Once banned, aka nuked, a member is persona non gratis and can NEVER post here again.
Sure, they can lurk, but that's it.
Short of being banned, the mods can suspend someone, usually for three to fourteen days.
When suspended you cannot post, but once the suspension is over you are fully reinstated.
As for what the banned do, some congregate at other sites and discuss the goings on here; others flush it and move on.
Quote: speedycrapRecently, a lot of threads talking about members got banned. I wonder, what a banned member can do and cannot do during the banned period. Also permanently banned?
Just about nothing
No posting
No editing
No pms allowed with anyone including mods
No communication whatsoever
About the only thing possible is reading posts like any non-member
Quote: speedycrapRecently, a lot of threads talking about members got banned. I wonder, what a banned member can do and cannot do during the banned period. Also permanently banned?
Quote: Ibeatyouraceshttps://youtu.be/20EhCYGwmzE
Just remember part II is all i can say
Quote: Mikey75I don't understand why so many banned members log in everyday. Why not just view the forum without logging in if you can't post?
I agree for banned members
Suspended members are coming back so why log out
I never log in. My phone is permalogged. I just come here and im already signed on. So too much work signing out when im coming back

Most of the banned members simply set up a new account under another name. Many of the members on this forum have several user names using several different IPs. It's just like Facebook.
My guess:Quote: Mikey75I don't understand why so many banned members log in everyday. Why not just view the forum without logging in if you can't post?
When you are logged in, the system tracks what thread pages and posts you have already seen. When you click on a thread from a list (such as "Recent Threads") it takes you to where you stopped reading and there is a post you haven't seen before. On the assumption that this works for banned/suspended members as well, it at least saves time for someone who wants to read posts they haven't yet seen, even if they cannot post themselves.
Quote: Mikey75I don't understand why so many banned members log in everyday. Why not just view the forum without logging in if you can't post?
I could be wrong but, contrary to what someone said above, a member in red can do two things.
1. They can receive and read PMs.
2. They can click on a.thread, and it will have kept their place, so they see the latest post they haven't read.
I think the second one is why they sign in.
Are you 100% sure banned member can receive and read PM????Quote: beachbumbabsI could be wrong but, contrary to what someone said above, a member in red can do two things.
1. They can receive and read PMs.
2. They can click on a.thread, and it will have kept their place, so they see the latest post they haven't read.
I think the second one is why they sign in.
Are you 100% sure banned member can receive and read PM????Quote: beachbumbabsI could be wrong but, contrary to what someone said above, a member in red can do two things.
1. They can receive and read PMs.
2. They can click on a.thread, and it will have kept their place, so they see the latest post they haven't read.
I think the second one is why they sign in.
Quote: speedycrapAre you 100% sure banned member can receive and read PM????
I am 100% sure that's how it USED TO work.
If the new owners changed it, they didn't announce it.
Do you want to be the guy who helps me find out?
Quote: speedycrapAre you 100% sure banned member can receive and read PM????
I can confirm that. I have been banned and received PM from a Mod and others.
Quote: MaxPenI can confirm that. I have been banned and received PM from a Mod and others.
Thanks. I thought it still worked that way.
Cannot vote in national elections.
Cannot have children.
Cannot own a hand gun.
Cannot laugh more than twice a day.
Cannot use valet parking at casinos.
CAN complain night and day on Gamblers Glen at how much it sucks to be banned.
The bellyaching goes on, of course, but not there.
Quote: beachbumbabsI am 100% sure that's how it USED TO work.
If the new owners changed it, they didn't announce it.
Do you want to be the guy who helps me find out?
C'mon, Babs, that last statement is just bullying. Shame on you. With power comes responsibility.
Quote: gordonm888C'mon, Babs, that last statement is just bullying. Shame on you. With power comes responsibility.
I should have put a smiley face on it, maybe, but I meant I would ban him, pm him, unban him 5 minutes later, and we'd both know for sure.
100% not a threat. Was asking for a volunteer. My apologies to speedycrap if he took it that way.
Quote: onenickelmiracleSuspended and banned mean two different things. Has anyone ever been nuked and invited back? Sometimes suspended then unsuspended being overturned, but not banned and unbanned.
I was banned thru a misunderstanding, but Mike revoked it when someone intervened.
What misunderstanding?Quote: billryanI was banned thru a misunderstanding, but Mike revoked it when someone intervened.
Quote: onenickelmiracleWhat misunderstanding?
IIRC a sockpuppet or a few were made at the same time and may have had a similar IP address to that of Billryan's. He was banned because Mike or someone thought he was a sockpuppet, but really, he isn't.....or.....maybe he is?
Quote: Keyser
Most of the banned members simply set up a new account under another name. Many of the members on this forum have several user names using several different IPs. It's just like Facebook.
About the Mclovin' fake ID, I can't believe the cashier ringing him up for alcohol fell for it. ID's usually have a first and a last name not just a last name... Mclovin' ID was obviously fake....
Quote: AxelWolfIS IT JUST ME!!??
its always just you.
Quote: NathanQuote: Keyser
Most of the banned members simply set up a new account under another name. Many of the members on this forum have several user names using several different IPs. It's just like Facebook.
About the Mclovin' fake ID, I can't believe the cashier ringing him up for alcohol fell for it. ID's usually have a first and a last name not just a last name... Mclovin' ID was obviously fake....
Wow and all this time I thought that movie was based on a true story.
Quote: speedycrapRecently, a lot of threads talking about members got banned. I wonder, what a banned member can do and cannot do during the banned period.
You can post at http://diversitytomorrow.com/
Many suspended members over there post here
That's why EB and AZ was posting here so much here lately, they got suspended at DT for insulting AMS
vice versa
You get suspended here, can post on DT
Quote: HunterhillQuote: NathanQuote: Keyser
Most of the banned members simply set up a new account under another name. Many of the members on this forum have several user names using several different IPs. It's just like Facebook.
About the Mclovin' fake ID, I can't believe the cashier ringing him up for alcohol fell for it. ID's usually have a first and a last name not just a last name... Mclovin' ID was obviously fake....
Wow and all this time I thought that movie was based on a true story.
Sometimes movies are just plain insulting....;)
Quote: HornHighYo11Note "McLOVIN" and signature McLoving. and surely that kid weighed barely over a buck ten...
Good point about the signature and the name being slightly different, which should have been a huge red flag, but people have been known to lose weight from the time of their picture to the present time. Especially since Fogel(Mclovin') is very young. It's easier to lose weight when you are in your teens/young adult rather than middle/elderly ages.