Quote: ams288He. Is. So. Stupid.
I find it great how trump lives rent free in your mind.
I think your one step away from quitting your job and stalking him full time
Nah, it's just baffling that he can continue to be just a plain 'ol dummy. Baffling that it's that obvious he's an idiot and that people still voted for him. That's all...Quote: HomelessnycI find it great how trump lives rent free in your mind.
I think your one step away from quitting your job and stalking him full time
Quote: RomesNah, it's just baffling that he can continue to be just a plain 'ol dummy. Baffling that it's that obvious he's an idiot and that people still voted for him. That's all...
Really didn't want to go here but if he's such a dummy and idiot but yet he's a billionaire and president what's your excuse?
Quote: HomelessnycReally didn't want to go here but if he's such a dummy and idiot but yet he's a billionaire and president what's your excuse?
It's been previously determined that public figures are allowable targets for ridicule on this forum. Members are not. WARNING, and it will be Martingaled if you continue, as you have a recent suspension.
Quote: ams288He. Is. So. Stupid.
Translation-Trump is watching a ton of CNN and MSNBC this morning
Quote: HomelessnycI find it great how trump lives rent free in your mind.
The reality
CNN and MSNBC live rent free in Trumps mind
Trump must watch a ton of CNN and MSNBC
I never watch them unless there is a big story.
Trump watches them a lot. He is obsessed with CNN and MSNBC.
Very weird
I don't watch Fox because I don't like the reporting
Trump watches CNN and MSNBC because he doesn't like the reporting
Bizarro world. LOL
Quote: terapinedTranslation-Trump is watching a ton of CNN and MSNBC this morning
The reality
CNN and MSNBC live rent free in Trumps mind
Trump must watch a ton of CNN and MSNBC
I never watch them unless there is a big story.
Trump watches them a lot. He is obsessed with CNN and MSNBC. Very weird
Exactly. He spends what must be 3+ hours a morning watching and live-tweeting them and whatever the Fox show is, all week long. They now posture and speak directly to him, trying to provoke it.
I would have hoped for a president who had better things to do than be a reactionary addict.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's been previously determined that public figures are allowable targets for ridicule on this forum. Members are not. WARNING, and it will be Martingaled if you continue, as you have a recent suspension.
Please point out the ridicule. Stating facts cannot be considered ridicule.
As to your last sentence none of my suspensions has been for violation of ToS and aren't valid suspensions.
Actually your post is a prime example of ridiculing a memeber. How many day suspension will you give yourself?
I didn't inherit massive wealth and popularity from my parents... If I had, then my name would be known by many and I could start tweeting outlandish things that gain me further popularity by an easily gullible source of people whom are uneducated and enjoy being lied to so long as it's "against the dems."Quote: HomelessnycReally didn't want to go here but if he's such a dummy and idiot but yet he's a billionaire and president what's your excuse?
Dude, seriously, it's joke easy to be donald. He's an idiot for a businessman, negotiator, and all he has for him is a large inheritance and a public name for being an outlandish baby about barak obama's birth certificate (which he then later said he didn't do... even though we all saw him do it, with our own eyes...). The only intelligent thing he's done is to play the angle correctly to get the uneducated riled up and upset and posed himself as the person that can solve all of their problems. So his biggest achievement is lying to a bunch of gullible angry people.
You were inferring that I'm an idiot if Donald is an idiot and can still be rich and president yet I'm not. From what you inferred, babs correctly implied its meaning.Quote: HomelessnycPlease point out the ridicule. Stating facts cannot be considered ridicule.
Most of our scientists / best minds aren't millionaires or president... Does that make them idiots too just because our president is an idiot and could do it? Your argument falls quite short... D- for lack of substance, facts, and attempts at a rational thought.
Quote: HomelessnycReally didn't want to go here but if he's such a dummy and idiot but yet he's a billionaire and president
This is ok
Quote: Homelessnyc
what's your excuse?
This isn't
Chill out dude. Its just a board
If you get upset reading this thread, then block it
Quote: HomelessnycReally didn't want to go here but if he's such a dummy and idiot but yet he's a billionaire and president what's your excuse?
THIS. Essentially you are comparing Romes to a dummy and idiot.
Romes insulted Trump. You insulted Romes. An appropriate counter-response to Romes would be: "if the president is so dumb and idiotic how did he become a billionaire and president?"
The fact is that plenty of dummies and idiots get rich and famous. Sports figures, actors, and money received through nepotism (aka Paris Hilton) are some examples I can think about.
Quote: terapined
Chill out dude. Its just a board
If you get upset reading this thread, then block it
Who's getting uspet? Pointing out a valid fact means I'm upset? Guess you need to work on reading emotions. It seems the only ones getting upset are you liberals.
Its amazing you attack the president and anyone (members included) who doesn't agree with your beliefs. However, if one of you would have made the same comment to me nothing would have been said or done.
Quote: RSI support global warming....
I support it as well as long as it's not hot out.
Quote: RSI support global warming if it means fewer snowflakes.
Trump will be the first to melt
Quote: Romesof people whom are uneducated
This is brilliant if done on purpose.
Quote: HomelessnycAs to your last sentence none of my suspensions has been for violation of ToS and aren't valid suspensions.
Quote: beachbumbabs
I would have hoped for a president who had better things to do than be a reactionary addict.
And here I am glad that that after 8 years of reactionary politics mixed with just a touch of aloof worthlessness we have a President who is doing something to change the culture of politics and giving the voters what they demanded of him.
Quote: ams288LOL
Yup that sums up all your posts.
Maybe I'll start living rent free in your head... just don't stalk me
Quote: HomelessnycMaybe I'll start living rent free in your head... just don't stalk me
Based on your username, I certainly hope you can find somewhere to live rent free!
Quote: ams288Based on your username, I certainly hope you can find somewhere to live rent free!
Awesome, because apparently users names are ALWAYS an accurate reflection of the user in real life ⊙ Ĺ̯ ⊙
On a Friday night. As a hurricane threatens to decimate Texas.
It's almost as if he didn't want this to get any attention...
Quote: ams288Donald pardons Joe Arpaio.
So the guy who is known for making it hard on convicted people gets convicted and gets a pass.
Did the law fail to act properly in his case. The answer to that is, probably no more than some of the people he probably readily locked up and put in striped suits in tents in the Arizona heat.
So we've got a ban denying people the right to serve their country, and people defending the confederacy which tried to break up the Union and hold onto slavery.
Trump standards enforced. check.
EDIT -- forgot to thank President of Russia.
Quote: billryanNothing tells the world "I'm not a racist" like pardoning a convicted racist.
Honestly if your c**k grew an inch every time you called someone a racist, you wouldn't need subsidized health care. You could make enough in porn. John Holmes would have had nothing on you.
Seriously, how happy does it make you feel calling people racists?
Quote: ams288Here's a periodic reminder for the righties with their heads in the sand that the 'pee tape' stuff has never been disproven, even though they often claim it has...
Times change. Maybe Trump will make this mainstream, get it "stream". Remember there was a time when sticking your shaft in another mans rear was not considered normal behavior. This could end up being Trumps greatest legacy....Freeing the peeing.
Quote: BozHonestly if your c**k grew an inch every time you called someone a racist, you wouldn't need subsidized health care. You could make enough in porn. John Holmes would have had nothing on you.
Seriously, how happy does it make you feel calling people racists?
I'm beginning to understand your obsession. Don't think I don't appreciate it if, but I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual.
Quote: BozHonestly if your c**k grew an inch every time you called someone a racist, you wouldn't need subsidized health care. You could make enough in porn. John Holmes would have had nothing on you.
Seriously, how happy does it make you feel calling people racists?
Some things Arpaio has done:
- Created "tent cities" for prison overflow which reached 145 F and called them "concentration camps."
- Live streamed holding cells (including the women's toilet) until stopped by a court
- Blatantly Ignored sex crimes against undocumented immigrants (including children)
- Targeted political opponents for investigation and arrest
- Sent a kid to prison for 4 years for attempted murder with a bomb. It turned out that Sheriff Arpaio planted the bomb and all the evidence to make a conviction against the kid.
There really aren't strong enough words to describe how vile of a human he is, but racist is a good start.
Quote: vegasYou people watch too much CNN
You talking about Trump?
Quote: billryanI'm beginning to understand your obsession. Don't think I don't appreciate it if, but I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual.
I'll live. Only obsession is people like you bragging about accepting Government Benefits they don't need. Sure many do it, but most aren't proud about it, rather they keep on the downlow.
Perhaps you could learn from the words of that serial cheating President in the 60's that almost got the world destroyed you guys seem to love so much. You know the words, now can you say them, or even better, live them??
Quote: BozI'll live. Only obsession is people like you bragging about accepting Government Benefits they don't need. Sure many do it, but most aren't proud about it, rather they keep on the downlow.
Perhaps you could learn from the words of that serial cheating President in the 60's that almost got the world destroyed you guys seem to love so much. You know the words, now can you say them, or even better, live them??
That's just the thing, boz. I live those words every day. I gave years of my life for my country, not to mention the work I do on an ongoing basis. Unlike you. I am entitled to free health care for the rest of my life. Unlike you. Am I proud of it? Damn straight.
I am an American fighting man. I served in the forces that defend my country and our way of life. I will never forget who and what I am, responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principals which made my country free. I put my faith in my God, myself and my country.
Who are you, and more importantly, what have you done?
In any matter this seems way too personal and over the line, please drop it or take it elsewhere. That is a request, nothing more.
The editorial board of the Arizona Republic blasted President Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio, the former Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who was found guilty of contempt after profiling Latinos.
Trump on Friday pardoned Arpaio, who notoriously detained inmates under brutal and inhumane conditions. The 85-year-old sheriff was found guilty in July of ignoring a court order prohibiting him from detaining people based solely on suspicions about their immigration status.
The Arizona Republic’s editorial board said Trump’s pardon showed the president entirely accepted institutional racism.
“By pardoning Arpaio, Trump made it clear that institutional racism is not just OK with him. It is a goal,” the board wrote. The pardon, they wrote “elevates Arpaio once again to the pantheon of those who see institutional racism as something that made America great.”
The board wrote that a pardon for Arpaio wasn’t just insulting to Latinos, but to all.
“The pardon was a slap to those who worked through the judicial system to make Arpaio accountable, too. It robbed the people hurt by his policies of justice – even before a judge could mete out a sentence,” it said. “The pardon was a sign of pure contempt for every American who believes in justice, human dignity and the rule of law.”
The Arizona Republic was not the only newspaper to speak out over Trump’s decision. The Phoenix New Times, a weekly newspaper, posted a series of tweets outlining several of Arpaio’s most controversial acts over the years.
Among the leading political figures to criticize Trump for his pardon was Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
“The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions,” McCain said in a statement.
Read the Arizona Republic’s full editorial here.
There are none so blind as they who will not see.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI believe "Arpaio" is a Hispanic name. So apparently he's racist against his own kind.
And both Jeff Goldblum and Whoopi Goldberg are Jews who control Hollywood
Quote: IbeatyouracesI believe "Arpaio" is a Hispanic name. So apparently he's racist against his own kind.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI believe "Arpaio" is a Hispanic name. So apparently he's racist against his own kind.
or Italian.. per Wikipedia.....
Arpaio was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, on June 14, 1932, to Italian parents, both from Lacedonia, Italy.
ETA: Ninja'd!
Quote: Mission146Italian.
Same difference. They're all Moorish.
Quote: IbeatyouracesSame difference. They're all Moorish.
Oh, nooooo. I'm so sorry, it's the Moops.

Quote: SOOPOOI do not like Trump's pardon of Arpaio for the same reason I did not like the hundreds of pardons BHO made on his way out.
Give me a friggin break. Did RonC hack your account? You're usually better than relying on "both sides" B.S.
Of the 212 people Obama pardoned, how many did he do simply because the convict was a campaign surrogate? Without DoJ review?
Quote: IbeatyouracesI saw this 20 minutes ago. I think they're racists...
I'd say about half of the people in Missouri (at least, Kansas City) would pronounce it that way, too.
The name, "Julie," also often gets pronounced as Jew-Lee by some of them.
Nothing intentional behind it, I'm sure, just the way some of them make that sound.