Quote: SOOPOOI am not saying DJT is a fine, honorable man. I too expect a higher standard from our President.
But imagine CEO Trump. He is told whales like young Asian women dealers, not African American men. Is he racist for preferentially hiring the women? For preferentially giving them the more lucrative assignments?
He is told regular Baccarat players do not sit at tables with African American dealers. Is he a racist for not hiring them when he has openings for Baccarat dealers?
It is likely it is illegal for him to exclude the AA applicants based on race, but in my mind that is not like him saying "I hate AA men" (that would be racist).
Is a man or woman who only dates people of the same race as themself a racist?
Substitute the word "anaesthesiologist" for "dealer" and "whale" and "player" for patient and yeah it's completely racist. It's understandable that whales want hotties and high rollers want people of a preferential appearance to them. What that means is today's world is that you have to accommodate to your employees while trying to appease your customer.
Quote: boymimboSubstitute the word "anaesthesiologist" for "dealer" and "whale" and "player" for patient and yeah it's completely racist. It's understandable that whales want hotties and high rollers want people of a preferential appearance to them. What that means is today's world is that you have to accommodate to your employees while trying to appease your customer.
Oh and yeah if you make a decision to date people only of your race you might just be a racist. If you are open to the possibility of dating people of other races but don't have the opportunity thats different.
Perhaps that's why there are no minorities in the West Wing...
Guess she got scooped! lol
Quote: ams288Omarosa was all set to reveal a video she secretly recorded on Hardball tonight....
Guess she got scooped! lol
She's gonna have to go through her files and jump right to her end game if she wants to stay in the news cycle.
Or she might lay low for a few days/weeks until all the action dies down.
Quote: SOOPOONow that Cohen and Manafort are guilty, can someone please make a list of all the Trump related convictions since he became President? It is really amazing..........
People who want it all over with are getting part of their wish. We moved forward.
I happen to think they may be hiding something from Trump. There might even be Republicans in on it. The President is so strange, I could see it if it is legally possible to do it just to keep him from reacting to any links to him, until the moment it can no longer be suppressed. Just to avoid a crisis reaction.
Are you claiming that you don't sell reservations to racists? lololQuote: terapinedTotally agree
I would not make a decision to accommodate racist customers
I am pretty proud to work for a company that hires based on skills
If I found my company was racist in hiring or assigning positions.
I would leave. If that means a pay cut. So be it.
If I owned a casino and a whale came in with a KKK hat, I'd show him the door
I bet you sell tickets to racists on a routine basis.
Quote: SOOPOONow that Cohen and Manafort are guilty, can someone please make a list of all the Trump related convictions since he became President? It is really amazing..........
What's more amazing is that we would've never found this stuff out had he not run for POTUS, and probably hadn't fired Comey. That's an indictment of how terribly flawed the system is.
Quote: SteverinosWhat's more amazing is that we would've never found this stuff out had he not run for POTUS, and probably hadn't fired Comey. That's an indictment of how terribly flawed the system is.
I love it...
He could have lived the rest of his life in millionaire luxury.
He let his ego get to him, and decided to run for President as a joke to boost his popularity and ultimately start his own cable news channel.
He just KNEW there was no way he could beat Hillary, a seasoned politician with decades of experience in the game.
Oops... he played his con a little too well, and won.
Now all the skeletons are falling out of the closet, and he's dragging his friends, family, and business associates down with him. Maybe he'll personally get away with it in the end, maybe not.... but he definitely flew too close to the sun.
Manafort facing 80
Any odds on trump pardons?
Quote: SOOPOONow that Cohen and Manafort are guilty, can someone please make a list of all the Trump related convictions since he became President? It is really amazing..........
Quote: SteverinosWhat's more amazing is that we would've never found this stuff out had he not run for POTUS, and probably hadn't fired Comey. That's an indictment of how terribly flawed the system is.
Quote: TigerWu
I love it...
He could have lived the rest of his life in millionaire luxury.
He let his ego get to him, and decided to run for President as a joke to boost his popularity and ultimately start his own cable news channel.
He just KNEW there was no way he could beat Hillary, a seasoned politician with decades of experience in the game.
Oops... he played his con a little too well, and won.
Now all the skeletons are falling out of the closet, and he's dragging his friends, family, and business associates down with him. Maybe he'll personally get away with it in the end, maybe not.... but he definitely flew too close to the sun.
This just goes to show what happens when you have a Special Counsel with free reign and the power of the Federal Government behind you. No candidate from either side could come out unscathed. I have no doubt that if Hillary's campaign came under the same level of scrutiny, just as many or more persons would be guilty.
What also is amazing is that if Trump wouldn't have been elected, we would never have found out about the corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ.
Quote: FleaswatterWhat also is amazing is that if Trump wouldn't have been elected, we would never have found out about the corruption at the highest levels of the Trump campaign.
I fixed your quote.
Quote: FleaswatterI have no doubt that if Hillary's campaign came under the same level of scrutiny, just as many or more persons would be guilty.
What also is amazing is that if Trump wouldn't have been elected, we would never have found out about the corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ.
The whataboutism is strong with you.
Quote: Dalex64Did that other person claim that everyone trying to cross the southern border is a rapist?
Did Trump?
Quote: rsactuaryI fixed your quote.
Quote: SteverinosThe whataboutism is strong with you.
Keep your blinders on
Keep drinking the kool-aid.
Quote: SOOPOONow that Cohen and Manafort are guilty, can someone please make a list of all the Trump related convictions since he became President? It is really amazing..........
Not exactly the list you are looking for, but here are some names to consider: Andrew McCabe, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, James Comey, Sally Yates, James Baker, Bruce Ohr, James Rybicki, John Brennan
*thinking face emoji*
Quote: ams288
*thinking face emoji*
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, said on Tuesday that he had paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a pornographic-film actress who had once claimed to have had an affair with Mr. Trump.
In the most detailed explanation of the 2016 payment made to the actress, Stephanie Clifford, Mr. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed by the Trump Organization or the campaign for the payment.
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement to The New York Times. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
My how Cohen's story has changed. Is he lying now or before? Did he say what his prosecutors wanted him to say to receive a lighter sentence??
Quote: FleaswatterQuote: ams288
*thinking face emoji*
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, said on Tuesday that he had paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a pornographic-film actress who had once claimed to have had an affair with Mr. Trump.
In the most detailed explanation of the 2016 payment made to the actress, Stephanie Clifford, Mr. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed by the Trump Organization or the campaign for the payment.
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement to The New York Times. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
My how Cohen's story has changed. Is he lying now or before? Did he say what his prosecutors wanted him to say to receive a lighter sentence??
You are definitely someone I want on my jury
So when the prosecution catches me in lies you can come to my defense
payments described herein in order to influence the 2016
presidential election. In so doing, he coordinated with one or
more members of the campaign, including through meetings and phone
calls, about the fact, nature, and timing of the payments."
I don't think his guilty plea alone causes anything more than a headache for the President. To actually prove the crime Cohen was indicted for and entered a guilty plea for, it has to be linked to the finances of the campaign. Entering the plea removed the need for actual proof of the crime in HIS case alone.. Saying "yep, I did that" and having Lanny Davis say "he said Trump made him do it" are not the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
I am certainly not going to say that this won't ever be proven, but there would have to be actual evidence of it involving campaign money/donation--just paying someone to shut up is either not a crime at all or it is an often committed one...take your pick. NDAs are quite common and unless they can prove it was solely paid for by the campaign to help the campaign, just paying someone not to say something is likely not a violation.
Cohen is now a convicted felon (assuming his plea was accepted) who has made statements on both sides of the subject--yes it was and no it wasn't. Hardly a compelling witness.
Of course, impeachment and an impeachment trial are also political so....
(I am not defending Trump; I have no idea why he would need to legally or illegally pay money to cover up his sexcapades. I think it was pretty well known that he felt he could have whatever he wanted and a couple of ladies saying they had sex with him would not have prevented his election since the rumors of his zipper issue were already out there and factored into the vote.)
Quote: rsactuaryI fixed your quote.
Why is it necessary to "fix" someone's quote?
Make your own damned quote and don't change someone else's!
Quote: mcallister3200Oh jeez, pretty soon all the lefties are going to have to go on diets from eating too much popcorn.
Depends on how much butter and other bad stuff they put on it!
Quote: Fleaswatter
My how Cohen's story has changed. Is he lying now or before? Did he say what his prosecutors wanted him to say to receive a lighter sentence??
My personal favorite is "My philosophy is always to hire the best from the best."
Quote: SOOPOONow that Cohen and Manafort are guilty, can someone please make a list of all the Trump related convictions since he became President? It is really amazing..........
Even more amazing is how many people continue to support Trump through all this. And I'll definitely go along with the theory that Hillary supporters would be doing the same thing. Putting politics above country. That's the new definition of Making America Great
Quote: FleaswatterThis just goes to show what happens when you have a Special Counsel with free reign and the power of the Federal Government behind you. No candidate from either side could come out unscathed.
I don't trust anybody in power
Power corrupts regardless if you are a Dem or a Republican
I smell corruption, I smell obstruction
Damm right I want a special prosecutor
That's why I totally supported Ken Starr
I never trusted Bill.
That's why I totally support Mueller
I don't trust Trump.
Power corrupts regardless of party
Quote: FleaswatterQuote: SteverinosWhat's more amazing is that we would've never found this stuff out had he not run for POTUS, and probably hadn't fired Comey. That's an indictment of how terribly flawed the system is.
This just goes to show what happens when you have a Special Counsel with free reign and the power of the Federal Government behind you. No candidate from either side could come out unscathed. I have no doubt that if Hillary's campaign came under the same level of scrutiny, just as many or more persons would be guilty.
What also is amazing is that if Trump wouldn't have been elected, we would never have found out about the corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ.
Hillary has nothing to do with this. Time to stop deflecting.
Corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ??
You have GOT to be kidding. They do their jobs. They get fired for political and cover-up reasons. They get demeaned and disparaged by a President and an Administration with all kinds of agendas, just like the media has been. Those things got said and done JUST so people like you would distrust your own eyes and ears when this stuff came out in provable, prosecutable form.
Aren't you tired of being conned and manipulated? Haven't you heard enough lies and finger-pointing to know in your heart and in your mind who is really corrupt? It's really important that you understand what's happening, and how incredibly vulnerable we all are if people keep supporting these crooks.
There was no one more loyal to Trump than Cohen. He knowingly committed multiple felonies for him, even mortgaging his house to pay off Daniels. And even he realized how wrong it all has been and is coming clean for the good of the country and his family.
Quote: FleaswatterQuote: ams288
*thinking face emoji*
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, said on Tuesday that he had paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a pornographic-film actress who had once claimed to have had an affair with Mr. Trump.
In the most detailed explanation of the 2016 payment made to the actress, Stephanie Clifford, Mr. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed by the Trump Organization or the campaign for the payment.
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement to The New York Times. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
My how Cohen's story has changed. Is he lying now or before? Did he say what his prosecutors wanted him to say to receive a lighter sentence??
He wasn't under oath and penalty of perjury when he made a statement to the NYT in February. Today he was both. It makes a difference. So, today he was telling the truth. In February, he was lying to protect Trump.
Quote: Fleaswatter
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement to The New York Times. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
Trump has insisted the New York Times is Fake News and the Enemy of the People. Was he lying about that?

Was he under oath, because we all know it really doesn't count unless he was? Were is lips moving? Does the pope 5h1t in the woods?Quote: TomGTrump has insisted the New York Times is Fake News and the Enemy of the People. Was he lying about that?
Quote: beachbumbabsHe wasn't under oath and penalty of perjury when he made a statement to the NYT in February. Today he was both. It makes a difference. So, today he was telling the truth. In February, he was lying to protect Trump.
He also wasn't in a position to reduce a prison sentence in exchange for saying the right words.
Again, absent actual evidence that proves a violation of the campaign finance laws (which means something had to be done for campaign purposes only), Cohen's statement does not prove anything.
Trump is a horrible person.
So far, they have not linked an actual crime with actual evidence to Trump.
No matter what the headlines say...
Quote: beachbumbabsCorruption at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ??
You do know about the IG's report don't you?
You did know that a lot of people called for at least Comey to be canned...on both sides?
There is/was at least some corruption at the highest level of the FBI.
I grant you this--Hillary would have done better than allow it to get to the point that a special counsel was appointed to investigate her or the things surrounding her. She is much more savvy than that. So you are right--we can't bring that up anymore.
Because you said so...but...had she won, she would be President. I guess you would rather have that possible criminal over this one...and that's okay.
Quote: RonCLanny Davis and Michael Cohen now have a "gofundme" account for legal expenses. Make your donations now so Lanny can get paid!!
I'd donate.
(This is YOUR PRESIDENT’s favorite show...)
Quote: RonCHe also wasn't in a position to reduce a prison sentence in exchange for saying the right words
The leniency comes from avoiding a trial, not from ratting out his boss. That is true for every single person charged with a felony. Once Cohen takes the plea deal, he no longer has anything to gain from lying. But Trump certainly does.
Quote: ams288Link?
I'd donate.
Donate early and often!
We must find a way to overturn the election...your $$$ will help.
Oh...no they won't...your prize will be President Pence!!
Quote: TomGThe leniency comes from avoiding a trial, not from ratting out his boss. That is true for every single person charged with a felony. Once Cohen takes the plea deal, he no longer has anything to gain from lying. But Trump certainly does.
Do you really think that the prosecutors have no influence on what is said in the process?
If part of the plea deal is that he will say a certain thing, then he does gain from saying it. Even if he already said that it did not happen.
Quote: RonChttps://www.gofundme.com/hqjupj-michael-cohen-truth-fund
Donate early and often!
We must find a way to overturn the election...your $$$ will help.
Oh...no they won't...your prize will be President Pence!!
Mike Pence, while batsh** crazy, isn't a Russian asset. So it'd be a slight improvement for our country.
Quote: RonCIf part of the plea deal is that he will say a certain thing, then he does gain from saying it. Even if he already said that it did not happen.
Sounds like you’re admitting that you have no clue at all about what was offered in exchange for what with Cohen’s plea.
Extremely doubtful a prosecutor would ever offer a better deal in exchange for information unless there was very tight evidence to support the person being charged.
Wouldn’t the plea deal only involve information going to the prosecutors, not the media?
Now THAT is funny!!!
Trump had always denied the affairs. He still can even though he paid them off. He could just cite that the didn't want the chaff of someone's claims on him. It won't matter to his believers anyway.
And of course Mueller isn't done.
As for Hillary there has been investigations into all of her wrongdoings which in my opinion cost her the election. And the Right still are investigating her and dredge her up whenever there's a good time and enough room in the news cycle to deflect from this horrible mess of a presidency.
As for Pence at this point I would rather have stability than a "horse loose in a hospital" (John Mulaney).
Quote: ams288
Now THAT is funny!!!
Yet he was Trump's attorney for 12 years,.. the irony and lacking of personal credibility is astounfing.
Quote: TomGThe leniency comes from avoiding a trial, not from ratting out his boss. That is true for every single person charged with a felony. Once Cohen takes the plea deal, he no longer has anything to gain from lying. But Trump certainly does.
You are joking right? You seriously think the plea deal happens and THEN he tells the prosecutors what he will say? It is the exact opposite of course. He tells the prosecutors what they WANT to hear, what Cohen perceives will get him the most lenient sentence possible. I can assure you, since it will all be a 'he said, she said' type of evidence, Cohen could not care IN THE LEAST whether he is telling the truth or lying, as long as his sentence is as short as possible. And if you cannot understand this, I can't help you.
Quote: SOOPOOHe tells the prosecutors what they WANT to hear, what Cohen perceives will get him the most lenient sentence possible.
Cohen lies then no deal
That's how it works
Quote: terapinedNope
Cohen lies then no deal
That's how it works
He already has been proven a liar or someone who has "alternate versions of the truth"...
Yes, one was under oath and one was not, that does not make him any less a liar.
The question is not whether or not it was done to help Trump get elected; it is whether it was done ONLY to help him getting elected. If there is another purpose--other than helping him get elected (say to help him in the corporate world)--then the fact that it may help him get elected does not mean it is a violation of the campaign finance law.
Quote: RonCHe already has been proven a liar or someone who has "alternate versions of the truth"...
Yes, one was under oath and one was not, that does not make him any less a liar.
The question is not whether or not it was done to help Trump get elected; it is whether it was done ONLY to help him getting elected. If there is another purpose--other than helping him get elected (say to help him in the corporate world)--then the fact that it may help him get elected does not mean it is a violation of the campaign finance law.
He stated specifically to the judge in both counts 7 and 8 it was in order to get Trump elected. I doubt that verbiage was used casually - he read it off prepared notes. I don't see him perjuring himself over prepared remarks, with his lawyers standing there.
I'm not sure your contention that ONLY that motive is necessary would hold water, but IANAL. There could be multiple reasons to do it, intended or unintended consequences, and election fraud or manipulation still be considered the primary objective.