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56 members have voted
++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++No intrinsic worth and are useless as a form of exchange. They entail exorbitant transaction costs. They are very slow. Together they have turned into an ecological nightmare Most can be rendered worthless by fraud or digital manipulation. They are essentially ponzi schemes that masquerade as citizen currencies beyond government control.
Such are the broad findings of the Bank for International Settlements, the Swiss-based ‘bank of central bankers’ and the leading global authority on the crypto-currencies.
Quote: dogqckI always thought the only thing bitcoin was good for was money laundering and speculation.
++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++No intrinsic worth and are useless as a form of exchange. They entail exorbitant transaction costs. They are very slow. Together they have turned into an ecological nightmare Most can be rendered worthless by fraud or digital manipulation. They are essentially ponzi schemes that masquerade as citizen currencies beyond government control.
Such are the broad findings of the Bank for International Settlements, the Swiss-based ‘bank of central bankers’ and the leading global authority on the crypto-currencies.
Because USD has intrinsic value, right? BTC is significantly faster and cheaper than doing a wire transfer. Not sure where you're coming up with it being a ponzi scheme. Remember, when something is in direct competition with banks, the absolute BEST place for unbiased answers on the subject is to ask banks! They have no interest in protecting themselves.

Like in gambling, nobody knows the future of crypto currencies.
The marketable value of them is undeniable.
But I think too many people want the concept to fold neatly into their mind without learning how to tell the difference between a merckle tree from a dingleberry.
Quote: dogqckSpeculation = marketable value. Glad you are ahead of the curve. Only reason to buy crypto is you hope a sucker will shortly pay you more.
Here, buzz. Buy my crypto lambo.
It's my birthday tomorrow.
Quote: EvenBobBC under $6000, uh oh.
$17 Billion Deleted From Cryptocurrency Market in 24 Hours
Oh crap! O.O That's troubling.. No, that's worrying, no, that's concerning, no, that's red flag alarmingly frightening! That's what it is. Red flag alarmingly frightening! O.O
Bitcoin has a 40% off sale and sheep panic.
What's the best lesson to take from this?
Spend your bitcoin at Macy's ?Quote: billryanMacy's has a 40% off sale and sheep run in.
Bitcoin has a 40% off sale and sheep panic.
What's the best lesson to take from this?
Quote: OnceDearSpend your bitcoin at Macy's ?
The correct answer, as always, is 23.
Quote: billryanMacy's has a 40% off sale and sheep run in.
Bitcoin has a 40% off sale and sheep panic.
What's the best lesson to take from this?
What's funny is to read the daily
analysis of BC. They have no idea
what's going on, or what the future
is. So they have to pretend they
do, so they just repeat what they've
said in the past. Volume buying of
BC is over, and that means BC is over.
They just don't want to admit it.
Quote: billryanMacy's has a 40% off sale and sheep run in.
Bitcoin has a 40% off sale and sheep panic.
What's the best lesson to take from this?
I don't know, but I keep thinking of Beanie Babies for some reason....
Quote: TigerWuI don't know, but I keep thinking of Beanie Babies for some reason....
I f!#/ed up. I have Been wanting to invest in BC since it was $250. Bought some and sold some.
I had an opportunity to get a discount when it was $720 but I wanted a better deal and it didn't happen. Oops.
Hignsite is 20/20 I guess.
I gave 10k to a member here to invest in crypto currency for me.
Just let me know when I'm super rich or my 10k is gone.
I been though this with internet stocks.
AOL. Excite etc etc.
Quote: AxelWolfJust let me know when I'm super rich or my 10k is gone.
It will be neither. Like many investments
it will just sit in a kind of limbo forever
until you take what's there and get out.
Quote: RSWhy?
It was a joke....
Because there was a big Beanie Baby bubble and everyone thought it was going to be the next big investment and it totally blew up in people's faces.
Quote: TigerWuIt was a joke....
Because there was a big Beanie Baby bubble and everyone thought it was going to be the next big investment and it totally blew up in people's faces.
Not the people who were selling them, though. Worked out A-OK for some.
Quote: TigerWuIt was a joke....Because there was a big Beanie Baby bubble and everyone thought it was going to be the next big investment and it totally blew up in people's faces.
Does anybody remember the cookie
jar collection madness of the 80's into
the 90's? Companies were making them
as collectors items, sure to go up in value.
I knew a guy who had over 1000 in his
basement and had big bucks invested
in them. He died in 96 and his wife
unloaded them at a fraction of what
he paid.
Even Andy Warhol ccollected them, but
only the old ones, they are still worth
big bucks today. In the 30's 40's and 50's
every home in the US had a figural
cookie jar in the kitchen.

I don't generally buy out storage units but last week one came up in the warehouse I rent. Inside were about 10 pairs of mens sneakers, all sizes 12-14.
All had the original boxes and most appear to have never been worn. Several boxes of Air Jordon Retros, with their $199.99 price tags. Bunch of Jordan memorabilia as well.
Guy had an eye for picking out good buys, but forgot one of the basic tenants of society. He didn't pay his bills. Now his retirement fund is part of mine.
Quote: billryanNow his retirement fund is part of mine.
Looking on Ebay, vintage Air Jordan
Retro's in the box are going for $50
to $100. Some are higher, but over
all there are a bajillion of them out
there and always will be. Scarcity
is the hallmark of any real collectible.
Quote: EvenBobWhat's funny is to read the daily
analysis of BC. They have no idea
what's going on, or what the future
is. So they have to pretend they
do, so they just repeat what they've
said in the past. Volume buying of
BC is over, and that means BC is over.
They just don't want to admit it.
Another misinformed droned out member of society. When bitcoin goes down everyone panics and says bitcoin is done. Most of these people also have an agenda. You will see bitcoin articles bashing bitcoin so their millionaire friends can start buying on the dip and when it hits a high you see all these pro bitcoin articles praising it as its about to blow up even higher as their millionaire friends sell it off while the suckers buy, rinse and repeat.
The ones without an agenda are just misinformed drones who are wrong time and time again when it falls and says its over. Had these same people listened to the king theyd be beyond rich right now. But drones and immoral agenda based millionaires and their friends will say and do their own thing.
Quote: ZenKinGAnother misinformed droned out member of society.
I'd be insulted if I were you, EvenBob.
Quote: ZenKinGHad these same people listened to the king theyd be beyond rich right now.
...says the guy with no steady income who can't even be trusted with an apartment lease.
If that phrase had any definition that I could easily locate, I guess it would be mildly insulting. Fortunately, I didn't locate one and EB is probably tough enough to shrug it offQuote: ZenKinGAnother misinformed droned out member of society.
Like you are?.Quote:Had these same people listened to the king theyd be beyond rich right now.
Oh, you aren't motivated by wealth, are you? I suppose you play, invest, and live for the kudos. What kudos you get, you waste with posts like this.
Quote: OnceDearEB is probably tough enough to shrug it offLike you are?.
Nope. I was banned for 3 days for
calling ZK a kid, what he just said
is an actual insult, not the faux insult
I was axed for. I'm insulted and darn
well ain't 'shrugging it off'. What's
good for the goose is fine for the
TW. I really like you.Quote: TigerWuI'd be insulted if I were you, EvenBob.
...says the guy with no steady income who can't even be trusted with an apartment lease.
But STFU (-;
Quote: TigerWu...says the guy with no steady income who can't even be trusted with an apartment lease.
If we're talking about insults, I'd say this is pretty high up there, TBH.
Well, EB. In light of your complaint, Zenking is banned for 7 days.Quote: EvenBobNope. I was banned for 3 days for
calling ZK a kid, what he just said
is an actual insult, not the faux insult
I was axed for. I'm insulted and darn
well ain't 'shrugging it off'. What's
good for the goose is fine for the
Quote: OnceDearWell, EB. In light of your complaint, Zenking is banned for 7 days.
TigerWu is still blue, by the way. ;-)
Not yet.Quote: billryanThe lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Hey Bill, are you insulting me?
Pah! forgiven. It wouldn't pay for me to be too predictable.
EvenBob took the opportunity to influence my decision. His multiple PM's and complaint here, helped me set the bar on what will be considered a personal insult between him and Zenking, or indeed between him or ZenKing and anyone else.
Thank EvenBob, Zenking and a few others in this thread, if I cease to be Mr Tolerant.
Is that how the moderators are judging things these days?
How is a system where a member can openly lobby to suspend someone but that person cant defend themselves?
What a pathetic joke this has become when ancient snowflakes dictate who or what is suspended.
I myself got suspended last week. I wonder how many pms went into that effort?
To address One Dears question. I don't know you well enough to insult you but based on your own reasoning for suspending ZK, your idea of moderation sucks.
Is that an insult? I'll let you consult with EB and the rest
Quote: billryanSo now insults come down to whoever makes a hissy fit about something? "I got suspended for something stupid so now I want everyone suspended?"
Is that how the moderators are judging things these days?
How is a system where a member can openly lobby to suspend someone but that person cant defend themselves?
What a pathetic joke this has become when ancient snowflakes dictate who or what is suspended.
I myself got suspended last week. I wonder how many pms went into that effort?
To address One Dears question. I don't know you well enough to insult you but based on your own reasoning for suspending ZK, your idea of moderation sucks.
Is that an insult? I'll let you consult with EB and the rest
Nope. Complaint draws attention but does not guarantee a suspension.
You're right that someone is trying to make it exactly that. We're not going to play.
Your criticism is heard and somewhat deserved. We're working to do a better job. Thanks.
Quote: billryanSo now insults come down to whoever makes a hissy fit about something? "I got suspended for something stupid so now I want everyone suspended?"
Is that how the moderators are judging things these days?
How is a system where a member can openly lobby to suspend someone but that person cant defend themselves?
What a pathetic joke this has become when ancient snowflakes dictate who or what is suspended.
I myself got suspended last week. I wonder how many pms went into that effort?
To address One Dears question. I don't know you well enough to insult you but based on your own reasoning for suspending ZK, your idea of moderation sucks.
Is that an insult? I'll let you consult with EB and the rest
"Ancient snowflake" is an insult. But I'm not going to suspend you for that. My decision.
Quote: AxelWolf
Hignsite is 20/20 I guess.
He didn't miss much.

Quote: beachbumbabsNope. Complaint draws attention but does not guarantee a suspension.
You're right that someone is trying to make it exactly that. We're not going to play.
Your criticism is heard and somewhat deserved. We're working to do a better job. Thanks.
Fair enough.
A modest proposal.
If a person regularly wastes mods time suggesting suspensions thru pms, then that person gets the suspension he sought if it ends up being unwarranted.
That one person can carry on a campaign to suspend someone without the other knowing or being given a chance to respond is inherently unfair.
Quote: billryanFair enough.
A modest proposal.
If a person regularly wastes mods time suggesting suspensions thru pms, then that person gets the suspension he sought if it ends up being unwarranted.
That one person can carry on a campaign to suspend someone without the other knowing or being given a chance to respond is inherently unfair.
Please explain why you are using a bitcoin thread to whine? Please take it to the 'suspension' thread. Thank you.
Quote: SOOPOOPlease explain why you are using a bitcoin thread to whine? Please take it to the 'suspension' thread. Thank you.
Yes, Mom.
Quote: MaxPenI saw a guy on the corner today with a cardboard sign that said " I'm a HODL'er. Anything Helps".😀
He’s probably got 10,000 BTCs and he’s moving the market. Bast**d!!!!
oh boy it's gonna be a bad one
gonna have to start shoveling $100s into the fireplace to stay warm
Quote: BTLWIQuote: rawtuffThe intrinsic value of the dollar is (in general) the amount of work put/commodities produced/services provided in earning it.
It's backed by the economic, technological, human and military resource/potential of the country owning it.
When you send a dollar via electronic wallet you don't just send a number. You send value backed by the economy of the country in which the dollar resides which goes to the country/person where the value is retained.
When you send a bitcoin or other crypto you send a promise, backed by believe held by a number of people that you'll be able to buy something with it in the future. It's nothing alike. Crypto is backed by the work put in producing itself only (which is basically nothing more but wasting electricity for proof of a vague, risky concept). Dollar is backed by work/potential in producing actual goods and commodities (in general).
Backed by. In time of crises I can take $100 USD to the government and they'll give me _________ in return?
Please fill in the blank.
They'll give you the equivalence in return.
In time of crisis you can take 10 0000 000 000 00 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 0 0 000000 0 00 0 000 btc to the exchange . And they'll give you _________ in return??
Please fill in the blank.
Quote: rawtuffQuote: BTLWIQuote: rawtuffThe intrinsic value of the dollar is (in general) the amount of work put/commodities produced/services provided in earning it.
It's backed by the economic, technological, human and military resource/potential of the country owning it.
When you send a dollar via electronic wallet you don't just send a number. You send value backed by the economy of the country in which the dollar resides which goes to the country/person where the value is retained.
When you send a bitcoin or other crypto you send a promise, backed by believe held by a number of people that you'll be able to buy something with it in the future. It's nothing alike. Crypto is backed by the work put in producing itself only (which is basically nothing more but wasting electricity for proof of a vague, risky concept). Dollar is backed by work/potential in producing actual goods and commodities (in general).
Backed by. In time of crises I can take $100 USD to the government and they'll give me _________ in return?
Please fill in the blank.
They'll give you the equivalence in return.
In time of crisis you can take 10 0000 000 000 00 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 0 0 000000 0 00 0 000 btc to the exchange . And they'll give you _________ in return??
Please fill in the blank.
The current market value of the BTC.
You can get that in terms of some other cryptocurrency, USD, and/or other fiat (depending on what the exchange offers).
Quote: RSQuote: rawtuffQuote: BTLWIQuote: rawtuffThe intrinsic value of the dollar is (in general) the amount of work put/commodities produced/services provided in earning it.
It's backed by the economic, technological, human and military resource/potential of the country owning it.
When you send a dollar via electronic wallet you don't just send a number. You send value backed by the economy of the country in which the dollar resides which goes to the country/person where the value is retained.
When you send a bitcoin or other crypto you send a promise, backed by believe held by a number of people that you'll be able to buy something with it in the future. It's nothing alike. Crypto is backed by the work put in producing itself only (which is basically nothing more but wasting electricity for proof of a vague, risky concept). Dollar is backed by work/potential in producing actual goods and commodities (in general).
Backed by. In time of crises I can take $100 USD to the government and they'll give me _________ in return?
Please fill in the blank.
They'll give you the equivalence in return.
For me the bottom line is - fiat has value, because people all over the world actually work for it and produce goods in the process.
Crypto is a speculative ponzi alike BS, because people around the world don't actually "work" for it, don't use it as a currency and whoever got it in the first place is incentivesed not to spend it, but to hold on to it until the (bitter) end.Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, you are going to f*** up again in the future, quite possibly in the most spectacular fashion, why worry about yesterday's f*** up's when you have tomorrow's f*** up's to look forward to? You are a f*** up, and f***** up is part of your growth process, embrace the process.
Quote: ZenKinGQuote: rawtuffThe intrinsic value of the dollar is (in general) the amount of work put/commodities produced/services provided in earning it.
It's backed by the economic, technological, human and military resource/potential of the country owning it.
When you send a dollar via electronic wallet you don't just send a number. You send value backed by the economy of the country in which the dollar resides which goes to the country/person where the value is retained.
When you send a bitcoin or other crypto you send a promise, backed by believe held by a number of people that you'll be able to buy something with it in the future. It's nothing alike. Crypto is backed by the work put in producing itself only (which is basically nothing more but wasting electricity for proof of a vague, risky concept). Dollar is backed by work/potential in producing actual goods and commodities (in general).
You dont understand what intrinsic value means and you completely contradict yourself when you speak about bitcoins 'value'
Mmmm come again please?
What contradiction, where?
What, whoa whea wha?>"? Umm what????
You sure you're from this planet?
Quote: rawtuffFor me the bottom line is - fiat has value, because people all over the world actually work for it and produce goods in the process.
Crypto is a speculative ponzi alike BS, because people around the world don't actually "work" for it, don't use it as a currency and whoever got it in the first place is incentivesed not to spend it, but to hold on to it until the (bitter) end.
Of course fiat has value, but that doesn't mean something else (like cryptocurrency) doesn't have value or shouldn't be valued. Do you think bitcoin (or any cryptocurrency) has value or is it just all "made up internet money" to you?
What makes you think it's a ponzi scheme? I'm pretty sure if someone is invested in a ponzi scheme, they do NOT want to be the last person to cash out.
Quote: RSDo you think bitcoin (or any cryptocurrency) has value or is it just all "made up internet money" to you?
In all honesty I couldn't tell for 100% sure.
But. It does seem as a ponzi and a "made up internet money" . for all my (and many others's) life experience can account for.
Edit by mod: OnceDear, to fix formatting
Quote: rawtuffQuote: RSDo you think bitcoin (or any cryptocurrency) has value or is it just all "made up internet money" to you?
In all honesty I couldn't tell for 100% sure.
But. It does seem as a ponzi and a "made up internet money" . for all my (and many others's) life experience can account for.
What is wrong with these formatting codes tho?
Edit by mod: OnceDear, to fix formatting
Quote: rawtuffIn all honesty I couldn't tell for 100% sure.
But. It does seem as a ponzi and a "made up internet money" . for all my (and many others's) life experience can account for.
It takes a significant amount of time and energy to mine a bitcoin, which is a major part of what allows them to hold a value in the market.
They can’t be produced out of thin air.