Boycotting this coffee maker for me is easy as 1) I don't drink coffee and 2) I was already boycotting it since some left wing friends accused it of raping the environment with billions of plastic discs. I wonder what they are doing today?
I'm not into the whole Bushmill/Jamison nonsense, and have no intention of either drinking nor boycotting Jim Beam.
So who is boycotting what?
I also refuse to travel to certain countries for one reason or another. I guess that could be considered a boycott.
Quote: billryanFirst he thanked me for helping make the NFL Veterans Weekend boycott so successful( it wasn't),
Haha...I just read that ratings for Veteran's Day weekend were up 20% from the week before, and attendance to games was up as well.
Quote: SM777I thought everyone was boycotting everything.
Obviously, but we need lists.
Quote: TigerWuI don't know if this counts as boycotting, but there are a lot of companies and businesses I don't patronize because I simply don't like their products or don't like they way they do business.
I also refuse to travel to certain countries for one reason or another. I guess that could be considered a boycott.
Pretty sure that's exactly what a boycott it
Not because of political reasons, but because their pizza tastes like crap.
Also any light beer.
Quote: WizardI was boycotting the El Santeco restaurant, where I got food poisoning, (full story) but they closed. Can't think of anywhere else.
I don't think that was your average food poisoning. That was pretty bad. Personally, I thought you were pretty close to cashing in. (or should it be cashing out)
Chintzy and low-class. I'm pretty sure this is not their standard practice any more, but I wouldn't know.
I dont buy cigarettes but i dont smoke so that is not a boycott
Right now im not boycotting anything. In the past i have been very weak with my boycotts cuz usually if i want it really bad i cant resist
Been boycotting Chick-fil-A about 10 years now over their anti-gay activism from about then. Mr. Cathy the elder was a really sweet guy (sat with him several times while commuting to DC 2000-2004: he was a neighbor), but really found the stance outrageous and inappropriate.
Been boycotting Hobby Lobby about the same period for their employee policies on birth control availability and religious bias on non-religious business practices.
That's about it.
I used to have my alarm set for 7AM, and I would listen to the radio until 7:30 and then get up, but they started playing a 2 or 3 minute Rush Limbaugh thing around 7:20, so now I just set it to 7:30. I guess that means I'm boycotting that morning show.
Those seem like a couple of good choices. I'm not a big fan of Disney World but that's mine, maybe it doesn't quite rise to the level of a full-out boycott. It is just too overcrowded and too overpriced.Quote: beachbumbabsBeen boycotting Chick-fil-A about 10 years now over their anti-gay activism from about then.
Been boycotting Hobby Lobby about the same period for their employee policies on birth control availability and religious bias on non-religious business practices.
Quote: DocI've been considering boycotting protest movements.
Doc wins. Thread closed. ;)
I boycott expensive places because I can't afford them.
I suppose a man only gets 5 real boycotts in his life. I'm using all ten of mine on Jeff f#$%ing Bezos. And if I'm ever when I'm killed on the job, know I went out happy because I took 214 of those smiling f#$%ing boxes with me.
Shout out to my minimalists. You da real MVP's.
The rest of y'all can have a great Christmas.
Quote: FaceAmazon. Not only is Bezos headlining my List of People to Kill, but I even had to remove Tom Brady AND George Bush V2.0 to make room for all the people in my life that use this s#$%. If you order Amazon, I hate you to your core. Like HATE hate. Eat your children levels of hate. I hope your Made in China package has 3 kinds of Asian Bird Flu and kills your dog, zombifies it, and kills it again.
You're starting to worry me, Face. Either you're joking or ... I don't even want to consider the "or."
Sargento cheese, they were one of the first to stop supporting Glenn Beck (before it became warranted). I hate him now, but the boycott stands.
Geico insurance because of Warren Buffett. This one actually costs me a decent amount.
I have a soft boycott on almost any outspoken liberal company. I say soft, because it's impossible to navigate the tech world without them and Ben and Jerry's have a few good flavors. NFL will join a soft boycott when they actually give Goodell his contract, unfortunately.
These are little things I can personally do in my everyday life, I drop them in a group if it'd cause a problem.
I don't know if there's anything else I really boycott, other than silly liberal stuff.
Quote: DrawingDeadBoycotts make excellent shopping lists. Merry Christmas.
Not sure if you mean it like, "Now I can buy stuff for people that they'll hate" or something about pedophiles getting cots for young boys.
Either way, +1.
Quote: FaceAmazon. Not only is Bezos headlining my List of People to Kill, but I even had to remove Tom Brady AND George Bush V2.0 to make room for all the people in my life that use this s#$%. If you order Amazon, I hate you to your core. Like HATE hate. Eat your children levels of hate. I hope your Made in China package has 3 kinds of Asian Bird Flu and kills your dog, zombifies it, and kills it again.
I suppose a man only gets 5 real boycotts in his life. I'm using all ten of mine on Jeff f#$%ing Bezos. And if I'm ever when I'm killed on the job, know I went out happy because I took 214 of those smiling f#$%ing boxes with me.
Shout out to my minimalists. You da real MVP's.
The rest of y'all can have a great Christmas.
This a really weird post. Very unstable. I would recommend it being removed from the site. You better hope Bezos doesn't get assassinated.
Double whammy that it is coming from someone with the power to ban me.
Wizard is starting to be concerned. Really?
Quote: WizardYou're starting to worry me, Face. Either you're joking or ... I don't even want to consider the "or."
Quote: WizardYou're starting to worry me, Face. Either you're joking or ... I don't even want to consider the "or."
I dunno. Dark humor is a relief. I spent all last year with my head down working, and I spent most nights crying. Today I instead kicked in the office door and loudly exclaimed I believed that "[expletive deleted] packages would be better delivered via [ed] blunderbluss through their [ed] front door" and the shop was all smiles.
My job is such that you must possess a real quantity of genuine Crazy, and hold it so that folks are unsure as to how far you'll take it. A threat on another's personal or financial safety is about the only way anything gets done, and I suppose that's a color that permeates.
In other words, see the signature below ;)
But real talk, how do ~700 households receive 214 packages EVERY SINGLE DAY?! I don't mean "days after a holiday" or "for a week before Xmas". I mean 200 packages for 700 houses from October to February. 120 straight days TO INCLUDE HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS THANKYOUJEFFBEZOS!!!1! of non stop, balls to walls, turnt up to 11 and turn down for what consumptionist blitzkrieg Leap Forward from hell. How? How. how. One quarter of one neighborhood totaling 700 houses and I will sling them 5,000 packages in the next 30 days. And 5k the next month. And 5k the month after that. HOW?
Also real talk, I don't want your dog to turn into a zombie. Nor eat people regardless of their age. But if I have to sacrifice some face and make people think I will, then that might be one more person that doesn't want me on their porch with their damnable smiling boxes, and that's about the only hope I got to look at these days =p
Also also Real Talk, your first class mail and "Priority Packages" are a laugh riot. It don't matter if it's grandma's birthday card, your electric bill, or a Letter from Home, you ALL kneel before Bezos. We'll scan your CARE package "Attempted" right on the floor and leave it, as I gotta make room for Moar Smiling Boxes.
Shhh. They comin'.
Swing lowwww, sweet chaaaaariottt,.....
Quote: MaxPen
This a really weird post. Very unstable. I would recommend it being removed from the site. You better hope Bezos doesn't get assassinated.
Double whammy that it is coming from someone with the power to ban me.
OK, now I feel an ass.
I've referenced it a few times, though it was admittedly only a few times and it's been over a span of many, many years. But "List of People to Kill" is from "Billy Madison". The scene where Buscemi puts on the lipstick. I thought the absurdity of my list (who i have certainly stated as having Tom Brady heading it a few times at WoV) was the giveaway. Sorry if I lead anyone to believe I have an actual list I expected to act on ever in life.

I chalked it up to you spending too much time in the penalty box with LarryS and MR.VQuote: Face
Quote: Face
"Man I'm glad I called that guy."
Quote: RomesI'm boycotting Microtel's hotel chain. One random trip we didn't book in advance, early on when we couldn't so easily get comped a room, and they were the only option left for hours. We thought we hit the jackpot because their sign said lowest prices guaranteed, mircotell, smaller cheaper rooms, etc... Well they DID have vacancy, but for one night in this 'eh' area (decent room should be like $80-$100) they were trying to charge like $225 for one full bed room. We were just really excited when they said they had vacancy and the place just looked perfect for us (i.e. just a cheap place to sleep). We were so disappointed that now every time I even see a sign for them it's required for everyone in the car to go "F*$& you, Microtel."
I guess I'm boycotting them too. We found dead bugs in two different rooms in Tunica, and after the 2nd room, we are like "f*** this", get a refund and go hotel hunting after 1am on a Saturday night. Eventually Quality Inn's rate fell from $75 to $60 at 2am and took it.
I specifically remember one cartoon in his magazine that sticks in my mind after all these years. There was a black guy, apparently at a zoo, standing there dressed in tacky clothing, yellow dots on shirt, bell bottoms, whatever, and holding a "boom-box" on his shoulder. Inside the cage was a monkey, also wearing same clothing, holding a boom-box to his ear, etc. They were looking at each other, fashioned identically. Perhaps they were both eating a banana.
But this pig gets a pass. Why?
Of course, Flynt is a staunch liberal.
Quote: bobbartopYears ago, I would not buy things made in Communist China, because it's essentially made with slave labor. But nowadays, how can I continue? Everything's made in Communist China. American businessmen have fallen over themselves to profit off of free labor. Disgusting.
Which is part of why I boycott Walmart. They ARE the reason everything's made in Communist China. They put more manufacturers out of business in the USA than any bank crash could ever hope to do.
Liberals don't like Larry Flynt either. He's the reason people grit their teeth, along with flag burners, when they defend First Amendment rights.
Face, I don't doubt you know this, but Amazon Prime offers free shipping and free returns. No more grouping a shipment, waiting for all the goods, to save costs. And many groceries are cheaper there than any place you can buy them IRL. So people are getting 5 packages a week just normal shopping. It all arrives in its own individual box, most of it via USPS, more via UPS, occasionally Fedex.
I can't bring myself to throw out a shipping box, so I have dozens. Ugh. Need to move soon just to justify them. Or start selling stuff on CL ot ebay. Go buy boxes these days: the cheapest are $4 or more, unless you steal 'em from USPS.
Examples are:
Geiko: over $1 Billion on stupid ads,
Beats by Dre: used to spending about 65% of the budget on marketing to sell for $200 headphones that cost $10 to make.
Nike: For example 1Billion$ only to Lebron is a lot, even though I am a big fan of the guy. )
The list goes on :)
Quote: beachbumbabsWhich is part of why I boycott Walmart. They ARE the reason everything's made in Communist China. They put more manufacturers out of business in the USA than any bank crash could ever hope to do.
Liberals don't like Larry Flynt either. He's the reason people grit their teeth, along with flag burners, when they defend First Amendment rights.
Along with congress and several administrations, both parties, granting them "most-favored-nation" status. Do you think Texas executes people? China executes prisoners for misdemeanor-type offenses. I read that in the NYTimes several years ago, before the invention of fake news. Their economy depends on prison labor. No one comes close to the numbers of prisoners executed as China. Meanwhile, Condemned Unit at San Quentin has over 700, many have been there over 20 years.
I almost bought a bag of catnip at PetSmart recently before I saw the "made-in-China" label. I thought, just HOW much more economical is it to import a friggin bag of catnip from China than to get it grown (safely) by an American? I did not buy it. I would NEVER give my pet something made in China. Google how many pets have died from Chinese-imported food products.
I was at the market, about to buy a can of smoked oysters. OMG! Made or canned in China. Same with some tuna. These were trusted brand names that I used to never think twice about buying. There's no food safety over there, sheesh! I researched and found safe and sustainably caught tuna in British Columbia (and delicious). Caught one by one, no nets, no dolphins. Canned with strict inspections by well-paid and happy workers in Canada, eh. Of course, it's $6 a can, but that's what I buy now.
(change subjects) The other day I was looking in the Casino-Chip-Of-The-Day-Thread, and I saw the chips at the "new Normandie", scumbag Larry Flynt's Lady Luck or whatever it's called. I can't believe it. A nude Hustlette on the poker chip. NO CLASS!
You will have to stop gambling. Everything uses Chinese decks, including VP.Quote: bobbartopAlong with congress and several administrations, both parties, granting them "most-favored-nation" status. Do you think Texas executes people? China executes prisoners for misdemeanor-type offenses. I read that in the NYTimes several years ago, before the invention of fake news. Their economy depends on prison labor. No one comes close to the numbers of prisoners executed as China. Meanwhile, Condemned Unit at San Quentin has over 700, many have been there over 20 years.
I almost bought a bag of catnip at PetSmart recently before I saw the "made-in-China" label. I thought, just HOW much more economical is it to import a friggin bag of catnip from China than to get it grown (safely) by an American? I did not buy it. I would NEVER give my pet something made in China. Google how many pets have died from Chinese-imported food products.
I was at the market, about to buy a can of smoked oysters. OMG! Made or canned in China. Same with some tuna. These were trusted brand names that I used to never think twice about buying. There's no food safety over there, sheesh! I researched and found safe and sustainably caught tuna in British Columbia (and delicious). Caught one by one, no nets, no dolphins. Canned with strict inspections by well-paid and happy workers in Canada, eh. Of course, it's $6 a can, but that's what I buy now.
(change subjects) The other day I was looking in the Casino-Chip-Of-The-Day-Thread, and I saw the chips at the "new Normandie", scumbag Larry Flynt's Lady Luck or whatever it's called. I can't believe it. A nude Hustlette on the poker chip. NO CLASS!
Quote: AxelWolfYou will have to stop gambling everything uses Chinese decks, including VP.
Thanks, Axel, for this wonderful news. Can't you tell I'm already in a "mood"? I'm going back to bed. Forever.