First base, Are you kidding me? Everyone know's Trump skips first and second base. He's so good that you haven't even noticed that he's been grabbing you by the pu**y the entire time.Quote: rsactuaryYour President gave lip service to the issues and didn't offer a single solution. He didn't even make it to first base.
I know, that bastard doesn't even have the courtesy to slowly and gently put his hand up your skirt.
(I'm not suggesting you have a pu**y or wear a skirt)
Quote: AZDuffmanOf course each game counted equally. Each run did not. Each EV counts equally.
Each individual's vote that contributes to one EV does not. Your baseball example would work if you would think that different baseball games should have different numbers of innings and those games should not all count proportionally. i.e. One game is not one game, sometimes it's three, sometimes it's five.
Quote:Every vote does count. And more states get paid attention. Had it been about popular vote, Trump might have put an effort into CA. It is about a broad appeal. Trump had it, Hillary did not.
More states do not get paid attention. Had it been about the popular vote, Hillary probably would have spent some time in Dallas, TX, Topeka, KS, Omaha, NE, Atlanta, GA, Birmingham, AL...the list goes on.
Yes, Trump would have put an effort into CA because CA would matter had it been based on popular vote. Hillary Clinton would be hitting highly Democratic population centers in red states because, let's say it together:
Every vote would matter.
What matters presently is swing states. If a state is a foregone conclusion, then there is no real need to campaign there. If an individual person is not a foregone conclusion, and that person's vote may actually matter, then you want to try to reach out to that person.
Quote:Not sure how I did that.
If you go back and read what you said again, you did it pretty directly:
Quote:WV is actually a good case of why to have the EC. It is filled with the white, working class votes that the Democrats decided they were embarrassed to have starting, well, right about 2000. The Democrats decided more and more to play identity politics and get a huge lock on as many minority votes as possible. By 2012 they basically admitted they had written the White vote off.
Okay, so what you're saying is WV is a good example for the Electoral College because the Electoral votes disproportionately favor white working class voters as opposed to one person, one vote. You then, astoundingly, blame the Democrats for playing identity politics, even though, "White working class voters," was your lead in defending the Electoral College.
Now, let's pretend for a second that one vote = one would just want voters. I also disagree with your suggestion on minority votes ESPECIALLY in the EC system, because even if Clinton had won the EC, she wouldn't get bonus years for running up the score in high minority (read: blue) states.
Quote:I see no middle ground. I favor the EC system because it makes candidates run a national campaign. Big states cannot ignore small states. And as I live in a bigger state, that kind of cuts my own throat there. I also do not want vote fraud in a few big places, and we have seen it, tilting an election. Motor Voter has caused many problems with the rolls. When a state tries to clean said rolls some liberal group sues to stop it. Usually under the racist guise that minorities cannot figure out how to register otherwise. The EC at least puts brakes on this.
Because of the modern means of mass media and communication, candidates already run a national campaign. Prior to television, but more importantly, the Internet, I would concede the point immediately. I would say, "Yes, because otherwise the Presidential candidates could just go to the bigger cities and campaign based off of kowtowing to whatever those people want. They have a limited amount of time to reach people, so population centers make the most sense."
But, that's not the case anymore. What is the case is that every campaign is a national campaign because of the mediums of communication that we enjoy. It's why you have televised debates. More importantly, as I mentioned earlier and as you also mentioned on the Trump side, Trump will make a push for CA votes. Clinton will make a push to drive additional votes and get people to the polls in highly-Democratic population centers. They will, in fact, campaign nationally. They'll come to MORE states, not fewer.
It doesn't cut your own throat when your, 'Bigger state,' also happens to be a swing state, now does it? Yours is one of the very small handful of states actually in contention. If nothing else, you benefit from the EC more than anyone.
Vote fraud is not even the subject matter here, besides, I'm in favor of voter ID laws.
Quote:I'll leave it like it is. Stop and say hello if you are in the Wheeling County Building.
I'm that way on occasion, I'll stop in next time!
Quote: Mission146
I'm that way on occasion, I'll stop in next time!
2nd floor, near the deed office, with all the other oil and gas rabble. Can grab coffee nearby.
Quote: bobbartopI'm going to click the thank-you button for this.
Thank you for your support. I take crap for my stand around town.
Quote: AZDuffman2nd floor, near the deed office, with all the other oil and gas rabble. Can grab coffee nearby.
I know. I had to look to see if there was a power of attorney filed for my Grandma one day recently and thought I saw you there. I wasn't 100% sure, because it's been awhile, so I kind of stared at you for a few seconds and you made eye contact, but didn't seem to recognize me. I'll probably stop by one day next week and we can grab a cup, sounds great! I'm busy the next few days, or I would take you up on it today or tomorrow.
Quote: Mission146I know. I had to look to see if there was a power of attorney filed for my Grandma one day recently and thought I saw you there. I wasn't 100% sure, because it's been awhile, so I kind of stared at you for a few seconds and you made eye contact, but didn't seem to recognize me. I'll probably stop by one day next week and we can grab a cup, sounds great! I'm busy the next few days, or I would take you up on it today or tomorrow.
Might have been me. We are kind of a local attraction there, the county has been nice to us with the work space. I doubt I am there Monday and later in the week is better. I am working from home the next few days. Weird, in college I dreamed of the nice, downtown office building to work in. Now I get to work from home in sweats and my biggest motivation is not to be hassled.
I'll text you if I am there mid week.
Quote: RogerKintSecond, well said. I'm curious, what metric would you use to determine whether, or not, gov education has better ROI than not doing gov education at all?
It would probably be impossible to compare our current day economy to 100+ years ago, but what we do know for a fact that on a macro level, more education correlates to more income earned in one's lifetime.

Assuming a 50 year career, a highschool grad is going to earn $550,000 more in their lifetime. If 20% of that income goes to taxes, that individual's education will have generated an additional $137,500 in tax revenue over 50 years. So if it costs $10k/yr ($130k total) to put a kid through K-12, that is a net positive in terms of tax dollars spent. And that is ignoring all of the public school grads who move on to college, and on average earn 1.3 million dollars more in their lifetime over a HS grad.
Quote: gamerfreakIt would probably be impossible to compare our current day economy to 100+ years ago, but what we do know for a fact that on a macro level, more education correlates to more income earned in one's lifetime.
Assuming a 50 year career, a highschool grad is going to earn $550,000 more in their lifetime. If 20% of that income goes to taxes, that individual's education will have generated an additional $137,500 in tax revenue over 50 years. So if it costs $10k/yr ($130k total) to put a kid through K-12, that is a net positive in terms of tax dollars spent. And that is ignoring all of the public school grads who move on to college, and on average earn 1.3 million dollars more in their lifetime over a HS grad.
I think Roger's question was about government vs non-government education, not just education vs no-education.
Quote: Mission146Your argument seems to boil down to, “He would have won anyway.”
That’s fine. If he would have, he would have.
I can’t speak for everyone else here, but I think the Electoral College sucks because it sucks. I don’t think it sucks because Trump won. Had Clinton won via EC and lost the PV, I’d still maintain that the EC sucks.
I missed a few hundred pages of this thread, and am not going to read back, so I don't know when you came in, and/or when the EC discussion started, so this may have been talked about already, and if so, no need to rehash it.
The EC was set up to protect those living in areas with more land than people vs areas with more people than land.
Especially 230 years ago, when travel was not only time consuming, but physically difficult, the EC was vital to the success of the Union.
Today is is as important for the opposite reason. Information is available in moments, from multiple outlets, travel is faster, and much more comfortable. If the election for POTUS was a simple popular vote, it would stand to reason the biggest populations by density would be given the most time despite the modern travel conveniences, and those areas where people don't live on top of each other would be forgotten about. The EC keeps a value to each voter individually, even though I see a couple pages back you seem to think the exact opposite.
It's a similar reason each state only has 2 senators, but can have 1 to 53 representatives, it may not be "perfect" but it is the fairest way possible.

Quote: TigerWuTrump claimed his SotU was the most watched ever. It barely cracked the top 10. Why does he constantly lie about insignificant things that can easily be fact checked?
This is a very good question.
For those that support Trump, what do you actually believe is the truth when words come out of his mouth or things get posted to his Twitter account?
Or did you just vote for him because you agree with the Republican, pro-business agenda and you think he's a puppet for the party?
Quote: tringlomaneThis is a very good question.
For those that support Trump, what do you actually believe is the truth when words come out of his mouth or things get posted to his Twitter account?
Or did you just vote for him because you agree with the Republican, pro-business agenda and you think he's a puppet for the party?
Have you stopped beating your wife?
I voted for him because he shares my values for America First and is the first candidate to care about people like me since probably Reagan. How could he be a puppet for a party that hates him?
His SOTU was the most positive and upbeat since Reagan, if not all of my lifetime. Seeing the Black Caucus sitting on their hands at the news of lowest ever Black unemployment shows all you need to see about who the liberals care about. (HINT: It ain't the people they represent!)
Quote: tringlomaneOr did you just vote for him because you agree with the Republican, pro-business agenda and you think he's a puppet for the party?
That's the only logical explanation. Personally I like my Presidents to act Presidential and professional, regardless of political affiliation, but I guess Trump supporters don't care about decorum.
Quote: AZDuffmanSeeing the Black Caucus sitting on their hands at the news of lowest ever Black unemployment shows all you need to see about who the liberals care about. (HINT: It ain't the people they represent!)
HINT: The black unemployment rate was decreasing for a solid four years before Trump was in office. And a liberal was. A black liberal.
Quote: AZDuffmanHave you stopped beating your wife?
I voted for him because he shares my values for America First and is the first candidate to care about people like me since probably Reagan. How could he be a puppet for a party that hates him?
His SOTU was the most positive and upbeat since Reagan, if not all of my lifetime. Seeing the Black Caucus sitting on their hands at the news of lowest ever Black unemployment shows all you need to see about who the liberals care about. (HINT: It ain't the people they represent!)
They sat on their hands because he's taking credit for a lot of things that isn't due onto him. Maybe throw a line in there about how the trend was improving for 7 years and that his administration has continued it? Would it hurt to show SOME humility every once in a while? Geez. In fact, the rate of decline of black unemployment has slowed under Trump vs Obama. It'd also be nice to hear our President address the GAP between white and black unemployment instead of constantly bragging about everything when there is so much more to do. And during the campaign, Trump was saying the real unemployment rate was as high as 42%! (conspiracy theorists rejoice!). The official unemployment rate has changed very little under his presidency. The economy is literally the same economy he inherited, but now he's touting pretty much the same numbers he used to trash America during the campaign. It's ridiculous.
And in fact, the labor force participation rate has GONE DOWN under Trump. During the campaign, the GOP beat that cherry-picked stat to death as proof that the economy wasn't thriving under Obama. NOW, when it has GONE DOWN under Trump, you don't hear about it anymore? Interesting.
All of it is ridiculous and it's amazing (actually, not really) how many Americans are falling for it. The truth is, this is Obama's economy that Trump inherited and he's taking credit for it all after saying America sucked for a year and a half.
That being said, it was a good and upbeat speech. However, it's pretty difficult to reconcile the douche he is on twitter and in private with the words he read from the teleprompter, while clapping for himself the entire way.
Quote: TigerWuHINT: The black unemployment rate was decreasing for a solid four years before Trump was in office. And a liberal was. A black liberal.
HINT: The CBC still showed themselves to be no class partisan hacks deserving of no consideration beyond that.
Quote: TigerWuThat's the only logical explanation. Personally I like my Presidents to act Presidential and professional, regardless of political affiliation, but I guess Trump supporters don't care about decorum.
Bill Clinton ended the tradition of "Acting Presidential." Liberals showed at that point how you act does not matter as long as you win.
Quote: AZDuffmanHINT: The CBC still showed themselves to be no class partisan hacks deserving of no consideration beyond that.
LOL, seriously? You watch SOTU addresses often? If sitting down for applause lines was the measurement of class in partisan politicians, we'd have none left.
Hey, at least they didn't point their finger and call him a liar, when that is exactly what he is.
Quote: SteverinosLOL, seriously? You watch SOTU addresses often? If sitting down for applause lines was the measurement of class in partisan politicians, we'd have none left.
You would think they would applaud such a thing. Like I said, they showed they have no class.
Quote: AZDuffmanHave you stopped beating your wife?
Excuse me?!?!? Who the HELL are you confusing me with!?!?!
And okay, you don't give a crap that he lies constantly, even over facts that can be trivially disproven. I definitely don't understand that point of view, but obviously a lot of people have it. I'm not convinced he actually cares about anyone but himself personally. He certainly doesn't care about the Americans living in Puerto Rico.
Quote: SteverinosI guarantee they would've if he simply would've showed a little humility and talked about the trend while addressing the gap between white and black unemployment (which I think is 3 points, would have to check), saying that it's not good enough and we have more work to do. I guarandamntee they would've stood for that.
Nope. They would never applaud for a Republican, any Republican. If he would have talked about the unemployment gap they would have cried "RACISM" to every camera around. That is what they are about, keeping Black America a mess so they keep getting elected and doling out the goodies.
Or haven't you been paying attention?
Quote: AZDuffmanNope. They would never applaud for a Republican, any Republican. If he would have talked about the unemployment gap they would have cried "RACISM" to every camera around. That is what they are about, keeping Black America a mess so they keep getting elected and doling out the goodies.
Or haven't you been paying attention?
LOL, my wife would tell ya, TOO much attention.
I do find it interesting and highly ironic for a Trump supporter to lecture anybody about class. The guy moves on "married women like bitches", grabs em by the you know what, and sleeps with porn stars.
Give me a break.
I know I know I know, nobody knows more about class than Trump. A lot of people are saying it...
Just like nobody knows more about the Bible than Trump.
Just like nobody knows more about ISIS than Trump.
Just like nobody knows more about debt than Trump. Okay, now THIS I can believe, lol.
Quote: tringlomaneExcuse me?!?!? Who the HELL are you confusing me with!?!?!
Confusing you with nobody, why?
And okay, you don't give a crap that he lies constantly, even over facts that can be trivially disproven. I definitely don't understand that point of view, but obviously a lot of people have it. I'm not convinced he actually cares about anyone but himself personally. He certainly doesn't care about the Americans living in Puerto Rico.
Just like liberals did not care about Bill Clinton's sexual harassment of women.
Just like liberals did not care about Obama's racist radicalism.
Just like liberals did not care about Hillary's criminal server and other criminal behavior.
I think he cares more about working Americans than any POTUS of our time. I don't care about harmless exaggerations that mean nothing. I care more about lies like, "If you like your health insurance you can keep it!" That one hurts me for $3,000+ per year.
Quote: Steverinos
I do find it interesting and highly ironic for a Trump supporter to lecture anybody about class. The guy moves on married women like bitches, grabs em by the you know what, and sleeps with porn stars.
You believe everything you read in tabloids? This has all been disproved.
Quote: AZDuffmanI think he cares more about working Americans than any POTUS of our time.
lol, thanks for the cheap entertainment. Cheaper than a $5 hand of 6:5 blackjack!
Quote: AZDuffmanYou believe everything you read in tabloids? This has all been disproved.
Umm, I guess it's pretty obvious who ISN'T paying attention.
Gotta go. Carry on!
Quote: AZDuffman
Just like liberals did not care about Bill Clinton's sexual harassment of women.
I lean left
No hypocrite here
Sexual assault is WRONG
I have always spoken against ALL sexual assault be it Bill back then and Trump now
Sexual assault is wrong. Always has been wrong. Always will be wrong
Bill C and Donald the moron Trump are sexual assault sickos.
Quote: AZDuffmanHave you stopped beating your wife?
WTF is this insult about?
Stick to the subject and stop insulting
Quote: terapinedWTF is this insult about?
Stick to the subject and stop insulting
It is not an insult. It is a reply to a loaded question with a loaded question.
More advance thought process than just claiming to be against things.
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is not an insult. It is a reply to a loaded question with a loaded question.
Wtf??????? Do the mods agree with you???? I sure as hell do NOT!!!
Quote: tringlomaneWtf??????? Do the mods agree with you???? I sure as hell do NOT!!!
If I insult you, you will know it.
Re-read your statement.
See how it is a loaded statement.
Then google "have you stopped beating your wife."
Quote: AZDuffmanIf I insult you, you will know it.
Re-read your statement.
See how it is a loaded statement.
Then google "have you stopped beating your wife."
I don't give a crap about "loaded statements". You stated something insulting directly at me and now you're trying to backpedal!
Quote: AZDuffmanHave you stopped beating your wife?
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is not an insult. It is a reply to a loaded question with a loaded question.
More advance thought process than just claiming to be against things.
Quote: tringlomane
For those that support Trump, what do you actually believe is the truth when words come out of his mouth or things get posted to his Twitter account?
Or did you just vote for him because you agree with the Republican, pro-business agenda and you think he's a puppet for the party?
His questions were political. That's the subject here. Don't like the question regarding politics, don't answer
but to come back with a vile personal insult regarding his personal life is disgusting
Quote: tringlomaneI don't give a crap about "loaded statements". You stated something insulting directly at me and now you're trying to backpedal!
Like I said, learn what is meant by the statement. A direct reply to your loaded statement. A way of saying "I ain't playing your little games."
You sound like the guy who was upset that someone called a city department a "Black Hole" and thought it was a racist statement. He said "Call it a 'white hole'." He did not know what the term meant and them looked foolish for complaining.
So, unless you beat your wife, there is no insult. Just a clever retort.
Quote: tringlomaneI don't give a crap about "loaded statements". You stated something insulting directly at me and now you're trying to backpedal!
Simmer down.
"Have you stopped beating your wife?" is a classic loaded question and AFAIK the most common example. I learned this in fifth grade. In the context, it's not an insult, he's trying to show how there was a loaded statement/question.
Quote: AZDuffmanSo, unless you beat your wife, there is no insult. Just a clever retort.
Totally, totally disagree. Just because a statement isn't fact does NOT mean it cannot be insulting. I find many statements from Trump to be insulting and I have no clue how factual any of them are! Lol
Quote: AZDuffmanYou sound like the guy who was upset that someone called a city department a "Black Hole" and thought it was a racist statement. He said "Call it a 'white hole'." He did not know what the term meant and them looked foolish for complaining.
Ok is this an insult now?
Quote: AZDuffmanYou believe everything you read in tabloids? This has all been disproved.
Literally none of it has been disproven.
But I wouldn't expect you to know that.
Quote: AZDuffmanHave you stopped beating your wife?
I voted for him because he shares my values for America First and is the first candidate to care about people like me since probably Reagan. How could he be a puppet for a party that hates him?
His SOTU was the most positive and upbeat since Reagan, if not all of my lifetime. Seeing the Black Caucus sitting on their hands at the news of lowest ever Black unemployment shows all you need to see about who the liberals care about. (HINT: It ain't the people they represent!)
I got the reference.
The other classic one was (to a child), "How did you feel when you found your daddy hanging in the closet, dear?"
However, it was received as a genuine insult, and not just by the person you addressed. The three pages since then you've had several opportunities to apologize. Instead, you've been condescending and rude in further replies about it.
WhIle RS tried to fix it for you, there has to have been derisive intent for you to write what you did AND defend it as you have. So, an insult by definition. 3 days.
Quote: tringlomaneTotally, totally disagree. Just because a statement isn't fact does NOT mean it cannot be insulting. I find many statements from Trump to be insulting and I have no clue how factual any of them are! Lol
I don’t think it was meant as an insult. He’s suggesting you backed him into a rhetorical corner with a loaded question and he’s doing the same.
If you answer no, it insinuates that you once did the thing in question. If you say yes, it says you did and still do. The only way to escape it is to say, “I never did.”
EDIT: I guess Babs and I were typing at the same time. I support her decision insofar as you clearly took it as an insult and there was ample opportunity to apologize in the hopes of maintaining a civil discussion.
This reeks of the deep state to me!
Quote: ams288AZ gets suspended the night before the memo gets released?
This reeks of the deep state to me!
great joke
The part about the memo actually getting released.
That was the joke, right?
Quote: ams288Literally none of it has been disproven.
But I wouldn't expect you to know that.
Because you are implying he is an idiot conservative, incapable of understanding it, correct? A thinly veiled insult from the superior mind of a liberal.
Or were you just offering to help AZ find your version of the truth as a kindly gesture?
Since AZ has some spare time, perhaps you could provide him with some reading material.
After all, you’re just a good liberal looking out to help those less fortunate than yourself improve their life.
Thanks for all ayou and your party does! It’s working wonders in poor neighborhoods across the country.
Quote: Mission146I don’t think it was meant as an insult. He’s suggesting you backed him into a rhetorical corner with a loaded question and he’s doing the same.
If you answer no, it insinuates that you once did the thing in question. If you say yes, it says you did and still do. The only way to escape it is to say, “I never did.”
EDIT: I guess Babs and I were typing at the same time. I support her decision insofar as you clearly took it as an insult and there was ample opportunity to apologize in the hopes of maintaining a civil discussion.
Thanks for the support. I really didn't want to drop the banhammer, but I felt backed into a corner, as I explained above.