Quote: sixsistersThe average earnings of DACA over age 25 is $41,621. Gee, I thought illegal immigrants only took jobs Americans won't do. Damn, talk about lazy Americans.
Employers will hire the most qualified those who are legally eligible to work and cost the least amount of money. This includes, unfortunately, Fortune 500 practices of hiring H1-B workers from India (they underpay them severely compared to the American counterparts and I have first hand evidence of this). Likely these DACA workers are getting paid less than the same American worker as employee equity rules don't apply to them.
Survey shows that 5% of DACA recipients own their own business. I guess that 20,000 businesses that won't be on the map 2 years from now. But work shortages in the tech industry (and other industries) are quite real. Reducing the immigrant population will just reduce the workforce size and pressure American employers to go outside of the country to hire people (open foreign offices), to offshore its onshore services (call centers, IT, legal, accounting, HR, back-office), and find autonomous solutions.
The solution of course is to educate Americans in the proper industries so that more Americans qualify for these positions. But education is damned expensive when it doesn't have to be.
Quote: boymimbo
I am currently going through the immigration process in the United States (wife is a Citizen) and it is not fun nor easy, as it shouldn't be. For the "dreamers", the process is equally as daunting if not more so.
I know the process and it is only daunting and not easy for those trying to commit fraud. Again to the point being made why should people who did something illegal be rewarded? Where is my free pass to break laws and have no penalty?
Quote:It's a typical mistake to overly simplify the process and just assume that DACA recipients just get a visa without any kind of documentation. It makes it easier to hate people, classify them as villains and nail Obama while they are at it.
No mistake at all. Facts are facts. It's actually statments like this that try to make villains out of people who follow the law and want the laws to be enforced.
Quote:As usually I provide a bunch of credible evidence from non-biased sources and I get the typical one-liner responses that I expect on a CNN or FoxNews comment board.
Yes your replies and logic are on par with the "news" CNN reports.
And all DACA did was give temporary relief to its recipients. They are not issued green cards or have a path to citizenship. They are given work visas and visas that allow them to stay for 2 years, and they have to pay a $500 fee every two years to renew their status.
That said, given that most are contributing taxpayers who came to the states on no fault of their own and have now been here for 10+ years, it's time to either given them green cards or deport them. You think they should be deported despite the economic costs and the fact that they did not make the decision to come here. I think compassion should be granted.
You can punish his parents. They are the ones who knowingly took the action. But it doesn't justify punishing the kid. Ever.
In fact, you punish the kid by deporting them, you're the immoral one.
Quote: rxwineOutside of the immigration question, I can't think of any case where it's okay to punish (for example) a 5 year old for something he didn't know his parents did.
You can punish his parents. They are the ones who knowingly took the action. But it doesn't justify punishing the kid. Ever.
In fact, you punish the kid by deporting them, you're the immoral one.
That makes too much sense. Emergency remedial training is in order.
Rob a bank and there is a statute of limitations. Sell drugs and there is a similar statute.
But come to this country as a child, perhaps even against your wishes, and it will be held against you the rest of your life.
My friend, and former coworker, was born in Puebla and his family moved north when he was three in 1965. He's now in his fifties, worked his whole life but has been forced to live in the shadows. He has three kids that are American citizens but he and his wife aren't. He's never been to Mexico, as he was afraid he wouldn't be able to come back. Where would you deport him to?
Seems like a better solution.
Quote: rxwineIf some people are convinced that some people need punishing because they are "taking" from this country -- have the judgements against these people be hours of community service then. How many will satisfy you? 1000?
Seems like a better solution.
Punishment isn't for taking it's for violating immigration law. How about the 10 year ban.
“Mexico will receive with open arms the young Dreamers who return to Mexico,” the Foreign Ministry said, outlining various aid initiatives “to integrate them completely in the society and national economy.”
Quote: sixsistersGood News ; Mexico will welcome “with open arms” those DACA beneficiaries who return to Mexico, the Mexican Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
“Mexico will receive with open arms the young Dreamers who return to Mexico,” the Foreign Ministry said, outlining various aid initiatives “to integrate them completely in the society and national economy.”
Of course Mexico is happy
800,000 Mexicans educated for free in USA public schools returning with all the benefits of that education
Quite a windfall for them
Pay for the wall.

Quote: Maverick17Whatever happened to the dozen or so lying sluts who said your President raped them?
Your President-Elect becomes your President, and all those c-words shut their cock holsters right up is what happened, because they are liars.
This is way beyond a PG comment. 7 days.
There would be lots of angry house wives.Quote: rxwineAs I just heard someone say, if all the "dreamers" were Swedish models, no one would see a problem. Taking American's jobs. Who cares. Moving into my neighborhood? All the better!
I can only imagine 20 girls that look like her hanging outside Home Depot running up to your car begging for work.
I see she is already sporting the Home Depot colors. I wonder what gang colors her kids would wear?
Quote: beachbumbabsThis is way beyond a PG comment. 7 days.
When did this fourm become a pg one?
We are all adults here and at worse this is a pg13 comment.
Seems the only offense committed was posting a comment that offended you
Quote: HomelessnycWhen did this fourm become a pg one?
We are all adults here and at worse this is a pg13 comment.
Seems the only offense committed was posting a comment that offended you
It was offensive. That wss the point
And its been a pg forum for a long time. I remember discussing this awhile ago. I even made a whole thread designed to push the boundaries with curse words used in their non-offensive usage. I.e. The cock crowed at dawn in my barn. It startled my ass which kicked over the lantern
Its more about the images conjured than the words themselves. That post was disturbing so BBB made an appropriate move
Quote: darkozIt was offensive. That wss the point
And its been a pg forum for a long time. I remember discussing this awhile ago. I even made a whole thread designed to push the boundaries with curse words used in their non-offensive usage. I.e. The cock crowed at dawn in my barn. It startled my ass which kicked over the lantern
Its more about the images conjured than the words themselves. That post was disturbing so BBB made an appropriate move
Thanks for answering something not directed to you.
Since you want to jump in and try to play mod.
There have been several post made agaisnt me which were not only offensive and broke the rule about posting false and libelous statements of members of the site. No bans.
Enforcement of "rules" doesn't seem to occur equally here.
Quote: HomelessnycThanks for answering something not directed to you.
Since you want to jump in and try to play mod.
There have been several post made agaisnt me which were not only offensive and broke the rule about posting false and libelous statements of members of the site. No bans.
Enforcement of "rules" doesn't seem to occur equally here.
Why are you so upset over someone elses ban?
Referring to womens mouths as gun holsters is offensive to some people particularly with the words that were used. What is political about that?
Lately the conservative movement has become about fighting for their moral stance by promoting amoral verbiage and espousing amoral attitudes like calling women with rape accusations liars and c--k holsters? This is the current conservative movement?
Quote: darkozWhy are you so upset over someone elses ban?
If you actually read my reply you would have the answer.
And the mods have their rules and can impose whatever bans they want. They've banned me before. I have no qualms about it.
Quote: darkozLately the conservative movement has become about fighting for their moral stance by promoting amoral verbiage and espousing amoral attitudes like calling women with rape accusations liars and c--k holsters? This is the current conservative movement?
Some things never change. There are some actual good debating positions available to the right which would be fun to hear and I actually agree with. For example, I like SOOPOO's positions on health care and Face's observations on civil liberties and gun control. I pretty much abhor memes about Trump as I do the same about HRC or BHO. There is no point.
DACA is a good example. Obama used an executive order to put it into place, and it stayed in place because most people could not see why people under the age of 16 should be punished for their parents' actions. And now, since it has been in place for 5 years and 800,000 people have become entrenched in American culture (now for 10 years) is it right to have them deported when they are for the most part been educated, are contributing members to society and would cost American businesses billions of dollars to replace and remove hundreds of billions of tax revenue over a decade if deported.
There are merits to the deportation argument - they are party to those who broke the law and are not present legally and should not be rewarded, by the letter.
Trump's Chateau des Palmiers on St. Martin (now on sale for 16.9 million) was directly hit and it looks like Marilago is directly in the new storm path.
Says Trump, eloquently: Irma... "Looks like it could be something that will be not good. Believe me, not good,"
Quote: HomelessnycIf you actually read my reply you would have the answer.
If u actually quoted my full response you would see that i did
Funny how that seems to be the new conservative norm. Quote one sentence out of context as proof of lies and misdirection
You did the same thing to me a few pages ago when discussing my ex-fiance and an argument we had
Since quoting on here partial comments requires you to consciously edit i have to assume this is the only way you can see to making points that even you know arent true
Quote: darkozIf u actually quoted my full response you would see that i did
Funny how that seems to be the new conservative norm. Quote one sentence out of context as proof of lies and misdirection
You did the same thing to me a few pages ago when discussing my ex-fiance and an argument we had
Since quoting on here partial comments requires you to consciously edit i have to assume this is the only way you can see to making points that even you know arent true
I could have quoted your whole reply but i quoted what was relevant.
Maybe you did read my reply so i should have said you didn't comprehend.
Keep drawing all the false conclusion you want if that's what keeps you happy. It's really sad
Quote: Homelessnyc. It's really sad
Wait is this the real donald trump?
Quote: darkozWait is this the real donald trump?
You know that would make some sense
Trump has been known to impersonate others
And trump is living in the white house instead og his home in nyc trump tower. Get it - homelessnyc
GOP ain't happy.
Top Republican close to leadership:
Quote: ams288It looks like Donald sided with Schumer and Pelosi today RE: Debt ceiling, continuing resolution, and Harvey aid.
GOP ain't happy.
Top Republican close to leadership:![]()
Well theres the irony. Every bill not passed because the dems didnt vote for it is blamed on them even though repubs are in control
Now to get something done the dems have come onboard and the prez is a sellout
Tired of winning yet, Trumpsters??? lololol
Maybe there is a chance for this country to come together when common sense is used.
I know many on both sides hate it, but there can be win/win situations.
You should be happy Trump was willing to discuss the options with the Dems. Instead your hatred of Trump doesn't allow you to see this as a good thing.
Bottom line is Trump could cure cancer and you would complain it took him too long and cost too much.
Quote: BozYou should be happy Trump was willing to discuss the options with the Dems. Instead your hatred of Trump doesn't allow you to see this as a good thing.
I do see it as a good thing.
For the Democrats.
They get to clog up the legislative schedule with this crap.
Quote:Bottom line is Trump could cure cancer and you would complain it took him too long and cost too much.
The dude can't spell "heal," he isn't going to be curing cancer any time soon...
Quote: boymimbo
Some things never change. There are some actual good debating positions available to the right which would be fun to hear and I actually agree with. For example, I like SOOPOO's positions on health care and Face's observations on civil liberties and gun control. I pretty much abhor memes about Trump as I do the same about HRC or BHO. There is no point.
Right back atcha. And thanks for the lead in so I may post the following...
We mods in a sort of unspoken agreement have stepped way back especially where the political threads are concerned. A majority of us here have been here for years, since back when Wiz was the only Green. And y'all know how heavy handed we can be, and how tight we ran this PG playground (I believe the forum's official designation is PG-13, if I recall a random Wiz comment from 7 years ago correctly =p). I rather like that bit of wiggle room, and I much enjoy passionate and well thought out arguments, so I've mostly preferred this bit of extra freedom we've been having where these discussions are concerned.
But like boymimbo, I miss the intelligent responses. Much of the pol threads have become one-liner pissing matches, or wide, sweeping generalizations that because some R or D on the docket did or said something crazy, that ALLLLLL R and D's must hold to those same values, be just as crazy, and are part and parcel of what the D and R's of here are made of. It's dumb (meaning lacking intelligence, not a comment of my opinion), lazy, and doesn't really do anything but sow discord. Don't you want better? Don't you want to speak and be heard and engage in discourse? Or do you really find it better to chuck darts, hoping for a "win" that only you are tallying?
I see too much of the latter going on. I don't intend to compose some grand opus so you understand why I'm closing all the pol threads (I ain't closing jack), or a letter of notice that y'all are on watch (I ain't yer dad). But I see who's doing the writing, and I know what most of you have inside you. Consider this a request to simply do better. Don't cheapen yourself. F#$% writing to score points. Write to better yourself and those around you. Write with an open heart and an open mind.
Shifting gears into commentary, I saw a post (Tweet, perhaps) that I found quite profound, and have been laughing for about a month now because after having judged it as amazing, I found the author was actor Rob Schneider. And I just found it, so here it is...
Quote: Rob SchneiderIf you turn off the news and just talk to your neighbors you'll find that our great country is far more harmonious than you're being told.
Am I the only one who sees this as true? It's an honest question; I dunno how life is for y'all urbanites living all on top of each other. Maybe you have to barge through BLM and Antifa every time you go out for milk, I dunno. But in real life, I don't see what everyone says is being saw. I don't see riots from paid protesters, or some binary gendered folks eating the souls of those with... I dunno what those other folks have, but you know what I'm talking about. I see s#$% on the PC, sure. And I read some stuff and usually come away pissed and with a new group I just do not like.... and then I usually go outside. And hey! None of that s#$% exists! I ain't never seen a polygendered fursona buried under the white cis-gendered patriarchy, but I did see Bill. I helped him catch his Makita that got loose. I've never seen the closeted segregationist with a penchant for brown pain, but I did see Robert. We killed a 12'er and put up a shed last week. I HAVE seen a racist white supremacist. Hates gays, too. And is open about it all. And THAT mf'er is about half a knock to the head away from needing a handler. He is legit slow in the brain. He'll always have a front line job, will never have the means to retire, and if ever given a chance to act on his *ahem* "values", he'll piss himself before doing nothing but running to his PC to cry about it.
But nobody cares about that. No one cares about the working man doing his time on the clock and tending his neighborhood. No one cares about the vast, VAST majority of folks doing everyday decent things. But that keyboard cowboy? ZOMG, he does all this and LIVES IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! He's part of the (insert today's catchy title here) and YOU might be next! But while all y'all get your jimmies rustled and start tossing people into groups and aligning or disaligning yourself as needed, no one's showing the truth, that this guy here needs pity more than anything, because he sucks that hard. Your time and effort to destroy him? Ha! What next, take a hammer to the junkyard to rail against Big Auto? It's already broken, and you're wasting your time.
Some people can't. They are unable or unwilling to take a look at a deep issue and work on it. They're only capable of "surface stuff". They get triggered, fire off a heater, and are on to the next issue often within the same day. Be better than those people. Be a thinker, and act accordingly.
(Sorry to get all preachy, too busy to rewrite, deal with it =p)
Quote: Boz....
You should be happy Trump was willing to discuss the options with the Dems. Instead your hatred of Trump doesn't allow you to see this as a good thing.
Bottom line is Trump could cure cancer and you would complain it took him too long and cost too much.
Kind of like the crickets the left heard when Obama got OBL and doubters on the right wanted the body as evidence....
Welcome back.
Today: Donald tweets that the Dreamers have nothing to worry about at the behest of Pelosi.
There is only one explanation for this: that witch Nancy Pelosi has put Donald under her spell!!!
Quote: ams288Yesterday: Donald capitulates to Schumer and Pelosi.
Today: Donald tweets that the Dreamers have nothing to worry about at the behest of Pelosi.
There is only one explanation for this: that witch Nancy Pelosi has put Donald under her spell!!!
Or she let him "Grab her by the ....."
Quote: BozOr she let him "Grab her by the ....."
Nobody wants to grab hers.
Vote for Al Gore in 2020 and stop global warming once and for all.
Quote: BozOr she let him "Grab her by the ....."
I think she's too old for his tastes.
Quote: OnceDearLook guys. I'm sick of trump. May he rot in hell.
His first 100 days are history, so I assert that it is counter productive to add comments to a thread about his first 100 days.
In an uncharacteristically optimistic mood, I invite discussion of his Final 100 days, which has hopefully now begun.
My champagne is in the fridge awaiting his resignation, impeachment, or untimely demise. I may crack the bottle open early if nukes start flying, but sure as hell will have another one ready if I survive the first volley of trump induced missile launches and I hear of one splitting its warheads twixt the Whitehouse and Mar a Lago.
I may offer side bets on whether I started the countdown too soon. In truth, I think that the wheels of justice will plod along at glacial pace, but that they will be as unstoppable as global warming.
Let this thread celebrate every step back towards sanity and democracy even if we are forced to accept that we will pass through a pretty dreadful Pence term on that route.*
*Who apart from Trump would want that w@nk3r Pence as VP or Potus? Surely not even the most conservative Republican. But, What the heck. Nothing trumps trump.
Oh. And as a side topic: Would it be preferable to have an ousted trump claiming some glory if that was the price to pay for having him out of power? Even Adolf still has a fan club.
Are you sick of trump because you’re sick of yourself? If you were top concentrate on betting and winning you wouldn’t be worried about trump. Do you want Obama back so you can keep your free healthcare? LOL
But you know in order to get your free healthcare you have to take the microchip in your hand. Oh! Maybe you already have…oh dear. Just once, that’s all it takes to end up in hell, just one chip!!!!!!
Also you’re probably jealous of trump because he has shit loads of cash, power and a great looking wife! And resides in the good part of NY. Not the down trodden trashy side of NY. I watched a documentary on youtube and I don’t know if it’s true but it was saying that people who live in the Bronx where they have metal bins all over the road are not permitted to travel to the good side were all the finance people are. There were police patrols on the bridges.
Quote: HonestMoneyAre you sick of trump because you’re sick of yourself? If you were top concentrate on betting and winning you wouldn’t be worried about trump. Do you want Obama back so you can keep your free healthcare? LOL
But you know in order to get your free healthcare you have to take the microchip in your hand. Oh! Maybe you already have…oh dear. Just once, that’s all it takes to end up in hell, just one chip!!!!!!
Also you’re probably jealous of trump because he has shit loads of cash, power and a great looking wife! And resides in the good part of NY. Not the down trodden trashy side of NY. I watched a documentary on youtube and I don’t know if it’s true but it was saying that people who live in the Bronx where they have metal bins all over the road are not permitted to travel to the good side were all the finance people are. There were police patrols on the bridges.
If you sawa documentary that said that its just more Republican fake info
Metal bins? The trash bins? Police patrols forbidding people to leave nyc?
You certain it wasnt an old Kurt Russel film you were watching on youtube?
Quote: HonestMoneyAre you sick of trump because you’re sick of yourself? If you were top concentrate on betting and winning you wouldn’t be worried about trump. Do you want Obama back so you can keep your free healthcare? LOL
But you know in order to get your free healthcare you have to take the microchip in your hand. Oh! Maybe you already have…oh dear. Just once, that’s all it takes to end up in hell, just one chip!!!!!!
Also you’re probably jealous of trump because he has shit loads of cash, power and a great looking wife! And resides in the good part of NY. Not the down trodden trashy side of NY. I watched a documentary on youtube and I don’t know if it’s true but it was saying that people who live in the Bronx where they have metal bins all over the road are not permitted to travel to the good side were all the finance people are. There were police patrols on the bridges.
Hello Honest Money. Welcome to the forum. Nice to see we are getting quite a few new members here.
I do get free healthcare thank you, and Trump is not really a threat to that. Wrong town: Wrong country: Wrong continent, for him to have much political sway.
I reserve the right to be interested in trump's celebrity shenanigans. I reserve the right to have an opinion of him. It's my problem if I have too much time on my hands, but try not to worry about my wellbeing. Thanks anyway.

Rand Paul introduces bill to pay for hurricane assistance from the foreign aid fund. Well worth a watch;Quote: mikeabiomedYes, I've read they are helping with clean up and meals. They are coming from about 50-200 miles away and have an interest in helping the US and their own people in the area. On the other hand, The Mexican earthquake is about 2,000 miles from the US border which makes it very difficult for our people to quickly help. Before all is said and done, I have no doubt we will contribute one way or another. I will stress, we have a lot on our plates here in the USA and I'm sure you'd agree we need to take care of our people first and give a hand to others when we're able, like we've always done. Perhaps Mr. Trump has called Mexico's President instead of tweeting about it. We may or may not find out for some time. As far as insults go, Vicente Fox has cursed our president on several occasions in public. Those sort of things don't strengthen US/Mexico ties.

I'm so glad Trump is different than all these other politicians! What an outsider! SWAMP = DRAINED
thread was predicting Trump would last. He's
obviously becoming one of the best presidents
we've ever had. Lets start a new thread:
Trump's Final 2688 Days
That's how many days are left till Jan 2025.