Quote: boymimboTo be clear, you need to credit your plagiarism, as you can't take credit for such bull-hockey.
"What do I do with the knowing there are moronic bigots out there? I've always known that. What will I do? Treat them with contempt, as I normally do."
Congratulations on losing your credibility. It's far more entertaining when you come up with original thought.
"The following below explains the situation succinctly;"
Ought to be pretty clear I'm not the one writing it. I had no idea who the original source was and don't care because it makes sense, based on observations of events in other countries. Originally written in 2004? Guy must be a prophet, amazingly accurate. So carry on with your sniveling.
Also I find it humorous that the biggest users of the word "bigot" seem to be the most intolerant of other peoples perceptions. They also seem to lack reading comprehension skills. That's why I like to use pictures, especially in this thread, to communicate.
Billryan might disagree with my viewpoints but he obviously understood that was not written by me.
If you need a reading comprehension tutor I will be the first contributor to your gofundme site.
Quote: MaxPen"
Another fine example of poor comprehension.
What? The reason I didn't quote any of your post was because I wasn't talking specifically to you. But the discussion of religion reminded me of a point I wanted to make while the subject matter was in the general area.
Quote: rxwineWhat? The reason I didn't quote any of your post was because I wasn't talking specifically to you. But the discussion of religion reminded me of a point I wanted to make while the subject matter was in the general area.
Edited to reflect the necessary change.
And yet, when the GOP wants to take away coverage from 22 million MORE Americans in addition to those already without coverage, it's....... freedom? Or something.
Quote: rxwineActually just as obsessed with the other two branches of governments. Like any concerned citizen would be.
When did you last speak with your local assemblyman or state senator? Your congressman? One of your senators? What did you discuss?
I've met with mine to discuss issues pertinent to me and my profession. Are you really 'concerned' or do you just talk the talk without walking the walk?
I am not obsessed with anything government. Maybe golf, maybe basketball, but not government.....
Quote: MaxPenThey can honestly tell you that they will renounce jihad because the Quran teaches them to lie in order to further the Caliphate.
The Quran tells Muslims it is acceptable to lie to conceal their religion under the threat of persecution or if their life is in danger. It does NOT permit them to lie to "further the Caliphate" or "kill infidels." In fact, lying outside of protecting life and limb is considered a major sin.
Quote: MaxPenI was a 54B in the US Army and an 0311 in the USMC. I doubt that I could find a single fire team of vets that would agree with you.
I was infantry, too, during the invasion of Iraq, and I agree with boymimbo. So what happens now? Do our personal anecdotes cancel each other out?
If all Muslims are supposedly evil, why are they the ones doing most of the fighting now against ISIS? Why are they the biggest victims of radical Islamic terrorism? Why is ISIS killing their own allies? Shouldn't they all be ganging up against us? If they're all in cahoots with each other, why are they doing such a piss poor job of spreading terrorism? There are MILLIONS of Muslims in the U.S. alone, yet it only took 19 of them to attack New York and Washington and bring our country to its knees (for a brief period of time). What are all the rest of them waiting for? They could absolutely decimate our country if what you say is true. If somebody put a gun to my head and asked me to stereotype Muslims, I would just say they're lazy. Many of the ones I met in Iraq just sat around drinking tea all day and not wanting to work. I had a Muslim roommate once. All he did was sit on the couch and watch soccer.
We're not soldiers anymore. We're not in the Middle East. Being an American in the United States or even Europe and being worried about dying at the hands of Muslim terrorism is almost laughable.

The most disgusting thing about that image (for me) is that you have a 5x more likely chance to be KILLED BY THE POLICE than you do a terrorist. We have DOMESTIC terrorists that we refuse to do something about day in and day out and yet everyone is worried about how a "travel ban" will TOTALLY save us (when it's already been pointed out that even if a travel ban was in affect it would have done ZERO to stop any previous terrorist attacks).Quote: TigerWu...
Also 125x more likely to be killed by a gun than a terrorist... TAKE THE FOREIGNERS AWAY, NOT OUR GUNS!
Quote: RomesThe most disgusting thing about that image (for me) is that you have a 5x more likely chance to be KILLED BY THE POLICE than you do a terrorist.
Disgusting, yes, but the farther down you go on the list, the funnier it gets... you are exponentially more likely to be killed by a bee, a dog, a damn streetcar (how many of those are still even around?), or a freaking asteroid than a refugee or illegal immigrant terrorist.
I'm sorry, but as long as I'm living in/visiting first world or non-Muslim majority countries, I just can't get behind being worried about Islamic terrorists. Like I said, being afraid of them at this point is almost comical.
Quote: ams288*sigh* I'm old enough to remember the good old days (last year) when the righties on this board pretended that Obamacare was a failure because it left 20-some-odd million Americans uncovered.
And yet, when the GOP wants to take away coverage from 22 million MORE Americans in addition to those already without coverage, it's....... freedom? Or something.
Could we at least agree NO ONE is getting it taken away, they still will the option to PAY for it. They will also have better options that fit them. Many of the young don't need or want what they are 'forced' to buy currently. Again, huge win for them.
But we could also agree the CBO was wrong when they said how many people would sign up originally as well so who knows.
And we also know on both sides this is so much more then HC, it's about making and keeping people dependent on the government.
And Trump and most Americans keep WINNING day after day. Get out of your liberal stomping grounds and you will see many average Americans are happier than they have even been. And they, right or wrong, they credit Trump for it.
Quote: boymimboTo be clear, you need to credit your plagiarism, as you can't take credit for such bull-hockey.
Does that also apply to entries like this:
"All of the the terrorism incidents in the United States recently (aka since 2002) have been perpetrated by people who would be here if there was a travel ban. All of these people were children of parents who are legitimately here making a positive contribution to the nation. Actually, 2001 is the same - they came from Saudi Arabia, which is not one of the countries on the ban."
Quote: SOOPOOWhen did you last speak with your local assemblyman or state senator? Your congressman? One of your senators? What did you discuss?
I've met with mine to discuss issues pertinent to me and my profession. Are you really 'concerned' or do you just talk the talk without walking the walk?
My last message to my Congressman was actually to complain about Trump on the climate accord because he expressed support for Trump's position.. Before that was on stand your ground laws in Florida. Before that was a local waste management issue.
Quote: TigerWuThe Quran tells Muslims it is acceptable to lie to conceal their religion under the threat of persecution or if their life is in danger. It does NOT permit them to lie to "further the Caliphate" or "kill infidels."
You lie.
Koran 2:191 "slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
Koran 3:21 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
Koran 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran”
Koran 8:60 " Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
Koran 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid, urge all Muslims to fight them"
Koran 9:5 "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you find them"
Koran 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"
Koran 22:19 "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies"
Koran 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them"
Quote: BozCould we at least agree NO ONE is getting it taken away, they still will the option to PAY for it.
No. We can not agree on that.
Health care is expensive. A lot of people simply can't afford it. The excuse, "well, they should get a better job!" is complete B.S.
I know you think everyone who is poor is lazy and unmotivated and only want handouts. It seems to be your main driving belief in life. It's what you always come back to.
It's simply not true.
Not to mention the fact that 4 million people who get health coverage through their employer will lose coverage under TrumpCare. I'd consider that having it taken away...
Quote: ams288No. We can not agree on that.
Health care is expensive. A lot of people simply can't afford it. The excuse, "well, they should get a better job!" is complete B.S.
I know you think everyone who is poor is lazy and unmotivated and only want handouts. It seems to be your main driving belief in life. It's what you always come back to.
It's simply not true.
Not to mention the fact that 4 million people who get health coverage through their employer will lose coverage under TrumpCare. I'd consider that having it taken away...
Again I disagree, the needed level of HC for most people doesn't need to be expensive. Most only need major medical to cover life changing events. Urgent care facilities are popping up everywhere because there is a need for basic care at a reasonable price to replace doctors visit for those who don't have insurance.
Your vision is that everyone deserves free or below cost Health Insurance and I don't agree. It's a fundamental difference in how we see people and how the government fits in their life. We both can pick out examples of true victims, but the majority of people are exactly where they want to be in life. Or at least where their life choices took them.
So again, let's try this... Trump supporters: What's one (or many more than one) things trump has done that you either didn't agree with, would have done differently, or flat out were annoyed/pissed off by?
Quote: ams288No. We can not agree on that.
Health care is expensive. A lot of people simply can't afford it. The excuse, "well, they should get a better job!" is complete B.S.
I know you think everyone who is poor is lazy and unmotivated and only want handouts. It seems to be your main driving belief in life. It's what you always come back to.
It's simply not true.
Not to mention the fact that 4 million people who get health coverage through their employer will lose coverage under TrumpCare. I'd consider that having it taken away...
So what. The only thing an employer has to give to employees is minimum wage.
Quote: Ibeatyouraces
So what. The only thing an employer has to give to employees is minimum wage.
The GOP's stance is always that if people want health coverage, they should get a job. Well, when employers stop providing coverage.... what's left?
I say bring it on!
Quote: ams288
I say bring it on!
How do we pay for it? A single payer system would add $32 trillion to federal spending over ten years. Since the gov’t. only collects $3 trillion in tax revenues annually, all of that $32 trillion plus interest would be added to the deficit.
Tax revenues would have to increase nearly 100% to cover a single payer system.
There is no affordable solution.
Washington Post
Quote: TankoHow do we pay for it?
Get rich con artists like Trump to actually pay their taxes.
Quote: BozQuote: ams288No. We can not agree on that.
Health care is expensive. A lot of people simply can't afford it. The excuse, "well, they should get a better job!" is complete B.S.
I know you think everyone who is poor is lazy and unmotivated and only want handouts. It seems to be your main driving belief in life. It's what you always come back to.
It's simply not true.
Not to mention the fact that 4 million people who get health coverage through their employer will lose coverage under TrumpCare. I'd consider that having it taken away...
Again I disagree, the needed level of HC for most people doesn't need to be expensive. Most only need major medical to cover life changing events. Urgent care facilities are popping up everywhere because there is a need for basic care at a reasonable price to replace doctors visit for those who don't have insurance.
Your vision is that everyone deserves free or below cost Health Insurance and I don't agree. It's a fundamental difference in how we see people and how the government fits in their life. We both can pick out examples of true victims, but the majority of people are exactly where they want to be in life. Or at least where their life choices took them.
My friend co-owns three Urgent Care facilities in NY. The vast majority of his customers have health insurance. UC isn't for the uninsured, in fact they don't have to treat someone without insurance, unlike an emergency room. He's a fortysomething year old Cardiologist who recently sold his practice to a Hospital and became an employee. Took the purchase price and bought into a small chain of UCs. Plan is to open one a year for the next few years.
Why do you think health care is a right for 65 year olds, but not for 64 year olds? Or thirty year olds? Or should we get rid of Medicare too? How about Social Security?
I believe the strong have an obligation to protect the weak, and the rich have an obligation to protect the poor. That government exists to protect the poorest among us, not to enrich the richest of us. Much have I been given, therefore much do I owe.
The man has fake Magazine covers hanging in his clubs.
Nuff Said.
Quote: TankoYou lie.
Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran”
Taking out of context is meaningless
What translation are you reading?
Is this your personal research or just copying somebody elses research? The 1st few quotes are a lot different then my version
My version : translated by John Medows Rodwell.
Who translated yours?
"Terrorize" ?????? that's in the Koran???????????
That's interesting because I don't see that
what I do see
"When thy lord spoken unto the Angels" I will with you therefore stablish ye the faithful. I will cast a dread into the hearts of the infidels" Strike off their heads then, and strike off from them every finger-tip. This because they have opposed God and his apostle: And whose shall oppose God and his apostle... Verily, God will be severe in punishment."
So Tanko your translation is poor and out of context.
The passage is clearly about those that oppose God and actions God takes via angels. Not those that oppose the Koran
Sorry but you lie Tanko. Try quoting accurately and with context :-)
If you want to discuss more of your quotes, let me know which one and I will find an accurate translation in context. :-)
Quote:Jay Sekulow, who is now an attorney to Donald Trump, had a private jet to finance. His law firm was expecting a $3m payday. And six-figure contracts for members of his family needed to be taken care of.
Documents obtained by the Guardian show Sekulow that month approved plans to push poor and jobless people to donate money to his Christian nonprofit, which since 2000 has steered more than $60m to Sekulow, his family and their businesses.
Telemarketers for the nonprofit, Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism (Case), were instructed in contracts signed by Sekulow to urge people who pleaded poverty or said they were out of work to dig deep for a “sacrificial gift”.
“I can certainly understand how that would make it difficult for you to share a gift like that right now,” they told retirees who said they were on fixed incomes and had “no extra money” – before asking if they could spare “even $20 within the next three weeks”.
In addition to using tens of millions of dollars in donations to pay Sekulow, his wife, his sons, his brother, his sister-in-law, his niece and nephew, and their firms, Case has also been used to provide a series of unusual loans and property deals to the Sekulow family.
Attorneys and other experts specialising in nonprofit law said the Sekulows risked violating a federal law against nonprofits paying excessive benefits to the people responsible for running them. Sekulow declined to detail how he ensured the payments were reasonable.
“This is all highly unusual, and it gives an appearance of conflicts of interest that any nonprofit should want to avoid,” said Daniel Borochoff, the president of CharityWatch, a Chicago-based group that monitors nonprofits.
Quote: RomesLet's try an exercise... Anyone in this thread who's been supporting trump, what's some things trump has done terribly or F'd up on? It's inconceivable that either "side" you're on you don't think they've F'd something up. I thought of this because the healthcare bill literally is a hot pile of garbage... Even IF I somehow was a trump supporter I'd be like "Yeah, but I don't support that healthcare bill..." It amazes me that every trump supporter blindly supports EVERYTHING he does. How is that good for the country? A: It's not. How does that make you a good republican? A: It doesn't. Where's the objectivity? I've made fun of both sides, for many things, from the beginning.
So again, let's try this... Trump supporters: What's one (or many more than one) things trump has done that you either didn't agree with, would have done differently, or flat out were annoyed/pissed off by?
He didn't keep to his promise about going after or prosecuting HRC, AFAIK. This annoys me.
But then who would do the "Jobs Americans won't do*?"
• You know, the jobs that those "unemployed ", working for cash or sitting on their ass, while collecting benefits off the backs of people trying to make it. Most of whom are smart enough to determine how much they can make weekly, monthly and yearly to not jeopardize their state and federal benefits.
Quote: SanchoPanzaDoes that also apply to entries like this:
"All of the the terrorism incidents in the United States recently (aka since 2002) have been perpetrated by people who would be here if there was a travel ban. All of these people were children of parents who are legitimately here making a positive contribution to the nation. Actually, 2001 is the same - they came from Saudi Arabia, which is not one of the countries on the ban."
No, that was actually 100% me. And I have no idea of whether it is accurate or not. But I am waiting for someone to prove me wrong. I think the Romes graphic affirms my statement (though it may too be inaccurate). If I am going to quote someone else, I put it in "quotations" as internet memes such as the long inaccurate one (that have been around conservative websites for the last decade) usually are sourced by some "doctor" (actually racist missionary) with bullshit "source data" to confuse people to believing something they want to believe. Even the quotation in the middle is by a fictional character.
Look, extremist Muslims are a problem. I'm not going to pretend to believe for a second that there are people out to destroy Western society in the name of their version of Islam.
Quote: RomesLet's try an exercise... Anyone in this thread who's been supporting trump, what's some things trump has done terribly or F'd up on? It's inconceivable that either "side" you're on you don't think they've F'd something up. I thought of this because the healthcare bill literally is a hot pile of garbage... Even IF I somehow was a trump supporter I'd be like "Yeah, but I don't support that healthcare bill..." It amazes me that every trump supporter blindly supports EVERYTHING he does. How is that good for the country? A: It's not. How does that make you a good republican? A: It doesn't. Where's the objectivity? I've made fun of both sides, for many things, from the beginning.
So again, let's try this... Trump supporters: What's one (or many more than one) things trump has done that you either didn't agree with, would have done differently, or flat out were annoyed/pissed off by?
I was a strong supporter of Obama, but not a fan of ObamaCare, and not a fan of his foreign policy decisions either. Forums like these tend to have people with extremist opinions on both sides of the aisle. While most Americans lie in between the extremes, the news sites make it seem like everyone is inexplicably divided. People have to realize that even in Washington, most politicians get along with each other despite their differences of opinion. Most people are moderates.
The same yahoos who predicted that Obama was going to create a dictatorship and that he was setting up a shadow government down the street from the Whitehouse (all FoxNews and Breitbart) are now helping to run the executive branch of your country. That's what scares me. Essentially a dumb executive that feeds on His narcissism and Your fears to create policy that makes little sense. An Executive branch that has cameras turned off for press conferences. An executive-in-chief with His own twitter accounts publishing views that his minions have to twist to resonate with actual policy.
The right will make claims that Obama was too cozy with the Hollywood elite (true) and that his policies just made people more reliant on the government (true). See, I'm willing to admit that. Are you?
Quote: MaxPen"The following below explains the situation succinctly;"
Ought to be pretty clear I'm not the one writing it. I had no idea who the original source was and don't care because it makes sense, based on observations of events in other countries.
The following below explains the situation succinctly;
You're bigoted.
Ought to be pretty clear I'm not the one writing it. I had no idea who the original source was and don't care because it makes sense, based on observations of events in other countries.
Get it? I didn't write that you're a bigot. I quoted it from somewhere else. So I didn't say it.
I'm not intolerant of other people's perceptions - just yours.
Quote: boymimboThe following below explains the situation succinctly;
You're bigoted.
Ought to be pretty clear I'm not the one writing it. I had no idea who the original source was and don't care because it makes sense, based on observations of events in other countries.
Get it? I didn't write that you're a bigot. I quoted it from somewhere else. So I didn't say it.
I'm not intolerant of other people's perceptions - just yours.
I would pretty much say you directly insulted me. I am sorry that you are filled with so much hate. I will wait and see how a moderator interprets your post.
Quote: MaxPenI would pretty much say you directly insulted me. I am sorry that you are filled with so much hate. I will wait and see how a moderator interprets your post.
While we are on the topic of whining about personal insults this morning, I'm curious as to why the mods let this personal insult from MaxPen against me slide?
Quote: MaxPenI'm pretty sure you're the kind of guy who clenches tight to every nickel you happen to stumble upon. That's not what I'm about. Good luck in your miserable existence.
Quote: MaxPenI would pretty much say you directly insulted me. I am sorry that you are filled with so much hate. I will wait and see how a moderator interprets your post.
I didn't directly insult you. I quoted someone else, except I didn't put it in quotations, to make a very distinct point which you don't get. I said "the following below explains the situation succinctly" and you were supposed to understand that I was quoting someone else after this point.
You are entitled to believe that Muslims are boogeymen out to get you. Canada's Muslim population, by the way is up to 3.2%, almost doubling in 10 years. Horrific things are going on there. They're letting in Syrians by the boatload (40,000+ between November 2015 and January 2017) and I hear of daily terrorist attacks there.
On a serious note, I will admit that in some ways you are right. There are nations where the state religion is Islam and it is difficult to practice other religions there. This is where Islam and Christianity differentiate. Christian countries have advanced and opened up their lands and have become secular states. This is more of a statement of capitalism and inclusion than anything else. It is understandable that people have fear of a religion that have extremist practices taking over their country. I get that.
There are plenty of worthwhile issues pertinent to the thread worth debating.
We're about to start an undeclared war in Syria that will pit us directly against Russia.
The health care fight is far from over. Expect heavy pressure on Senate Republicans to get in line, behind the scenes.
The ATC privatization bill moved a significant step closer to reality yesterday, stealing your multi -trillion dollar asset.
The press has become openly hostile to this Administration in the face of their lies and justifications. The Administration is withdrawing more all the time.
The budget plans still kill dozens of worthwhile agencies and grants. The lists are long and tragic if anyone cares to notice.
The House voted this week to kill Dodd-Frank and allow the banks to return to raping the country.
And yeah, Russia. Treason. Collaboration. The hunt continues.
Yes, I'm using violent verbs. Wake up, people, and notice what's going on while we piss and moan about tweets and emails and insults and quotes. What part of, distract people with BS so they don't realize what's up, is hard for such an intelligent group to understsnd? While you're at it, maybe you could offer a useful perspective on something that matters?
Quote: boymimboI didn't directly insult you. I quoted someone else, except I didn't put it in quotations, to make a very distinct point which you don't get. I said "the following below explains the situation succinctly" and you were supposed to understand that I was quoting someone else after this point.
You are entitled to believe that Muslims are boogeymen out to get you. Canada's Muslim population, by the way is up to 3.2%, almost doubling in 10 years. Horrific things are going on there. They're letting in Syrians by the boatload (40,000+ between November 2015 and January 2017) and I hear of daily terrorist attacks there.
On a serious note, I will admit that in some ways you are right. There are nations where the state religion is Islam and it is difficult to practice other religions there. This is where Islam and Christianity differentiate. Christian countries have advanced and opened up their lands and have become secular states. This is more of a statement of capitalism and inclusion than anything else. It is understandable that people have fear of a religion that have extremist practices taking over their country. I get that.
Since they have demonstrated a pattern of non conforming to your own admittance. Why would you want them to do the same here in the US? They have proven themselves throughout the western world to be incompatible. I'm with Trump on this. Lock the door and hang up a do not disturb sign. They have no tolerance for different beliefs. Why should I? I don't fear them at all. I just recognize what they are.
Quote: rxwineMy last message to my Congressman was actually to complain about Trump on the climate accord because he expressed support for Trump's position.. Before that was on stand your ground laws in Florida. Before that was a local waste management issue.
Super. I believe that you are a man of your convictions, and that is noble. Even if I disagree with most of your convictions....
This is an insanely broad statement condemning a lot of people on just your small little experiences. In the AP world you've reached what, 1% of the long run and you're declaring results? For every 1 condemning muslim act you find I bet I could find 50 "good" acts... and it wouldn't be hard it's just sheer numbers. I'm not even saying I'm a fan of the religion (I actually don't support any religions as I think they ALL lead to nothing but violence).Quote: MaxPenThey have proven themselves throughout the western world to be incompatible...
If you want that mentality, why not apply the same thought process to the US? Cops are one of the leading killers of American Citizens. We should kick all cops out of the country too? White Christians are by FAR the majority when it comes to domestic terrorism... Shouldn't we kick out all white christians and block all others from coming in??? Applying your mentality to one race/religion and not to all others is the main reason there's an issue. It shows nothing more than a pure personal bias based off the most short term variance results you could possibly have.
Quote: beachbumbabsI'm pretty bored with the pettiness of the insults in this thread, to tell the truth. Pretty much offsetting penalties. And those of you engaging in it are showing yourselves to be lesser persons than I had thought you to be.
My apologies. I knew I went too far.
The problem of course is that people are too dug in to their views to debate without it denigrating to partisan insults.
Quote: BBBWe're about to start an undeclared war in Syria that will pit us directly against Russia.
I don't think so. I think that both sides are pushing but that Russia needs the US. Certainly some escalation is happening but in the end, Trump's isolationism will result in a policy where ISIL is removed but the Syrian regime stays in power unless Assad uses chemical weapons.
Quote: BBBThe health care fight is far from over. Expect heavy pressure on Senate Republicans to get in line, behind the scenes.
This will denigrate into a partisan arguments where libertarians/GOP will want people to pay their own way while Liberals will want single payor and it to become a government function.
Quote: BBBThe ATC privatization bill moved a significant step closer to reality yesterday, stealing your multi -trillion dollar asset.
I know you feel passionately about this. Certainly privatization will lead to lower wages, lower job satisfaction, which will lead to lower safety and quality.
Quote: BBBThe press has become openly hostile to this Administration in the face of their lies and justifications. The Administration is withdrawing more all the time.
That is extremely troubling.
Quote: BBBThe budget plans still kill dozens of worthwhile agencies and grants. The lists are long and tragic if anyone cares to notice.
Once again a partisan issue where Libertarians will agree with this while the left will contend the opposite.
Quote: BBBThe House voted this week to kill Dodd-Frank and allow the banks to return to raping the country.
Nobody cares.
Quote: BBBAnd yeah, Russia. Treason. Collaboration. The hunt continues.
Likely nothing will come of this.
Quote: BBB
Yes, I'm using violent verbs. Wake up, people, and notice what's going on while we piss and moan about tweets and emails and insults and quotes. What part of, distract people with BS so they don't realize what's up, is hard for such an intelligent group to understand? While you're at it, maybe you could offer a useful perspective on something that matters?
I think we all understand it. I think that most people are one-sided and are afraid to debate reasonably in the middle-ground.
Quote: MaxPenSince they have demonstrated a pattern of non conforming to your own admittance. Why would you want them to do the same here in the US? They have proven themselves throughout the western world to be incompatible. I'm with Trump on this. Lock the door and hang up a do not disturb sign. They have no tolerance for different beliefs. Why should I? I don't fear them at all. I just recognize what they are.
Conform to what? Christianity? Atheism? Acceptance of "do what the f**k you want" when their religion states otherwise?
Most Muslims (99.98%) do have plenty of tolerance. There are many Muslim countries where other religions exist in harmony. There are also many that do not. The reason why Muslims "do not comform" is that their religious standards are higher than those in the West and find it difficult to live with all of the "sin" around them. They just went through a month of dawn-to-dusk fasting.
And there is an extremist Muslim view where they have bent passages of the Qaran to be able to incite violence on the infidels.
As someone noted, the number of deaths caused by individuals on the Visa Waiver program that is the subject of Trump's travel ban? Zip.
Quote: boymimboConform to what? Christianity? Atheism? Acceptance of "do what the f**k you want" when their religion states otherwise?
Most Muslims (99.98%) do have plenty of tolerance. There are many Muslim countries where other religions exist in harmony. There are also many that do not. The reason why Muslims "do not comform" is that their religious standards are higher than those in the West and find it difficult to live with all of the "sin" around them. They just went through a month of dawn-to-dusk fasting.
And there is an extremist Muslim view where they have bent passages of the Qaran to be able to incite violence on the infidels.
As someone noted, the number of deaths caused by individuals on the Visa Waiver program that is the subject of Trump's travel ban? Zip.
Firstly, 99.98%is laughable at best. I agree that not all of them are dreaming day and night of murdering infidels. The problem might not be the individual muslim, it's Islam, but the individual who is an associated piece of the collective is a problem as well. Their philosophy of death, destruction and oppression are reprehensible and have no place in western society. Along with marxism, one of the two greatest vehicles of human misery ever conceived.
"Standards are higher", now that's rich....lol. They always seem to be the ones asking where to find the good whores in Vegas.
My unquoted post makes total sense based on observation of these people in action. I don't need to see this in the US. We are still at less than 1%, I would like to see it stay that way, sort of like a benign tumor.

INTERESTING. I thought two wrongs don't make a right, but they do make for two suspensions.Quote: beachbumbabsI'm pretty bored with the pettiness of the insults in this thread, to tell the truth. Pretty much offsetting penalties.
Quote: AxelWolfINTERESTING. I thought two wrongs don't make a right, but they do make for two suspensions.
I still can't find the insult in my post. I would gladly take a suspension for anything though. I'm pretty happy for a "bigot". I could care less about another persons opinion that I disagree with. Last I checked they have freedom to express any opinion they want. I am also free to express my opinion regarding how they feel when composing my responses to their BS, as well they do me. However, out of common decency, I will not label them in a derogatory manner.
Quote: MaxPenThe problem might not be the individual muslim, it's Islam, but the individual who is an associated piece of the collective is a problem as well.
So, I assume you have a solution somewhat similar to this. Because just banning potential terrorists doesn't get you where you hope to go.
Quote:non-Muslims are not allowed to hold Saudi citizenship.
Only opposite of course.
Quote: rxwineSo, I assume you have a solution somewhat similar to this. Because just banning potential terrorists doesn't get you where you hope to go.
Only opposite of course.
Nothing wrong with some nationalism. Countries are different. I like the benefits that my grandparents fought for. I'm not interested in being on par with the entire world. Globalism sucks, unless of course you are a member of the ruling elite or maybe directly associated to the same. Just because roaches exist doesn't mean I need to invite them into my house.
I also like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and standing for the National Anthem. Anyone who disagrees with that can get the "F" out of my house. If I decide to go to their house I will expect myself to respect their principles and beliefs or I will escort myself out.
No one gets anywhere significant based on a single action, usually. Cumulatively individual things add up to consequences. Banning potential terrorists may not get me where I want to be immediately but it's a damn good start.
Quote: MaxPenFirstly, 99.98%is laughable at best. I agree that not all of them are dreaming day and night of murdering infidels. The problem might not be the individual muslim, it's Islam, but the individual who is an associated piece of the collective is a problem as well.
99.98% is about right
Majority of Muslims are not from the Middle East
Your average Muslim is actually Asian
Asian Muslims far out number Muslims in the Middle East.
Canda has a growing Muslim population.
No terrorism in Dearborn, a Muslim city, or Canada
99.98% is about right. Maybe 99.99%
Keep in mind 3% of a population committed to a cause is enough to support a revolution.
Quote: terapined99.98% is about right
Majority of Muslims are not from the Middle East
Your average Muslim is actually Asian
Asian Muslims far out number Muslims in the Middle East.
Canda has a growing Muslim population.
No terrorism in Dearborn, a Muslim city, or Canada
99.98% is about right. Maybe 99.99%
I may be mistaken, but most, if not all of the middle East IS in Asia.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI may be mistaken, but most, if not all of the middle East IS in Asia.
You are right
The point I was making is that Muslims outside the Middle East far out number those in the Middle East
Your average Muslim probably comes from Indonesia.
That's a lot of Muslims :-)
I stand by 99.98%
Quote: boymimbo
You are entitled to believe that Muslims are boogeymen out to get you. Canada's Muslim population, by the way is up to 3.2%, almost doubling in 10 years. Horrific things are going on there. They're letting in Syrians by the boatload (40,000+ between November 2015 and January 2017) and I hear of daily terrorist attacks there.
Maybe no terror attacks but do they say "sorry" as often as non-Muslim Canadians?