Quote: billryanThen that's on your teachers. I was in elementary school in the early-mid 60s, watching Police Officers beat marchers and turning fire hoses and dogs on women and children. It was pretty obvious which side was fighting the good fight.
More like on the books, you can't teach the actual history of something in three pages at all, and especially not when two of them are half covered in pictures.
"Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all." http://www.al.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/06/war-over-slavery_rhetoric_is_i.htmlQuote: billryan....What in your last paragraph is incorrect? The South was not only in favor of slavery, but wanted to expand it. The Northern States were against it. They tolerated it in existing states but didn't want it to expand. Was that the only reason for the war? No. Only the most important one.
Lincoln wanted to impose 40% taxes on the south. The north didn't oppose slavery in the south until well into the war.
Some Confederate trivia: http://www.rulen.com/myths/
And many countries in Africa practiced slavery as well.

This is not a day off that is optional but day that you have no right to be seen on campus because you are white.Quote: Mission146As a Caucasian, I support a free day off 100%. African-Americans, Native-Americans, Jewish-Americans, Islam, Buddhists, Sikhs, Rastafari...I don't care. You want to give me a free day off school (when I was at University, anyway) I'll take it.
The women thought they were to become wives, not slaves.
Australia had the penal system, the Catholic church and catholic adoption post wwtwo. That was slavery.
Quote: FleaStiffThis is not a day off that is optional but day that you have no right to be seen on campus because you are white.
Were it an optional day off, I still wouldn't be there. So, in effect...
too funny. Charles Barkley labeled a white supremacist. lolol