Quote: ams288Donald is golfing today for the second day in a row. On Christmas night, he tweeted he'd be "back to work" yesterday.
"#MAGA" = "I'm a sucker!"
And that's how good it is, he can go golfing and the millions of Americans who have some kind of stock investment continue to make money. Dow up another 20 points today at this time.
We are all learning from the Donald, work hard, play hard, save and you too will be rewarded.
Sometimes it really is that easy in the America Donald is creating. And I for one am damn happy to be a part of it.
Choo-Choo, still room on the train my friend. And if your not interested, just get out of the way and reap the benefits.
Quote: BozAnd that's how good it is, he can go golfing and the millions of Americans who have some kind of stock investment continue to make money. Dow up another 20 points today at this time.
Best bull market since a year before the Great Depression of '29.
Probably a coincidence.
Quote: rxwineBest bull market since a year before the Great Depression of '29. Probably a coincidence.
Apples and oranges, for a hundred
different reasons. That's how desperate
Libs are, they would rather see the market
crash and burn and the economy go into
depression, than have Trump succeed
as president. We understand that kind
of thinking in a child, but in an adult it's
frightening. Cut off your nose to spite your
face is never a good attitude. It's usually
held by very unhappy and miserable people
with deep psychological problems.
Quote: EvenBobApples and oranges, for a hundred
different reasons. That's how desperate
Libs are, they would rather see the market
crash and burn and the economy go into
depression, than have Trump succeed
as president. We understand that kind
of thinking in a child, but in an adult it's
frightening. Cut off your nose to spite your
face is never a good attitude. It's usually
held by very unhappy and miserable people
with deep psychological problems.
Could not be more in error. Everyone would LIKE the President to be an adult, not a disfunctional and vindictive 9 year old . To be working for all of us, not just his base. To be someone who was welcome around the world and in the states. Hell, Ed Gillespie wouldn't allow him to campaign in Virginia. Alabama didn't even want him in their STATE when he unhelpfully rallied for Roy Moore; he did it from Florida!
Give me a Republican I can respect, I'll be happy to do that. Real shortage among the babies and the greed heads these days.
I still believe my broker. Let's talk again end of January. I bet the Dow is down 10% or more by Jan 31 from whatever this year's high becomes.
Quote: beachbumbabsEveryone would LIKE the President to be an adult, not a disfunctional and vindictive 9 year old .
However, I'm afraid it's just wishful thinking at best. He's certainly had plenty of time to do so. Of course, he shouldn't even be in office as he was that way during the campaign.
Again: "Everyone would LIKE the President to be an adult, not a disfunctional and vindictive 9 year old ."
Quote: rxwineAnd I don't know why anyone here expects those on the left to respect Trump.
There's a huge difference in not respecting
him and wishing bad for the country so
Trump would look like a failure. I voted for
Obama in 08 but soon came to hate his guts.
I had zero respect for him but I never wanted
the country to tank just to he would be a
Many (most?) Libs seem to want a belly up
country just to get even for not having the
wine soaked bridge troll in the WH instead
of Trump. That's a child's response to failure,
to wish bad on yourself just so you can get
even. It's sick.
Quote: beachbumbabs
Give me a Republican I can respect, I'll be happy to do that. Real shortage among the babies and the greed heads these days.
I have yet to hear you say any Republican or conservative policy you respect or like.
Trump IS working for all of us. Well, not the illegal aliens. Not the people who refuse to work and want a handout. Not the people who do not put America first.
They want him to "act like an adult?" How about they learn from Tony Soprano. "Those who want respect, GIVE respect!"
90%+ media coverage has been negative! The media blamed him for enjoying the amenities his first night in the WH because a bunch of women were making fools of themselves dressed as tramps outside because they did not like him! He called out "both sides" for violence so got called a "white supremacist." Negative stories on the amount of ice cream and diet Coke he consumes.
Really? The issue is HIM?
Quote: RSThere is blame on both sides.
Trump said this and got called a white supremacist!
The blame is mostly on the left. They want Trump to "take it" and let his credibility fall, like happened with Bush. Trump is not playing their game and they cannot take it, so they throw hissy fits.
Quote: AZDuffmanTrump said this and got called a white supremacist!
The blame is mostly on the left. They want Trump to "take it" and let his credibility fall, like happened with Bush. Trump is not playing their game and they cannot take it, so they throw hissy fits.
No...people got upset when he said there was very fine people on both sides, one side being nazi white supremacists.
Quote: gamerfreakNo...people got upset when he said there was very fine people on both sides, one side being nazi white supremacists.
And the other side being Antifa. Fine people indeed!
But, but, but, but they all were not Antifa.
Quote: gamerfreakNo...people got upset when he said there was very fine people on both sides, one side being nazi white supremacists.
One side was doing a peaceful and permitted demonstration. The other side came to do violence. Anyone should be just as upset he said there were "very fine people" on the side that came to riot.
Your reply is an example of the point I am making. Haters are going to call him out no matter what he says or does.
Quote: AZDuffmanThey want Trump to "take it" and let his credibility fall, like happened with Bush.
Fall where? He can't go down anymore.
Quote: ams288Donald is golfing today for the second day in a row. On Christmas night, he tweeted he'd be "back to work" yesterday.
"#MAGA" = "I'm a sucker!"
The guy sleeps like 5-6 hours a day. If he is a family man 4 hours a day and works 8 hours a day he still has 6 hours left for golf. If he did that everyday 56 hours a week would be dedicated to MAGA. Have you ever tried to bug a golf course? It's a place to have secured conversations. Plus he is using his own property.
He will be in the White House more after fumigating and renovations from the last tenant is complete.
Quote: beachbumbabsCould not be more in error. Everyone would LIKE the President to be an adult, not a disfunctional and vindictive 9 year old . To be working for all of us, not just his base. To be someone who was welcome around the world and in the states. Hell, Ed Gillespie wouldn't allow him to campaign in Virginia. Alabama didn't even want him in their STATE when he unhelpfully rallied for Roy Moore; he did it from Florida!
Give me a Republican I can respect, I'll be happy to do that. Real shortage among the babies and the greed heads these days.
I still believe my broker. Let's talk again end of January. I bet the Dow is down 10% or more by Jan 31 from whatever this year's high becomes.
I call BS on the above post.😆
Also, I would be interested in a side bet that the Dow will not be down 10% in January. I am not a market bull by any means.🤔
Quote: MaxPen
He will be in the White House more after fumigating and renovations from the last tenant is complete.
Mostly fumigating. How do you remove
the stench of socialism gone wrong. Which
is the only way it can go or has ever gone.
Quote: EvenBobMostly fumigating. How do you remove
the stench of socialism gone wrong. Which
is the only way it can go or has ever gone.
The first campaign promise that needs to really be fulfilled is to FIX Hillary's ass. She got a pass, that cannot slide. She NEEDS to be held accountable. PERIOD.
Do NOT appoint people like Steve Mnuchin. SWAMP CREATURE, complete with Skull & Bones credentials.
Do NOT even be seen in the same room with arch-criminal Henry Kissinger. No one person can do more damage than someone like Kissinger.
Quote: MaxPenI call BS on the above post.😆
Even if Trump does not fulfill my every political wish, the one thing I DO love about Trump is his personality. He's got the gift of gab. Some of his comments are hilarious, AND at the same time classy. The Tweets are a big asset. And calling the Press fake is music to my ears. Finally someone who HAS THE STONES to call it like it is. The dems want to call that "childishness". That's just because they disagree. They're the babies. waaaaaaah!
Trump has pizazz.
Quote: bobbartopFinally someone who HAS THE STONES to call it like it is. The dems want to call that "childishness". That's just because they disagree.
Trump has pizazz.
Remember when somebody threw a shoe at
W? The press had pee running down their
leg they were laughing so hard and out
of control.
Now imagine if somebody had thrown a shoe
at Barry. The press would have had strokes
and coronaries, and been weeping like babies.
Yet nobody ever deserved a shoe right in the
kisser more than Obama every time he opened
his lying teleprompter mouth.
Quote: AZDuffmanI have yet to hear you say any Republican or conservative policy you respect or like.
Trump IS working for all of us. Well, not the illegal aliens. Not the people who refuse to work and want a handout. Not the people who do not put America first.
They want him to "act like an adult?" How about they learn from Tony Soprano. "Those who want respect, GIVE respect!"
90%+ media coverage has been negative! The media blamed him for enjoying the amenities his first night in the WH because a bunch of women were making fools of themselves dressed as tramps outside because they did not like him! He called out "both sides" for violence so got called a "white supremacist." Negative stories on the amount of ice cream and diet Coke he consumes.
Really? The issue is HIM?
Tony Soprano who meant if he doesnt get respect he breaks laws and murders and extorts?
Quote: EvenBobThere's a huge difference in not respecting
him and wishing bad for the country so
Trump would look like a failure. I voted for
Obama in 08 but soon came to hate his guts.
I had zero respect for him but I never wanted
the country to tank just to he would be a
Many (most?) Libs seem to want a belly up
country just to get even for not having the
wine soaked bridge troll in the WH instead
of Trump. That's a child's response to failure,
to wish bad on yourself just so you can get
even. It's sick.
That is absolutely NOT what liberals want. If anything, it's a projection of what Trump is doing, deliberately setting party against party, dismantling most cabinet departments, starting squabbles among like-minded people, defunding major programs, ruining decades of work on diplomatic relationships. Maybe he's Shiva the Destroyer, but that would require pure motives, like Face has . This is just a grab for power and riches.
What liberals want is a President who respects and honors his office, who works for the citizenry, not himself and his family, and takes all Americans into account when making decisions. This guy does NONE of that. And liberals are not going to shut up about it. Either he raises his game, or he gets driven out.

It was also priceless watching Martha whomever whine like a hungry child over useless Hillary getting trumped.
Such a special night.
Quote: MaxPenTrump could cure cancer and AIDS. The headlines would read, " Trump Puts Big Pharma Out of Business"
There is NOTHING wrong with paying taxes. They pay for so many things that couldn't be had any other way. The list is long and well-known, so I won't start
There IS something wrong with not paying a fair share. Something very wrong with my tax money being returned to someone who already pays less than I do, either by percentage, or in absolute amount, whIle earning more.
TANSTAAFL, my friend.
Actually the underlying problem is the total disrespect for the office and what it stands for. Of course, that includes the functions surrounding that office. That is what virtually all predecessors have had.Quote: rxwineAnd I don't know why anyone here expects those on the left to respect Trump.
Quote: EvenBobRemember when somebody threw a shoe at
W? The press had pee running down their
leg they were laughing so hard and out
of control.
Now imagine if somebody had thrown a shoe
at Barry. The press would have had strokes
and coronaries, and been weeping like babies.
Yet nobody ever deserved a shoe right in the
kisser more than Obama every time he opened
his lying teleprompter mouth.
Yes, now that you mention it, I do remember that. I just found some youtube video of it, it was in Iraq in 2008, the guy threw TWO shoes at him. In fact, I laughed just looking at it. Bush ducked, quick reflexes. lol
But you're right, the Press, and all the talk-show phonies would have cried the blues if it had happened to their messiah.
Gosh, it seems like yesterday that they were just electing Obama. Remember the idiots thinking he was going to make their car payments for them? Stevie Wonder and all these idiots so giddy. And I just sat there in disbelief, omg, we now have a black communist in the office. Never thought I'd see the day. And at that time I didn't even know the first lady was a dude.
Quote: beachbumbabs
There is NOTHING wrong with paying taxes. They pay for so many things that couldn't be had any other way. The list is long and well-known, so I won't start
There IS something wrong with not paying a fair share. Something very wrong with my tax money being returned to someone who already pays less than I do, either by percentage, or in absolute amount, whIle earning more.
TANSTAAFL, my friend.
Bill me for the things I use and if I truly need them, those things will prosper through utilization. Earned Income Credit returns "your money" to someone who most likely pays less than you. Prior to 1913 we didn't have an income tax. Somehow we survived. Of course we weren't teaching our kids that it is OK that Johnny is using the little girls room.
I call BS on most of your posts in this thread.
Still looking for action on a 10% drop in the DOW not occurring in January 2018. Anyone?
Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: MaxPenTrump could cure cancer and AIDS. The headlines would read, " Trump Puts Big Pharma Out of Business"
There is NOTHING wrong with paying taxes. They pay for so many things that couldn't be had any other way. The list is long and well-known, so I won't start
There IS something wrong with not paying a fair share. Something very wrong with my tax money being returned to someone who already pays less than I do, either by percentage, or in absolute amount, whIle earning more.
TANSTAAFL, my friend.
That's not it at all. There are proper, constitutional, functions that the government is needed for. DEFENSE being the number-one priority. The government is NOT supposed to supervise transfer payments, i.e., welfare, neither personal nor corporate. If you want a welfare system, it should be a local issue, not federal. Remember the 9th and 10th Amendments? There never should have been a Fed.Reserve, nor a 16th Amendment. Fake money, and Karl Marx tax system. Article 8 provides for a republican form of government, if your state wants to tax its brains out, go ahead. The Federal government, though, should primarily PROVIDE FOR THE DEFENSE. Period.
Quote: bobbartopQuote: beachbumbabsQuote: MaxPenTrump could cure cancer and AIDS. The headlines would read, " Trump Puts Big Pharma Out of Business"
There is NOTHING wrong with paying taxes. They pay for so many things that couldn't be had any other way. The list is long and well-known, so I won't start
There IS something wrong with not paying a fair share. Something very wrong with my tax money being returned to someone who already pays less than I do, either by percentage, or in absolute amount, whIle earning more.
TANSTAAFL, my friend.
That's not it at all. There are proper, constitutional, functions that the government is needed for. DEFENSE being the number-one priority. The government is NOT supposed to supervise transfer payments, i.e., welfare, neither personal nor corporate. If you want a welfare system, it should be a local issue, not federal. Remember the 9th and 10th Amendments? There never should have been a Fed.Reserve, nor a 16th Amendment. Fake money, and Karl Marx tax system. Article 8 provides for a republican form of government, if your state wants to tax its brains out, go ahead. The Federal government, though, should primarily PROVIDE FOR THE DEFENSE. Period.
She wants everyone to pay for and enjoy the lunch of her choice. Regardless of what's in the Constitution. It being just an outdated piece of paper and such other progressive hyperbole.
Quote: MaxPen
Hell yes! (Kind of)
Here's what the Dems should run on: making the middle class tax cuts in the TrumpTaxScam permanent (WHY DIDN'T THE GOP DO THIS?!?) and repealing the tax cuts for the top 1%.
Then the Dems get ~$1 trillion of new revenue to spend however they want. Thanks, Donald!
Quote: ams288Quote: MaxPen
Hell yes! (Kind of)
Here's what the Dems should run on: making the middle class tax cuts in the TrumpTaxScam permanent (WHY DIDN'T THE GOP DO THIS?!?) and repealing the tax cuts for the top 1%.
Then the Dems get ~$1 trillion of new revenue to spend however they want. Thanks, Donald!
I take it, you still haven't learned to fish.
Quote: MaxPenQuote: bobbartopQuote: beachbumbabsQuote: MaxPenTrump could cure cancer and AIDS. The headlines would read, " Trump Puts Big Pharma Out of Business"
There is NOTHING wrong with paying taxes. They pay for so many things that couldn't be had any other way. The list is long and well-known, so I won't start
There IS something wrong with not paying a fair share. Something very wrong with my tax money being returned to someone who already pays less than I do, either by percentage, or in absolute amount, whIle earning more.
TANSTAAFL, my friend.
That's not it at all. There are proper, constitutional, functions that the government is needed for. DEFENSE being the number-one priority. The government is NOT supposed to supervise transfer payments, i.e., welfare, neither personal nor corporate. If you want a welfare system, it should be a local issue, not federal. Remember the 9th and 10th Amendments? There never should have been a Fed.Reserve, nor a 16th Amendment. Fake money, and Karl Marx tax system. Article 8 provides for a republican form of government, if your state wants to tax its brains out, go ahead. The Federal government, though, should primarily PROVIDE FOR THE DEFENSE. Period.
She wants everyone to pay for and enjoy the lunch of her choice. Regardless of what's in the Constitution. It being just an outdated piece of paper and such other progressive hyperbole.
Not even close to what I said. Go fish, Max. We're talking past each other on all of this.
Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: MaxPenQuote: bobbartopQuote: beachbumbabsQuote: MaxPenTrump could cure cancer and AIDS. The headlines would read, " Trump Puts Big Pharma Out of Business"
There is NOTHING wrong with paying taxes. They pay for so many things that couldn't be had any other way. The list is long and well-known, so I won't start
There IS something wrong with not paying a fair share. Something very wrong with my tax money being returned tow someone who already pays less than I do, either by percentage, or in absolute amount, whIle earning more.
TANSTAAFL, my friend.
That's not it at all. There are proper, constitutional, functions that the government is needed for. DEFENSE being the number-one priority. The government is NOT supposed to supervise transfer payments, i.e., welfare, neither personal nor corporate. If you want a welfare system, it should be a local issue, not federal. Remember the 9th and 10th Amendments? There never should have been a Fed.Reserve, nor a 16th Amendment. Fake money, and Karl Marx tax system. Article 8 provides for a republican form of government, if your state wants to tax its brains out, go ahead. The Federal government, though, should primarily PROVIDE FOR THE DEFENSE. Period.
She wants everyone to pay for and enjoy the lunch of her choice. Regardless of what's in the Constitution. It being just an outdated piece of paper and such other progressive hyperbole.
Not even close to what I said. Go fish, Max. We're talking past each other on all of this.
Yeah, I need to.
"When the house loses every hand they typically remove the game."

Quote: mcallister3200Like him or hate him, the prez has the economy going well and has done a tremendous job of exposing the rampant hatred of America, racism and bigotry by the far left.
And he totally humiliated the corrupt Clintons by eliminating their master plan of going back into the White House.
You also gotta love the way he continually rips the heart out of the left by dismantling the racist Obama agenda.
Quote: horse+1And he totally humiliated the corrupt Clintons by eliminating their master plan of going back into the White House.
You hear again and again and again, that
this person or that group, or agency,
was totally dependent and totally convinced
there would be a 3rd Obama term in
a Hillary WH. They had all their eggs in
that basket, what a bunch of arrogant dopes.
And that's the backwash and tepid backwater
that we still see lapping onto the shore. How
crooked so many of these people were and
it's being exposed just because She has no
power to cover it all up. In the giant catbox
that's the Democrat Party.
Care to specify just what you think "a fair share" is? Maybe Bernie Sanders's 80 or 90 percent?Quote: beachbumbabsThere IS something wrong with not paying a fair share.
If they think a boy should use a girls bathroom because they feel like a girl. #biology denial
Quote: SanchoPanzaCare to specify just what you think "a fair share" is? Maybe Bernie Sanders's 80 or 90 percent?
Let's say, for instance, everyone pays 1%. But I make $100 income and you make $1000 income. The 1% is ten times bigger when you pay your "fair share". But do YOU get an extra vote? Tax on INCOME is NOT FAIR, no matter how you look at it. Not many of us were living when there was no income tax, it's all we know. But there is nothing American about a tax on income. It's clearly a Marxist concept.
Quote: ams288Donald is golfing today for the second day in a row. On Christmas night, he tweeted he'd be "back to work" yesterday.
Successful people can multitask. Furthermore, people like President Trump can accomplish more business/deals on the golf course than most professionals can in the office.
"Golf isn't merely a leisure sport. It's the martini lunch of the modern workforce, the buoyant venue where business gets done."
Even Woodrow Wilson didn't have the chutzpah to set up seven different rates.Quote: bobbartopLet's say, for instance, everyone pays 1%. But I make $100 income and you make $1000 income. The 1% is ten times bigger when you pay your "fair share". But do YOU get an extra vote? Tax on INCOME is NOT FAIR, no matter how you look at it. Not many of us were living when there was no income tax, it's all we know. But there is nothing American about a tax on income. It's clearly a Marxist concept.
Who owns the fed? Are you saying the TBTF banks don't have tons of loaned money held in reserves, collecting interest from taxpayers ?Quote: AZDuffmanThe banks were not given huge favors in the TARP program,.........Yes, the Feds "rushed to their aid." And guess what? The Feds got their money back in cheap loans to fund the Obama "stimulus." The feds got leverage against bank management. It was no "gift."
Quote: KeyserSuccessful people can multitask. Furthermore, people like President Trump can accomplish more business/deals on the golf course than most professionals can in the office.
Deals are made on the golf course, but only signed in the office.
Yes, and he sleeps no more than 5 hrs. every night, he doesn't drink or smoke cancer sticks, he's no ridiculous pothead, and he gets more done in 2 hours than your typical businessman, politician, or prostitute.
Quote: bobbartopL Not many of us were living when there was no income tax, it's all we know. But there is nothing American about a tax on income. It's clearly a Marxist concept.
Are you going to make the military work for free? Or get rid of them?
Quote: rxwineAre you going to make the military work for free? Or get rid of them?
People should voluntarily pay what the military is personally worth to them, obviously.
Quote: KeyserSuccessful people can multitask. Furthermore, people like President Trump can accomplish more business/deals on the golf course than most professionals can in the office.
People who knew Trump before he got elected
say he's always working, he takes no time off.
He doesn't even do small talk. If you visited
him in his office, there was no offer of a
drink and how's' the wife and kids' chit chat.
He got right down to business, got to the
point, and bam, you were out of there.
That's how successful people get things
done, they're always working.