Quote: boymimboI really don't understand why people can't have an intelligent conversation about issues rather than having to discuss complete ridiculousness. Clearly if some people believe bulls**t then have lost the ability to discern fact from fiction, which detracts from the quality of this forum.
I've already disproved the Michael Obama theory and the Pope's kissing of certain people's hands. None of this has anything to do with Trump.
Certain members of the forum are using the same strategy that Trump takes: lie and deflect, which is important to further the fringe right's causes. With the Russia investigation, there is indeed something important going on, and as I have said, it will likely lead to nothing, but the investigation (just like Hillary's email investigation at State and Benghazi) needs to come to its conclusion. People on the right can't complain about a GOP witch-hunt and the Dem witch-hunt at the same time. As for "nothing to see", people within Trump's sphere are getting arrested. Whether that leads to Trump himself is still to be determined.
I think you have to do what the FBI (a ridiculously maligned and mistreated organization in all this) and Robert Mueller are doing. Keep your head down, eyes front, and focus intact. Fact-check the garbage but otherwise leave it to rot, because arguing it accepts the premise that it's even valid.
I hate lying. I hate discrediting worthy people to take advantage of the gullible and advance your agenda. Trump does both in sickening abundance. So I'm in a relatively permanent state of outrage for 2 years now, because I refuse to normalize any of his tactics. Very tired of it, but maybe the truth will out.
Quote: beachbumbabsVery tired of it, but maybe the truth will out.
When it does will you accept it?
Quote: KeyserDon't worry, Trump is making America great again! :)
I still don't understand that campaign slogan.
How long has American NOT been great?
And great compared to what?
Quote: TigerWuI still don't understand that campaign slogan.
How long has American NOT been great?
And great compared to what?
America was great in the sixties. When blacks had separate water fountains and women were at home cooking and cleaning
Thats what trump and the repubs mean by make america great again
Quote: darkozAmerica was great in the sixties. When blacks had separate water fountains and women were at home cooking and cleaning
You are aware that Jim Crow segregation was all DEMOCRAT policy, are you not? That the DEMOCRAT PARTY was the ones who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
As to the women being at home, you would probably be surprised at how many woman would prefer to go back to when they could socially do so.
Quote: TigerWuI still don't understand that campaign slogan.
How long has American NOT been great?
And great compared to what?
Stopped being great for sure in 2009. Had a POTUS who apologized for USA success and said 2% growth was the best we could hope for. That we had to have open borders and let other nations make our decisions for us.
Quote: beachbumbabsI think you have to do what the FBI (a ridiculously maligned and mistreated organization in all this) and Robert Mueller are doing.
You mean the same FBI that decided to let Hillary off the hook without even investigating? The one that wrote the findings memo before they even looked?
Quote: TigerWuI still don't understand that campaign slogan.
How long has American NOT been great?
And great compared to what?
I can't explain it in any positive way. It's a nationalist slogan that appeals to the base of white men who feel marginalized and see their jobs become outdated and outsourced. It's full of dog whistles for people who hear what they want to hear, wanting to go back to when the average man could support an entire family on one job that didn't require a degree beyond high school, the wife stayed home to raise kids and clean and cook, people didn't get divorced, America just took what it wanted with its military, immigrants did the grunt labor, and perhaps some even more rancid ideas like supremacy for some.
It was designed to mean all of that, and reflects Trump's own attitudes about the rest of the world serving his purposes, and if they don't, it being fine to cheat, lie, deceive, steal, con or whatever it takes for him to "win".
He wins hearts and minds with the illusion that everybody can operate like that if they just follow him. But, of course, it's a lie, and more than 4000 lawsuits against him and his businesses prove how big a lie it is. For him to win, somebody has to lose, and right now, that's all of America except a few rich people and some corporations.
Quote: beachbumbabsAmerica just took what it wanted with its military, immigrants did the grunt labor, and perhaps some even more rancid ideas like supremacy for some.
It was designed to mean all of that, and reflects Trump's own attitudes about the rest of the world serving his purposes, and if they don't, it being fine to cheat, lie, deceive, steal, con or whatever it takes for him to "win".
He wins hearts and minds with the illusion that everybody can operate like that if they just follow him. But, of course, it's a lie, and more than 4000 lawsuits against him and his businesses prove how big a lie it is. For him to win, somebody has to lose, and right now, that's all of America except a few rich people and some corporations.

OMG where does all of this hate and bitterness come from? Such a cynical view of someone that doesn't have racist bone in his body (Trump of course) and tries his best to make the US more competitive in the world market. Being white, Christian, and heterosexual doesn't make you a bad person!
Until some democrats can look past color, whether or not someone is religious, whether or not someone voted for Trump, and sexual preference, the country will remain divided.
Regardless of the party in power, I want the President to be successful for the sake of the country. Let Trump help heal the country and divisions created during the previous eight years. Help end the bigotry.
Quote: Keyser
OMG where does all of this hate and bitterness come from? Such a cynical view of someone that doesn't have racist bone in his body (Trump of course) and tries his best to make the US more competitive in the world market.
If someone flipped her statement around and made it about "angry women and minorities" she would likely ban them. SAD.
Quote: Keyser
OMG where does all of this hate and bitterness come from? Such a cynical view of someone that doesn't have racist bone in his body (Trump of course) and tries his best to make the US more competitive in the world market.
Until democrats can look past color, whether or not someone is religious or not, whether or not someone voted for Trump, and sexual preference, the country will remain divided.
Regardless of the party in power, I want the President to be successful for the sake of the country.
If you're going to quote me, quote all of it. That's what the slogan has come to mean, and that was the question. You'd have to work hard to find anyone outside Trump's base that thinks their life is better off with what he's doing, and yet he's supposed to be the President for all Americans. Where's that guy?
For that matter, it will be interesting next year, when any tax advantage the 99.9% may have gotten is more than swallowed by their crippled healthcare. And more than their share of that will fall on Trump's base. Maybe he can talk them out of that, just like some people believed the lie that Trump.wouldn't personally benefit from that tax bill structure. But he himself said people will believe anything if you say it often enough, so he serves up whoppers with relish, and just laughs when it gets repeated and covered as fact.
But I think, and I hope, that his ever-shrinking base will wise up in the next year, as things he tells them don't match up with his promises and his excuses and blaming others wears thin. We'll see.
Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: Keyser
OMG where does all of this hate and bitterness come from? Such a cynical view of someone that doesn't have racist bone in his body (Trump of course) and tries his best to make the US more competitive in the world market.
Until democrats can look past color, whether or not someone is religious or not, whether or not someone voted for Trump, and sexual preference, the country will remain divided.
Regardless of the party in power, I want the President to be successful for the sake of the country.
If you're going to quote me, quote all of it. That's what the slogan has come to mean, and that was the question. You'd have to work hard to find anyone outside Trump's base that thinks their life is better off with what he's doing, and yet he's supposed to be the President for all Americans. Where's that guy?
For that matter, it will be interesting next year, when any tax advantage the 99.9% may have gotten is more than swallowed by their crippled healthcare. And more than their share of that will fall on Trump's base. Maybe he can talk them out of that, just like some people believed the lie that Trump.wouldn't personally benefit from that tax bill structure. But he himself said people will believe anything if you say it often enough, so he serves up whoppers with relish, and just laughs when it gets repeated and covered as fact.
But I think, and I hope, that his ever-shrinking base will wise up in the next year, as things he tells them don't match up with his promises and his excuses and blaming others wears thin. We'll see.
Caution: Reading the above will give any man an ever-shrinking base.
Quote: KeyserLet Trump help heal the country and divisions created during the previous eight years.
Obama may have not brought his detractors and supporters together, but clearly Trump bringing people together is extreme fantasy.
Trump could start bringing people together only by resigning and never being heard from again.
Quote: beachbumbabsYou'd have to work hard to find anyone outside Trump's base that thinks their life is better off with what he's doing, and yet he's supposed to be the President for all Americans. Where's that guy?
Sounds like Obama did for anyone outside his base! He was fine for feminists, illegal aliens, and gays. But hard-working folks just fell further and further back for 8 years.
Quote:For that matter, it will be interesting next year, when any tax advantage the 99.9% may have gotten is more than swallowed by their crippled healthcare.
The crippled health insurance situation is 100% the fault of Obama and Obamacare. We are intelligent enough to realize this. No matter how much anyone from yourself to the media tries to blame Trump, we are intelligent enough to know this.
Quote: RogerKintQuote: beachbumbabsQuote: Keyser
OMG where does all of this hate and bitterness come from? Such a cynical view of someone that doesn't have racist bone in his body (Trump of course) and tries his best to make the US more competitive in the world market.
Until democrats can look past color, whether or not someone is religious or not, whether or not someone voted for Trump, and sexual preference, the country will remain divided.
Regardless of the party in power, I want the President to be successful for the sake of the country.
If you're going to quote me, quote all of it. That's what the slogan has come to mean, and that was the question. You'd have to work hard to find anyone outside Trump's base that thinks their life is better off with what he's doing, and yet he's supposed to be the President for all Americans. Where's that guy?
For that matter, it will be interesting next year, when any tax advantage the 99.9% may have gotten is more than swallowed by their crippled healthcare. And more than their share of that will fall on Trump's base. Maybe he can talk them out of that, just like some people believed the lie that Trump.wouldn't personally benefit from that tax bill structure. But he himself said people will believe anything if you say it often enough, so he serves up whoppers with relish, and just laughs when it gets repeated and covered as fact.
But I think, and I hope, that his ever-shrinking base will wise up in the next year, as things he tells them don't match up with his promises and his excuses and blaming others wears thin. We'll see.
Caution: Reading the above will give any man an ever-shrinking base.
I'm sure you meant that as a joke, but it's pretty insulting.
Quote: rxwine
Trump could start bringing people together only by resigning and never being heard from again.
You honestly think that we are going to give the next liberal elected any chance at all after how Trump has been treated? HA!
Liberals are upset because we treated Obama the way they treated Bush. So now they amp it up. They will keep it amped for another 7 years.
Why should Trump bother "reaching out" to them more than he already has? He and us supporters will just keep MAGA!
Quote: AZDuffmanSounds like Obama did for anyone outside his base! He was fine for feminists, illegal aliens, and gays. But hard-working folks just fell further and further back for 8 years.
Sounds like a personal problem. I did just fine under Obama. And I'm a straight, white, American-born male. I didn't vote for him. I don't think he was qualified to be President. But my standard of living was great during those eight years.
Quote: AZDuffmanYou honestly think that we are going to give the next liberal elected any chance at all after how Trump has been treated? HA!
I'm not even ruling out other Republicans or an Independent being more capable of uniting. America.
Trump is clearly both a liar and incapable of anything close to uniting America.
Quote: AZDuffmanSounds like Obama did for anyone outside his base! He was fine for feminists, illegal aliens, and gays. But hard-working folks just fell further and further back for 8 years.
Gross mischaracterization. Jobs increased every single month for 8 years under Obama. Salaries increased. Stock market soared in all quarters. Mortgages stayed under 4% the entire time.
Quote:The crippled health insurance situation is 100% the fault of Obama and Obamacare. We are intelligent enough to realize this. No matter how much anyone from yourself to the media tries to blame Trump, we are intelligent enough to know this.
Not even close. Republican governors refused to implement most of the provisions in their states that were required to make the ACA work. They did it against the best interests of their citizens, with a single-minded purpose of making it fail as badly as possible. They did this so Obama and the Dems would look bad, just so they could maintain a disgruntled constituency for repeal, even though they had NO idea what to do instead. Obamacare worked and still works in states that implemented it, mostly blue.
At least until this year, with Trump changing and destroying it on a national level, the effects of which are unknown. But Trump has said many times it's now HIS plan, and Obamacare is destroyed, or don't you listen to him? So, just like a bad cook who leaves out half the ingredients and buys cheap substitutes for the rest, and then wonders why the meal tastes like crap, the Republicans own the failure.
Quote: TigerWuSounds like a personal problem. I did just fine under Obama. And I'm a straight, white, American-born male. I didn't vote for him. I don't think he was qualified to be President. But my standard of living was great during those eight years.
Was it good because you worked or because of his policies? My standard of living went up, but it is supposed to go up when as a SWAM works. Go to work, don't have kids without being married, and avoid pot/drugs. Follow that and it should go up.
But Obama's policies were a millstone around my neck, an anchor tied to me. Myself and so many people I knew were skilled but went from project to project, usually as temp workers. Obama made it expensive to hire people permanent, so employers really cut back there. He made mortgages hard to get and no more commonsense underwriting. I am not kidding on this one, less than two weeks after he was re-elected the bank I was working at pulled the plug on our area of their loss mitigation department.
Lets not forget, he has the highest unemployment of any post-WWII POTUS. Half the months of >7% unemployment were on his watch. Reagan had a similar high unemployment when he took office, he cured it in 2 years. Obama, no.
Now Obamacare! I get to work 2 full days per month to cover my premium! Up 100% the last 3 years! I get to pay for maternity coverage, because every guy needs it! Not to mention he tried to kill my industry in the first place.
Things are roaring for the moment, MAGA is real. Hopefully it continues and the haters can keep hating.
Quote: rxwineI'm not even ruling out other Republicans or an Independent being more capable of uniting. America.
Trump is clearly both a liar and incapable of anything close to uniting America.
True and true. But the country is better off today than if a Democrat was in his place. And no matter what happens, what evidence is presented, how strong the economy becomes, how much safer our borders become, no Democrat will want to even consider it is because the Republicans are in control and not the Democrats. And that is a main reason that the concept of uniting America is not a Democrat idea, at least not until they are in power.
Quote: beachbumbabsGross mischaracterization. Jobs increased every single month for 8 years under Obama. Salaries increased. Stock market soared in all quarters. Mortgages stayed under 4% the entire time.
Jobs increased, at a very slow rate. Obama will remain the king of high unemployment rate. Mortgages stayed low because the Fed flooded the market with cheap money. I processed mortgage loss mitigations where we gave people with AWFUL credit the best possible rates, all under an Obama program. It was a period of average growth fueled by the meth of cheap money.
Did you not notice how much things picked up the minute Trump was elected with the promise of a business-friendly administration? Of course you didn't!
Quote:Not even close. Republican governors refused to implement most of the provisions in their states that were required to make the ACA work. They did it against the best interests of their citizens, with a single-minded purpose of making it fail as badly as possible. They did this so Obama and the Dems would look bad, just so they could maintain a disgruntled constituency for repeal, even though they had NO idea what to do instead. Obamacare worked and still works in states that implemented it, mostly blue.
No. They did it because it was a long-term budget buster that their populations did not want. As far as "refusing to implement to make Obama and Dems look bad" please save me your total crap anger here given the resistance to everything from immigration law to cleaning up voter rolls from any Democrat out there.
Quote:At least until this year, with Trump changing and destroying it on a national level, the effects of which are unknown. But Trump has said many times it's now HIS plan, and Obamacare is destroyed, or don't you listen to him? So, just like a bad cook who leaves out half the ingredients and buys cheap substitutes for the rest, and then wonders why the meal tastes like crap, the Republicans own the failure.
He does not need a plan. Let insurance be sold across state lines. Let states and localities solve the issue locally. I have read the Constitution front to back and do not see a part where health insurance is a right nor is it the job of the feds to provide it.
BTW: I do listen to him. I WANT Obamacare destroyed, to the ash heap of history where it belongs. Obamacare was like pulling and rebuilding an engine when you just needed new spark plugs.
Since you read the constitution I was wondering if you came
across anything about Corporate health insurance?
It seems the government provides it however I haven't
come across the exact language, if you could point
me in the direction I would be obliged.
Quote: boymimboI really don't understand why people can't have an intelligent conversation about issues rather than having to discuss complete ridiculousness. Clearly if some people believe bulls**t then have lost the ability to discern fact from fiction, which detracts from the quality of this forum.
I've already disproved the Michael Obama theory and the Pope's kissing of certain people's hands. None of this has anything to do with Trump.
Quite an imagination you have. Can you do that in poker too? Just *imagine* that your hand wins, and take the pot no matter what your cards?
Quote: rainman
Since you read the constitution I was wondering if you came
across anything about Corporate health insurance?
It seems the government provides it however I haven't
come across the exact language, if you could point
me in the direction I would be obliged.
Good point. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was struck down once, as being "communistic", FDR stacked the Court and did it all over again but this time passed it. And it's still basically the law of the land, after all this time. Imagine paying farmers NOT to grow crops. That's insane.
Quote: rainman
Since you read the constitution I was wondering if you came
across anything about Corporate health insurance?
It seems the government provides it however I haven't
come across the exact language, if you could point
me in the direction I would be obliged.
You would have to tell me what you are meaning here. I am against handouts to places like Solyndra, if that is what you mean. Also against tax credits for Yuppies to buy EVs.
Quote: AZDuffmanYou would have to tell me what you are meaning here. I am against handouts to places like Solyndra, if that is what you mean. Also against tax credits for Yuppies to buy EVs.
"Man can live and satisfy his wants only by ceaseless labor; by the ceaseless application of his faculties to natural resources. This process is the origin of property.
"But it is also true that a man may live and satisfy his wants by seizing and consuming the products of the labor of others. This process is the origin of plunder."
-- Frederic Bastiat, "The Law"
Quote: bobbartop
"But it is also true that a man may live and satisfy his wants by seizing and consuming the products of the labor of others. This process is the origin of plunder."
Does this mean when the government seizes my labor? And how the anti-Trumpers are mad that it will seize less of it next year?
Quote: AZDuffmanDoes this mean when the government seizes my labor? And how the anti-Trumpers are mad that it will seize less of it next year?
The proper role of government is to protect our property rights.
The 14th Amendment was one of the worst things to ever happen to this country. And never ratified either.
Quote: AZDuffmanYou would have to tell me what you are meaning here. I am against handouts to places like Solyndra, if that is what you mean. Also against tax credits for Yuppies to buy EVs.
I was trying to give you a little jab to the rib cage, you mentioned being in
the banking industry and I was making reference to the bailout. I like to point
to it I find it laughable that we tax everything an individual needs to live
hell we tax his very existence we take fruits of his labor and then
when his child gets sick and he can't afford her medication we say
You know what no where does it say in the constitution we have to help you.
And this is true, but when all the banks were sick and dying we rushed
to their aid with an open wallet.
Our government is supposed to serve the people I keep seeing
evidence that it serves corporations at the expense of the people.
Quote: rainmanI was trying to give you a little jab to the rib cage, you mentioned being in
the banking industry and I was making reference to the bailout. I like to point
to it I find it laughable that we tax everything an individual needs to live
hell we tax his very existence we take fruits of his labor and then
when his child gets sick and he can't afford her medication we say
You know what no where does it say in the constitution we have to help you.
And this is true, but when all the banks were sick and dying we rushed
to their aid with an open wallet.
Our government is supposed to serve the people I keep seeing
evidence that it serves corporations at the expense of the people.
Well said. I would add that we (via Obama) made the banks solvent when they'd given themselves all the juice and the public the shaft. The ostensible reason for this was so people could get their mortgages straightened out and into some plan or other property they could afford. INSTEAD, they paid themselves bonuses and their shareholders dividends despite staggering losses on their actual business and closed off mortgages to everyone but overqualified borrowers for about 6 years, and still make ridiculous demands of any applicant.
And then they blamed Obama, who bailed their sorry asses out. I call BS on what AZD said. Not the whole story, if the correct story at all.

The dems often (not always) come across as being cynical, dark, unhappy and pessimistic regardless of their financial situation.
However, the republicans are more likely to across as being upbeat and optimistic regardless of their financial situation.

Above, an obviously republican woman celebrates life.
you provided two pictures you pulled from the web which you have assigned a label
to suit your perception.
Yea I know, we have David Duke & Bannon and you have Rosie and Elizabeth.
The difference most Republicans call out Duke for the POS he is. Will liberals call out Rosie?

Above, obviously a democrat. Bitter, cynical, hateful. I suspect her husband won't be waiting up for her.

Above, obviously a happy republican wife! Playful, happy, a lady. You know her husband is waiting for her.
Quote: BozGreat week for Rosie, She proved Trump right was calling her out years ago with her trying to bribe US Senators.
Yea I know, we have David Duke & Bannon and you have Rosie and Elizabeth.
The difference most Republicans call out Duke for the POS he is. Will liberals call out Rosie?
Every man women and child knows Rosie is whacky
Quote: rainmanI was trying to give you a little jab to the rib cage, you mentioned being in
the banking industry and I was making reference to the bailout. I like to point
to it I find it laughable that we tax everything an individual needs to live
hell we tax his very existence we take fruits of his labor and then
when his child gets sick and he can't afford her medication we say
You know what no where does it say in the constitution we have to help you.
The banks were not given huge favors in the TARP program, Heck, some people here are so misinformed they credit Obama for saving the financial system! Same kind of people who believed Kerry when he blamed Nixon for an illegal war before the guy even took office. But back to the subject.
Healthy banks wanted no part of TARP. Many did not need it. The money was forced on them. They got called to the NY Fed office and were told, "here are your TARP funds. Your signature or your brains will be on the contract before you leave this room!"
Bad banks were forced on good banks. National City was forced on PNC. WaMu was forced on Chase. Wachovia was forced on WFC. So on and so on and so on.
TARP was no gift. It was a loan. See, the Feds NEVER, EVER give money unless they know they will come out on top. From wiping out the creditors at GM to the college who then must follow their guidelines, the Feds are ruthless. The mafia at least generally writes off a debt when the debtor dies, the IRS chases past the grave.
Yes, the Feds "rushed to their aid." And guess what? The Feds got their money back in cheap loans to fund the Obama "stimulus." The feds got leverage against bank management. It was no "gift."
Quote: rainmanCan you provide any evidence of this claim or should I believe you because
you provided two pictures you pulled from the web which you have assigned a label
to suit your perception.
I can concur after 25 years of forums that he is basically correct. Liberals are more often angry at the world, except when we have a Demcocrat POTUS, then they like government, thought they are still angry at everything else. Liberals are far more likely to have and use a potty mouth in their posts, harder to see here due to the censor policy.
Conservatives online are actually more libertarian than conservative. They don't like their government, though they do like their country. Even with a GOP POTUS they are not clamoring for more government, they like it when the government does less. They will like when the government protects their property while liberals will hate that as well (e.g.: Build the Wall)
In general, liberals are always angry. The reason why is easy to see when you use the right dividing line between the two camps.
Conservatives want equality of opportunity. We basically have this in the USA. We have some problems such as "set asides" for contracts to favored groups (women and minorities) but mostly everyone has an open shot. Go out in the market and make it happen for yourself. IOW, Conservatives accept that there will be unequal results, but said results are mostly on the individual. They think they can improve their lot in life.
Liberals want equality of outcome. This is impossible, which just keeps them angry. People can be better at things than other people. Races can have common traits that make them better or worse as a group at various things. Liberals cannot accept this. If their favored group is not doing as well as a group, they want change. The best current example is male/female earnings.
Women choose college majors with lower pay then men. Women choose jobs with lower pay than men. Women take more time off work than men. Women are less likely to relocate for a job then men. So as a group, they will earn less. To a conservative, this is choices. To a liberal, this must be fixed! Because it cannot be fixed in a free society, the anger just remains and builds.
Liberals do not believe they can improve their life. It is no wonder their posts are as they are.
Quote: AZDuffmanIn general, liberals are always angry. The reason why is easy to see when you use the right dividing line between the two camps.
Liberals do not believe they can improve their life. It is no wonder their posts are as they are.
I've said this many times before, but I guess it's time for a reminder: whenever AZ blathers on saying stuff like "liberals are...."
It's always nonsense.
Quote: ams288I've said this many times before, but I guess it's time for a reminder: whenever AZ blathers on saying stuff like "liberals are...."
It's always nonsense.
Only nonsense to liberals who do not see their own behavior.
Or maybe to liberals who are not used to intelligent conversation where you generalize and expect me to go thru the voter rolls, liberal by liberal, discussing each one as an individual.
If you doubt me on liberal anger, look at how many and how long the anti-Trump threads are! It is their entire life I swear!
Very few people's opinions fit neatly into conservative/Republican Box-A or liberal/Democrat Box-B. And while I generally respect opinions that differ from my own, this garbage of choosing people choosing a “team” and completely shitting on the “other side” at any expense needs to stop. THAT attitude, that rhetoric, not conservatives, not liberals, is what’s going continue to hurt our country.
Stop treating politics like a f’ing football game.
Quote: AZDuffmanIf you doubt me on liberal anger, look at how many and how long the anti-Trump threads are! It is their entire life I swear!
Well, if you look at the past few days of this thread, it's been mainly a bunch of sad righties discussing whether or not Michelle Obama is a man or not while the liberals were offline enjoying Christmas with their families and friends (or, that's where I've been at least).
Quote: ams288Well, if you look at the past few days of this thread, it's been mainly a bunch of sad righties discussing whether or not Michelle Obama is a man or not while the liberals were offline enjoying Christmas with their families and friends (or, that's where I've been at least).
Conservatives are typically very very efficient and highly capable of doing more than one thing per day.
Quote: gamerfreakOr how about we just come to the realization that conservative/liberal have become meaningless labels that no longer represent what they have in the past.
Right and wrong are eternal values that never change.
Quote: AZDuffmanLiberals do not believe they can improve their life.
That's it in a nutshell. We had 8 years
of Obama telling us the sucky economy
was the new norm. That the torrent of
illegals crossing border was the new norm.
That we were now a 3rd rate has-been
super power, it's the new norm.
What we saw in the election was a reaction
to this fatalistic, 'lay down and die' attitude.
It isn't who we are or have ever been. Or
ever will be.
Quote: EvenBobThat's it in a nutshell. We had 8 years
of Obama telling us the sucky economy
was the new norm. That the torrent of
illegals crossing border was the new norm.
That we were now a 3rd rate has-been
super power, it's the new norm.
What we saw in the election was a reaction
to this fatalistic, 'lay down and die' attitude.
It isn't who we are or have ever been. Or
ever will be.
Yes we were supposed to accept the melancholy as the new norm.
But now we have Trump! MAGA!
Quote: EvenBobThat's it in a nutshell. We had 8 years
of Obama telling us the sucky economy
was the new norm. That the torrent of
illegals crossing border was the new norm.
That we were now a 3rd rate has-been
super power, it's the new norm.
What we saw in the election was a reaction
to this fatalistic, 'lay down and die' attitude.
It isn't who we are or have ever been. Or
ever will be.
I saw where Trump relaxed the rules of engagement for ISIS and one year later they are all but eliminated. General said the Obama policies did not help save innocents one bit and may have hurt them if anything.
Same thing happened in NYC. Pre-Rudy the populence was told they had to deal with squeegee men and crime all over the place. Had to deal with Times Square being a porn and red light district. Rudy refused to accept that and cleaned the place up.
"Lay down and die" sadly seems to be who 45% or so of us are.