swetnick must be cross examined under oath. Also, public interest and the need to know demands a FBI investigation.
Quote: AxelWolfLet's assume everything she said was true. I find it very sad that she kept attending the parties while knowing all this horrible stuff was going on(WHY???). People should be horrified and angered at her since she just avoided the spiked punch, and did not call the authorities. How many sexual assaults, rapes and gang bangs could she have stopped if she spoke up like a reasonable citizen? I wonder how many wild parties she attended after the bad things that happened to her?Quote: 777Quote: ams288Avenatti didn’t bluff:
In fairness to Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford, Ms. Swetnick must be cross examined under oath. Also, public interest and the need to know demands a FBI investigation.
Not to mention she is about 3 years older than Kav. I knew of HS girls going to college parties to get gang banged but never knew of college girls coming to HS parties to get gang banged. Maybe she was there to buy the alcohol. This whole thing is laughable.
An 18-year-old chick was going to parties with 13, 14, and 15-year-old rapie gang bang boys? She was too young to buy the alcohol, so perhaps she was the lookout.Quote: MaxPenQuote: AxelWolfLet's assume everything she said was true. I find it very sad that she kept attending the parties while knowing all this horrible stuff was going on(WHY???). People should be horrified and angered at her since she just avoided the spiked punch, and did not call the authorities. How many sexual assaults, rapes and gang bangs could she have stopped if she spoke up like a reasonable citizen? I wonder how many wild parties she attended after the bad things that happened to her?Quote: 777Quote: ams288Avenatti didn’t bluff:
In fairness to Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford, Ms. Swetnick must be cross examined under oath. Also, public interest and the need to know demands a FBI investigation.
Not to mention she is about 3 years older than Kav. I knew of HS girls going to college parties to get gang banged but never knew of college girls coming to HS parties to get gang banged. Maybe she was there to buy the alcohol. This whole thing is laughable.
Quote: AxelWolfLet's assume everything she said was true.
Okay. Let's...
I can agree with most of what you said in your hypothetical. But you left out the part where Kavanaugh is disqualified from a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS.
This bet is so headed to a welch.
Quote: AxelWolfLet's assume everything she said was true. I find it very sad that she kept attending the parties while knowing all this horrible stuff was going on(WHY???). People should be horrified and angered at her since she just avoided the spiked punch, and did not call the authorities. How many sexual assaults, rapes and gang bangs could she have stopped if she spoke up like a reasonable citizen? I wonder how many wild parties she attended after the bad things that happened to her?
For those of you who find this whole train gang bang thing "laughable," you may want to read this article from two days ago that details a similar scenario.
We didn't call it rape.
Quote:A large part of my high school experience were the parties at cavernous houses with multiple bedrooms, huge dark basements with enormous sofas and yards, and lots and lots of beer. No parents—thinking back on it now, as a parent myself—were ever around. We traveled in groups and knew never to leave a friend alone at a party, but there was so much drinking that we sometimes lost track of each other. It could be difficult to know where your friends were and—if they were in a room with a boy—what was going on in there.
Every June, we had Beach Week—a tradition also described in a Washington Post piece about Ford—in which teenagers actually rent houses to party at the beach, something I still don’t quite comprehend. I distinctly remember being at a Beach Week party with my then-boyfriend when it dawned on us that there was a drunk girl in a room down the hall, and boys were “lining up” to go in there and, presumably, have their way with her. We didn’t know for sure, but my boyfriend and my friend’s boyfriend went to interrupt it and sent her on her way down the stairs. All I remember about her is that she was in the class above us and had dark hair. My friend has told me she remembers boys saying, “I’m next,” which was why our boyfriends went to stop it. That was the only time I can clearly remember a situation that was so obviously a “lineup,” as it was referred to by some at school. My friend remembers witnessing another, and though there weren’t lineups of this nature at every party, they happened often enough that we had a term. We didn’t call it rape.
Quote: AxelWolfLet's assume everything she said was true. I find it very sad that she kept attending the parties while knowing all this horrible stuff was going on(WHY???). People should be horrified and angered at her since she just avoided the spiked punch, and did not call the authorities. How many sexual assaults, rapes and gang bangs could she have stopped if she spoke up like a reasonable citizen? I wonder how many wild parties she attended after the bad things that happened to her?Quote: 777Quote: ams288Avenatti didn’t bluff:
In fairness to Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford, Ms. Swetnick must be cross examined under oath. Also, public interest and the need to know demands a FBI investigation.
I find it very sad too.
I’ve seen people defended Kavanaugh by saying he was a kid, immature, alcohol, drug, blah blah blah … and he is now a mature man, a good citizen, blah, blah, blah … Well, can Ms. Swetnick receive the same compassion as judge Kavanaugh?
Now, let’s get back to reality. If she spoke up like a reasonable citizen back in the 80’s or 90’s, or period before #MeToo movement then most likely she would be laughed at and the public would not take her seriously. Statistic shows that sexual assault is the least report crime a variety of reasons, and I can understand why Ms. Swetnick did not come forward and report sexual assaults back then.
But things have changed now, thanks to the #MeToo movement. With more public support & compassion (thanks to #MeToo movement), a courage action by Dr. Ford, and with Dr. Ford & Ms. Swetnick’s perpetrator is being consider for a most powerful justice position of SCOTUS had given Ms. Swetnick a courage to come forward. We all have flaws, and it is never too late to learn from our mistake and to demand justice.
On a scale of 1 to 10. I care less than zero about that. I hear is anti-abortion(not sure if that's true). I'm pro-choice.Quote: SteverinosOkay. Let's...
I can agree with most of what you said in your hypothetical. But you left out the part where Kavanaugh is disqualified from a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS.
What I do care about is people being able to make allegations 30 years later and destroy someone's career.
Julie Swetnick should lose her job/ position and security clearance now that's shes amitted what kinda person she is.
Knowing J.S. works for US, can you imagine being a victim, or parent of a victim who was drugged and gang-raped at one of the parties that J.S. just watched as lines of boys were waiting to gang rape girls? Now that's some sick twisted sh*t.
Keep in mind, these are the society elite at a very exclusive academy. The social circle is small for that group.
I want to see what the Judge says about his membership in a few of the " clubs" he and his friends referred to in his yearbook.
Looking forward to tomorrows hearing.
Quote: AxelWolfLet's assume everything she said was true. I find it very sad that she kept attending the parties while knowing all this horrible stuff was going on(WHY???). People should be horrified and angered at her since she just avoided the spiked punch, and did not call the authorities. How many sexual assaults, rapes and gang bangs could she have stopped if she spoke up like a reasonable citizen? I wonder how many wild parties she attended after the bad things that happened to her?
There’s also an accessory after the fact charge to rape in some jurisdictions for knowing that a rape happened and not reporting it. I don’t know whether that would apply here, but I definitely wouldn’t want to go public admitting that I was a firsthand witness to these two guys (and others) raping people all of the time and I did nothing about it.
Has anyone else experienced this in high school, though? I don’t remember the train being ran on unconscious girls who were drugged constantly. I’d have reported any such thing to the proper authorities and stopped going to parties. I know there was definitely sex where, “Consent,” was on shaky ground, especially in today’s day and age, but that would apply to the guy just as much as the girl because both were trashed.
But, here we have an accusation that these two guys drugged and a train of guys raped people on at least ten different occasions. I’m expected to believe that not once did a single person ever get law enforcement involved? It’s laughable.
By the way, didn’t that sleazeball Avenatti promise to unearth some kind of proof? Where is it? He has yet to do that.
Quote: gamerfreakYes it does.
I don't think it does--she states that he was "present" but not that he was one of the people that she says raped her. it is very carefully worded to play around the edges.
My point was that her testimony could help corroborate the story of someone who actually directly accused Kavanaugh of rape but that it was not a direct allegation that she saw Kavanaugh rape anyone or that she was raped by him.
You honestly think that if she screamed it from the rooftops(and that's what you should do when you are going to parties where guys are drugging and gangraping girls) that nothing would have been done to stop further drugging and gangraping? So, just dont try? She was like FK it, this is fun, ill keep going and watching, but just won't drink the punch. It seems as if that didn't work out too well for her and yet she did nothing to help future victims.Quote: 777Quote: AxelWolfLet's assume everything she said was true. I find it very sad that she kept attending the parties while knowing all this horrible stuff was going on(WHY???). People should be horrified and angered at her since she just avoided the spiked punch, and did not call the authorities. How many sexual assaults, rapes and gang bangs could she have stopped if she spoke up like a reasonable citizen? I wonder how many wild parties she attended after the bad things that happened to her?Quote: 777Quote: ams288Avenatti didn’t bluff:
In fairness to Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford, Ms. Swetnick must be cross examined under oath. Also, public interest and the need to know demands a FBI investigation.
I find it very sad too.
I’ve seen people defended Kavanaugh by saying he was a kid, immature, alcohol, drug, blah blah blah … and he is now a mature man, a good citizen, blah, blah, blah … Well, can Ms. Swetnick receive the same compassion as judge Kavanaugh?
Now, let’s get back to reality. If she spoke up like a reasonable citizen back in the 80’s or 90’s, or period before #MeToo movement then most likely she would be laughed at and the public would not take her seriously. Statistic shows that sexual assault is the least report crime a variety of reasons, and I can understand why Ms. Swetnick did not come forward and report sexual assaults back then.
But things have changed now, thanks to the #MeToo movement. With more public support & compassion (thanks to #MeToo movement), a courage action by Dr. Ford, and with Dr. Ford & Ms. Swetnick’s perpetrator is being consider for a most powerful justice position of SCOTUS had given Ms. Swetnick a courage to come forward. We all have flaws, and it is never too late to learn from our mistake and to demand justice.
Quote: billryanI had a few friends who went to private "prep schools". Most of them go from high school to an extended year or two. They are almost like a fifth year of HS or a junior junior college. It's not unusual for 18-19 year old prep students to be at a party with younger kids
Keep in mind, these are the society elite at a very exclusive academy. The social circle is small for that group.
I want to see what the Judge says about his membership in a few of the " clubs" he and his friends referred to in his yearbook.
Looking forward to tomorrows hearing.
She was not part of the really elite crowd in Montgomery County, at least not by looking at the school she attended. That was, at that time, one of the one or two richest counties in the country, if I remember correctly. The demographics were (and still are) from the ultra rich to the upper middle class in many areas. Obviously, some poverty and lower middle class, too, but much less than neighboring Prince Georges County. The schools that Kavanaugh and Ford went to are much more exclusive than Gaithersburg High School, which is a public school.
Quote: AxelWolfJulie Swetnick should lose her job/ position and security clearance now that's shes amitted what kinda person she is.
Knowing J.S. works for US, can you imagine being a victim, or parent of a victim who was drugged and gang-raped at one of the parties that J.S. just watched as lines of boys were waiting to gang rape girls? Now that's some sick twisted sh*t.
So, in other words, you're saying that you believe her claim that these "lineups" did occur at the parties she was at? And you think she should lose her job now for not reporting them at the time.
If you believe they occurred, why is it so hard to believe that Kavanaugh was around for some of them?
Quote: 777
I’ve seen people defended Kavanaugh by saying he was a kid, immature, alcohol, drug, blah blah blah … and he is now a mature man, a good citizen, blah, blah, blah … Well, can Ms. Swetnick receive the same compassion as judge Kavanuagh
I would say so to the extent that I wouldn’t make any judgments about the person she is now. With that, she is admitting to knowing that these same two dudes were raping people all of the time and doing nothing about it, so that’s proof as far as it relates back to her. I don’t know what other compassion you want her to be shown, she’s certainly not denying knowing people were getting raped all the time.
I mean, she either knew people were constantly being raped and did precisely nothing about it, as she says, or she’s a liar. It has to be one or the other.
Quote:Now, let’s get back to reality. If she spoke up like a reasonable citizen back in the 80’s or 90’s, or period before #MeToo movement then most likely she would be laughed at and the public would not take her seriously. Statistic shows that sexual assault is the least report crime a variety of reasons, and I can understand why Ms. Swetnick did not come forward and report sexual assaults back then.
You might today at least have a police report and a police officer who might be able to say, “Yes, I recall this girl coming in and telling us about this drunken gang rape.” That’s what we call corroborating evidence.
I just find it shocking beyond belief that you have ten or more gang rapes, with the same two guys involved and not once does it get reported by anybody.
Apparently these wealthy charmed life silver spoon people aren’t as classy as scumbag me and my scumbag friends. If we found out someone had drugged a girl and was raping her, we’d have beaten the shit out of him...and only after doing that...would go to the police.
I remember once when this guy tried to rip a girl’s clothes off against her will, she was screaming, naturally. Funny thing was that it wasn’t even in a bedroom or anything. Anyway, four of us grabbed him, dragged him outside and then we all picked up bricks and just went to town on his body and back. I think someone who wasn’t drinking felt bad for him and drove him home, or maybe someone let him use the phone to call for a ride. Either way, we taught him a little something about what happens when you do stuff to girls against their will.
Don’t remember any other occasion like that ever, much less one that would involve a gang rape.
Quote:But things have changed now, thanks to the #MeToo movement. With more public support & compassion (thanks to #MeToo movement), a courage action by Dr. Ford, and with Dr. Ford & Ms. Swetnick’s perpetrator is being consider for a most powerful justice position of SCOTUS had given Ms. Swetnick a courage to come forward. We all have flaws, and it is never too late to learn from our mistake and to demand justice.
I’m definitely glad that things have changed such that women who are sexually assaulted feel like they can come forward. Let’s hope they do it while the incident is still in any way provable, memories are fresh and criminal charges can be filed.
> Go to parties.
> Witness guys pouring drugs and "grain alcohol" into punch bowls.
> Witness guys lining up outside a bedroom to rape and run trains on girls.
> Say something? Naaaaah!
> Stop going to these parties? Naaaah!
> Don't say anything.
> Keep going to such parties.
> Brilliant!!!!!
Should we not bring her judgement into this? I'm not saying it's her fault for getting raped (if it even happened). Just that, even without getting raped, you'd have to show extremely poor judgement to continue going to these parties?
Would you keep going to the same restaurant if you always saw cockroaches in the kitchen, mold in the fountain drink dispenser, and overall uncleanliness of the location? Giving benefit of the doubt....Once -- okay, give it a pass, maybe just got unlucky. Second time -- yeah, this place is disgusting, I'm not coming back. Return a third time, several months later, still nasty -- NOPE, never going back there again! [Just after the first time, it should be a dead giveaway this isn't the type of place you want to frequent....but returning 10+ times? Holy cow, that's some next-level stupidity right there.]
Quote: MaxPenIt is obvious that you too believe there will be no testimony tomorrow.
Is there anyone willing to take the YES on Ford or Ramirez testifying tomorrow?
Still looking for takers?
I dont know if it's true or not. Assuming I dont know either party, I'm an innocent untill proven guilty kinda, guy(especially when its 30+ year old claim). So, for now, I'm going with innocent. Furthermore, her very own (best?) friend seems to not support her claims. She sounds like she is very well educated, has a fairly important job and has probably known some influential people over the years. Yet, she just shrugged off all this drugging, assaulting and gang-raping for 30 years.Quote: ams288So, in other words, you're saying that you believe her claim that these "lineups" did occur at the parties she was at? And you think she should lose her job now for not reporting them at the time.
If you believe they occurred, why is it so hard to believe that Kavanaugh was around for some of them?
Either way, she should lose her job because if it's all true she has no business with a security clearance and working for the united states. If it's not true, then she is lying about a very serious matter and she has no business with a security clearance and working for the united states. How can you not agree with this?
Quote: AxelWolf
Either way, she should lose her job because if it's all true she has no business with a security clearance and working for the united states. If it's not true, then she is lying about a very serious matter and she has no business with a security clearance and working for the united states. How can you not agree with this?
I don’t agree with it just because maybe she’s good at her job and I don’t see what a failure to report these things from over three decades ago has to do with her work. Any crime she could potentially be guilty of vis-a-vis failure to report, assuming such crime exists, has likely had the statute of limitations toll on it, as well.
Quote: RS> Be a girl.
> Go to parties.
> Witness guys pouring drugs and "grain alcohol" into punch bowls.
> Witness guys lining up outside a bedroom to rape and run trains on girls.
> Say something? Naaaaah!
> Stop going to these parties? Naaaah!
> Don't say anything.
> Keep going to such parties.
> Brilliant!!!!!
Should we not bring her judgement into this? I'm not saying it's her fault for getting raped (if it even happened). Just that, even without getting raped, you'd have to show extremely poor judgement to continue going to these parties?
Would you keep going to the same restaurant if you always saw cockroaches in the kitchen, mold in the fountain drink dispenser, and overall uncleanliness of the location? Giving benefit of the doubt....Once -- okay, give it a pass, maybe just got unlucky. Second time -- yeah, this place is disgusting, I'm not coming back. Return a third time, several months later, still nasty -- NOPE, never going back there again! [Just after the first time, it should be a dead giveaway this isn't the type of place you want to frequent....but returning 10+ times? Holy cow, that's some next-level stupidity right there.]
I agree her judgement is pretty shifty, if her story is true. I certainly wouldn't want her sitting on a Federal bench. Nor any of the other people.
She swore out a statement. Let's see if it is true.
“They weren’t laughing at me. They were laughing with me.”
He’s so f***ing delusional.
Quote: ams288Still looking for takers?
yes, I am getting ready to head out but can check in over the next couple hours.
Quote: AxelWolfSo, for now, I'm going with innocent.
For now? What could change your mind? The blue dress?