Just pointing out that many politicians, as well as many more voters, who defended Kennedy and Clinton are raking Moore over the coals.Quote: darkozAgain ur point is rapists should be elected into office because rapists from other political parties were?

Quote: SanchoPanzaJust pointing out that many politicians, as well as many more voters, who defended Kennedy and Clinton are raking Moore over the coals.
Hypocrite on the right complaining about hypocrites on the left?
Just pointing out that many politicians as well as many voters who defend Trump and Moore were raking Bill Clinton over the coals.
If you defend Bill Clinton but attack Donald Trump over being a sexual predator. You are a hypocrite.
If you defend Trump but attack Bill Clinton over being a sexual predator, you are a hypocrite
I will never ever defend ANY sexual predator
Roy Moore is a sicko
How about you Sanchopaza? Are you a hypocrite
Are you against ALL sexual predators?
Do you give some sexual predators a pass because of politics?
Bill Clinton is a disgusting sexual predator
Donald Trump is a disgusting sexual predator
Do you agree Sancho?
Quote: terapinedHypocrite on the right complaining about hypocrites on the left?
Just pointing out that many politicians as well as many voters who defend Trump and Moore were raking Bill Clinton over the coals.
If you defend Bill Clinton but attack Donald Trump over being a sexual predator. You are a hypocrite.
If you defend Trump but attack Bill Clinton over being a sexual predator, you are a hypocrite
I will never ever defend ANY sexual predator
Roy Moore is a sicko
How about you Sanchopaza? Are you a hypocrite
Are you against ALL sexual predators?
Do you give some sexual predators a pass because of politics?
Bill Clinton is a disgusting sexual predator
Donald Trump is a disgusting sexual predator
Do you agree Sancho?
Banhammer in 3.....2....
Quote: RSQuote: terapinedHypocrite on the right complaining about hypocrites on the left?
Just pointing out that many politicians as well as many voters who defend Trump and Moore were raking Bill Clinton over the coals.
If you defend Bill Clinton but attack Donald Trump over being a sexual predator. You are a hypocrite.
If you defend Trump but attack Bill Clinton over being a sexual predator, you are a hypocrite
I will never ever defend ANY sexual predator
Roy Moore is a sicko
How about you Sanchopaza? Are you a hypocrite
Are you against ALL sexual predators?
Do you give some sexual predators a pass because of politics?
Bill Clinton is a disgusting sexual predator
Donald Trump is a disgusting sexual predator
Do you agree Sancho?
Banhammer in 3.....2....
I am asking if he is a hypocrite
I am not saying he is a hypocrite
For all I know, Sanchopaza agrees with me and hates All sexual predators and is not a hypocrite
Cmon Sancho
Get on the anti sexual predator team
First, Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy may have been sexual predictors (hitting on/sleeping with WOMEN), but not RAPISTS of 14 year old GIRLS.Quote: SanchoPanzaThe facts sure didn't bother voters in the cases of Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy.
Everyone, I sincerely wish you to watch this as it's got good information, and just maybe perhaps you'll see just how the CON finally works:
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZAPwfrtAFY
Quote: RomesFirst, Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy may have been sexual predictors (hitting on/sleeping with WOMEN), but not RAPISTS of 14 year old GIRLS.
Everyone, I sincerely wish you to watch this as it's got good information, and just maybe perhaps you'll see just how the CON finally works:
Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZAPwfrtAFY
I think you copy/pasted the wrong link. That's a link to John Oliver. Lol
Sancho's not trying to change the subject, but trying to show the hypocrisy.
Quote: RSSancho's not trying to change the subject, but trying to show the hypocrisy.
The problem
There are hypocrites on the left and right
Sancho is trying to expose left leaning hypocrites but silent on the hypocrites on the right
I like to expose ALL hypocrites on this subject
I hate ALL sexual predators including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump
Quote: terapinedQuote: RSQuote: terapinedHypocrite on the right complaining about hypocrites on the left?
Just pointing out that many politicians as well as many voters who defend Trump and Moore were raking Bill Clinton over the coals.
If you defend Bill Clinton but attack Donald Trump over being a sexual predator. You are a hypocrite.
If you defend Trump but attack Bill Clinton over being a sexual predator, you are a hypocrite
I will never ever defend ANY sexual predator
Roy Moore is a sicko
How about you Sanchopaza? Are you a hypocrite
Are you against ALL sexual predators?
Do you give some sexual predators a pass because of politics?
Bill Clinton is a disgusting sexual predator
Donald Trump is a disgusting sexual predator
Do you agree Sancho?
Banhammer in 3.....2....
I am asking if he is a hypocrite
I am not saying he is a hypocrite
For all I know, Sanchopaza agrees with me and hates All sexual predators
Cmon Sancho
Get on the anti sexual predator team
You called him a hypocrite in the very first sentence of the post above, "Hypocrite on the right..."
The intent behind "Are you an idiot?" is not truly asking if the person is an idiot, but to call that person an idiot. My roommate in college got in trouble because he told an RA, "You can suck my d***!" Do you think anyone was like, "Well, he said that she COULD do it, which technically, she can do. It's not like he told her to do it, so he's not in trouble" ???
Liberals love playing off of sneaky technicalities. Smh
Show hypocrisy... by CHANGING THE SUBJECT (to something not even equal btw).Quote: RS...Sancho's not trying to change the subject, but trying to show the hypocrisy.
You should seriously watch that. It literally explains exactly what sancho (and many other have been doing and are doing in this and the last thread).
Those damn "technicalities" such as facts and logic... Damn them.Quote: RS...Liberals love playing off of sneaky technicalities. Smh
Quote: terapinedThe problem
There are hypocrites on the left and right
Sancho is trying to expose left leaning hypocrites but silent on the hypocrites on the right
I like to expose ALL hypocrites on this subject
I hate ALL sexual predators including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump
Yes, there are good and bad people on both sides.
So he is exposing hypocrites on the left, an honorable and just thing to do. What's the problem? He's not exposing hypocrites on the right? What about the environmentalists or scientists or mathematicians or religious or atheist or gay or....etc. hypocrites?
Quote: RomesShow hypocrisy... by CHANGING THE SUBJECT (to something not even equal btw).
You should seriously watch that. It literally explains exactly what sancho (and many other have been doing and are doing in this and the last thread).
Those damn "technicalities" such as facts and logic... Damn them.
John Oliver, something Stuart (Stewart?), and the weird English-sounding black guy (idk his name, maybe Trevor or Trayvon?) are mostly just stupid trolls and don't have anything logical to say. They tend to misrepresent stuff, blow it out of proportion, then "show" how idiotic it supposedly is. BTW: That's basically a strawman argument.
If someone is saying Charlie Sheen is a bad person because he does (or did?) a lot of cocaine and drank a lot.....then someone else says, "where don't you drink a lot and do drugs?", that's not changing the subject, it's showing hypocrisy. Although I can see how it can get confusing.
The fact is, if I say "Are you an idiot?" to someone, that is not me genuinely asking if that person is an idiot, that'd be me calling that person an idiot. It's sort of like a back-handed compliment (which is not a compliment), "Wow, you don't look super fat in that dress!"
Quote: TigerWuWhat's funny is that a lot of liberal-types have been boycotting Keurig for years because of the perception they are horrible for the environment, so I guess it's good that conservatives are getting on the same page.
I'm still not convinced that the Keuring incident wasn't just one big publicity stunt, because it sure as heck felt like one.
Keurig IS terrible for the environment, and bloody expensive for what you get (which is actually a terrific piece of coffee). Now that many makers are getting on board with compostable cups, it is a far better proposition. I'm sipping on a cup right now.
You are blind. Check their politifact ratings. They're more accurate than ANY news channel from EITHER side. They literally do more research/etc than "real" new stations (again - from either side).Quote: RSJohn Oliver, something Stuart (Stewart?), and the weird English-sounding black guy (idk his name, maybe Trevor or Trayvon?) are mostly just stupid trolls and don't have anything logical to say. They tend to misrepresent stuff, blow it out of proportion, then "show" how idiotic it supposedly is. BTW: That's basically a strawman argument....
Sorry you hate them because the fact checked logic that spews out from the show (in a comedic light) offends your false ideals of the world? Jon Stewert retired from the daily show like 4 years ago bro... Trevor Noah leads it now.
Righties: What? Something doesn't agree with me and is fact checked, logical, and proves I'm just flat wrong? LA LA LA LA NOT LISTENING LA LA LA.
Quote: RSJohn Oliver, something Stuart (Stewart?), and the weird English-sounding black guy (idk his name, maybe Trevor or Trayvon?) are mostly just stupid trolls and don't have anything logical to say. They tend to misrepresent stuff, blow it out of proportion, then "show" how idiotic it supposedly is. BTW: That's basically a strawman argument.
All three are comedians, not network news anchors on a "news network" and make their money being funny and exaggerating. Actually John Oliver's features are quite good and have evoked social change for the better. Unfortunately there are no comedians on the right who do the same thing, except for your nightly three hour weeknight roundup on Fox-TrumpNews.
Let's replace your sentence with my new trademarked program called Poliswitch. Take a sentence by a one political side without substance and replace with the opposite political side without substance. Let's test it.
[Poliswitch]Sean Hannity, something Tucker (Carllson?), and the mad entitled lady (ike her name, maybe Cooter or Coulter?) are mostly just stupid trolls and don't have anything logical to say. They tend to misrepresent stuff, blow it out of proportion, then "show" how idiotic it supposedly is. BTW: That's basically a strawman argument.[/Poliswitch]
It works!
Check their politifact ratings. While they are using comedy, they ARE more factual, logical, and scientific on pretty much every single topic/etc.Quote: boymimboAll three are comedians, not network news anchors on a "news network" and make their money being funny and exaggerating. Actually John Oliver's features are quite good and have evoked social change for the better.
Quote: RomesFirst, Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy may have been sexual predictors (hitting on/sleeping with WOMEN), but not RAPISTS of 14 year old GIRLS.
You don't know that. One of the above purposely left a girl in a car to die. What is there that someone like that would not do?
And the other one raped Juanita Broaddrick when she was 35.
Just sayin.
But pedophilia? Come on. Moore was on a "no fly" list at the mall. At the freekin mall.
Quote: SteverinosI suppose you can concede there are similarities between Trump, Clinton, and Moore. And you can beat the hypocrisy drum if you want.
But pedophilia? Come on. Moore was on a "no fly" list at the mall. At the freekin mall.
I LOLed at "no fly list". Ok. Carry on.
LOL... Well you don't know if Donald Trump has a rape room filled with 100 kids under the age of 10 that he sodomizes every single night... yet we do know Donald has been accused of sexual assault and plenty of women have come forth to say what his access hollywood tape revealed, that he's a sexual assaulter. SO LET'S NOW ASSUME WHAT I FIRST SAID IS TRUE??? That's your logic.Quote: bobbartopYou don't know that...
Robin Sparkles was the one that ended up getting him banned I believe...Quote: Steverinos...But pedophilia? Come on. Moore was on a "no fly" list at the mall. At the freekin mall...
Defending right wing rapists by saying look at how the dems do it too falls under this mislogical ideal
So if your neighbor rapes your daughter and you rape his daughter do not ask the police why its okay for him to do it and not you
Its not okay for either. So back to this while roy moore issue
Stick to a discussion of his indiscretions. Defending it by bringing up clinton here is not proper. Clinton should be held accountable if he did the accusations leveled against him but that is not a defensible position for the moore issue
Quote: RomesLOL... Well you don't know if Donald Trump has a rape room filled with 100 kids under the age of 10 that he sodomizes every single night... yet we do know Donald has been accused of sexual assault and plenty of women have come forth to say what his access hollywood tape revealed, that he's a sexual assaulter. SO LET'S NOW ASSUME WHAT I FIRST SAID IS TRUE??? That's your logic.
This thread is over 263 pages long. Was I supposed to remember that it's about Trump? I suppose I could have looked at the thread title.
Quote: bobbartopThis thread is over 263 pages long. Was I supposed to remember that it's about Trump? I suppose I could have looked at the thread title.
I dont know. Thats what i always do wen choosing a thread to read lol
His silence on this issue is deafening.
What a shame.
Quote: billryanTrump is in a bad place. He can't defend Moore nor can he say Moore's actions are enough to DQ from the job.
What a shame.
Which kind of brings us back to the moore discussion lol
Quote: RomesYou are blind. Check their politifact ratings. They're more accurate than ANY news channel from EITHER side. They literally do more research/etc than "real" new stations (again - from either side).
Sorry you hate them because the fact checked logic that spews out from the show (in a comedic light) offends your false ideals of the world? Jon Stewert retired from the daily show like 4 years ago bro... Trevor Noah leads it now.
Righties: What? Something doesn't agree with me and is fact checked, logical, and proves I'm just flat wrong? LA LA LA LA NOT LISTENING LA LA LA.
If that's true (the bolded), then that's highly disturbing, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised. I tried going to the politifact website, got pop ups galore. Closed them out and tried doing a search and more pop ups. Don't know if they're legit or not (at first glance, I'd say no), but I despise websites that are purely awful. Perhaps I'll try again when I get home.
I don't "hate them because their fact checked logic...". I just don't like them (the little that I've watched), because they'd just spin sh** in a blender for much of the program. Maybe they've gotten better over the past few years or I only saw their worst episodes.
Quote: boymimboAll three are comedians, not network news anchors on a "news network" and make their money being funny and exaggerating. Actually John Oliver's features are quite good and have evoked social change for the better. Unfortunately there are no comedians on the right who do the same thing, except for your nightly three hour weeknight roundup on Fox-TrumpNews.
Let's replace your sentence with my new trademarked program called Poliswitch. Take a sentence by a one political side without substance and replace with the opposite political side without substance. Let's test it.
[Poliswitch]Sean Hannity, something Tucker (Carllson?), and the mad entitled lady (ike her name, maybe Cooter or Coulter?) are mostly just stupid trolls and don't have anything logical to say. They tend to misrepresent stuff, blow it out of proportion, then "show" how idiotic it supposedly is. BTW: That's basically a strawman argument.[/Poliswitch]
It works!
Yes, I'm aware they're comedians and aren't news networks. Doesn't mean I have to like them because some people think they're funny. I rarely watch "the news" (unless I'm forced to watch "fair MSNBC" 😹😹😹).
[sarcasm]Wait hold on are you changing the subject?!!!!????? OMG, he's changing the subject everyone, look, look!! He's changing the subject! You can't do that!!! Omg, what shall I do?????[/sarcasm]
Quote: billryanTrump is in a bad place. He can't defend Moore nor can he say Moore's actions are enough to DQ from the job.
What a shame.
Of course he can't criticize Moore.
Imagine if Donald said "I believe the women accusing Moore."
The logical follow up question is: "Why are we to believe those women but not the women accusing you of sexual assault?"
Perhaps I spelled it a letter off and you hit a troll site, but they're definitely a very reputable source (they're usually the ones everyone turns to during debates for fact checking - on both sides). The Daily Show can be hit and miss, sometimes, but John Olivers "Last Week Tonight" is always very well reported/documented with of course the comedy spin... but they get serious and talk about real issues, again with facts, logic, and proof of what they're saying. They do call out and make fun of dems, quite often, but just so happens we're in a republican headline era (re:trump era) currently. Start with the 20 minute clip I just posted. Even though they're an HBO show, they put their 20+ minute "deep dives" on youtube every week, for free.Quote: RSIf that's true (the bolded), then that's highly disturbing, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised. I tried going to the politifact website, got pop ups galore. Closed them out and tried doing a search and more pop ups. Don't know if they're legit or not (at first glance, I'd say no), but I despise websites that are purely awful. Perhaps I'll try again when I get home.
I don't "hate them because their fact checked logic...". I just don't like them (the little that I've watched), because they'd just spin sh** in a blender for much of the program. Maybe they've gotten better over the past few years or I only saw their worst episodes.
I didn't get any popups... perhaps you downloaded too much pr0n. Here's John Oliver's politifact review (zero lies): http://www.politifact.com/personalities/john-oliver/
Quote: SteverinosPolitifact is a fantastic website and is not riddled with pop ups.
It could just be that RS was gaslighting as usual...
FactCheck.org and the Washington Post's fact checker are two other sites.
They tend not to appeal to people who are only willing to read things that confirm what they already believe or want to believe.
here is the 3rd edition of a media review that weighs bias, opinion, and factual accuracy of the sites:
The sources far to the left and to the right, and to the bottom, tend to publish things that their target audience wants to see.

Then I close it, go back to politifact, and it brings me to a new page:

That's on my phone.
But on my computer, I'm not seeing any wonky stuff.
Quote: RomesPerhaps I spelled it a letter off and you hit a troll site, but they're definitely a very reputable source (they're usually the ones everyone turns to during debates for fact checking - on both sides). The Daily Show can be hit and miss, sometimes, but John Olivers "Last Week Tonight" is always very well reported/documented with of course the comedy spin... but they get serious and talk about real issues, again with facts, logic, and proof of what they're saying. They do call out and make fun of dems, quite often, but just so happens we're in a republican headline era (re:trump era) currently. Start with the 20 minute clip I just posted. Even though they're an HBO show, they put their 20+ minute "deep dives" on youtube every week, for free.
I didn't get any popups... perhaps you downloaded too much pr0n. Here's John Oliver's politifact review (zero lies): http://www.politifact.com/personalities/john-oliver/
Wow, just look at those truths he's been telling....those sure are interesting/controversial!
1. Baby formula // expiration dates. Meh.
2. Keene NH // pumpkin terrorist stuff -- I'll give ya that.
3. FIFA, Brazil, Beer -- wtf?
4. Brazil's $300M field to be used 4 times -- Waow!
1. Strom Thurmond / Puerto Rico / bankrupty -- I'll give ya that.
2. Sauk City Wisconsin ID / DMV stuff -- I'll give ya that.
3. SWAT raids up 1400% -- Sorta interesting, I guess?
4. Texas Jewish Joe Strauss -- huh?
1. Florida model for pre-trial services -- Interesting.
2. 28% of Kentuckian's don't have internet access -- Mixture IMO
Can I make my own show, say stupid stuff like, "People drink water, grass is green, 2+2=4, sometimes dogs bark..." and become the superhero of politifact because all I say is the truth? Don't inflate someone's "truths" by putting in random stuff.
First one I clicked on for Trump: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/nov/07/donald-trump/trump-wrongly-repeats-chicago-has-strongest-gun-la/
TL;DR: Trump says Chicago has toughest gun laws in country, politifact says that's "pants on fire" (ie: a 10000% lie). Their proof is that 7 states (SEVEN!!!) have stricter gun laws / regulations and that Illinoisians(?) can get CCW's for hand guns. I'd say it's somewhere between half true and mostly true.
Quote: RomesAh, so your phone has viruses. Glad we solved which one =). Also those don't show you coming from the politifact site. Not saying you would lie... but you might lie. ;-)
My phone don't got no damn viruses. It's only them stinky liberal fake news websites that cause pop ups probably. My phone doesn't like them websites (which is fair, it shouldn't). Get off my lawn you darn millennials!
How about if I directed you to the best game in the casino only for you to find it's not even close?
Quote: billryanIf I said I was the toughest guy in the country, but it turned out 15% of country is tougher ,what would you say ? What part of it is remotely truthful?
How about if I directed you to the best game in the casino only for you to find it's not even close?
The part where you're tougher than the other 85%
If someone said he sold a company for $1,000,000 yet you later figured out he sold it for $900,000, would you say, "NOPE! Wrong, that's 100000% a lie!!!!" or would you think, "Eh, he exaggerated a bit, but it's in the ballpark. A mostly-true, in my book."
Damn, I'd sure hate to be one of those people who're always like, "Well, technically......"
Quote: RSThe part where you're tougher than the other 85%
If someone said he sold a company for $1,000,000 yet you later figured out he sold it for $900,000, would you say, "NOPE! Wrong, that's 100000% a lie!!!!" or would you think, "Eh, he exaggerated a bit, but it's in the ballpark. A mostly-true, in my book."
Damn, I'd sure hate to be one of those people who're always like, "Well, technically......"
Yea i think that would qualify as lying. At best mixing truth with lies. Certainly not mostly truth
Misrepresent how much you sell or buy a company for on your tax return and that mostly truthful spin ("your words") will get you in a heap of trouble
On average, Trump says something that isn't true or misleading 5.5 times a day throughout the first ten months of his presidency. It's disgraceful.
Will his 36% ever hold him accountable for this? Doubt it.
Quote: RSTL;DR: Trump says Chicago has toughest gun laws in country, politifact says that's "pants on fire" (ie: a 10000% lie). Their proof is that 7 states (SEVEN!!!) have stricter gun laws / regulations and that Illinoisians(?) can get CCW's for hand guns. I'd say it's somewhere between half true and mostly true.
I'd say it's wrong enough to lose a bet on it, if you were a betting man. That's good enough for me.
Like you, I would fight over a million vs. 900,000 thousand, but only if I believed it was intended as a general estimate of fact.
This is a rather new phenomenon where everything is "fake news" and crap is spread through our facebook feeds. Most people are still trying to figure it all out. We can't wait to "forward it like its hot" and unless you really spend some time working at it, you'll be severely misinformed. And bad information is waaaaaaaaaay worse than no information.
You need to look at sources and consider biases in all reporting and discard reporting that is unabashedly biased (this is easy to tell when they add opinion into their story). You also need to look at this source's history and the sources that make the story.
Like it or not, WaPo and the NYT have rarely had to issue apologies for publishing things that weren't true. You really cannot say the same about Breitbart or WND. Or Facebook or Twitter.

Strange.. I haven't heard "nothing burger" in, like, forever.
Watch the first 1-2 minutes of each if u dont have the time
Sean Hannity
Judge jeanine pirro
Here is a discussion of the crimes committed by Hillary listed in the first two minutes (along with pundit wondering how she manages to escape prosecution every time
FINALLY. The most important video to watch from Fox News. Watch the ENTIRE video of this one please. The truth laid bare on FOX News
Undercover sting operation -- full context at the link.
Quote:We always honor 'off-the-record' agreements when they're entered into in good faith," said Martin Baron, The Post's executive editor. "But this so-called off-the-record conversation was the essence of a scheme to deceive and embarrass us. The intent by Project Veritas clearly was to publicize the conversation if we fell for the trap. Because of our customary journalistic rigor, we weren't fooled, and we can't honor an 'off-the-record' agreement that was solicited in maliciously bad faith."
Phillips's arrival at the Project Veritas office capped a weeks-long effort that began only hours after The Post published an article on Nov. 9 that included allegations that Moore once initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old named Leigh Corfman.
Post reporter Beth Reinhard, who co-wrote the article about Corfman, received a cryptic email early the next morning.
"Roy Moore in Alabama . . . I might know something but I need to keep myself safe. How do we do this?" the apparent tipster wrote under an account with the name "Lindsay James."