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October 7th, 2017 at 3:54:30 AM permalink
Quote: billryan

I don't understand why he is allowed to do this. If someone was saying every black is a liar or every Jew were something, they'd have been shut down long ago.
Any thing this jerk says isn't worth reading.

I regret and am saddened by your being forced to resort to name calling. You won't find any of my remarks calling people names. I have extensive experience with Philippine people and am simply sharing it. You and anyone else is welcome to share yours, as a few have. The American authorities have yet to establish a motive for this horrific act and I'm merely contributing context and causation ideas. None of it makes sense and that can be said about the Philippines as well. Nothing in that remark is derogatory, many find such a state of being preferred. The reporting on the "girlfriend" confirms everything I've posted. These internet arranged marriages and marriage to girls half or more your age, always to an impoverished girl, make me sick and border on if they don't cross the human trafficking line, but that a discussion for another place. OO and God Bless everyone.
Last edited by: NokTang on Oct 7, 2017
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October 7th, 2017 at 5:05:54 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

OK, your ex o killed over 500 people.

Why does that sound familiar?

Other than one being sanctioned, and the other not: is there really much difference?

One of the Commandments is "thou shalt not kill."

No exception is made for war.

Not saying your ex did anything wrong, just pointing out the fundamental absurdity of it all.

Nope. No other difference. Just cultural. And that he knows and lives with the guilt. Knowing what it looks like to have a gun you fired tear into someone else's flesh.

What, someone here thinks, no matter what excuse you're given, it's justifiable enough it doesn't tear up your soul? Hah.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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October 7th, 2017 at 5:37:09 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

. And that he knows and lives with the guilt. Knowing what it looks like to have a gun you fired tear into someone else's flesh.
What, someone here thinks, no matter what excuse you're given, it's justifiable enough it doesn't tear up your soul? Hah.

War is hell. And not just on the battlefield. PBS had a recent series on the effects of war on ordinary housewives and one on war as experienced by young brides and young children. A man who pulls a trigger may see the effects of his actions but I imagine that civilian defense worker who assembles phosphorous shells or even ordinary ammunition also sees the effects of his actions, albeit only in his nightmares.

I think it was either Steve McQueen or Robert Mitchum who when a reporter queried "What did you do in the war?" replied: Don't ever ask that question of a soldier. We all did the same thing. We heard the news on Sunday afternoon, we went down to the recruiting office at dawn on Monday and took an oath to do everything that we were told to do, to do it instantly and to do it until we were told the war was over and we could stop,. Sure some soldiers got to escort movie stars on war bond drives but they were no different than the ones who were given a rifle and bayonet and told to charge. They had all stepped forward and raised their hands for the oath to serve their country. Its only after the shooting stopped that the differences in the two experiences emerges.

I recently saw a PBS special about Vietnam and one ex soldier still sleeps with a night light due to his wartime ordeals.

Thoughts are masked by work, alcohol, drugs, etc. but thoughts always re-emerge once the alcohol induced fog lifts.

War is hell. Particularly once its over.
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October 7th, 2017 at 5:47:53 AM permalink
We can apply pop-psychology 101 to many facts but who knows if we are reaching valid much less correct conclusions.

Accountant/Auditor : Comfort in debits and credits, not personal interaction
Phillipine : Submissive wife who follows him around and cleans up after him.

I think his attempt to buy tracer rounds was to load each clip with tracers that would alert him to the approach of the final round so he could more efficiently obtain a new clip or a new rifle. He wanted to really saturate the area with massive numbers of rounds.
He failed mainly due to the inadvertent passage of a security guard.

He left his mark on history? Why not donate money to medical research instead? Why not anything more 'normal'?

I guess we never know for sure just why but I doubt it was some recent event.
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October 7th, 2017 at 7:31:15 AM permalink
Quote: Rigondeaux

Common professions for psychopaths include journalism, politics and law enforcement.

1. CEO
2. Lawyer
3. Media (Television/Radio)
4. Salesperson
5. Surgeon
6. Journalist
7. Police officer
8. Clergy person
9. Chef
10. Civil servant
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October 7th, 2017 at 8:15:23 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

He left his mark on history? Why not donate money to medical research instead? Why not anything more 'normal'?

Unfortunately humans cling to negativity more than anything else. We have a curiosity with all things morbid. Serial killers, Charles Manson types, will always draw more attention than a philanthropist or hero.

And as long as we want capitalism, it’s not the media’s fault either. They need to make money, and tragedy sells.
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October 7th, 2017 at 10:44:22 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

Unfortunately humans cling to negativity more than anything else. We have a curiosity with all things morbid. Serial killers, Charles Manson types, will always draw more attention than a philanthropist or hero.

And as long as we want capitalism, it’s not the media’s fault either. They need to make money, and tragedy sells.

I know right? That Jesus fella hardly attracted any attention in the last 2000 years!?
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October 7th, 2017 at 10:56:19 AM permalink
Quote: monet0412

I know right? That Jesus fella hardly attracted any attention in the last 2000 years!?

To be fair, his dad was a mass murderer.
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October 7th, 2017 at 11:08:16 AM permalink
Some have pointed out that bearing arms is a right whereas medical treatment is a privilege.

Average 9mm pistol would not be effective giving the extreme range, uncertainty of target, winds and gravity.

Motivation still a mystery.
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October 7th, 2017 at 11:20:40 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

To be fair, his dad was a mass murderer.

Disgusting, hateful remark. You are not fair, you are ignorant of the Word. There should be no reason to bash Christianity because of a selfish, Satanic incident.
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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October 7th, 2017 at 11:21:26 AM permalink
I got sucked into the "motivation" angle with the rest of us, but I read a post on another board to the effect "What does the shooter's motivation really matter?"

That gave me pause to reexamine the issue, and he's probably correct.

If as it seems Paddock acted alone, our discovering his motive will not likely allow us to take action to prevent others from doing this again (hello, copy-cats): how could it?

Were he other than a lone wolf, his motivation would matter, but acting alone: WGAS why he did it?

Exploring that rabbit hole gives vent to our sense of curiosity but is otherwise a waste of time and resources.

What's done is done.

Time to bury the dead, heal the injured, and move on.
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October 7th, 2017 at 11:40:35 AM permalink
Quote: DeMango

Disgusting, hateful remark. You are not fair, you are ignorant of the Word. There should be no reason to bash Christianity because of a selfish, Satanic incident.

How am I bashing Christianity? I'm assuming you've read the bible if you are actually getting worked up over this. I didn't write that part about the Great Flood. Or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (with bonus incest). Or the Levites. Or all those chariots drowned in the Red Sea. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch.....don't shoot the messenger.
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October 7th, 2017 at 11:50:35 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

How am I bashing Christianity? I'm assuming you've read the bible if you are actually getting worked up over this. I write that part about the Great Flood. Or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (with bonus incest). Or the Levites. Or all those chariots drowned in the Red Sea. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch.....don't shoot the messenger.

Don't smite the messenger probably would have been a better choice of words.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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October 7th, 2017 at 11:56:08 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

If as it seems Paddock acted alone, our discovering his motive will not likely allow us to take action to prevent others from doing this again (hello, copy-cats): how could it?

(just elaborating on someone elses suggestion )

As soon as Vegas shooter had been located some modified drones could have flown vertically up the side of the building, either flown directly into the opening with a percussion grenade, perhaps tear gas, and even equipped with firing bullets. Several of them could have different capabilities. 10k-20k investment.

Ideally had police had detection system (acoustic location device) it might have been over in half the time or even less.

Drones have cameras and remote capability so it's not flying blind.

Quick smackdown on copycats.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:09:43 PM permalink
Great. As if 'professional gamblers' don't have it difficult enough as it is, along comes this.

Other research ( indicates that pathological gamblers can often also be diagnosed awith psychopathic personality disorders, as well as a higher likelihood to have problems with alcohol and commit crimes in general. There is no conclusive cause-and-effect relationship, however, and it's unclear the degree to which people are born with psychopathic tendencies or develop them over their lifetimes. It's worth noting that Paddock's father was a notorious bank robber who escaped from federal prison and was on the FBI's Most Wanted list in the 1960s and 1970s.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:18:59 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Drones have cameras and remote capability so it's not flying blind.

Current terminology is that Drones are weaponized whereas UAVs are not.

Even a few UAVs buzzing around his room with cameras would distract a shooter and provide information to the police.
After all, he does not know they are unarmed.

UAVs are most stable in the form of quad copters and they can be gas operated or battery operated and still have decent time aloft times. Controllable cameras are available but most use a fixed camera looking straight ahead to display a pilot's eye view.

In the UK it is CRIMINALS who have actively adopted UAVs, often using them to detect suburban and rural growing crops and then to either rustle the crop or levy a tax on the growers.

Fire fighting and police agencies have been slow, particularly in the USA where FAA's official stance was 'delay, delay, delay' and FAA actually took Texas Equusearch Mounted Rescue to court to force immediate halt to UAV use even though it was at less than fifty feet. Texas EquuSearch defied the injunction and continued to search.

MOST UAV chip sets have "fenced areas" of GPS coordinates and you could not fly over sensitive areas even if you wanted to, also a UAV "serial number" is digitally broadcast every now and then, sort of as an electronic license plate. Surveillance programs can detect the command signals to any unauthorized UAVs not known tolocal agencies. Same technology as private citizens can use to detect a police installed bumper beeper on their car if they are so inclined.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:25:07 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

Were they drug free? My supporting someone's right when and how to end their suffering seems somehow insensitive to you?

It does not seem you choose to consider another's view, as much as you want to further your agenda. Let me ask you this. For the friends you have lost to suicide, first was it by firearm, because repeatedly, that is what I have spoken to. How many do you know that have self terminated with automatic rifles?

And secondly, are you sorry for their loss, or are you sorry for your loss? That is why people cry at funerals is due to their own loss, because the dead don't care. We mourn for our own loss. Doesn't religion and many society's say the dead have went to a better place? Then why cry?

Do you feel equal sorrow for the 58 million aborted fetus's as you do about some friends whose misery is over? Or does the death of a handful of friends outweigh the death's of over 58 million, who never had a chance to decide for themselves?

Ha. You take me as a one dimensional person with simple views. I won't dignify your trolling remarks with any kind of intelligent reply.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:27:28 PM permalink
Quote: Rigondeaux

As RS's video suggests, it's easy to construe lots of people as mentally ill, and these are mostly descriptions of general types of behavior or tendencies. It's much less set in stone than something like having a virus. So, if the government can declare you mentally ill and take your rights away, buckle up.

They already do, in many states. A great deal of mental health sufferers end up in prison, locked away, without rights, and had treatment been readily available and free of charge, some of these people might be living productive lives.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:31:22 PM permalink
Some bank robbers employ nothing more violent than a finger in their coat pocket.
Escapes often prompt a Most Wanted list billet.

Oddly enough, a certain protozoa often found in cat feces although slow acting and even slower to reach the brain is thought to have an effect on risk taking behavior including gambling beyond one's financial means, though there are indications that its limited to a certain subset of the general population.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:31:48 PM permalink
Quote: NokTang

I regret and am saddened by your being forced to resort to name calling. You won't find any of my remarks calling people names. I have extensive experience with Philippine people and am simply sharing it. You and anyone else is welcome to share yours, as a few have. The American authorities have yet to establish a motive for this horrific act and I'm merely contributing context and causation ideas. None of it makes sense and that can be said about the Philippines as well. Nothing in that remark is derogatory, many find such a state of being preferred. The reporting on the "girlfriend" confirms everything I've posted. These internet arranged marriages and marriage to girls half or more your age, always to an impoverished girl, make me sick and border on if they don't cross the human trafficking line, but that a discussion for another place. OO and God Bless everyone.

The girlfriend was 62, not half his age. I Think the stereotyping of Filipino women is ridiculous and was surprised that you got away with your remarks by the mods. By all accounts, the women in question had a meaningful career (as many many Filipino women do) at the Atlantis casino.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:38:58 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

A great deal of mental health sufferers end up in prison, .....

That may be but its the weirdos and whackos that are being detained in local jails that most worry the authorities. Many sheriff's now realize they operate the largest psyche ward in town but lack medical records and trained staff.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:49:51 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

The girlfriend was 62, not half his age. I Think the stereotyping of Filipino women is ridiculous and was surprised that you got away with your remarks by the mods. By all accounts, the women in question had a meaningful career (as many many Filipino women do) at the Atlantis casino.

Aside from the fact that 70 year olds with 22 year old girlfriends is not exclusive to any culture.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:56:33 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Aside from the fact that 70 year olds with 22 year old girlfriends is not exclusive to any culture.

I'm a member of a culture that is automatically excluded from such relationships; I'm a pauper.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:56:35 PM permalink
I'm also excluded from bearing arms, particularly these very popular Kimble's that are 9mm pistols selling at astronomical prices.
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October 7th, 2017 at 12:57:50 PM permalink
I don't think mental health exams are necessary, but there are people we can catch whose thinking is confused enough,, that if they had to compete a short form of questions in a gun store, it might eliminate them. from that purchase. I don't think we are going to catch anyone that way who can manipulate their composure to deceive but are otherwise demented, so why bother.
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October 7th, 2017 at 1:12:12 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

I'm a member of a culture that is automatically excluded from such relationships; I'm a pauper.

That shouldn't deter you from finding a hot, nubile young thing, so long as you can lick your eyebrows.
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October 7th, 2017 at 1:22:13 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

I'm also excluded from bearing arms, particularly these very popular Kimble's that are 9mm pistols selling at astronomical prices.

I'm surprised Americans put up with this metric stuff. It's a .354!
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October 7th, 2017 at 2:04:46 PM permalink
Doesn't need to be complicated or technical. Law enforcement on the ground to the side in view of broken windows, counts floors in 10 seconds, runs up stairs and elevators and starts checking at the 30th, 31st,.. okay not loud or anything. 32nd, okay guys REAL loud percussion's, pictures shaking in the hall by a few rooms, okay guys, think were here.
Been stated by investigators, first to room scene waited for swat/explosive squad to breach. Remember, it was discovered he had cameras to see in the hallways. He knew when the door was going to be breached. The whole reasons for him being there, doing what he did and what would happen after is complete total speculation.

The facts are he killed people without question and hopefully would've been executed like McVey after a trial. The coward just sped that process up for everyone.
There is no price on the precious loss of life down below, but he himself did save us some tax dollars spent on this sub human in the long run.
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October 7th, 2017 at 2:07:44 PM permalink
Fleastiff: "I'm a member of a culture that is automatically excluded from such relationships; I'm a pauper."

Why. How would that stop you from getting a poor girlfriend.
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October 7th, 2017 at 4:20:04 PM permalink
Quote: sammydv

Fleastiff: "I'm a member of a culture that is automatically excluded from such relationships; I'm a pauper."
Why. How would that stop you from getting a poor girlfriend.

Because even a desperately poor female wants a male who is rich.
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October 7th, 2017 at 4:49:46 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

I think his attempt to buy tracer rounds was to load each clip with tracers that would alert him to the approach of the final round so he could more efficiently obtain a new clip or a new rifle. He wanted to really saturate the area with massive numbers of rounds.

The CNN & Chicago Tribune articles on tracer rounds. Seems like the "official version" is different than the "not authorized to comment" version.

Tracers would have useful for improving accuracy, but he might have been located faster. (Why does a hotel take 12 minutes to identify the location of 1000s of round of gunfire???)

His arsenal also included tracer rounds that can improve a shooter's firing accuracy in the dark, a law enforcement official told AP. It wasn't clear whether Paddock fired any of the illuminated bullets during the high-rise massacre.

Paddock bought 1,000 rounds of the .308-caliber and .223-caliber tracer ammunition from a private buyer he met at a Phoenix gun show, a law enforcement official not authorized to comment on the investigation said on condition of anonymity.

Paddock tried to buy tracer ammunition at a gun show in the Phoenix area in recent weeks, a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation tells CNN.

Paddock bought other ammunition at the show, but he couldn't obtain the tracer ammunition -- bullets with a pyrotechnic charge that, when the round is fired, leaves an illuminated trace of its path -- because the vendor didn't have any to sell, the official said.

"The barrel of the rifle -- we could not see muzzle flashes, from the angles I've seen on videos, which meant that he was ... pulled back inside," Gagliano said.
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October 7th, 2017 at 5:03:53 PM permalink
Virtually any talking head will spout about tracer rounds allowing a shooter to see where his rounds are traveling but what good is that if it is entirely a spray and pray situation wherein his sole goal is to "throw lead" and he is not aiming or correcting his aim in any way, he is simply throwing more and more lead faster and faster?
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October 7th, 2017 at 9:09:31 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

The girlfriend was 62, not half his age. I Think the stereotyping of Filipino women is ridiculous and was surprised that you got away with your remarks by the mods. By all accounts, the women in question had a meaningful career (as many many Filipino women do) at the Atlantis casino.

You might be well advised, in inclined to comment on her "career" as "meaningful" to again get the proper context. Making change and calling drink service ladies isn't exactly "meaningful". No where is it implied she was some sort of professional with a career. BTW and FYI, teachers make less than $100.usd a month in the Philippines and as I'm sure you know most qualified nurses flee said country for those paying decent wages. I won't bore you with the details of Filipino women being trafficked to service Japanese and Korean men.

No one is "stereotyping" Filipino women. We are discussing a culture and it's foundation. We are giving context of a deeply impoverished country. Remember if you can the recent President's solution to drug dealing and drug users. Kill them. No due process, nothing. Only the poor of course get slain.

Please again focus on how she returned to the USA and why he sent her $100,000.usd in the Philippines and where that money is now???
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October 7th, 2017 at 10:16:31 PM permalink
Quote: NokTang

Please again focus on how she returned to the USA and why he sent her $100,000.usd in the Philippines and where that money is now???

But why does it seem unusual to you? It doesn't seem unusual to me.

There are lots of similar relationships. The only thing unusual is mass murder.
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October 7th, 2017 at 10:32:40 PM permalink
Before we wrap up here, I wanted to mention that someone thinking it is neato to collect guns and the alleged impossibility of killing coyotes without military hardware are not really worth considering in the gun control debate.

You might get a kick out of collecting biological specimens but some are off limits. Pee Wee Herman was into collecting erotica, but he learned that there are limits.

I simply find it hard to believe that coyotes ruled the world until semi auto rifles emerged to liberate mankind. Even though it might be easier to shoot them with a better gun, that's about as far out on the periphery of significant concerns as one can get. But I don't know, maybe if you own a ranch you can get some kind of special permit (IF restricting such guns is optimal)

Really, it boils down to 1)What are your constitutional rights 2) what is the best pragmatic policy that works with those rights.

Maybe you have no constitutional rights to have guns but pragmatically it makes sense to allow people nukes. Maybe you have a right to nukes. Maybe you have a right to muskets and that's all that should be allowed. But I think any argument outside of that format won't hold much water.
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October 7th, 2017 at 10:56:14 PM permalink
Quote: Rigondeaux

Before we wrap up here, I wanted to mention that someone thinking it is neato to collect guns and the alleged impossibility of killing coyotes without military hardware are not really worth considering in the gun control debate.

You might get a kick out of collecting biological specimens but some are off limits. Pee Wee Herman was into collecting erotica, but he learned that there are limits.

I simply find it hard to believe that coyotes ruled the world until semi auto rifles emerged to liberate mankind. Even though it might be easier to shoot them with a better gun, that's about as far out on the periphery of significant concerns as one can get. But I don't know, maybe if you own a ranch you can get some kind of special permit (IF restricting such guns is optimal)

Really, it boils down to 1)What are your constitutional rights 2) what is the best pragmatic policy that works with those rights.

Maybe you have no constitutional rights to have guns but pragmatically it makes sense to allow people nukes. Maybe you have a right to nukes. Maybe you have a right to muskets and that's all that should be allowed. But I think any argument outside of that format won't hold much water.

Actually, I hope it's not wrapping up. It needs to be just starting. It's complex, filled with difficult topics, and overrun with soundbytes. And what you have said is valid and worth defending.

I still don't think banning all guns is tenable. Nor is the current situation. There has to be a sensible place people can co-exist on it. Until very recently (in 2000-3000 civilization ), it seemed like we'd found one, post WWII anyway.

The conversation is waaaay overdue.
I don't have answers. But I haven't seen anything workable here, yet, either. Let's keep trying.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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October 7th, 2017 at 10:59:56 PM permalink
Geezus heist.
Quote: NokTang

...complete bullshit...

Every single word of it is utter crap. But since one of the members of a family I've been close to for years and have stayed with in their comfy home in Novaliches (Quezon City - metro Manila) is, in fact, a school teacher, I'll state the simple easily verifiable facts of just that one little random piece of crap you made up. The MINIMUM STARTING monthly salary for an inexperienced beginning teacher in the Philippines was 18,450php as of about five years ago, and has gone up by act of the National Congress since then. That's only about four to five times what you just made up, and for current (higher) figures, in the unlikely event you had any interest in reality instead of making up crap to feed your fantasies you could look it up yourself, since their salary scales are very public information.

And more importantly, the ratio of trades in USD in the international exchange rate market is utterly profoundly irrelevant to what anyone is buying in their own country, which in the PI is not priced in USD. Except maybe for you, when they see right away from your manner that you are one of those VERRRY special type persons, and accordingly charge you a very special rate. It is painfully obvious that you have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about, have never really known anyone there, and likely never will be allowed to do so, for very good reason. Cut the crap already dude, it ooozes all over out of you and smells like bloody Hell.

But, maybe I'm part of the bloodthirsty vast conspiracy to oppress you, hiring lotsa extra shooters hiding behind a grassy knoll, when not too busy plotting another fake moon landing and whatnot.

Ingat, and magandang araw.
Suck dope, watch TV, make up stuff, be somebody on the internet.
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October 7th, 2017 at 11:31:46 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Actually, I hope it's not wrapping up. It needs to be just starting... The conversation is waaaay overdue.
I don't have answers. But I haven't seen anything workable here, yet, either. Let's keep trying.

The question is: why do we Americans kill each other so frequently, and what can be done to stop it?

Perhaps a starting point of the analysis would be to study murder statistics through the years and establish whether there has been a statistically significant increase in the murder rate.

If so, what variables have changed in the intervening years?
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October 8th, 2017 at 4:16:04 AM permalink
Quote: NokTang

A 70 year old man getting married to a 22 year old Filipino isn't exactly "normal". I've been to said country many times and interacted with same (both male and female BTW) here in Thailand.

IMO NokTang, you'd probably get a more favorable response here if you talked about...facts relevant to the Las Vegas shooting.

You may be talking about your experiences.

...but people will get confused.
The shooter's girlfriend was 62 yrs old. a rant about 70 yr olds with 22 yr old Filipinos will seem strange.

Just my two cents.
Peace everyone... Let's try to keep it civil.
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October 8th, 2017 at 4:16:53 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

The question is: why do we Americans kill each other so frequently, and what can be done to stop it?

Perhaps a starting point of the analysis would be to study murder statistics through the years and establish whether there has been a statistically significant increase in the murder rate.

If so, what variables have changed in the intervening years?

US shootings have DROPPED dramatically since the 1970s (when NYC was dangerous to visit).
They have increased slightly in the last 2 years, but they are still below 2012 rates (and way below 2000s, 1990s, etc...)

Some theories abound for the drops since the 1970s, but there is no consensus.
A VERY controversial idea is (1) Access to abortion ... led to fewer unwanted kids and/or kids born to families in bad financial positions.
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October 8th, 2017 at 4:18:03 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

If so, what variables have changed in the intervening years?

Increased frustration with courts; increased "orange is the new black" phenomenon with so many arrests for everything instead of citations and fines and warnings. Increased sentences.
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October 8th, 2017 at 4:18:03 AM permalink
]I would also add the new role of the police as a intrusive force wielding microphones, dna swabs and radar guns rather than a 'man on the beat' role where there is community interaction and the public generates tips because the police are not viewed as the enemy.

We have cops as asset forfeiture departments and cops hired to give DUI arrests to errant spouses or business competitors. Once policing changed, criminals feel more at home wherever they operate because no one snitches anymore.
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October 8th, 2017 at 4:23:51 AM permalink
My "wild stab in the dark" as to causation for the Mass Casualty Incident at Mandalay Bay.

Toxoplasmosis gondii infection with the protozoa finally reaching the cranium combined with aberrant carbohydrate metabolism that caused disruption of tryptophan levels as well as kynurenine levels which markedly increased his gambling behavior and his assaultive behavior. An inborn error of metabolism combined with an environmental insult in a genetically susceptible individual. Simple.
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October 8th, 2017 at 4:53:28 AM permalink
Quote: mamat

US shootings have DROPPED dramatically since the 1970s (when NYC was dangerous to visit).
They have increased slightly in the last 2 years, but they are still below 2012 rates (and way below 2000s, 1990s, etc...)

Some theories abound for the drops since the 1970s, but there is no consensus.
A VERY controversial idea is (1) Access to abortion ... led to fewer unwanted kids and/or kids born to families in bad financial positions.

I heard Planet Parenthood was started by someone who's idea was for a place for black people to get abortions easily so there'd be fewer black people. Not sure if it's true or not, but if it is.....then I'm a bit neutral on Planet Parenthood because they're both good and bad.

*Planned Parenthood
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October 8th, 2017 at 5:07:09 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

To be fair, his dad was a mass murderer.

Another classic example of the creation telling the creator what he can or can not do.

You ever see Old Yeller? They bought a dog. That dog was gentle and loving. They loved that dog. That dog got infected with rabies. They put that dog down or murdered that dog as you would call it. On a side note I had a dog for 14 years and it couldn't walk anymore, had blood in the stool every day, had some cancer growth on her belly. I put that dog down and I didn't pay anyone to do my own dirty work. I got my hands dirty and live with the memory of it. I'm not the type to drop my own dog off at the Vet and not have to deal with it.

This Father that you speak of seems to own everything and is in control or at least that is my viewpoint. Since that is the case who am I to tell him what he can or can not do with his property??

If I buy some Ants and put them in an Ant Farm and decide one day to wipe them all out because something went wrong... Do I have to tell the Ants the reason I had to wipe them out?

Make no mistake we as a humans are just like Ants in an Ant Farm compared to the All Mighty. Can you get off of this Rock that you call Earth and just go wherever you please? I don't think so. It is pretty clear we are in some sort of contained area.
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October 8th, 2017 at 5:17:01 AM permalink
Quote: monet0412

Another classic example of the creation telling the creator what he can or can not do.

This Father that you speak of seems to own everything and is in control or at least that is my viewpoint. Since that is the case who am I to tell him what he can or can not do with his property??

If I buy some Ants and put them in an Ant Farm and decide one day to wipe them all out because something went wrong... Do I have to tell the Ants the reason I had to wipe them out?

But make no mistake, you did kill the ants. I wasn’t trying to make some big sweeping criticism of Christianity. My only point is that the stories in the Bible are not all feeding the poor or curing the blind sunshine and butterflies.
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October 8th, 2017 at 5:27:30 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

But make no mistake, you did kill the ants. I wasn’t trying to make some big sweeping criticism of Christianity. My only point is that the stories in the Bible are not all feeding the poor or curing the blind sunshine and butterflies.

We can go round and round all day. My point is the reasons for the actions that we not only do not know but can not begin to understand. God allowed the Devil to bring some serious pain to Job. Job passed his test but when he started to question God... God came down with the hammer on him about who do you think you are? Where were you when I started this thing? Who do you think you are... telling me whats what or why this or why that? You don't and can't begin to understand what is going on here. (I am putting this conversation in my own words.)

My father passed away in 2003 but I always liked when he would tell me that old saying...

Boy I brought you into this world and I can take you out!

Anyways... to each his or her own. It won't be long till our own death and we can deal with that experience when it comes around. The only problem is that it might be too late to fix the situation for myself and most of us.
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October 8th, 2017 at 5:57:54 AM permalink
Quote: RS

I heard Planet Parenthood was started by someone who's idea was for a place for black people to get abortions easily so there'd be fewer black people. Not sure if it's true or not, but if it is.....then ...

Pretty much true, but there was also an emphasis on poor whites but in general it was aimed at those who shouldn't be allowed to breed. At the time the scientific literature was full of different races and a general concern for the avoidance of bastardy in a situation where the poor white or black female was considered incapable of exercising restraint or discretion. Only white males were considered to have intelligence to overcome their baser instincts.

Think of the Rhodes Scholar program. Oxford's grants to American scholars is a program that was funded by Baden-Powel's will that sought a plan to recapture the United States as a colony through infiltrating agents into its government and economy.

The corporate charter of Chase Manhattan Bank shows that its official purpose was to bring potable water to New York City.
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October 8th, 2017 at 6:28:57 AM permalink
Quote: mamat

US shootings have DROPPED dramatically since the 1970s (when NYC was dangerous to visit).
They have increased slightly in the last 2 years, but they are still below 2012 rates (and way below 2000s, 1990s, etc...)

Some theories abound for the drops since the 1970s, but there is no consensus.
A VERY controversial idea is (1) Access to abortion ... led to fewer unwanted kids and/or kids born to families in bad financial positions.

So, a little twist on that, second amendment rights/limited gun control can be protected by covering birth control pills (etc) under health care plans.
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October 8th, 2017 at 10:34:09 AM permalink

Noktang::No one is "stereotyping" Filipino women. We are discussing a culture and it's foundation. We are giving context of a deeply impoverished country. Remember if you can the recent President's solution to drug dealing and drug users. Kill them. No due process, nothing. Only the poor of course get slain.

Really? I thought this thread was titled 'Shooting in Mandalay'.
I don't know how much more off topic you can go.

Actually, now that I read more of the thread, God. planned parenthood theories of limiting black people, old yeller...
You all can go off topic pretty spectacularly. And do so on a regular basis.
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