"Nathan" is very adamant about not being anyone else. I think she knows better to admit that because it might get her nuked. Since she has already shown that she is willing to make stuff up and take it fairly far, I cant take her word for it.Quote: mcallister3200If she wanted people to think she was a man, she could have picked a gender neutral name and nearly everyone would have assumed it. We've been rolled like fake Nathan allegedly was in the Aimee thread
I find it strange that we had a bunch of new common american first name members showing up and all around the same time. They all talked similar and participated in the same discussions. Sure seemed like common sockpuppeting.
I think the best course of action is to just ignore ALL her posts from now on. I have a feeling that won't work for long. A Kelly will suddenly show up asking about slots.
I think she doesn't care if its negative or positive attention, just as long as its some kind of attention.
I'm out.
Smh fp
Quote: NathanI didn't think that pretending to be a man would be such a can of worms. Like I said, I loved pretending to be a boy when I was younger. It just was fun to me. I decided to pretend to be a man on here also.
Yet you acted shocked, disappointed, bewildered... when the admins pointed out that "Aimee" was someone pretending to be someone they weren't online. As though you had no idea that goes on in the internet world. Meanwhile ,you were doing something very similar the whole time , and went out of your way to come across as a man in that very thread. Ironic
Quote: WizardofnothingBut you still asked about getting a gift card and didn't volunteeer to donate the money to a freeroll
Smh fp
Okay, I admit I was selfish in still asking for the Macy's gift card.
Quote: NathanOkay, I admit I was selfish in still asking for the Macy's gift card.
And you deserve to receive it.
WoN is just pissed because you disproved his hypothesis that you were not a real person.
He figured you were a sock puppet, and bet you wouldn't show up.
He expected a man, and got a woman who pretended she was a man.
So what?
What you call yourself matters not at all.
Your sex matters not at all.
You showed up: he bet that you wouldn't.
Oh, I wouldn't offer to take half of the $100, I'd insist on taking it all.
A bet's a bet, and you won, fair and square.
I think the whole thing is hysterical!

I think the free money I have given for football contests and what not would clearly show 100 is not going to change my life
Why in god's name did you post a poll, asking whether you should pay?
There are no gray areas here.
So when I was there she wouldn't confirm it was her
Then nuke her and be done with it.
Quote: GWAESo here's my opinion which means nothing. Nathan asked also in this thread what won looks like and it went unamswered. If that would have been answered then maybe Nathan would have just said hi
I agree, and that is also why I am not Nuking Nathan for the occurrences that have come about as a result of this thread.
What this thread seems to indicate to me is that WoN was confused because he thought he was looking for a male and Nathan wanted a description of WoN while, at the same time, not wanting to actually state she is a female. I suspect that if Nathan had said as much, then WoN would have found her during such time that WoN was in the casino.
As far as any Nuking is concerned, I'm not Nuking Nathan for this. You know, the Members of this board have occasionally focused more on the fact that someone is female than on gambling when a female has made herself known, for that reason, I do not consider it entirely unreasonable that a female would want to be assumed to be a male joining the Forum.
I also asked to
Confirm simply the amount being wagered - since to add more info she/he was NOT sitting at core moon they were at wolf run next to it and playing both machines
Quote: GWAESo here's my opinion which means nothing. Nathan asked also in this thread what won looks like and it went unamswered. If that would have been answered then maybe Nathan would have just said hi
I thought that WON may have been the dark skinned guy I had been chatting amicably with who was playing 80 cents a spin who was up and down on Wolf Run. I was thinking after I left the casino,"What if that was WON and I only realized in hindsight that I was chatting amicably with and didn't ask if he was WON?" Won confirmed that he was not the dark skinned guy I was talking too, but confirmed he saw the dark skinned guy I was chatting with.
That's not a fair conclusion to make. Interest in a gift card has nothing to do with indicating being in poverty or having a gambling problem.Quote: rsactuaryMoving past all of this, the fact that Nathan so desperately wants the $100 Macy's card and that $100 is so important to her, leads me to believe she should probably never step back in a casino again.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, I dont have a whole lot of history reading your posts , but I would suggest that if you have meaningful information to share with the board, then stick to it. If you are passing time and enjoy catfishing, you will continuously be caught. Most forum admins have access to ip addresses just so you know.
We all love gaming and math here. If you are into other things, I could recommend some sites for you. I have many colleagues in the online world.
Quote: NathanReally? Rsactuary? I don't NEED the Macy's gift card, it's about the PRINCIPLE.
Yeah, really. That's a conclusion I've reached based on your posts over your time here, and the value you are putting on this gift card.
Quote: WatchMeWinNathan, were you born a man or woman? Im not sure if that was discussed already or not. It doesnt matter to me if you are transgender, I just want to know what we are dealing with here. Its clear that you spend a lot of time here and most likely in multiple aliases. Are you just very bored and like to go to forums to keep occupied and entertained? Are you looking to con anyone for other reasons? Are you looking for a boyfriend? All of the above?
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, I dont have a whole lot of history reading your posts , but I would suggest that if you have meaningful information to share with the board, then stick to it. If you are passing time and enjoy catfishing, you will continuously be caught. Most forum admins have access to ip addresses just so you know.
We all love gaming and math here. If you are into other things, I could recommend some sites for you. I have many colleagues in the online world.
Yeah...Nathan/Karen, I suggest you not answer this.
WMW, this is not the place for that type of personal question.
Quote: WizardofnothingYou edited your post??? When was this?
Apparently there's a short window for editing without a tag. It was probably 2 minutes, max that she posted an answer and then removed it.
I'm over this whole thing - I don't even want to deal with him or her- you guys decide and I'll pm the mods whatever the amount is
Clearly something is drastically wrong and obviously I'm searching a casino for a guy I'm not going to stop and ask a girl if she is nathan

The "New Member" promotion is a completely different promotion where you play 15 points($65) and I think you get a mystery pick of free play. Could be $5, could be $100. I do wonder if the player's club allows you to combine the promotions by letting new members give their email, get the mystery free play pick, and get the $100 free play in a day or so.
Quote: WizardofnothingOk - I don't even care enough anymore- I'll go by the poll and send t to a mod if they agree they can disburse it
You should pay Nathan directly, not get all dramatic about it.
Your offer: "Ok redeem yourself- I'll meet you st Gulf Stream and give up a 100 Macy card."
Nathan was there.
Your motive: to verify whether Nathan was a sock puppet: you accused Nathan of being a sock like Kentry: "Unfortunately the haircut will have to wait."
You thought you were calling Nathan's bluff.
The person posting under the name "Nathan" was there, you simply didn't recognize Nathan at the time, which is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand (sock or no sock?)
It wasn't even a bet
I told you I would go with whatever the forum voted
Quote: WizardofnothingNobody is backing out-
It wasn't even a bet
I told you I would go with whatever the forum voted
Sure it was a bet.
The consideration was as follows: If you lose, you pay; if you win, you'd have the satisfaction of proving Nathan was a sock / troll.
And it doesn't matter what the poll says, this isn't a popularity contest.
You lost, dude: pay or welsh, it's up to you, not the forum.
I went there - didn't see anyone named. As described
Then after the fact oh yea I was a girl and not a guy
How the heck would I know if you tell me you are a guy that you are a girl
She could say anything after the fact-
I posted proof I was there
Where is he/she proof
Especially after bulls--ting with info on a promo
Quote: WizardofnothingYou are completely off
I went there - didn't see anyone named. As described
Then after the fact oh yea I was a girl and not a guy
How the heck would I know if you tell me you are a guy that you are a girl
She could say anything after the fact-
I posted proof I was there
Where is he/she proof
Especially after bulls--ting with info on a promo
You proved it yourself when you asked was there a bag with something on it and Nathan said Miami Beach. You confirmed that was what you saw. She was there.
WON never saw the girl typing on a computer, he saw her playing two machines, not typing.
The whole thing is ridiculous.
Still don't understand why Nathan would have agreed to the meet but never just came out and said I am a female wearing all black. That would have solved any issues.