Quote: TigerWuMust be nice to have inherited an already booming economy. Not much work to do.
You should have been invested during Obama. You'd have made even more money.
As it stands, Trump is barely keeping up with Obama as far as stock market growth.
I guess you can cherry pick if you want, but it looks like both should get credit if either one does. You can also just say the President has little to do with it, and give neither credit. At this point, it is not just the result of one presidency...
Quote: RonCI guess you can cherry pick if you want, but it looks like both should get credit if either one does. You can also just say the President has little to do with it, and give neither credit. At this point, it is not just the result of one presidency...
What was I cherry-picking?
Personally I think the President has very little to do with the markets.
Quote: TigerWuWhat was I cherry-picking?
Personally I think the President has very little to do with the markets.
Totally agree
Its absurd to give a president kudos for a booming market and criticism for a down market.
The market forces are way beyond USA politics and is really dependent on the planets economy
Quote: RonCPresidential Proclamation on the Death of Senator John Sidney McCain III
Issued on: August 27, 2018
As a mark of respect for the memory and longstanding service of Senator John Sidney McCain III, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, on the day of interment. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half‑staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.
Too late, he already showed his true colors. He's only doing this because of the blow back. Surely you realize this?
Quote: rsactuaryToo late, he already showed his true colors. He's only doing this because of the blow back. Surely you realize this?
It's like toilet-training a toddler who still keeps missing the bowl. They had a day and a half to figure out that they wanted to do this, check for any precedent, but no, let's pee on the floor again and then clean it up.
Whatever. A relatively minor kerfuffle. Now fixed.
Quote: rsactuaryToo late, he already showed his true colors. He's only doing this because of the blow back. Surely you realize this?
I made no comment at all.
I just reported facts.
I don't know what happened or why it happened, but it should not have happened.
Quote: TigerWuWhat was I cherry-picking?
Personally I think the President has very little to do with the markets.
I didn't say that you were...the point was that many credit one or the other and not both. I am sorry if I did not make that clear. You was meant to refer to whoever....
It would have been more appropriate to have the Senate there for the first four remarks. Hell, now they are just waiting to have someone say something.
I wasn't always his biggest fan, but he deserves better from his colleagues.
Senator Ernst is presiding over an empty chamber...
Quote: RonC[
I guess you can cherry pick if you want, but it looks like both should get credit if either one does. You can also just say the President has little to do with it, and give neither credit. At this point, it is not just the result of one presidency...
That is correct.
Quote: RonCThis Senate tribute is kind of lame, in my opinion. They had some decent remarks, of course, but they were made to a mostly empty chamber.
It would have been more appropriate to have the Senate there for the first four remarks. Hell, now they are just waiting to have someone say something.
I wasn't always his biggest fan, but he deserves better from his colleagues.
Senator Ernst is presiding over an empty chamber...
One of your senators couldn’t even be bothered to be in town for it...
Ted Cruz Opts for Campaign Trail Instead of Senate Votes
Quote: ams288One of your senators couldn’t even be bothered to be in town for it...
Ted Cruz Opts for Campaign Trail Instead of Senate Votes
Is he the only one? That would be news.
He has Beat Beto!
Besides, one of your favorite Presidents was absent quite often...that is not really anything unusual, sadly. I would like them to be present for votes a whole lot more.
I do think it sucks to have an empty chamber for a tribute like this...no matter why they aren't there...
Sen Nelson (D-FL) is not there but it appears his schedule showed that he would be at meeting in DC this morning. He could have stayed to be in Jacksonville today.
Sen Menendez (D-NJ) does not appear to be there:
From his Twitter:
"Thank you to the NJans who met with me in Passaic today to talk about skyrocketing prescription drug prices. One bill I've fought for to tackle the problem: The CREATES Act. Here's how it works"
They are calling the roll to vote on something now, Not many are answering the call...
Quote: RonCQuote: ams288One of your senators couldn’t even be bothered to be in town for it...
Ted Cruz Opts for Campaign Trail Instead of Senate Votes
Is he the only one? That would be news.
He has Beat Beto!
Besides, one of your favorite Presidents was absent quite often...that is not really anything unusual, sadly. I would like them to be present for votes a whole lot more.
I don’t care who is and isn’t there.
I just thought it was funny. Guess Teddy wasn’t expecting such a tough challenger when he pushed Mitch to cancel the August recess!
Quote: TigerWuMust be nice to have inherited an already booming economy. Not much work to do.
You should have been invested during Obama. You'd have made even more money.
As it stands, Trump is barely keeping up with Obama as far as stock market growth.
A booming economy? GDP last year Obama in office: 2016 Q1 1.8%, Q2 1.7%, Q3 2.3%, Q4 1.3%
Really booming.
You can't rain on my parade.

Quote: FleaswatterA booming economy? GDP last year Obama in office: 2016 Q1 1.8%, Q2 1.7%, Q3 2.3%, Q4 1.3%
Because GDP is the only measure of a good economy, right? The last time the economy was this good, Trump thought it was terrible.
Quote:You can't rain on my parade.
I'm not trying to. Merely wondering why you're having a parade in the first place, when we've been building towards the current economy for almost a decade. If anything, you're late to the parade.
But welcome. I'm glad you're starting to make money now with the rest of us. We've been on board the money making train for years, before Trump was even in office.
Quote: ams288Quote: RonCQuote: ams288One of your senators couldn’t even be bothered to be in town for it...
Ted Cruz Opts for Campaign Trail Instead of Senate Votes
Is he the only one? That would be news.
He has Beat Beto!
Besides, one of your favorite Presidents was absent quite often...that is not really anything unusual, sadly. I would like them to be present for votes a whole lot more.
I don’t care who is and isn’t there.
I just thought it was funny. Guess Teddy wasn’t expecting such a tough challenger when he pushed Mitch to cancel the August recess!
I do care--I they should be doing the damned job they are paid to do. All of them. Very few limited exceptions.
I also think they should not do a tribute to a Senator in an empty chamber. At least gather up the ones that bothered to show up all at one time!
I do agree with Tiger and terapined and others who state that the President can't take all the credit or blame for market ups and downs, but it is disingenuous for anyone to state that Trump as President has not had a positive impact on the market.
I do agree with Tiger and terapined and others who state that the President can't take all the credit or blame for market ups and downs, but it is disingenuous for anyone to state that Trump as President has not had a positive impact on the market.
(Partial quote above)
That may be, but I think giving him credit for market gains as of the time he was President-Elect, not even the actual President yet, is a little much. As with any other set of political policies, there are winners and there are losers, (ironically, some of the losers are among his strongest supporters...but again...almost always the case) but I'll stipulate that Trump has likely had a positive impact on the market and certainly has not had a negative impact upon it.
And when you consider that inflation is on the rise and wages aren't, it's hard to argue that Trump's economy warrants celebration for lower and middle class. "Full employment", historically, meant wage increases for workers. Not in Trump's economy. But hey, how's that temporary one-time bonus treating ya? Paul Ryan, do you have anything to add? lol
Some estimate that the frustration stretches back even further. Pew Research wrote in a report this week that, “despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. Yikes.
And we still have the impacts of tariffs to measure.
So while Trump deserves some credit for getting behind the wheel and not driving the car over a cliff (yet), the strong stock market is not enough to excuse the embarrassment that he is to our country.
Quote: Mission146(Partial quote above)
That may be, but I think giving him credit for market gains as of the time he was President-Elect, not even the actual President yet, is a little much.
Then you have absolutely no idea how the stock market works. It works on expected future prospects more than actual current results. If you don't understand, check out TSLA and AMZN for example.
Partial quote as well!
Quote: TigerWuMust be nice to have inherited an already booming economy. Not much work to do.
You should have been invested during Obama. You'd have made even more money.
The S&P500 was up 27.3% in the 22 months post the Obama Administration's original election and is up 31.7% since the Trump Administration was elected.
You know you can't sell that "this current economy is just a continuation of the Obama legacy" garbage anymore, right? I mean I know you and your Democratic friends here are pissed that the American economy continues to boom under this Twitter Fool of a President, but you are capable of a better argument than that, right?
Quote: SOOPOOThen you have absolutely no idea how the stock market works.
Post of the Year candidate for sure...most on the Left here have no idea how the world works let alone the financial markets. This whole thread is an example of how shallow the knowledge pool is that exists on WoV these days.
Quote: SOOPOOThen you have absolutely no idea how the stock market works. It works on expected future prospects more than actual current results. If you don't understand, check out TSLA and AMZN for example.
Partial quote as well!
While I maintain I have an idea how the stock market works, that is a fair point. My point is that future prospects were not positive ONLY because Trump was elected president, but also because actual results were such that the market had already been trending upwards for several years under Obama. To whatever extent that Trump's policies were expected to improve the market, Obama's policies already had and were continuing to do so.
Quote: ParadigmPost of the Year candidate for sure...most on the Left here have no idea how the world works let alone the financial markets. This whole thread is an example of how shallow the knowledge pool is that exists on WoV these days.
Quote: ParadigmThe S&P500 was up 27.3% in the 22 months post the Obama Administration's original election and is up 31.7% since the Trump Administration was elected.
You know you can't sell that "this current economy is just a continuation of the Obama legacy" garbage anymore, right? I mean I know you and your Democratic friends here are pissed that the American economy continues to boom under this Twitter Fool of a President, but you are capable of a better argument than that, right?
(Relevant part of quote emboldened)
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
I definitely lean more Liberal than Conservative (not a Democrat) but do you really think that people want to see this country economically fall on its face because it would make Trump look bad? I think Trump makes himself look bad enough in other ways as it is, and more than that, I'm more concerned with people having jobs and food to eat than I am with someone looking bad.
Jesus Christ. What kind of a vendetta would that be against one person, someone the vast majority (if not all) of us haven't even met, that we would want to see the country as a whole suffer just to prove that he is a moke?
Quote: Mission146(Relevant part of quote emboldened)
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
Bruh, precedence!
Quote: Mission146I definitely lean more Liberal than Conservative (not a Democrat) but do you really think that people want to see this country economically fall on its face because it would make Trump look bad? I think Trump makes himself look bad enough in other ways as it is, and more than that, I'm more concerned with people having jobs and food to eat than I am with someone looking bad.
Jesus Christ. What kind of a vendetta would that be against one person, someone the vast majority (if not all) of us haven't even met, that we would want to see the country as a whole suffer just to prove that he is a moke?
I know you didn't ask me, but my answer is a resounding 1000000000000000000000000% YES. I think there are far too many people that would rather see the country suffer immensely than to see the Trump administration do well.
Quote: RSBruh, precedence!
I didn't say (people on this board) + (bad things). In fact, I've taken great care to specifically exclude people on this board from my categorical insults.
"Bruh, precedence!," though, that was damn funny. +100 on the delivery.
Quote:I know you didn't ask me, but my answer is a resounding 1000000000000000000000000% YES. I think there are far too many people that would rather see the country suffer immensely than to see the Trump administration do well.
Well, screw those people, then, if there are any of them. It's one thing to want to get the guy out of office if the country does suffer, but wanting the country to suffer to get him out of office is something else entirely. I hope that the country does extremely well under Trump, whether that results in him continuing to be President or not.
Besides, he's occasionally funny. Rarely, but it happens.
Quote: RSBruh, precedence!
Speaking of setting precedents, what party did everything in their power to ensure Obama was a failure and that he was a "one term president"? What republican leader said he "hopes he fails?" Which means, country fails? What democrats have said such things about Trump?
The economy is humming along at about the same pace it was on January 20, 2017. Trump deserves some credit for that. But being honest, presidents have their most impact on economies in times of crisis, and Trump has been lucky so far to not have faced one.
Yup, whoever heard of scores of obsolete regulations aimed at "fundamentally transforming' our country, not to mention significant tax cuts and concomitant bonuses. It is clearly too much to expect understanding of such advanced economic concepts.Quote: TigerWuMust be nice to have inherited an already booming economy. Not much work to do. You should have been invested during Obama. You'd have made even more money.
What is truly significant about the ridiculous Marketwatch chart is that it never even touched 3%. But then again, since when can we compare apples to apples?Quote: TigerWuBecause GDP is the only measure of a good economy right? The last time the economy was this good, Trump thought it was terrible.
Quote: FleaswatterQuote: TigerWuMust be nice to have inherited an already booming economy. Not much work to do.
You should have been invested during Obama. You'd have made even more money.
As it stands, Trump is barely keeping up with Obama as far as stock market growth.
A booming economy? GDP last year Obama in office: 2016 Q1 1.8%, Q2 1.7%, Q3 2.3%, Q4 1.3%
Really booming.
You can't rain on my parade.![]()
Your parade will be rained on if the economy overheats because of the tax cuts and we end up in another recession. Oh, how's the deficit doing, by the way?
And yeah the deficit.
And Obama's order to lower the first flag for Scalias death was following the US code as was the Whitehouse decision to raise the flag. I don't have a problem with Trump following code and I don't expect Trump to understand or follow tradition. The fact is that McCain was at odds with Trump and Trump showed the minimal amount or respect, as expected. He also probably asked Hannity about McCain and decided it would be a good move to lower the flag.
And of course trump now deserves some credit for the economy.
see: article linking Trump to the mob .
I suspect Mueller's net is being cast quite widely.
Quote: RSBruh, precedence!
Quote: Mission146I definitely lean more Liberal than Conservative (not a Democrat) but do you really think that people want to see this country economically fall on its face because it would make Trump look bad? I think Trump makes himself look bad enough in other ways as it is, and more than that, I'm more concerned with people having jobs and food to eat than I am with someone looking bad.
Jesus Christ. What kind of a vendetta would that be against one person, someone the vast majority (if not all) of us haven't even met, that we would want to see the country as a whole suffer just to prove that he is a moke?
I know you didn't ask me, but my answer is a resounding 1000000000000000000000000% YES. I think there are far too many people that would rather see the country suffer immensely than to see the Trump administration do well.
Sorry, but that's just nonsense. Only the most clueless anarchist burn-it-down clowns want to see a general failure. The great majority of Americans would rather see us work together, using what we have in common to advance and thrive despite our differences.
The great lie is that, if you don't support Trump, you don't support American success. Same thing in reverse during Obama's presidency. And back through previous administrations, to at least Reagan.
They are not synonymous. I would even argue that people making objections are stipulating that there are things that are good happening, but there are also problems to be resolved for good to become better. And that this throw out the baby with the bathwater argument is a tactic to distract and silence critics or problem solvers by questioning, not their valid criticism, but their patriotism.
We used to understand this. We acknowledged that our national goals were similar, but our methods and priorities might differ, and so we would find compromises that gave everyone a voice and a benefit.
That way of doing business has essentially disappeared, and our country is much worse for it. It's called bipartisanship, and those type of solutions are where the interests of the large majority of the country lies. But no longer in Congress or the hard fringes of both parties. And definitely not this administration.
This will swing back into use as Trump backlash continues. It's already happening. The Republican party has lost more than 15 million members in the 2 years since Trump took the nomination, or about 20% of its membership. That's a net loss despite however many may have joined because they support Trump.
More people are dropping away as they get personally affected by Trump policies and actions. Tariffs are hurting his base badly. Veterans are further offended by his McCain snubs.
People who thought the Mueller investigation was lies and partisan politics are seeing the increasingly available.proof of guilty pleas, convictions, and immunity agreements among his closest associates, and some are withdrawing their support.
Others are seeing him destroy national.parks and environmental protections, orphan immigrant children, consider setting up a private army, abandon hurricane victims, a hundred other underreported government changes with consequences, and backing away.
All this before even considering Trump's character and morals, which will underlie much of his support losses. And that snowball is just starting down the mountain.
Quote: ParadigmThe S&P500 was up 27.3% in the 22 months post the Obama Administration's original election and is up 31.7% since the Trump Administration was elected.
I know. That information is in the chart I linked to.
Quote:You know you can't sell that "this current economy is just a continuation of the Obama legacy" garbage anymore, right?
I'm not. I never said anything about "Obama's legacy." I specifically said the President has very little to do with the markets.
Quote:I mean I know you and your Democratic friends here are pissed that the American economy continues to boom under this Twitter Fool of a President,
I'm not. I never said or even implied I'm "pissed" the economy is doing well. I'm not even a Democrat.
Quote:but you are capable of a better argument than that, right?
What argument? That the economy is doing well, and has been for years? That's all I've been saying.
Quote: SanchoPanzaWhat is truly significant about the ridiculous Marketwatch chart is that it never even touched 3%. But then again, since when can we compare apples to apples?Quote: TigerWuBecause GDP is the only measure of a good economy right? The last time the economy was this good, Trump thought it was terrible.
Which chart are you talking about? There's like five on that page.
Not sure if you would consider Bill Maher a "clueless anarchist burn-it-down clown," but he said exactly that.Quote: beachbumbabsSorry, but that's just nonsense. Only the most clueless anarchist burn-it-down clowns want to see a general failure.
I would like to believe this is true, but with today's political environment, I just don't know anymore.Quote:The great majority of Americans would rather see us work together, using what we have in common to advance and thrive despite our differences.
Quote: JoemanNot sure if you would consider Bill Maher a "clueless anarchist burn-it-down clown," but he said exactly that.
All that and a s***weasel.
Quote: JoemanNot sure if you would consider Bill Maher a "clueless anarchist burn-it-down clown,"
I do. Maher is an extremist, spouting inflammatory rhetoric to sustain a paycheck, like Hannity and all those other fools.
Quote: TigerWuI do. Maher is an extremist, spouting inflammatory rhetoric to sustain a paycheck, like Hannity and all those other fools.
Yeah but maher couches it in humor so you dont necessarily take his burn it down rhetoric seriously.
Hannity makes like he actually believes all the garbage he says
Better late than never to realize how user unfriendly the earlier post was, even if there is one example of what Marketwatch tried to pass off as a definitive GDP chart. Now we can work on the main theme of the subthread--GDP. Or as our former president and economics expert delighted in saying that 2% annual GDP growth was supposed to be the new norm and that we would never again see 3% annual GDP growth.Quote: TigerWuQuote: SanchoPanzaWhat is truly significant about the ridiculous Marketwatch chart is that it never even touched 3%. But then again, since when can we compare apples to apples?Quote: TigerWuBecause GDP is the only measure of a good economy right? The last time the economy was this good, Trump thought it was terrible.
Which chart are you talking about? There's like five on that page.
Quote: SanchoPanzawe would never again see 3% annual GDP growth.
And we still haven't. Not sure what your point is.
Quote: JoemanNot sure if you would consider Bill Maher a "clueless anarchist burn-it-down clown," but he said exactly that.
I would like to believe this is true, but with today's political environment, I just don't know anymore.
Then he and I have a serious disagreement about this. He also thinks much more highly of Bernie Sanders than I do, and there are several other areas we disagree.
I found Jon Stewart, among political comics, to be most closely aligned with my sensibilities, fwiw. His no-bs approach skewered Anthony Weiner, a personal friend, as heavily as any Faux News mouth-breather. He's probably a Democrat, I'm not, but that's part of the vast middle ground being ignored as leaders and commentators move further apart.
Quote: SanchoPanza
Now we can work on the main theme of the subthread--GDP.
Okay. What specifically should we discuss?
Real GDP growth by quarter since 1930
Real GDP growth by year since 1930
Quote:Or as our former president and economics expert delighted in saying that 2% annual GDP growth was supposed to be the new norm and that we would never again see 3% annual GDP growth.
We haven't, yet, but there's such a small sample of years to work with since Obama was President that we can't even really argue that point:
As of June 2018: 2.35%
2017: 2.47%
2016: 1.88%
2015: 2.00%
2014: 2.70%
2013: 2.61%
2012: 1.47%
2011: 1.61%
2010: 2.57%
2009: 0.18%
So, since 2010, ~2% annual real GDP growth has been pretty normal.
The realities of the economy keep getting twisted to find a far out and erroneus position. Anybody want to discuss the wonders of Venezuela's existence?Quote: SteverinosAnd we still haven't. Not sure what your point is.
Quote: Mission146Quote: ParadigmThe S&P500 was up 27.3% in the 22 months post the Obama Administration's original election and is up 31.7% since the Trump Administration was elected.
You know you can't sell that "this current economy is just a continuation of the Obama legacy" garbage anymore, right? I mean I know you and your Democratic friends here are pissed that the American economy continues to boom under this Twitter Fool of a President, but you are capable of a better argument than that, right?
(Relevant part of quote emboldened)
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
What is funny is with 1100+ pages of this anti Trump non-sense on WoV, you think something is wrong with me and the suggestion that the majority of the Members that post here multiple times per day aren't hoping for a downturn in American prosperity if that downturn increased the chances of a Blue Wave in 2018 and a new President in 2020.
I stand corrected...you're right AMS, DarkOx, BillRyan, Steverinos, BBB, Terapined, RS and the others that post daily garbage on these threads are the holders of Truth...the "sane ones"...the True Americans that have it all figured out and want what is best for this country...how could I have missed that?
The Forum & this Community has become a joke of what it used to be, Mike is lucky to have sold when he did.
Quote: darkozYeah but maher couches it in humor so you dont necessarily take his burn it down rhetoric seriously.
Hannity makes like he actually believes all the garbage he says
I'm certain I've gotten more laughs from Hannity than Maher, not that Hannity was giving them to me intentionally. Still, the point stands.
Quote: Paradigm
What is funny is with 1100+ pages of this anti Trump non-sense on WoV, you think something is wrong with me and the suggestion that the majority of the Members that post here multiple times per day aren't hoping for a downturn in American prosperity if that downturn increased the chances of a Blue Wave in 2018 and a new President in 2020.
I think there is something wrong with what you're saying unless you intend to provide specific and direct evidence of individual people, who you would call out individually, to feel that way. I apologize, but not really, for not reading all 1,100+ pages of this thread...but I lean closer to Democrat than I do Republican and for you to even remotely suggest, to hint, at the notion that I would want to see anyone in this country suffer financially just to make Donald Trump look bad is an insult of the highest order. It's NOT A PERSONAL INSULT and I absolutely do not take it as one, but it is an insulting generalization.
Look, you give me several years of actual wage increases among the people I know, better working conditions, booming economy in general and the kind of social tolerance that I want to see, and if the Republicans are the ones in power, then those are going to be who I am likely to support.
Quite frankly, other than social issues, I've not seen many meaningful changes amongst the people that I know the most well regardless of who is President. When it comes to the social issues, the changes I have seen in them, when those changes have occurred and what they mean for the people I know...give me Libertarians & Liberals any day of the week.
Quote:I stand corrected...you're right AMS, DarkOx, BillRyan, Steverinos, BBB, Terapined, RS and the others that post daily garbage on these threads are the holders of Truth...the "sane ones"...the True Americans that have it all figured out and want what is best for this country...how could I have missed that?
The Forum & this Community has become a joke of what it used to be, Mike is lucky to have sold when he did.
This has to be a personal insult of some kind when you're talking about the community. If you think it's a joke, take your shitty Blackjack variants, shove them up your ass, and **** off to somewhere else.
See you guys in three days.
Quote: Paradigm
What is funny is with 1100+ pages of this anti Trump non-sense on WoV, you think something is wrong with me and the suggestion that the majority of the Members that post here multiple times per day aren't hoping for a downturn in American prosperity if that downturn increased the chances of a Blue Wave in 2018 and a new President in 2020.
I've never seen anything remotely like what you are suggesting.
Who the **** wants an economic downturn? I've never heard of that or heard anyone talk about it (except the obvious idiots like Bill Maher and co.).
Is that the latest urban legend pipe dream being peddled by Fox News?
"Democrats and Liberals hate economic prosperity!"
LOL... stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Quote:The Forum & this Community has become a joke of what it used to be,
I guess you could always leave, then.
Quote: Mission146I think there is something wrong with what you're saying unless you intend to provide specific and direct evidence of individual people, who you would call out individually, to feel that way. I apologize, but not really, for not reading all 1,100+ pages of this thread...but I lean closer to Democrat than I do Republican and for you to even remotely suggest, to hint, at the notion that I would want to see anyone in this country suffer financially just to make Donald Trump look bad is an insult of the highest order. It's NOT A PERSONAL INSULT and I absolutely do not take it as one, but it is an insulting generalization.
Look, you give me several years of actual wage increases among the people I know, better working conditions, booming economy in general and the kind of social tolerance that I want to see, and if the Republicans are the ones in power, then those are going to be who I am likely to support.
Quite frankly, other than social issues, I've not seen many meaningful changes amongst the people that I know the most well regardless of who is President. When it comes to the social issues, the changes I have seen in them, when those changes have occurred and what they mean for the people I know...give me Libertarians & Liberals any day of the week.
This has to be a personal insult of some kind when you're talking about the community. If you think it's a joke, take your shitty Blackjack variants, shove them up your ass, and **** off to somewhere else.
See you guys in three days.
Yeah, you'll be in good company.
3 days. Personal insult.