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October 5th, 2010 at 9:09:43 PM permalink
Ok you twits.

Here you go. Your very own forum to rant back and forth against the merits or unfounded foolishness of AP, depending on which twit you happen to be.

Perhaps this will stop you from hijacking every thread and turning it into another useless and pointless tirade against one another. I don't think this is likely but perhaps you will. Of course, when I say pointless I mean that it is pointless unless your point is to make an effort to prove the other twit wrong (which won't happen because the other twit doesn't care about what you have to write... and by not caring I mean that the only reason he reads what you've written is so that he can quote your last post and make a juvenile statement to the contrary or remark on your lack of grey cells) or to see how many posts you can compile.

Now, when either one of you feels like making a post that is completely unrelated to the thread within which you have posted (which accounts for the majority of your posts), it would be nice to see you simply hop onto this thread and continue your pillow fight here. If you won't or can't do this then perhaps the Wiz or JB would be kind enough to divert your posts to this or another thread.

I shall forthwith withold further comment toward or about either of these two, block their posts and continue to enjoy this great site.

I don't know about you but I sure feel better.
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October 5th, 2010 at 9:13:32 PM permalink
Quote: TheNightfly

Ok you twits.

Here you go. Your very own forum to rant back and forth against the merits or unfounded foolishness of AP, depending on which twit you happen to be.

Perhaps this will stop you from hijacking every thread and turning it into another useless and pointless tirade against one another. I don't think this is likely but perhaps you will. Of course, when I say pointless I mean that it is pointless unless your point is to make an effort to prove the other twit wrong (which won't happen because the other twit doesn't care about what you have to write... and by not caring I mean that the only reason he reads what you've written is so that he can quote your last post and make a juvenile statement to the contrary or remark on your lack of grey cells) or to see how many posts you can compile.

Now, when either one of you feels like making a post that is completely unrelated to the thread within which you have posted (which accounts for the majority of your posts), it would be nice to see you simply hop onto this thread and continue your pillow fight here. If you won't or can't do this then perhaps the Wiz or JB would be kind enough to divert your posts to this or another thread.

I shall forthwith withold further comment toward or about either of these two, block their posts and continue to enjoy this great site.

I don't know about you but I sure feel better.

I'm not sure you've been keeping up. Oh I see....23 posts since May. Now I feel better!
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October 5th, 2010 at 9:32:22 PM permalink
Jerry and mkl are like nitro and glycerin -- highly combustible. I expected this.
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October 6th, 2010 at 4:18:50 AM permalink
You can always block their posts.

For the record, I have Jerry and mrjjj blocked.

I do not think mkl is a problem. On the contrary. He has some valuable input.
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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October 6th, 2010 at 6:59:16 AM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

You can always block their posts.

For the record, I have Jerry and mrjjj blocked.

I do not think mkl is a problem. On the contrary. He has some valuable input.

About a month ago, when Jerry was doing his thing down under and absent from the board, I made a couple of comments that I was of mixed mind about mkl -- he seemed to have an outrageously offensive way of expressing himself at times but he also seemed to have some input I thought could be of significant value to this forum.

In return for speaking in (partially) favorable terms about mkl, I received numerous comments to the effect that I must have lost my mind -- couldn't I see what a worthless troll he was? Now, DJ, it looks as if you may have been tricked by his devious ways just as I have been. We must really be losers (and I am confident that Jerry can and will confirm this.)
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October 6th, 2010 at 7:05:01 AM permalink
Maybe I have to pay more attention.

Maybe his positive posts are making me forget about glossing over any troll-like posts.
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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October 6th, 2010 at 7:15:38 AM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

You can always block their posts.

For the record, I have Jerry and mrjjj blocked.

I do not think mkl is a problem. On the contrary. He has some valuable input.

I thought mrjjj's stubborn attitude was kind of entertaining!
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October 6th, 2010 at 7:55:56 AM permalink
I have to stand up for mkl here. While I disagree with him vehemently sometimes, and I think is a bit overly opinionated, he is a good writer, and contributes good points often. He has also translated gibberish into English in the craps investment strategy thread, which I'm sure was no easy task. He is welcome here to post anywhere, as far as I'm concerned.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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October 6th, 2010 at 8:26:51 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I have to stand up for mkl here. While I disagree with him vehemently sometimes, and I think is a bit overly opinionated, he is a good writer, and contributes good points often.

I second the Wizards post.
Quote: Wizard

He has also translated gibberish into English in the craps investment strategy thread, which I'm sure was no easy task. He is welcome here to post anywhere, as far as I'm concerned.

I beg to differ.
Give the correct credit where the credit is due.
98steps did 95% of the translation himself, from gibberish to a readable system without anyone's assistance.
I was was an eye witness to that process.

I spent 2 hours talking with him and assisting on some finer points. But the final result still is a product of his many drafts and adjustments.
If anything, myself, mlk or Mr. Bluejay can squabble over taking credit for parts of the remaining 5%.
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October 6th, 2010 at 9:03:57 AM permalink
I personally have not blocked anyone I might not agree with, like or enjoy a lot of posts they have made, but I think they have the same right as anyone else to voice their opinion.
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October 6th, 2010 at 9:23:34 AM permalink
Quote: 7craps

I beg to differ.
Give the correct credit where the credit is due.
98steps did 95% of the translation himself, from gibberish to a readable system without anyone's assistance.
I was was an eye witness to that process.

I spent 2 hours talking with him and assisting on some finer points. But the final result still is a product of his many drafts and adjustments.
If anything, myself, mlk or Mr. Bluejay can squabble over taking credit for parts of the remaining 5%.

Okay, I didn't know the depth of his participation in that. I'll leave it to others to assign credit.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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October 6th, 2010 at 9:53:55 AM permalink
I don't have a problem with JerryLogan or mkl either, not that my opinion counts for anything.
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October 6th, 2010 at 10:04:05 AM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

I don't have a problem with JerryLogan or mkl either, not that my opinion counts for anything.

All opinions count. Some opinions are factual based and some are emotional based.
The emotional ones mixed in with swear words and "he said' "she said" comments are the ones most do not want any part of.

A nice feature of this forum is that you can go to a members name and read all their posts.
JL and mkl posts are enjoyable to read, in my opinion, and contain very good information. mik knows his math!

yes, they become cats and dogs when put together.
So may they find happiness in this new thread!
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October 6th, 2010 at 12:04:22 PM permalink
Quote: 7craps

98steps did 95% of the translation himself, from gibberish to a readable system without anyone's assistance.

If anything, myself, mlk or Mr. Bluejay can squabble over taking credit for parts of the remaining 5%.

I don't want to "take credit" for anything in that process. I did correspond with 98steps, and I reviewed the REVISED (post-gibberish) version of his system, and made a few suggestions. I also told him that I thought that with a couple of minor exceptions, his system was now very well written out and easy to understand.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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October 6th, 2010 at 12:28:25 PM permalink
Quote: TheNightfly

Ok you twits.
I don't know about you but I sure feel better.

The value of this forum as therapy should not be underestimated. If The Nightfly benefits therefrom, I say, let him post away!

While I disagree, at times vehemently, with JerryLogan, I would never dream of saying that he does not have the right to post on this or any other forum. I would also never dream of starting some kind of crusade against him or any other member or members--that would be an act of profound assholery. If I don't want to read someone's posts, I can always block them. I am free to dislike someone or what someone says (and I recognize the huge distinction between those two things), but I cross a line if I make an active effort to incite that dislike in others.

So I won't be starting a thread asking everybody where they think The Nightfly should go.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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October 6th, 2010 at 12:38:13 PM permalink
Quote: Croupier

I personally have not blocked anyone....

I block all those and only those who do not block themselves ... question ... do I block myself?

"Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!"
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October 6th, 2010 at 12:40:26 PM permalink
Quote: DorothyGale

I block all those and only those who do not block themselves ... question ... do I block myself?


Errrrm, my head hurts.
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October 6th, 2010 at 4:36:09 PM permalink

So let me get this straight, you must be the only So-Called Expert that has the right to post anything on this board, and then you want us all to censor these guys that you do not agree with?

Maybe you do not understand how one of these boards works. They were not set-up so all us So-Called Experts could get up on a pedestal, and only preach what we believe to be true. I learned a long time  ago that you can learn from anybody they don’t need a PhD to teach anybody something!

Everybody has something to teach us, all you only have to open your eye’s and ears to see what they are talking about! What might seem like a stupid question to you, might not be to someone else, and just might spark discussion that we all might get something out of it!

I know the answers to a lot of questions that I post, and someone else might just think it’s a stupid question, but there are plenty of players that don’t have a clue as to what they should be doing on a craps table.

Personally I get a kick out of someone who will say there are no DI’S playing craps, because that’s the game I play, they have the right to disbelieve, that someone can change the odds that little bit that they might need to win, by making points, and knowing how to bet the game!
Any time someone wants to take the other point of view on anything that is posted is a good thing!

The post might have die right from the start without some of these guys!

I think that the PL bet is stupid.
To add to the list, let’s put the come bet on the list, also some times the 6 an 8 is the worst bets you can make on a craps table, and my list goes on and on.

Not everything you read in the books is true, and some of it is just fiction. This is just my point of view, some of it can be proven, but 99% of the players you prove it to will still believe in the guy that is writing fiction, only because they read it in a book, or they like the authors writing style!

If I think the writer does not know what they are talking about, or they waste my time reading their post I still will read them! There just might be a 1% chance that they have something I can learn from the post!

You can call me anything you want to, please do if that’s what get’s you off; sometime confrontation is a good thing, as long as you can laugh afterwards.

Damn let me get down off this pedestal, so I can go back to practicing shooting craps! Then I might become one of these so-called DI'S

By the way this post is not directed at you , I have seen this type of post on other boards, and all they did was lose some good posters by going along with who ever started the post!

 LOL Superrick
Note, all my post start with this is just my opinion...! You do good brada ..! superrick Winning comes from knowledge and skill when your betting and not reading fiction ...
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October 6th, 2010 at 4:57:25 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

I have to stand up for mkl here. While I disagree with him vehemently sometimes, and I think is a bit overly opinionated, he is a good writer, and contributes good points often.

From Larry Niven's Laws: "If you have nothing to say, say it any way you want to." Meaning be nasty, use an obscure style, experiment all you like, etc. But, "If you have something to say, be perfectly clear. Let it not be your fault if you're not understood." Or listened to.
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October 6th, 2010 at 6:15:54 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

From Larry Niven's Laws: "If you have nothing to say, say it any way you want to." Meaning be nasty, use an obscure style, experiment all you like, etc. But, "If you have something to say, be perfectly clear. Let it not be your fault if you're not understood." Or listened to.

Are you saying that you sometimes have trouble understanding what I'm saying? Indeed, I have often suspected that that is the case for you. (Obviously, I don't feel that it is my fault if that is true.)

From the sayings of Homer Simpson: "Mmmmm....donuts!"
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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November 15th, 2010 at 8:42:40 AM permalink
Here they go again.

Hey guys, if you must go on, this thread is just for you two. mkl is just dying for the day when he sees his name at the top of the list of "Top Contributors". As for Jerry, he's got his windmills to attack. Once again they've hijacked a thread (comically, it is the one in which the Wiz has posted his new rules).

Girls, you're both pretty.
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November 15th, 2010 at 8:58:17 AM permalink
Quote: TheNightfly

Ok you twits.

Here you go. Your very own forum to rant back and forth against the merits or unfounded foolishness of AP, depending on which twit you happen to be.

Perhaps this will stop you from hijacking every thread and turning it into another useless and pointless tirade against one another. I don't think this is likely but perhaps you will. Of course, when I say pointless I mean that it is pointless unless your point is to make an effort to prove the other twit wrong (which won't happen because the other twit doesn't care about what you have to write... and by not caring I mean that the only reason he reads what you've written is so that he can quote your last post and make a juvenile statement to the contrary or remark on your lack of grey cells) or to see how many posts you can compile.

Now, when either one of you feels like making a post that is completely unrelated to the thread within which you have posted (which accounts for the majority of your posts), it would be nice to see you simply hop onto this thread and continue your pillow fight here. If you won't or can't do this then perhaps the Wiz or JB would be kind enough to divert your posts to this or another thread.

I shall forthwith withold further comment toward or about either of these two, block their posts and continue to enjoy this great site.

I don't know about you but I sure feel better.

I thought personal attacks were against the forum rules, and that applies both to attacks against JerryLogan and attacks against myself.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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November 15th, 2010 at 9:03:00 AM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

I thought personal attacks were against the forum rules, and that applies both to attacks against JerryLogan and attacks against myself.

Yes, and also attacks from you and from Jerry. But it does NOT apply to posts that were published before the new rules were published...
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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November 15th, 2010 at 9:03:48 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Yes, and also attacks from you and from Jerry. But NOT to posts that were published before the new rules were published...

I quoted the wrong post. I meant to refer to NightFly's latest rant.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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November 15th, 2010 at 9:41:42 AM permalink
Quote: TheNightfly

mkl is just dying for the day when he sees his name at the top of the list of "Top Contributors"...Girls, you're both pretty.

I know it is hard to lower the temperature of the site overnight, but this could be interpreted as a personal insult, and thus a violation of rule #1. Please be a little more careful with your words.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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