Quote: MaxPenThis person puts it at 7-10%
Keep in mind 3% of a population committed to a cause is enough to support a revolution.
From Wiki
""Rosenberg's views on the War of Ezekiel 38–39 involving Gog and Magog are in line with dispensationalism, one of several Christian theological systems involving eschatology. ""
Do you spend all your time reading Christian Right Wing fringe sites or is it by accident you quote them so much?
Quote: billryanFrom Wiki
""Rosenberg's views on the War of Ezekiel 38–39 involving Gog and Magog are in line with dispensationalism, one of several Christian theological systems involving eschatology. ""
Do you spend all your time reading Christian Right Wing fringe sites or is it by accident you quote them so much?
I went to Google and searched for "percentage of Muslim population that is radical". It was on the first page of results. Sounds about right as the 99.98% statement is preposterous. I am non discriminatory regarding where I get my information. Maybe the "Christian Right Wingers" are the few that are not in denial regarding this matter.
The following is from the above link and is placed inside of quotation marks ;
"How many "radical Muslims" there are?
The problem is, we really don't know. I've provided several estimates within this web site ranging from 7 to 25% as shown above on this page. I've been asked by serveral people what the source of my information is. Here is the answer I've provided:
The short answer is this:
Where I've provided numbers on the web site, I've provided underlined links in many cases - e.g. to Pew Research. Where links are not provided, estimates are based on Islamic doctrine, Islamic history, and current events concerning Islamic populations.
The longer and more important answer is this:
First, it depends on how "radical Islam" is defined. Here's how I define radical Islam based on 10 years of observation and study: Muslims the media calls "radicals" are the militant arm of Islam, aka violent jihadis - for example ISIS, al Qaeda etc. and their known sympathizers and supporters. Muslims the media calls "moderates" for the most part do not show themselves to support radicals, but many are likely to have sympathies for radicals by privately supporting them politically, financially, logistically, or socially.
There are survey's done asking this question in the US, such as this one. But how accurate can they be when Islam promotes deception through its doctrine of taqiyya?
Consequently there is some unknown number of what the media calls "moderate" Muslims who are apostate. Zudhi Jasser is one such Muslim. To defend his beliefs, he has to disregard 60% of the Islamic trilogy, including much of the Qur'an. Google "Political Islam" to see the percentage of the Islamic texts that support hatred of the infidel, kafir, Jews, or support for various acts of violent jihad. Many punishments imposed by Sharia are themselves a form of violent jihad if measured by Western sensibilities.
It is impossible to know exact numbers because a key doctrine in orthodox Islam is taqiyya, lying and deception (aka dissimulation) to mislead others, hide true intent, in order to defend the individual Muslim or Islam. Many who appear to be "moderates" turn out to be "radicals" after all. Jihad in the cause of Islam can take many forms to advance Islam: The practice of politics, finance, propaganda, as well as physical violence and acts of terror. So there could be "violent jihadis" (the throat slitting, shooting, or bomb triggering kind), "financial jihadis" (financing violent jihadi efforts), "political jihad" (promoting so-called "hate speech" legislation prohibiting people warning with the truth about Islam) etc. ad nauseum. It is likely that many of those we perceive as "moderates" practice one or more of these types of jihad.
Nobody has the exact number of Muslims who are radical because radicalism can be hidden. Islam is both radical and moderate. Our imperfect measure of "radical" or "moderate" is how a Muslim is perceived, not necessarily what he really believes. "Radical" and "moderate" are both the same "Islam." Which one a particular Muslim appears to be at any point in time depends on his degree of devoutness (the more devout, the more he supports militancy or becomes militant) and the degree he successfullly hides his love for militancy or violent jihad."
Kind of like using a skinhead site to explain how misunderstood they are.
Quote: MaxPenMore to support the 7%.
The following is from the above link and is placed inside of quotation marks ;
"How many "radical Muslims" there are?
The problem is, we really don't know. I've provided several estimates within this web site ranging from 7 to 25% as shown above on this page. I've been asked by serveral people what the source of my information is.
Your average Muslim lives in Indonesia
7 to 25%
If it was 7 to 25%, there would be a real problem in Dearborn. .02% sounds right with no terrorism in Dearborn
If you are going to Allah's SnackBar you might want one of these

If you are going to the local swingers joint you might want one of these.

Quote: MaxPenI don't see what is so hard to understand.
If you are going to Allah's SnackBar you might want one of these
Your scared of Muslims
Believe me, I totally get that
Its like any phobia. sorry to see you have it
I'm not scared. Not even a gun owner.
I visit Vegas
I play strictly by the odds.
Darksider :-)
The odds tell me I have a better chance of getting hit by lightning then being attacked by a terrorist
By the way, in Florida, lots of lightning :-)
Quote: terapinedAbsurd
Your average Muslim lives in Indonesia
7 to 25%
If it was 7 to 25%, there would be a real problem in Dearborn. .02% sounds right with no terrorism in Dearborn
You should take a trip to Dearborn and take note of how well the Muslim population has assimilated into western society. ROTFLMAO
Place is like Little Beirut. While you're at it, why don't you go up to a group of those so called friendly's and strike up a conversation. I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms. Better yet walk in and attend a service at one of their mosques. Don't forget your prayer rug.
I'm sure you are. No need for the quotes.Quote: MaxPenI'm pretty happy for a "bigot"
Quote: MaxPenYou should take a trip to Dearborn and take note of how well the Muslim population has assimilated into western society. ROTFLMAO
Place is like Little Beirut. While you're at it, why don't you go up to a group of those so called friendly's and strike up a conversation. I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms. Better yet walk in and attend a service at one of their mosques. Don't forget your prayer rug.
There's more "terrorism" in Detroit from the blacks than you'll find in Dearborn.
Quote: IbeatyouracesThere's more "terrorism" in Detroit from the blacks than you'll find in Dearborn.
That's a separate problem and a statement intended to deflect from the topic of discussion.
Quote: MaxPenYou should take a trip to Dearborn and take note of how well the Muslim population has assimilated into western society. ROTFLMAO
Place is like Little Beirut. While you're at it, why don't you go up to a group of those so called friendly's and strike up a conversation. I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms. Better yet walk in and attend a service at one of their mosques. Don't forget your prayer rug.
I wasn't born in this country
Assimilation? meh
I appreciate all the different cultures that make up this country
Take NYC. Greatest city in the world. Walk the streets, you hear all the different languages of the world.
Crime in Dearborn, crime in Detroit
Is there a difference?
Quote: MaxPenThat's a separate problem and a statement intended to deflect from the topic of discussion.
That you are scared of Muslims and I'm not
Quote: MaxPenThat's a separate problem and a statement intended to deflect from the topic of discussion.
No it isn't. If a muslim guy does a drive by and sprays a house with gunfire, you'd consider it terrorism, if a black did it you wouldn't. Why?
I've been to Dearborn many thousands of times throughout my life. You have no clue what you're talking about!
Quote: terapinedThat you are scared of Muslims and I'm not
I'm most certainly not afraid of Muslims. I'm just pointing out things others might be afraid to speak of but think to themselves. Shocking fact, MaxPen had a Muslim friend from Virginia come for a visit 2 months ago.
Yes, but, how many times did you pat him down and check his luggage compared to your non-Muslim friends?Quote: MaxPenI'm most certainly not afraid of Muslims. I'm just pointing out things others might be afraid to speak of but think to themselves. Shocking fact, MaxPen had a Muslim friend from Virginia come for a visit 2 months ago.
If anyone wants to discuss anything else of note I'm all ears.
Quote: boymimboActually, the topic of discussion is Trump's last 100 days and this has denigrated to the typical Muslim-boogeyman crap found on any news comment section. So, I'm letting it go. Everyone is entrenched in their point-of-view.
If anyone wants to discuss anything else of note I'm all ears.
I'm still waiting for someone to put up something backing up the 99.98% statement. Here's some news out about a Dearborn imam involved in the recent London stabbing incident.
I did find this guy claiming 99.999% or something to that effect.
By the way, we are not even close to Trump's last 100 days. So I am just filling in time until this thread becomes relevant.
Pew Research figures put Indonesia as having 7 percent of the 1.6 billion Muslims.Quote: terapinedAbsurd
Your average Muslim lives in Indonesia
7 to 25%
“Muslims make up a majority of the population in 49 countries around the world. The country with the largest number (about 209 million) is Indonesia, where 87.2% of the population identifies as Muslim. India has the world’s second-largest Muslim population in raw numbers (roughly 176 million), though Muslims make up just 14.4% of India’s total population.”
Quote: AxelWolfYes, but, how many times did you pat him down and check his luggage compared to your non-Muslim friends?
After I relieved him of this all was well. Tried telling me it was his alarm clock. Yeah right.
Quote: IbeatyouracesNo it isn't. If a muslim guy does a drive by and sprays a house with gunfire, you'd consider it terrorism, if a black did it you wouldn't. Why?
Still waiting for an answer.
There were 2 shootings during the fireworks Monday night in Detroit. Why weren't they considered terrorism?
The cop that was stabbed in flint by a muslim is being considered a terrorist act. Had a white guy perpetrated it and shouted "Christianity Rule", no way in hell it would be considered the same thing.
Quote: IbeatyouracesStill waiting for an answer.
There were 2 shootings during the fireworks Monday night in Detroit. Why weren't they considered terrorism?
The cop that was stabbed in flint by a muslim is being considered a terrorist act. Had a white guy perpetrated it and shouted "Christianity Rule", no way in hell it would be considered the same thing.
Pretty simple actually. Here you go, don't want you to go unanswered. I ignored the question initially due to its simplistic nature. Sorry you had to ask twice.

I have a feeling she may have just turned you str8 and was added to your spank bank.Quote: MaxPenI'm still waiting for someone to put up something backing up the 99.98% statement. Here's some news out about a Dearborn imam involved in the recent London stabbing incident.
I did find this guy claiming 99.999% or something to that effect.
By the way, we are not even close to Trump's last 100 days. So I am just filling in time until this thread becomes relevant.
Are you in favor of Trump building a wall?Quote: MaxPen
Quote: MaxPenI'm just pointing out things others might be afraid to speak of but think to themselves.
this is an internet board
Afraid to speak??????????
Are you remotely familiar with the internet and how it works
The bottom line, nobody is afraid to post anything
Thats the reality of the internet
What is he trying to distract us from today? The Senate's evil "health care" bill?
Quote: ams288Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States:
What is he trying to distract us from today? The Senate's evil "health care" bill?
Wow. I watched Morning Joe this morning, and I thought they were a bit over the line on their mocking sarcasm in a couple of moments. This changes my mind. He is just pure nasty.
The part I can't figure out is the time hack on the tweets. They're showing pm times today that haven't yet happened. Anybody know how that works? TIA.
Quote: beachbumbabsThe part I can't figure out is the time hack on the tweets. They're showing pm times today that haven't yet happened. Anybody know how that works? TIA.
I grabbed those screencaps from JK Rowling's account. She's in the UK.
Pretty sure more than 3% of the population hates trump... so....Quote: MaxPen...Keep in mind 3% of a population committed to a cause is enough to support a revolution.
This means nothing. Just because ISIS has good Search Engine Optimization and shows up on the first page of results doesn't make it a legitimate fact. I can't believe I have to say that. lol go google "is the word flat?" and on the FIRST PAGE of results you'll get links to explain why it is indeed flat!Quote: MaxPenI went to Google and searched for "percentage of Muslim population that is radical". It was on the first page of results...
Bold added to help fix the math of that statement.Quote: terapined...The odds tell me I have a better chance of getting hit by lightning then eaten by a shark after being shot by a cop then being attacked by a terrorist
ALSO - never got a response to this. Would love to hear your thoughts on this:
If you want that mentality, why not apply the same thought process to the US? Cops are one of the leading killers of American Citizens. We should kick all cops out of the country too? White Christians are by FAR the majority when it comes to domestic terrorism... Shouldn't we kick out all white christians and block all others from coming in??? Applying your mentality to one race/religion and not to all others is the main reason there's an issue. It shows nothing more than a pure personal bias based off the most short term variance results you could possibly have.
Overall, it looks like it is a good deal for sugar producers, but raises the prices of sugar consumption as the deal raises the price floor of sugar. To put this in perspective, American farms produce 8.9 million tons of sugar. The US imports about 3 million tons with about 1/3rd of that coming from Mexico. Sugar prices in the United States are highly regulated and controlled by the government to match supply and demand and make prices static. According to the sugar industry, Sugar is a 20 billion dollar industry and supports 140,000 jobs.
A win for Trump. It's a good win for Trump because Sugar Beet production occurs in Michigan, Minnesota, Idaho, and North Dakota, which means more votes for the GOP in the upcoming midterms in MI/MN.
I wonder how libertarians feel about the price of sugar (and other crops) being tightly controlled by the government in order to make an industry viable.
Quote: RSI'm not all up to date on the stats of cops vs citizens killing citizens.....but a quick google search says about 1100-1400 people are killed by cops, but overall there are like 15k homicides. But I'm sure someone else can find better or more accurate numbers. But cops vs citizens -- who commits more murders, it seems like cops would be significantly lower, like -- it's not even close.
Three hundred million citizens vs less than a million cops. Crime rates are per 100,000 or even by 1,000.
When you walk out your door, the chances of you being killed by a terrorist are incredibly higher than those of you being killed by a cop. If you are black or any other minority, the gap is even bigger.
You sho bout dat? Seems like you're about 5.5x more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist (in all forms).Quote: billryanThree hundred million citizens vs less than a million cops. Crime rates are per 100,000 or even by 1,000.
When you walk out your door, the chances of you being killed by a terrorist are incredibly higher than those of you being killed by a cop. If you are black or any other minority, the gap is even bigger.
Quote: TigerWu...
Quote: billryanThree hundred million citizens vs less than a million cops. Crime rates are per 100,000 or even by 1,000.
When you walk out your door, the chances of you being killed by a terrorist are incredibly higher than those of you being killed by a cop. If you are black or any other minority, the gap is even bigger.
I don't know about the black or minority thing......but yeah, I agree, it wouldn't surprise me if I'd be more likely to be killed by a terrorist than a cop. Well said.
Please see above... Looks like you're agreeing with some very incorrect data.Quote: RSI don't know about the black or minority thing......but yeah, I agree, it wouldn't surprise me if I'd be more likely to be killed by a terrorist than a cop. Well said.
Quote: RomesPlease see above... Looks like you're agreeing with some very incorrect data.
It was kind of a joke as I figured billryan meant the opposite of what he said.
Quote: Romes
Bold added to help fix the math of that statement.Quote: terapined...The odds tell me I have a better chance of getting hit by lightning then eaten by a shark after being shot by a cop then being attacked by a terrorist
ALSO - never got a response to this. Would love to hear your thoughts on this:
If you want that mentality, why not apply the same thought process to the US? Cops are one of the leading killers of American Citizens. We should kick all cops out of the country too? White Christians are by FAR the majority when it comes to domestic terrorism... Shouldn't we kick out all white christians and block all others from coming in??? Applying your mentality to one race/religion and not to all others is the main reason there's an issue. It shows nothing more than a pure personal bias based off the most short term variance results you could possibly have.
Those odds also tell me that I am 7X less like likely to die from a bee sting than a terrorist attack. Should we not make epi-pens? We make them to get the odds down to where they are. Also a great amount of money is spent putting warning labels on paint cans so that we can maybe prevent that one child from drowning in it.
All I see is a bunch of Muslim sympathizers trying to defend their position with deflecting questions. If the 7% low estimate, to which I found research substantiating the claim, is wrong prove it. All I see is a bunch of Bull claiming 99.98 % are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
FYI- I'm not a big fan of cops and I'm also not trying to defend radical white Christians.
I'm not a muslim sympathizer. I think the religion is a joke, but then again I think all religions are a joke that all lead to violence and war. I'm simply being objective in pointing out your limited exposure and radical results that all point AWAY from statistical data. You know, I'm being an AP =).Quote: MaxPen...All I see is a bunch of Muslim sympathizers trying to defend their position with deflecting questions...
Fixed that for you. So to be clear then... You ARE for deporting and blocking Whites from entering the US, given they are the LARGEST DOMESTIC TERRORIST group the US has seen? If you're not for that, why on Earth wouldn't you be?Quote: MaxPenFYI- I'm not a big fan of cops and I'm also not trying to defend radical white Christians.
Quote: AxelWolfAre you in favor of Trump building a wall?
Most certainly. Although I would like to see it serve a dual purpose. Maybe we could make it a giant solar wall and have it fund itself.
The wall is probably his 2nd stupidest idea. What purpose will it serve? You do realize even by raising tariffs and taxes mexico will NOT pay for the wall, and we will have to, right?Quote: MaxPenMost certainly. Although I would like to see it serve a dual purpose. Maybe we could make it a giant solar wall and have it fund itself.
Mexico Charges us $5 for a bundle of bananas.
US Raises taxes/tariffs/whatever on Mexico to end up costing them $1 more than previous per bundle.
Mexico now charges the US $6 per bundle.
So who ends up paying that extra dollar? A: US Citizens, i.e. not Mexico
- It only goes 6 feet deep... no way anyone would dig under that!
- It only goes 30 feet high... no way anyone could get a couple extended ladders, a grappling hook or some fashion, or any other contraption to get over the wall with ease!
- Even if it goes end to end, no way someone could just go AROUND the wall, right?
- No way any mexicans couldn't take a trip to Canada, then cross from the north, right?
Seriously... What would this wall accomplish OTHER than:
a) Making the US look like complete idiots (so similar to their current leader)
b) Cost the US trillions in debt
Quote: RomesI'm not a muslim sympathizer. I think the religion is a joke, but then again I think all religions are a joke that all lead to violence and war. I'm simply being objective in pointing out your limited exposure and radical results that all point AWAY from statistical data. You know, I'm being an AP =).
Fixed that for you. So to be clear then... You ARE for deporting and blocking Whites from entering the US, given they are the LARGEST DOMESTIC TERRORIST group the US has seen? If you're not for that, why on Earth wouldn't you be?Quote: MaxPenFYI- I'm not a big fan of cops and I'm also not trying to defend radical white Christians.
They are the largest because they are the majority of the population. Absolutely any potential terrorist foreign or domestic should not be allowed in or be able to roam free including their sympathizers. Papers please?
Yes it is profiling to exclude people from certain areas of the world. You may not always be right but who cares. People profile everyday. That's why I don't go strolling around Pecos and Bonanza at 2 in the morning.
It is why people, including many blacks, are leery of certain situations and people based simply on observation. Black people are close to 50% of the prison population. 1 in 6 have done some time yet they only represent around 12% of the total population.
Quote: MaxPenThose odds also tell me that I am 7X less like likely to die from a bee sting than a terrorist attack. Should we not make epi-pens? We make them to get the odds down to where they are.
No. You're advocating for the banning of bees (prevention) just like you are for the banning of Muslims (prevention). Epipens are used as a treatment after the attack has happened. Your analogy is akin to saying that you make hospitals so that terrorist deaths are reduced. Without hospitals or epipens the death rate for both would be much higher. Both bees and muslims have something in common: both are extremely unlikely to sting you.
10-40 children die per year from drowning in pails: Though rare, common household buckets responsible for child drowning deaths. Labels are less than 7 cents each and probably less than 5 cents when bought in bulk.
106,000 Muslims belonging to terrorist groups / 1.6 billion Muslims = 0.006625%
A really good read by the Center of Strategic and International Studies
Quote: RomesSeriously... What would this wall accomplish?
Smugglers will be able to charge more for drugs and illegals. Profit.
Actually, if the world made any sense, we would keep illegal immigrants who want to work hard in, and deport American citizens doing multiple jail terms currently protected by Constitutional rights from being kicked out of here.
Quote: RomesThe wall is probably his 2nd stupidest idea. What purpose will it serve? You do realize even by raising tariffs and taxes mexico will NOT pay for the wall, and we will have to, right?
Mexico Charges us $5 for a bundle of bananas.
US Raises taxes/tariffs/whatever on Mexico to end up costing them $1 more than previous per bundle.
Mexico now charges the US $6 per bundle.
So who ends up paying that extra dollar? A: US Citizens, i.e. not Mexico
- It only goes 6 feet deep... no way anyone would dig under that!
- It only goes 30 feet high... no way anyone could get a couple extended ladders, a grappling hook or some fashion, or any other contraption to get over the wall with ease!
- Even if it goes end to end, no way someone could just go AROUND the wall, right?
- No way any mexicans couldn't take a trip to Canada, then cross from the north, right?
Seriously... What would this wall accomplish OTHER than:
a) Making the US look like complete idiots (so similar to their current leader)
b) Cost the US trillions in debt
What purpose does the fence around your yard serve? Anyone of your neighbors can jump it. Who cares?
Property boundaries and markers have been used forever. It's a statement and a deterrent. It lets people know that you care about protecting and defining what is yours.
The thing is going to cost 30 billion. That's less than 5 aircraft carriers. Some say it will be 1/3 of that. Trillions?LMAO sounds like 99.98% BS. Even if it did who cares. Anytime you can swap worthless paper for something tangible that's a good thing.
Quote: boymimboNo. You're advocating for the banning of bees (prevention) just like you are for the banning of Muslims (prevention). Epipens are used as a treatment after the attack has happened. Your analogy is akin to saying that you make hospitals so that terrorist deaths are reduced. Without hospitals or epipens the death rate for both would be much higher. Both bees and muslims have something in common: both are extremely unlikely to sting you.
10-40 children die per year from drowning in pails: Though rare, common household buckets responsible for child drowning deaths. Labels are less than 7 cents each and probably less than 5 cents when bought in bulk.
106,000 Muslims belonging to terrorist groups / 1.6 billion Muslims = 0.006625%
A really good read by the Center of Strategic and International Studies
Bringing up the amount of card carrying soldiers is irrelevant. What percentage of the Muslim population finds it acceptable and supports using terrorism to advance Islam? All evidence points to 7% being the low end. The ban only affects a small percentage of Muslims from countries that have demonstrated themselves to be disproportionate in their card carrying members.
When bees sneak into your house and build a hive inside your walls. Do you or do you not kill it or at least relocate it? Most rational people don't remove the Sheetrock and invite them into the kitchen.
Quote: rxwineSmugglers will be able to charge more for drugs and illegals. Profit.
Just change number 1

Quote: RomesThe wall is probably his 2nd stupidest idea. What purpose will it serve? You do realize even by raising tariffs and taxes mexico will NOT pay for the wall, and we will have to, right?
- It only goes 6 feet deep... no way anyone would dig under that!
- It only goes 30 feet high... no way anyone could get a couple extended ladders, a grappling hook or some fashion, or any other contraption to get over the wall with ease!
- Even if it goes end to end, no way someone could just go AROUND the wall, right?
- No way any mexicans couldn't take a trip to Canada, then cross from the north, right?
$21.5 billion cost estimate according to DHS. Probably much more expensive than that according to most estimates, wildly so when you take into account access roads, difficult terrain, the Rio Grande, etc.
Yes, you can dig underneath it. Yes, you can still climb over it. They sell ladders. Yes, you can go around it. Illegal border crossing are way down after Trump was elected. They see no future in the United States.
Flying to Canada and then crossing from the north isn't particularly easy. Yes, you can walk across the border. Clearing customs at the airports would be a different story. You need a passport and a valid reason to visit. With a strong language barrier to overcome and immediate scrutiny, illegal border crossings from Canada to the United States via air travel is ill-advised. For if you are smart enough to get on a plane, come to Canada and figure out how to get to the United States successfully without detection, then you are probably smart enough to get on a plane in Mexico and undergo the same scrutiny by US Customs.
Quote: MaxPenBringing up the amount of card carrying soldiers is irrelevant. What percentage of the Muslim population finds it acceptable and supports using terrorism to advance Islam? All evidence points to 7% being the low end. The ban only affects a small percentage of Muslims from countries that have demonstrated themselves to be disproportionate in their card carrying members.
When bees build a hive inside your walls. Do you or do you not kill it or at least relocate it? Most rational people don't remove the Sheetrock and invite them into the kitchen.
Some don't care. They were not very happy,' says man who helped remove nearly 100,000 bees from Ontario home
Accepting and supporting terror <> being a terrorist. Since when is the 1st amendment illegal? You will find non-Muslims (mostly on the far right) who also would support violence to support their views. Do we kick them out too? Since when did the thought police come into force? The countries who polled worst in these polls are in Egypt (29% of Muslims said that suicide bombings were sometimes or often justified), Pakistan (13%), Turkey (15%), and Bangladesh (26%). None of these countries are part of the ban.
And to really illustrate that there are far more important things to talk about:

I like walls too.Quote: MaxPenMost certainly. Although I would like to see it serve a dual purpose. Maybe we could make it a giant solar wall and have it fund itself.
I wonder who's will get built first.